Chapter 16

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Ivy's POV

We ran into Erza and Gray on the way and I smiled a little.

"Party's back together! Now let's go kick some ass!" I said. We made it to the ship, which happened to have been an airship, and low and behold, there stood Hades.

"So you wish for the same treatment I gave your master?" He asked.

"No! I wish to kick your ass to your damn grave you shit!" I yelled up.

"Come face your destruction, children of Makarov."

"How dare you speak his name!" I yelled, as he turned to go back inside his ship, meaning we had to find a way in. Natsu asked Happy to take out whatever made the ship fly, and Happy took the time to poke at his motion sickness. Sukoshi volunteered to go with him.

"Be careful." I said, and she nodded back to me.

"You too. Now go and waste him." Sukoshi smiled and left with Happy and the other Exceeds. Gray made a lovely ice stair case and we headed into action.

Natsu threw a fire punch at Hades and the bastard managed to make it go around himself. Erza and Gray jumped in with a combo, but Hades barely flinched. Lucy summoned Taurus, and I helped Wendy with some support magic before throwing a Lightning Spear. We all continued to use combos and help each other out, and I will admit I may have used a little more magic than usual. Can you blame me? This fucker beat the absolute shit out of my Grandpa. I was throwing everything I had at him without disrupting the others. I mean everything. Thunder Cat ,Lightning Rod, Bolt, and Spear. Static, a few copy cat roars, copy cat recipe, copy cat ice make. If I could use it, you bet I did.

However, none of it seemed to do more than destroy his damn cape. His first real attack went at Wendy. And she just... vanished. Her clothing being all that was left. I screamed, turning and sending a Lighting Rod, but it was easily deflected. It was then that we heard a voice, and when we looked, one of Lucy's spirits had Wendy safely inside himself. I sighed a breath of relief and Wendy was reclothed and returned to us. I was happy, but quickly returned to being seriously pissed at Hades.

It was around this time that Hades admitted that he was the Second Master of Fairy Tail, Precht. I remember reading his name in the archives. He appointed Grandpa as the Third guild master almost 50 years ago. And that just boiled my blood more that someone that my grandfather looked up to was the one to bring him so much pain.

Natsu yelled at Hades, saying he was lying, when Hades sent another attack at him. And it just continued from there, hitting us with magic that came from his fingers like bullets or lasers. And he seemed so damn amused saying 'pow pow' when he shot at us. And he was also fucking laughing, the sadistic fuck!

After knocking us all flat on our asses, he started to patronize us with our guilds naming. He walked over to Natsu to end him, but I used what was left of my power to send a Lightning Rod at him. Again, easily deflected.

"Don't you dare fucking touch him." I growled once I had Hades' eyes on me.

"And what does a little girl like you think you can do to a great wizard like me?" He asked. I growled.

"A shit ton as Makarov's granddaughter! I'm a goddamn Dreyar and I'm sure I can still kick your ass." I said as I tried to stand, only to stumble with the immense pain and to fall back down.

"So, Makarov has grand children. It would be most fitting to take you out first." He approached me now, getting an attack ready to finish me off. But right before he did, a lightning bolt came from the ceiling and went down Hades arm. When Hades stepped back and the Lighting disappeared, there stood Laxus. My eyes widened as my face split into a wide smile.

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