Chapter 22

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Ivy's POV

Kinana came down the stairs and started carving something into the wall with a fork, and she was freaking out. It was written in the same language that was on the item Lucy got from her father. Then she passed out.

With the help of Freed and Levy, we found out that about a man named Will Neville. Lucy found the name in an encyclopedia and found he was the one to write the books that we used to find the parts of the clock.

Cana then used her fortune telling to help find the Oracion Seis, and the teams going were. Gray and Freed were one team, Erza, Evergreen, and Max; Gajeel and Juvia; Wendy, Bickslow and I; Happy, Carla, Sukoshi, and Pantherlily; Natsu, Lucy, Elfman, and Michelle were the other teams. I was personally happy to be on a team with a member of the Thunder Legion.

"It's great to be on a team with you Bickslow." I say with a smile.

"Great to be on a team with you too, Ivy."

"You too, Ivy." His 'babies' repeated. I smiled as I gently touched one of the small tiki-like dolls on the head.

"Thank you babies. Oh, Wendy, it's nice that we get be on a team without Carla supervision." Wendy smiled and nodded as Carla crossed her arms.

"You better not teach Wendy any inappropriate conduct." Carla said. I rolled my eyes.

"Wouldn't dream of it." I said as we all headed out.

"So Ivy, why aren't you part of the Thunder Legion if you're so close to your brother." Wendy asked. I hummed in thought, but Bickslow answered for me.

"Laxus didn't want her in it for her own safety. She also believed the in the other guild members. Before you joined, the Thunder Legion thought that Fairy Tail was going to become weak, where Ivy didn't. Laxus also viewed Ivy highly, and as an equal." Bickslow explained. "It doesn't make sense to have two S-class wizards running a team as powerful as ours. Ivy also was always chasing after Natsu, so it wasn't ideal for her to team up with us."

"Bickslow!" I sassed. "The Natsu thing is a given, you don't need to verbalize it."

"Sorry Ivy." Bickslow said, putting an arm around my shoulders. "But the other reason she wasn't part of the Thunder Legion had to do with her less than moral tactics. Laxus' isn't pleased that Freed and I had gone to Ivy before the banishing incident, and he didn't want to risk that happening on an assignment either."

"That and I'd beat Evergreen." I stated matter of factly. "She pisses and moans about being the guild's true Fairy Queen and that Erza stole her title. She had once tried to bitch about me being the Fairy Goddess."

"What happened afterwards?" Wendy asked.

"We don't talk about it." Bickslow said quickly. "Just know that Evergreen has never questioned Ivy's title again. Nor has any other female in the guild." I smiled wide, a hop to my step.

"She also needed new glasses, and I was put on suspension for a month." I said cheerily. "And no one in the guild has fucked with me sense."

"So how well do you know Bickslow?" Wendy asked. I smiled.

"Pretty well. When I wasn't chasing Natsu or working at the club, I was training with the Thunder Legion. Bickslow was the only one that didn't hold back when sparring. He's one of my favorite sparring partners in the guild. Speaking of which, Bickslow, it's been almost literally forever since we last sparred. I fought with Natsu more recently and that was, like, a year before the Tenrou incident. I would love to see how your babies stand against my Thunder Magic now."

"Hell yeah! Just no cheating this time!"

"It's not my fault the wind blew my skirt up."

"It is when you're the one to summon the wind." Bickslow said back with a laugh and smile. "I look forward to seeing how you've improved. It's always a treat to fight you."

"You think that because I don't hold back against you." I giggle.

"What do you mean?" Wendy asked.

"Well, every time I ever fought with Natsu, I held back because I didn't want to accidently hurt him. With Bickslow, I never had that problem. I could go full out with Copycat or Thunder magic. It's really relaxing having someone to let loose on."

"Wow, that's really amazing!" Wendy said, smiling lightly.

We made it to our location, finding Erigor, who was now going by Grim Reaper, and didn't seem to remember anything from mine and his last encounter.

"He's a wind user." I said as I looked to Wendy. "So be careful." She nodded and we started our fight. And through it, Bickslow was buried in cows. I just stared for a second.

"Seriously? Cows?" After getting Bickslow out of the pile, Wendy worked on healing Bickslow while I tried to keep Grim Reaper from hitting them around too much. Wendy sent a large amount of healing magic out, and it seemed to set Grim Reaper off. And of course Wendy wants to help. And with it, hurt him physically, but whatever had messed up his head was done.

When he woke up, Erigor told us that he was plagued by nightmares that made him give up his memories for the ability to control the weather. And with that information, Bickslow was able to find out that Cana had been controlled unknowingly in her sleep to choose teams that would best suit the enemy.

"ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME!" I screeched, as a large object appeared in the sky. The infinity clock had been activated. "This sucks that fattest of co-"

"We don't have time for this Ivy. We have to hurry back to the guild hall and tell everyone what's going on." Bickslow said, and so we hurried back to the guild hall, and there was no Natsu. And I completely flipped my shit, again.

"Are you serious?!"

"I'm sorry. I wasn't strong enough." Elfman said. I sighed, patting his arm.

"It's alright Elfman. You tried." I said. The archeologists that Lucy and my team had met when we were looking for the clock pieces came to the guild hall. Apparently, one of them was Will Neville's grandson, and he had spoken with Lucy's dad about rehiding the piece given to Lucy.

He also gave Erza a very large weapon that had been found on the same sight as the piece. And then Ichiya came with the Blue Pegasus ship to bring a team to the Infinity Clock. That team consisted of Elfman, Mirajane, Erza, Gajeel, Gray, Wendy, the Exceeds, Warren, and myself. Something happened and Mirajane and Elfman went to check it out.

When we looked out the window, Mirajane was taking Racer down. We were going to go get her, but Elfman came in and said to leave her. As we got closer, everyone got affected by the clock, except Erza. Wendy had grown up and when I looked down, I had reverted to when I was younger, meaning no tits or ass.

"NO!" I scream. "I haven't been flat for years!" I turned to Wendy. "How many years do you think it'll take before you actually look like that?" Wendy frowned slightly as Sukoshi, who had turned into a fox, came up to me.

"Ivy." She said. "I've turned into a fox." I smiled and hugged her, into the new flatness of my chest.

"You're so cute!"

"And your chest isn't squishy." Sukoshi said. I frowned again and I pouted.

"It's horrible." I whine. And after Erza hit us with the new weapon she got, we went back to normal. "MY BOOBS!" I said, hugging my chest. "I missed you."

As we got closer to the head cathedral, we were attacked by Biroe's octopus. Ichiya crashed the Blue Pegasus ship after telling us to get off. Once we made it to the Cathedral courtyard, Warren got a telepathic message that the Archbishop was being controlled by Lapointe.

"Wait, who's that?" I asked.

"He's the one that's been telling the Legion Platoon what to do." Sukoshi said. "Samuel had told us when we bumped into him when Cana teamed us up." We finally found Natsu, Gildarts, Coco, Laki, and Biroe in the Archbishop's room going against who I could only assume is Lapointe.

Lapointe told us about the Infinity Castle that released large amounts of pure magical energy. And 'apparently' the only way to keep everything from going to hell, was to kill Lucy.

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