Chapter 4

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Ivy's POV

Night time came around and I saw Happy on the second floor at the request board. He shouldn't be up here. He grabbed a request and left. Laxus walked up next to me.

"Was that-?"

"Yup. Natsu's trying to prove himself as a wizard." Laxus shook his head and went to bed. I just waited until the next day when everyone was wondering where Natsu and Lucy went.

"I don't now. I saw a little blue flying cat last night take something off the notice board. Right Ivy?" I nodded.

"It was Happy." Grandpa got really pissed and sent Gray after them. "Let me go to, I wanna try and get them back." Grandpa nodded. I went after Gray. "Gray!" He turned around.

"What is it Ivy?"

"I'm coming with you." He nodded and we found Natsu and Lucy at the pier and climbing into a boat.

"Natsu stop! Do you know what you're doing? You could get kicked out of the guild." Lucy freaked out and I don't remember how it happened but Gray and I ended up going with them. I sat next to Gray and tried to not look at Natsu. I could tell he was still angry with me.

"Hey Ivy. How'd you get that bruise on your next?" I rolled my eyes, Gray got mad, and Lucy bopped him. "Ow. What?"

"If you'd listen to people you'd know. Ivy-"

"Lucy. If you enjoy having a tongue I suggest you keep your mouth shut before I remove it and shove it up your ass." I looked back at her and she shut up.

"What am I missing?"

"I have the feeling that Gray and Erza told you, but Happy probably took your attention away, again."

"Why do you always blame me?!"

"Because most of the time it's your fault!"

"Don't yell at him Ivy! He's done nothing wrong!" I gritted my teeth. Gray put his hand on mine and started to flow some frost over my skin to help calm me.

"Relax Ivy. You'll kill someone." Like myself? No problem.

We made it to the demon island and got off the boat and headed towards the village. It was late and the sun was beginning to set. We made it to the village and were met by a ton of people in robes. When they removed the robes they had these strange deformations and as soon as the sun set and the moon came out, they completely change into demons.


"We want you to destroy the moon." We nodded and started to head towards the temple.

When we got there we met up with one of Gray's old friends, Lyon, was there. And man was he cute! But there was this huge fight and Natsu and I had to bring Gray back to the village because of how hurt he was.

After a night's rest Gray was back on his feet, of course, my 'present' may have helped him out a bit. Gray went back to the temple while I stayed in the partially destroyed town and took care of the villagers.

"Why haven't you destroyed the moon yet!" I looked at the elder.

"We are working on it sir. Currently my friends are trying to deal with the people who may have done this to you, and then we will destroy the moon." He was upset of course and sat down in his hut. The next morning everyone came back to the village with Erza.

"Ivy, why didn't you come and help?" I scratched the back of my head.

"Well, I decided that making sure that the town's people's health wasn't getting worse was a better idea." Erza agreed and asked everyone in the town to gather in what was left of the square.

"There's something you all need to see." Erza threw Natsu at the moon and the sky cracked and a dome was destroyed. Just as I had thought. Because of Lyon's group trying to get the moon drops to revive that monster, a dome formed over the island and affected the minds of the villagers. Erza finished explaining this and we refused the money, except they still gave Lucy the golden gate key.

When we returned home, the guild house had been attacked and had these iron pillars coming out of it. Natsu was pissed!

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