Copy Cat Dragon

Par hidansbabe530

3.5K 44 0

Ivy Dreyar is the granddaughter of the Guild Master of Fairy Tail. Working in a club while not doing missions... Plus

Info/Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter- 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30 (Last Chapter

Chapter 2

190 2 0
Par hidansbabe530

Ivy's POV

Erza turned the power off to help us catch up to Natsu.

"I can't believe we forgot him." Erza seemed upset. She took everything a little to seriously, but it's understandable. We found a magic car and headed to the train. When we got there the train was leaving and Natsu was out of it on the side of the tracks.

"Natsu!" I jumped out and ran over to him. He was fine.

"What happened Natsu?"

"I was attacked by this guy with this creepy looking flute." Erza freaked about how could he forget about what she said on the train.

"Erza, you knocked him out remember?" She stopped and apologized to Natsu.

"Well, we better find out what's up and follow the tracks. Let's go." We got back into the car and Natsu almost fell out of the window.

We made it to the next Train Station and there was a huge crowd of people. Erza helped us get in and in the middle on the main platform was Eisenwald, the Dark Guild that Erza spoke of on the train, and their leader, Erigor.

After a few words he left with the Demon Flute and Natsu and Gray went after him. Then a few of his lackey's went after them while Erza, Lucy, and I were left behind to fight the rest.

"Okay Lucy, let's go!" And the battle began. Erza started to do her requips while Lucy summoned Celestial Beings. I, decided to go old school and use my lighting.

"Lightning magic, Lightning Rod!" A rod of lightning appeared in my hand and I threw it into the middle of the crowd into front of me, and it exploded.

"What the hell? She's a Lightning Wizard!"

"What's your point, we can defeat her!"

"That's not my point! Look at her?"

"She's a total babe, so what?"

"That's not my point! We are facing Erza Scarlet, the Fairy Queen, but also the Fairy Goddess, Ivy Dreyar!" They stopped.

"Ivy Dreyar!" I smiled and cocked my head.

"It's nice to know that you all know me. Now." I bent over, popping my chest ever-so-slightly out of my dress and puckered my lips and winked. "What else do you wanna know about me?" They all went nuts and ran towards me. I just stood there and once they got close enough I pounced. "Lightning Magic, Thunder Cat!" A giant cat made of Lightning came and landed on all of them and they all went unconscious.

"Nice work Ivy, but did you need to act like a slut to do it?"

"You said which ever one worked. They both did. So be quiet and let's get going!" She nodded and started to interrogate one of the men, then sent Lucy to find Natsu. She went to get the citizens out of the area and then fought with Erigor, and came back


"Yes Erza?" She stood and turned toward me.

"Erigor is heading to the Guild Master's meeting to kill all the Guild Masters."

"I kind of figured that."


"Well, think of it. Besides wanting to kill tons of people, if you were a Dark Wizard, wouldn't you want to get payback on those who wouldn't allow you to practice the magic or the do the jobs you wanted to do? So it's natural for a dark wizard to want to kill the legal Guild Master's, and what easier way to do it then when they are all together." She faced palmed.

"You're right. I should've known before."

"Don't beat yourself up, right now let's find some of the dark guild members that could help us out of here." She nodded and we started to look.

There were a few really big bangs and soon we found Natsu fighting this guy with brown hair in a ponytail. He was then stabbed by one of his guild members and Natsu freaked out. I sighed.

We got outside and tried to think of a way to get out. Then Happy started to freak out and started to talk to Lucy about Virgo. A golden key Zodiac Celestial spirit. Out of the celestial gate came a young looking girl with short pink hair in a maid's uniform. She bowed and said her greetings and then dug a hole for us to exit through. Then the wind continued to blow and my dress flew up.

"Ivy, show some decency!"

"I already told you Erza, I'm wearing shorts underneath so I have nothing to worry about right now." She sighed and we left and headed towards Erigor. I noticed that Natsu had left already. "That boy, just can't wait for anyone else can he?"

"Not really."

"I'm going after him."

"We'll meet up with him soon enough, just relax Ivy." I turned to Gray.

"No, I want to be there right now, Erigor in a Wind Wizard. I want to make sure I can back him up if I can."

"Ivy, don't be silly, you know he'll just tell you to stay out of the way."

"Yeah, well I can still try." I jumped out of the car and over the bridge.


"Don't worry Lucy." Gray said.

"She just jumped off the bridge!"

"Don't worry! You'll see." Man those two are loud, I was flying above the car by now. That's right, flying. With lightning made wings. Always enjoyed this. I've had comments that from the ground I looked like an angel, hence the reason I named this spell 'Lightning Angel.' I flew down next to the car. Lucy almost pissed herself.


"Yeah, I'll see you guys up ahead okay?" Erza nodded and I went forward. I saw a small tornado. It must have been Erigor. I bit my lip. Where's the thunder magic to consume when you need it. I looked side to side. Fucking nothing. I sighed.

Did I need lightning of thunder to eat to do my magic? No, I wasn't a lightning dragon slayer, just a copycat, and I could eat anything to get the power I needed, but to make my lightning magic stronger in a lightning dragon slayer kind of way, I needed lightning to eat. But there is none, well, next best thing.

I opened my mouth and just began to feed off the wind magic that Erigor was making, might as well be a copycat right now. I had enough and landed on the tracks behind them.

"Ivy!" I looked to the side and it was Happy.


"Ivy?" I looked over and Natsu was kinda glaring.


"What are you doing here? This is my fight."

"I came to help you."

"I don't need your help Ivy. Don't get in my way."


"Ivy! Please!" I growled.

"Ivy huh? That you're girlfriend?"

"What! Ivy! No! She's just a friend." That hurt.

"Really, she doesn't seem to feel the same about it."

"What do you know?!"

"Well," Erigor raised his scythe, "Wind Magic Wind Blade!"

"Ivy! Get out of there!" I stood and looked at the wind magic. Didn't really taste all that good the first time, but I still needed to deal with it. I opened my mouth wide and consumed the magic.


"Copy Cat Magic, Wind Blade!" I sent his attack right back at him tenfold and he got hit full force.

"So the rumors are true. Fairy Tail has a Copy Cat Dragon Slayer. How pathetic. You don't have a style of your own do you?" I gritted my teeth.

"Don't take down to Ivy like that! She is a great wizard. Ivy's original magic type is lightning."

"Really." Erigor looked intrigued and interested in me. I bit my lip and in a few short seconds, Natsu had knocked him out. I didn't even notice it. Erza and the others showed up and the guy with the ponytail took the flute and ran off.

"That prick! He took Lullaby!" We went after him. We made it and it was so funny because he ran into Grandpa who totally talked him out of playing it, but then the flute got all pissy and transformed anyways, so Erza, Gray, and Natsu fought it and destroyed half the fucking town in the process of destroying the flute. I sighed.

"I need some relief." I looked back and forth and found that there was a small pond near by. "A pond! lovely." I headed over and inspected it. No living life I see. No fish or anything else. I could turn this into a quick hot spring. I started to strip when Erza and the others made it back to the group.

"Where's Ivy?"

"I don't know. I saw her looking around then she walked off, looking pretty happy."

"I wonder why? Well we need to find her so that we can leave." Everyone nodded and split up. I sighed. All I needed was stress relief and the best thing was a fucking hot spring. I debated for a few minutes and decided just to go along with my original plan. I had finally gotten my underwear off when Natsu found me.

"Ivy? I found her guys!" He started walking towards me and then stopped. He looked at me for a few more seconds and blushed, then spun around quickly, very embarrassed must I add. "I-I-Ivy! W-What are you doing without y-yo-your cl-cl-cloth-clothes?" I looked down at myself, then at the pond, then Natsu.

"I was gonna take a dip in the pond."

"Couldn't you Copy Cat Requip a swimsuit or something?"

"But it's not fun if I wear a bathing suit in a hot spring." Natsu turned and looked at the pond.

"Doesn't look like a hot spring to me."

"Not yet, I was gonna make it one."

"I-I see." He turned back around and crossed his arms. I walked up behind him and hugged him.

"Sorry Natsu, I guess I should've just waited until we got back to the Guild to go to the hot springs." I could feel Natsu tense up with the feeling off me on his back.

"I-I-It's o-o-okay I-Ivy." I closed my eyes and held him closer. I inhaled his scent. I smelled a mixture of ashes and soil, with a hint of sweat. It wasn't actually all that bad smelling to me. I could have just melted right there and be the happiest puddle alive. But nothing works that well.

"Natsu! You said you found her- Oh my gosh! Ivy! Put some clothes on! No one else come over here!" It was Erza. Of course it was Erza. It always has to be fucking Erza. I sighed and turned to grab my clothes, but I tripped, not realizing that I still had a hold on Natsu, pulling him on top of me. I rubbed the back of my head and looked up.

Natsu was inches in front of my face, straddling my hips, hands on either side of my head. I, of course, was laying down, legs slightly bent so if Natsu did lean back he would be sitting on them, hair strewed under my back and hands off to the side on the other sides of Natsu's hands, so if he wanted to pin me, only a little move and he would have my hands in his. I was blushing very hard, and Natsu hadn't even opened his eyes yet.

"Ow, what the hell. Are you okay Ivy?" Right then he opened his eyes and saw me. I was hoping so much that he would just bend down a bit and kiss me, but instead he jumped about 10 feet, landed at the end of my toes and scurried away about 5 feet. "I am so sorry Ivy! I-I didn't mean too!" I sat up a little and sighed. Damn it. I just grabbed my clothes and started to get dressed.

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