Chapter 12

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Ivy's POV

It was a week before the S-Class Exams. Whoever passed, became an S-Class wizard, like Mirajane, Erza, Gildarts, and myself.

We were in the guild hall so Grandpa could do his thing. I stood on stage with Mirajane, Erza, Gildarts and Grandpa. I was standing on Gildarts shoulders, because I could, and he didn't give two shits. The 8 people he announced to be taking the exam were: Natsu, Gray, Juvia, Elfman, Cana, Freed, Levy, and Mest... whoever the fuck that is. The 8 would choose a partner, and they'd all train for the week until the day we headed to the island. And Erza, Mirajane, Gildarts, and I would be weeding out the weaklings.

"I won't be using my body to my advantage this time." There was a sad sigh. People in this guild are bipolar. "And I have been restricted to my Lightning magic." A big cheer was heard... sort of. We were headed to the island and I couldn't help but be happy to return.

"So Ivy, how did you pass the exam?" I blushed. All the participants eyes sparkled to hear how I became one at the age 15.

"Well... I went up against Gildarts." Their eyes widened. "And I won." Their jaws dropped.

"You only won because you used a cheap trick!" Gildarts said indignantly. Everyone cocked their heads.

"Oh come on, it wasn't that cheap." I said.

"You flashed me!" He said accusingly. I giggled.

"And you were dumb enough to be caught off guard and let me get a hit in to knock you out."

"No way! You beat Gildarts?" Natsu looked impress. I sweat dropped.

"It's not like he was full power or serious. He was in one of his laid back moods. So it's not actually all that amazing." Everyone still looked amazed. And then Natsu hung over the edge as he got motion sickness... again. As we got closer, the heat increased, and the S-Class where happy to have air conditioning, while everyone else roasted on the deck. Grandpa explained how the first trail would go.

"We won't have to face Ivy?" Levy asked.

"Nope, I'm the the one you have to beat to become the S-Class of this exam." And I returned to the air conditioned cabin. The other's were teleported as I waited with Grandpa.

"You do know that no one can beat Gildarts right?" I asked.

"Not many can beat you either." Grandpa said. I shrugged.

"True." I laid back on my beach chair next to Grandpa on the beach. "The weather is so nice."

"It is." We stayed there and then we felt Gildarts' magic.

"He's going all out." I said as I grabbed for my drink.

"It's Natsu." Grandpa said as he grabbed for his.

"Yup." We took a sip of our smoothies. "Should we go check on them Grandpa?"

"They'll be fine." Another sip. "This is amazing. Your copycat cooking powers are great, Ivy my dear!"

"Thanks Grandpa." We continued lounging until we headed to the meeting place to see that Levy & Gajeel, Natsu & Happy. Cana & Lucy, and Gray & Loke where there. Then Elfman and Evergreen came and Grandpa told them they need to find the first Guildmaster's grave, then him and I went to wait there.

A while later, I felt uneasy. I couldn't put my finger on why, but something changed. I only hoped that it wasn't anything dangerous. But knowing Fairy Tail's luck, it was going to be big. And piss off the Magic Counsel... nevermind. We always found a way to piss them off.

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