Chapter 25

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Ivy's POV

That night, I was walking with Lucy and Natsu back to the Inn after partying for finally getting points when we found Yukino. She asked to speak with Lucy, and in such event, we found out she was being replaced since she lost and that she wanted to give Lucy her two golden gate keys. Lucy obviously said no, but after Yukino left, Natsu and I went after her. We had both thought Sabertooth filled with nothing but heartless wizards, and Yukino was nothing like that.

Once apologizing, Yukino cried because no one had ever been so kind to her. She also told us that she had been kicked out and forced to removed her guild mark. I felt my rage rise. Guilds are supposed to be family. I clenched my teeth and fists.

"Natsu." I said.

"Already on it." And he went off. I kneeled next to Yukino, hugging her to me.

"Hey, come on. You're coming with me to my room until you find out your next move." I said, helping her up and grabbing her suitcase.

"W-Why are you being so kind?" Yukino asked. I bit my lip.

"Because you just went through something no one should ever be forced through. So you can stay with me tonight. And anytime you're in Magnolia, you can stay at my place." I smile. "Because you're my friend." Yukino cried a little more, but I calmed her down.

The next day, the contest was called Pandemonium. A castle filled with 100 monsters. Each participant would go in one at a time, choosing a number of projection monsters they wanted to fight, and the class of the monsters were random as well. And when Erza drew a straw and got to go first, she went up against all the monsters, and won. So then there had to be a different contest, which came in the form of, pretty much, a punching bag that measures magical power. Everyone could go full out, and Cana, who was taking 'Mystogan's place on Fairy Tail Team B and going last, used fucking Fairy Glitter, and broke the machine, winning second place for the contest.

In the battle round, Laxus went against Raven Tail's Alexei. The fight went back and forth to Laxus getting his ass kicked, and kicking Alexei's ass, but after a few minutes, something happened, and there stood Laxus, surrounded by the entire Raven Tail guild, and fucking Ivan was there too. Guild Master's were forbidden from participating. I was PISSED beyond belief. How could that mother fucker do this?

I couldn't control my rage and jumped into the ring before the authorities could even get there, went up to Ivan, picked him up by the collar, and my fist collided with his jaw. Hard. Ivan turned to me, glaring.

"Who do you think you are? What gives you the right to lay a hand on me, you wench." Ivan spat. Electricity began to dance around my body as I gripped his collar tighter.

"ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME?!" I yell. "I AM YOUR FUCKING DAUGHTER YOU PIECE OF SHIT!" His eyes glimmered with slight recognition. "Are you serious? You fucking forgot you had a daughter? In case you didn't notice, ass wipe, I look exactly like my mother! How fucking dare YOU come and try to pull whatever bull shit you feel like. I don't know what you did to get kicked out of Fairy Tail, and right now, I don't fucking care. I can't believe that your blood runs through my veins. It makes me sick to think that you and I have any genetic connections! Coprina was more of a parent then you were and I only knew her for a couple of months." It was probably a good thing that the authorities came to arrest Ivan and take him away, as I stood and shook.

"Ivy?" Laxus asked as he gently put a hand on my shoulder.

"I can't believe I even share his name." I cry. Laxus took me back to Grandpa and the other's, Levy and Lisanna quickly coming to check on me.

"Ivy my dear, are you alright?" Grandpa asked. I shook my head.

"That monster didn't even remember me. Didn't even remember I existed. I can't believe I used to look up to him. He didn't just abandon me in those woods, he abandoned my memory." I cried, not paying attention to Wendy's fight with Lamia Scale's Shellia, which ended in a draw anyways.

That night, I had gone with Laxus outside, Grandpa coming to talk to us. Ivan had apparently said something to Laxus that was Guild Master only information. Mavis came as well, and started crying because she felt she had failed as a Guild Master for who she assigned as the second Fairy Tail guild master. When Grandpa and Laxus freaked out, not knowing what to do, I went over, kneeling next to her and, though I couldn't physically touch her, I made the motion of hugging her.

"You didn't fail us Mavis. You didn't know and couldn't foresee what would become of Precht. You did what you thought was right. If you wouldn't have chosen him, Grandpa may not have become Guild Master. And Fairy Tail wouldn't be as amazing as it is now. So don't beat yourself up." Mavis continued to cry, moving her head into my shoulder. She did eventually calm and she smiled at me.

"Thank you Ivy. I'm glad that we have someone like you in the guild." And I felt every doubt about the decisions that I have made till now just melt away. Mavis was the best, seriously.

The fourth day of the games had a contest that was basically like, quoting one of the announcers 'an underwater sumo match.' The contestants participating in the round where in a large, water sphere and had to push everyone else out. Juvia and Lucy went in for their respective Fairy Tail teams, and lasted till the top three. Juvia got kicked out, and so it was Lucy versus the Sabertooth wizard, Minerva, who was replacing Yukino. And she was ruthless and heartless. She didn't just beat up Lucy, she looked like she was fighting to kill. The referee actually had to become involved to end the match and the paramedics needed to be called.

Not only did Erza, Gray, Natsu, and Wendy jump down to check on Lucy, I did too. And Sabertooth came down when Natsu stepped towards Minerva. I didn't even hesitate to take that extra step.

"I was only putting on a show." Minerva said, and I growled lowly.

"That wasn't a show. It wasn't funny or amusing. It was brutal, and harsh. I thought only dark wizards could be so heartless." I hissed. "And from everything I've seen from your guild, I'm surprised you're not one. Hell, I've seen dark wizards treat others better than you do."

"Ivy." Erza warned. The sky was becoming overcast with thunder clouds, sparking dangerously. "If you act without thinking, you'll only disqualify us and Lucy's pain would be for nothing." But the clouds only sparked more.

"You don't think I know that." I said, teeth clenched, shaking slightly. But my eyes locked with Sting's. "But after all this shit is over, I'm taking care of them myself." And I went to help Wendy with emergency healing on Lucy's injuries.

"And what does a weak thing like you think you could possibly do to Sabertooth." Sting said with a smirk. I turned to him with a wicked smile.

"I'm not called the Fairy Goddess just for my looks you know. I may not be a strong Dragon Slayer, but my Thunder Magic is only weaker than my brother's. I mean, look at the Thunder Boom spell I have over the entire city." And everyone in the stadium looked up. "And I can be dead accurate with my lightning. I can focus it on one person, or five, and everyone else in the stadium would be completely unharmed." And the clouds began to roll away. "But I'm not a participant in the games for a reason. So I'll have to wait to show you my true strength after them." And I continued to help Wendy heal Lucy, returning to the stands after the paramedics took her to the infirmary.

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