Chapter 9

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Ivy's POV

I was back at the club. Whatever went on at the guild at the moment didn't concern me, so I never heard anything. The only time I returned to the guild was when Gildarts came back. He invited Natsu to his house, which was in the forest on the outskirts of the town, considering the town had a 'Gildarts' mode because the damn man was powerful as shit with his Crash magic and we've rebuilt the towns a few times. What I overheard at the guild shocked me though. Gildarts failed a mission.

"What! He failed a mission? He never fails a mission! He gets decade missions done in one. How the fuck did he fail a mission?" No one knew, but were equally shocked. I stayed in the guild for a while. And then this light came from no where and when I woke up, I was covered in ash. I got out and looked around. I saw Wendy and Natsu off to the side and hurried over. "Hey!" They turned.

"Ivy? You're okay!" I stopped in front of the smaller dragon slayer.

"What's going on?" Carla looked a little uneasy as Happy looked confused as fuck. There was this thing in the sky and I used my Lightning Angel to follow Carla and Happy, carrying their respective Dragon slayer companions.

We made it and Carla told us we were in Edolas. I bit my cheek. Why does that sound familiar? We made it to this guild, labeled Fairy Tail, and it was messed UP! Everyone was pretty much opposite, though there was no Erza, Laxus, Natsu, or I. Lucy was a bitch, Lexy was a bitch, Gray wanted Juvia and she wanted nothing to do with him, and Wendy looked like a slut, and was a young woman. It was weird. We got caught, because we were hiding, and explained who we were. The Lucy here introduced herself as Lucy Ashley.

"And who are you?" I shrugged.

"My name's Ivy." Everyone glared at me. "I'm assuming your guys' Ivy's a total innocent thing?"

"She works with Erza and also runs a brothel." I stopped.

"So she's a whore too?" Lucy Ashley decided to bring us to the capital where the rest of the guild would be. We continued to a village where we'd buy magical items because Magic in Edolas was different from our world. Of course. So while Natsu and Wendy tried to get items close to their elements, I decided to just go magicless. Why not try it out for a bit. That and all of these things just looked like toys and I didn't want to bother. We heard a noise outside and low and behold, there was our Lucy, using magic.

"We need to save Lucy!" We saved Lucy, and went to an inn to make a plan to storm the castle. Lucy Ashley decided she wouldn't be joining us, but told us how to get into the castle. We were ambushed and saved by this guy in a car. We got in and it was this world's Natsu, a badass who doesn't get motion sick, and our Natsu was in the back getting motion sick.

We stopped and our Natsu was so happy to be out of the car, and forced the other Natsu out, and he automatically turned into a fucking pansy. He was crying and sniveling to let him back in his car.

"What a difference." I agreed with Wendy.

"No wonder he's Lucy's bitch here." We made it to the capital and after having to pull Natsu and I out because of the lacrima that was our friends, found out about a way into the castle. As we were going through the secret passage we got ambushed, and arrested.

"You two did well bringing these intruders to us." They were talking to Happy and Carla. I knew they didn't mean to, but something inside was screaming to make them pay.

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