Chapter 3

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Ivy's POV

After a few bumps we finally made it back to the guild. Right afterwards, Natsu and Erza had their little fight, interrupted by Eza getting arrested and Natsu going to break her out. Then he came back with Erza and walked up to me.

"Hey Ivy, we haven't had that fight yet have we?" I shook my head and we headed out. Everyone circled and we started. "Ladies first."

"Okay. Lighting Magic, Thunder boom!" A small cloud formed and went right above Natsu's head. If it all went well, a huge thunder crack would cause Natsu to be in enough pain to make him hold onto his ears and pause, then I'll say Lighting Strike and a bolt of lighting will come down and I'll win. Natsu got out from under it and covered his ears as it went boom and I dismissed the cloud.

"My turn. Fire Dragon Roar." I jumped out of the way.

"Lightning Magic, Lightning rod." The rod appeared in my hand and I threw it, but it missed because he dodge and it hit the crowd behind him.

"Fire Dragon Iron Fist." I dodged.

"Lightning Magic, Lighting Angel." The wings appeared and I got just out of his reached.

"Come on Ivy. That's not fair. For you." Natsu jumped. "Fire Dragon Roar!" I dodged and then Grandpa came out.

"Natsu, Ivy. Stop it. I need you for a second Ivy." I nodded.

"Sorry Natsu. You know I'm a family first kinda girl." He sighed and pouted and then I went with Grandpa.

"Now Ivy. I need you to talk to Laxus. He's having that superiority complex thing again." I nodded and went to where Laxus was.


"Who is it?"

"It's me. Ivy." His face went soft as I came in.

"Hey little sis. How are you?"

"I'm fine. What about you?"

"I'm just so irritated. How could the old man let people like that Lucy girl join."

"Laxus. You know that Grandpa has a good heart."

"But it makes the guild weak!"

"Laxus. Stop it. They are here for a reason. Every wizard starts weak, but as time goes on and they do requests and missions, they become stronger."

"Are you kidding me? We have members that have been here almost since before we were born and they are pretty near useless."

"There comes a time where wizards lose their strength. Grandpa and some others haven't hit that point yet, others have it sooner. Remember when we were little. We could barely make our own static let alone a spark. And look where we are now. We are two of the strongest wizards in the guild. And those weaker than us just prove it. But they are our friends and we were raised with most of them. So relax."

"Ivy, you are way to sweet." He kissed my forehead. "Now go show that fire head who's better, and stop going easy on him. And find some other man. He's useless." I frowned.

"The only other one is you and we're related." He sighed.

"I see you're point." He russled my hair. "Go on now." I smiled and kissed his cheek.

"See ya Laxus." I got to the door. "I'm going to confess again today."

"I don't see why you keep trying. He won't get it. Besides, he likes-"

"Don't ruin my hope Laxus. It's the only thing keeping me going." I heard a deep sigh and went to find Natsu. I looked over and he was at a table talking to Lucy and Happy. I walked over, nervous.

"Oh, hey Ivy. What's up?"

"Natsu, can I talk to you?" He nodded. I got outside the guild and to the woods, not paying attention to the location and we ended up by the little house that Natsu and she made. I was about to turn and blurt my feelings, when he did it.

"Why'd you bring me to the house that Lisanna and I built." The blood began to boil. "If you wanted to continue the fight I'd rather do it somewhere else. I don't want to destroy this by accident." I sighed.

"No Natsu I-"

"I miss her." I snapped.

"What the fuck! She's dead! She's been dead for years! Shut up about her for once! Seriously!"

"How dare you talk about her like that! She was our friend!"

"Yeah right! You always talk about her! She's dead! Get over it! She's not coming back so stop acting like she will!"

"How can you say that about her! You are a horrible person!" My heart stopped. I just did it. Again. I looked down, and began to cry, then ran off. "Ivy wait!" I continued to run, right through the guild, and out to my house.

Lucy's POV

I was waiting with Happy and Gray for Ivy to come back with Natsu, when Ivy came running through the guild crying.

"Damn it. It happened again. Stay here, tell Erza that it happened again, if she asks why, say Ivy probably pissed Natsu off and she'll get it. I have to go." He ran after Ivy when Erza came over.

"Where's he going?"

"He told me to tell you that it happened again."

"What happened?"

"Ivy probably pissed Natsu off." She was gone before I finished. Then Natsu walked in, he didn't look to happy. "Natsu?" He sat down and huffed.

"She went to far again. I don't get it. She brings me to some secluded area. I bring up her name, and she freaks out and starts disrespecting her. Then when I yell at her she cries and runs off. The Erza and Gray come yell at me because of something I don't really catch and that if I keep this up Ivy might actually die. I don't get it." I didn't get it either. Then Gray and Erza walked in. They both marched right up to Natsu.

"You asshole!" Erza slapped him.

"Think of her feelings why don't you!" Natsu began to zone out now. "She tried to kill herself again." Natsu started to listen to Happy, who took his interest away. I, however, freaked out.

"Ivy tried to kill herself again! What?!" Gray and Erza looked at me then filled me in.

"She feels as though making Natsu mad means her life may as well be over as she knows it. It gets harder and harder to talk her out of it. I looked at the door and Ivy walked in and had a bruise on her neck.


Ivy's POV

I walked into the guild hall when Lucy called my name. She ran over and hugged me.

"I heard what happened." I pushed her off me.

"Then they must have not told you not to come near me afterwards. Don't touch me." She backed off and went back to the others. I went upstairs and sat on the balcony. Lower ranked wizards couldn't come up here, so none of them, would bug me. Laxus came out and sat next to me.

"I told you not too."

"Shut the fuck up. He talked about her. It's his fault." He nodded and then left me alone.

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