Chapter 17

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Ivy's POV

When we made it back to camp, everyone kinda went off into their own little groups. I sat with Laxus while the Thunder Legion caught up with him. Evergreen hinted that Elfman did something to her and Laxus asked when they hooked up, and he fucking approved it in his own little way, causing me to pout.

"No fair! You'll approve them but not mine?"

"You don't have one." Laxus said. "And once he gets his head out of his ass and proves he'll take care of you, I may consider approving it as well." He said, putting a hand on my head and ruffling gently. "Missed you little sis." I smiled.

"Missed you too big bro." And I hugged him again. Wendy had started healing people, Juvia came back and as soon as Gildarts did he started picking on Laxus for getting kicked out. He then went serious.

"Next time think of your sister. Ivy took it pretty hard and was barely hanging in there when I got back to the guild." Laxus nodded.

"I know." Laxus pulled me into his lap like when we were little when he'd comfort me. "But I can't change any of that now." The guys then got in line for Wendy to heal them and Erza took all of them with a sexy nurse requip. I sighed, men will be men.

"If that's the case." I stood and walked over to Erza, clothes barely hanging on because of our fight with Hades. "I can actually heal you, so while the nurse makes her decision, I'll take all your pain away." I said with a wink. Note to self, use this at the club when I get back. Too bad Erza wasn't really any help with actually helping anyone. She didn't really have a delicate touch.

"Erza, we're trying to cure them, not make them worse." I said as I untangled Gray and Gajeel. Grandpa went to make an announcement and said that all females would have to wear uniforms. I sighed, raising my hand.

"I already dress like a whore and act like one, can I get away with just wearing what I wear to the club?" I asked. It was at that time that Mirajane scared him shitless and told him to get serious. And so the real announcement was made. The S-Class trial was canceled for this year. And to say that Elfman, Gajeel, Gray, and Natsu were upset was a slight understatement. And Natsu just kept going.

"Fine, I'll make an exception just this once. Natsu, if you can defeat Ivy, then I'll make you S-Class."

"Bring it on!" Natsu turned to start when I used my Thunder Boom and got him easily after with a Thunder Cat.

"I win. Looks like you're not S-Class this year." I said with a shrug. "Try harder next time Natsu." I continue with a smile.

"No fair." He said as he was lying on the ground. "I wanted to be an S-Class!" He whined, making me giggle. And off to the side Laxus was pulling on Lisanna's face, making sure she was actually real. I almost forgot he wasn't here when she got back. Wendy was hiding behind a tree, kind of scared of Laxus. Erza told her not to believe the rumors and I joined in.

"Yeah, he can be a total ass, but he's really just a big, staticy teddy bear, right Lala?" Laxus blushed as his head snapped in my direction.

"I thought I told you not to call me that!" He yelled. I giggled as I walked over.

"But why Lala? It really captures your inner self." I say while poking his cheek. "Just a big teddy bear with his head up his ass." I giggled again.

"And what does that make you?" Gajeel asked. I smirked.

"A whore with a nasty bite and can bring so many man to their knees. But you already know that." I said.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Levy asked. I frowned slightly. Oh right... I smiled sadly.

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