Chapter 10

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Ivy's POV

I was put with Natsu and Wendy, since I was a dragon slayer. I growled as I stared at the floor. They were going to execute Lucy. So much for the plan. I growled as Natsu threatened the assholes that put us in the cell.

And we found out that Carla's and Happy's mission was to kill dragon slayers, but changed to bringing us into custody. My eyes widened. So Happy was sent to deal with Natsu and I? Needless to say that Natsu didn't take the news well, none of us did.

"Calm down Natsu. We need to keep our heads and think of a way out of this." Needless to say he kept at it. Then some guards came and knocked us out. I suddenly felt pain as I felt my magic being ripped from my body. I opened my eyes to see we were chained to these giant rocks.

"What the fuck is happening?"

"I'm taking your magic." Said a creepy old man holding what looked like the end of a vacuum. He started to pull more of Natsu's powers out and I could barely stand it as tears began down my face.

The old man went back and forth between the three of us, ripping our magic out, and it was the worse pain I had ever felt in my life. Natsu would get pissed every time the guy pulled Wendy's and my magic out, Wendy would scream in agonizing pain, as did I. The pain became so intense and my magic almost completely drained that I blacked out.

I awoke coughing. I sat up and Lucy, Gray, and Carla were there to.

"What's going on?"

"We'll explain later." I nodded as I stood and growled. Natsu went off, and I went after him. I was pissed. They were going to use the giant lacrima that our friends are in to destroy the Exceeds home. I wasn't going to let them get away with it!

Needless to say that Natsu turned around and hightailed it back to the other's when we saw Earthland Erza and Edolas Erza fighting. I wasn't scared and from around the corner came the Edolas me.

"Hello there Earthland Ivy." I smirked.

"Sup hoe." She growled.

"Excuse me?" I cocked an eyebrow.

"I heard you ran a brothel." She sweat dropped.

"You got me there." I walked over to her.

"So tell me, are you a legitimate whore? Or like me?"

"What do you mean?"

"I mean are you still a virgin." She cocked an eyebrow.

"No. I haven't been since I was 14." I nodded my head.

"That's when I started whoring myself. However I am still a virgin." I was now standing in front of her.

"Seriously? The Earthland me is this innocent?" I cocked an eyebrow.

"Well sorry for saving it for someone special. And I'm innocent?" I pointed to her clothes. "You're barely showing any skin." I then pointed to myself. "Where as you can see almost all of my legs and most of my breast."

"You have a point." She started walking around me. "I do like your style. It's very nice."

"I may not like how much skin you cover, but your clothes are too cute." We smiled at each other.

"Nice to know I don't have to fight you, I also don't have any orders too."

"That's great. Now, I want to know something."

"Yes?" I poked her in the chest.

"Are you really with Erza. As in a team member." The other me sighed.

"Technically yes, but I'd rather be in my brothel." I nodded.

"So you aren't going to attack me?" She shook her head.

"I have no reason to. Unless the Exceed Queen gives me the order, I won't do anything."

"You answer directly from the Exceed Queen!" She nodded.

"And the thought of blowing up the Exceed island doesn't settle well with me." I thought for a minute.

"Would you bring me there?" She nodded.

"I would love too." And with that, we headed to the Exceed's home island. Once we got there we met up with Wendy and Carla, after explaining that the Edolas me answers straight from the queen, won't hurt me, and agreed not to hurt them.

The Exceeds were very surprised to see us, and unhappy. They seemed to worship the Edolas me, and confused on how to treat me, but treated Wendy and Carlos like shit. Wendy told them their home was in danger, and wanted to talk to their queen. We told them what happened, and they all took it as a big joke. I sighed with my Edolas self.

"Can't reason with them can we?" She laughed lightly.

"I'm afraid not. I've found that only the queen is easy to speak with." I nodded. And then they started throwing rocks at Wendy and I got in the way and glared.

"Listen you bunch of mother fucking furballs! We aren't lying to you! What reason would we have! We are trying to save your lives you worthless felines!" Needless to say they didn't like that and the Edolas me got a little defensive.

"Don't speak to them like that." I turned.

"I'll speak to them however the fuck I want! Your fucking 'Queen' order the death of the love of my life and one of my friends." She glared, but calmed quickly. Look like the Edolas me is a little more calm headed then I am. Then the fucking lacrima started to collide with the island. I growled. They threw another rock at Carla, and one of their noble cats... I think... stopped it. Shocking everyone.

Then the queen appeared and the Edolas me went to her side as all the Exceeds bowed. She then told everyone the truth, and I felt bad, since she was born with one wing. Needless to say, Carla flipped her shit! And I couldn't help but stare. I thought she was the level headed one. She then refused to take the queen's life, at the queen's request to take it in the first place, and wanted to protect her homeland. Then she left to help... do something with the lacrima.

Then all the exceeds went and brought me and Wendy as well. I landed next to Natsu as we began to push the island... yeah... but I did and pushed every ounce of magic power and physical power I had left into pushing the fucker away!

And we did it! We pushed the lacrima away! And then it was gone... and Mystogan appeared. And told us everything was fixed. I smiled. Then we found out he was Edolas' Prince Jellal, and everything came back to me. I had heard Edolas before from Mystogan! I had asked him about his homeland once, and he said it was a place called Edolas. I smiled more.

Then Pantherlily was shot by the Edolas Royal Guard. I glared as my Lightning Angel wings flared. If it's a fight they want, it's a fight they'll get.

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