Chapter 13

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Ivy' POV

Turns out that the damage on Grandpa were to severe for Wendy and I to heal, even together. And Natsu, well, I blame the God Slayer bullshit. I was getting very pissy, very quick. Sukoshi, who had come with Pantherlily and Carla, was sitting next to me, equally irritated.

"Why is this Black Wizard guy so important?" Sukoshi asked, my head turning to her.

"Did you say Black Wizard?" I asked shakily. Wendy nodded.

"It seems that Grimoire Heart is trying to awaken him." She said. I growled.

"You mean he's on the island?" That would probably explain that earlier chill I felt. So Hades isn't just trying to wipe out Fairy Tail. Fucking peachy. Grandpa opened his eyes then. He started talking to Wendy, telling us to save Natsu. And that his scarf was tainted. Now that I look at him, Igneel's scarf was black instead of white. So I guess I can't completely blame blondie. Damn.

And so Wendy and I set to purifying Natsu's scarf. When Carla asked Happy what could've done it, he said some creepy guy that was crying. The more he spoke, the more little things in my head clicked. The guy that tainted Natsu's scarf was Zeref, and that just made my blood boil.

He was the one Erza had lost her eye and so many friends to trying to resurrect. He was the one that Grimoire Heart was trying to get for reasons I don't fucking know yet. He tainted Natsu's scarf. He should be fucking dead, but of course he wasn't. After going to Edolas, I stopped being too surprised when I got hit in the face with absolute bullshit.

As the legendary Black Wizard, I wouldn't be surprised if he had the type of dark magic to grant eternal life or youth. If he's been on this island the entire time, it's possible that the magic power from it kept him alive. The grounds are sacred, and if what I've read up in the Fairy Tail archives is true, wouldn't be damn surprised if he was still alive because of that shit.

But before I can kick his ass, need to finish healing Natsu. As soon as Wendy and I finished, Natsu bolted upright. He asked about Grandpa, and Carla said he wasn't out of the woods yet. And that just killed me. I couldn't lose him. He was all I had left. I went straight back to Grandpa to see what I could do.

Natsu started saying something about some guy we had met on a previous mission. The one from Galuna Island. The scent was slightly familiar, but I don't think I actually came in contact with the guy Natsu was talking about. And once Natsu found the source, he ran off. I'd follow after him, but Grandpa was my main concern.

I eventually had to stop. He wasn't getting better, and if someone attacks us, I'm the only real offense here. I clenched my fists, shaking.

"Ivy?" Sukoshi gently laid a paw on my hand. "Are you going to be okay?"

"I can't lose him." I say with a quiver in my voice. "He's all I have left." Carla, Pantherlily, and Wendy look at me in question.

"What do you mean? You have the rest of the guild." Wendy says. I shake my head.

"That's not what I mean." I say, shaking. "I don't call him Grandpa for the same reason Natsu calls him Gramps. He's my actual grandfather."

"What? You're Master's granddaughter?" Wendy asks. I nod.

"When I was little, it used to be Grandpa, Papa, Laxus and I. Papa was banned from the guild when I was young, and I haven't seen or heard from him since. Laxus was banished not long ago." I hiccuped a little as the tears ran down my cheeks. "If Grandpa doesn't wake up... I'll have none of my blood family left. I'm having a hard enough time dealing with my feelings with Natsu."

"Don't start thinking like that Ivy!" Sukoshi says, patting my hand. "Master will be fine. He's tired and needs to regain his strength."

"Who is this Laxus character?" Carla asked. "If he's been banned from the guild he mustn't be all that good." I lashed out and grabbed Carla by the collar of her shirt.

"Don't you fucking DARE talk about my big brother that way!" I roared, extremely pissed. "He made a fucking mistake! Can you blame him? Our father was banned and he was left to take care of his little sister who started to whore herself out for shits! He wanted what was best for the Guild, even if it was wrong and his way of getting there was as well! He was an S Class wizard and is strong enough to use his own Fairy Law! I will not have you bad mouth him. He may not be part of Fairy Tail's family anymore, but he's still part of mine!"

"Ivy calm down she didn't mean anything by it!" Wendy said, obviously upset by the violence in my tone.

"She's had a problem with me since we've met." I hissed. "Didn't mean it my ass. Say what you want about Papa, I don't care. But if you ever say anything about Laxus again you stupid fucking cat, I will personally show you what it means to be a Dreyar wizard." I let go and sat back down, glaring off to the side. "Sorry Wendy. I know Carla's very dear to you, but she went too damn far."

"It's okay Ivy. I think I understand." Wendy said with a small smile.

"This is why I don't think you should be friends with her, Wendy." Carla said, straightening out her clothes.

"Carla, antagonizing our friends isn't the best option." Pantherlily said. "We are under attack and fighting amongst ourselves won't help anyone."

"Besides, the guild members are family. You can't pick your family." Sukoshi says with a smile. "So since Ivy and Wendy are in the same guild, they're family. They're both also sisters in Dragon Slayer Magic!" I smiled.

"So Wendy's my little Dragon Slayer Sis, huh?" I turned to Wendy, who was smiling too. "Think you can handle having a big sis like me? Promise I'll try not to rub off on ya."

"Sounds great." Wendy said with a smile.

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