Chapter 24

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Ivy's POV

I headed with a few of the others to the beach to train. I decided that I would train to use two magics at once, being my thunder magic and Copy Cat Magic. If I could use them both together, I could increase my power ten fold. And at the same time work up my dragon slayer magic, considering that I am weakest dragon slayer, even if I was one of the strongest wizards in the guild.

And then Virgo came our second day of training and told us that the Celestial Spirit world was being destroyed. She brought Lucy, Natsu, Juvia, Gray, Levy, Wendy, Erza and I to the Celestial Spirit world. The Celestial King spoke with us, and when Lucy asked if it was true his world being destroyed, it was actually just a party. And I had no problems with this.

Well, until we left and we only had 5 days until the Grand Magic Games.

"FUCK!" I scream. We then got a message telling us to meet at the broken suspension bridge It got fixed via magic and we all crossed, continuing along the path. Once we walked a bit, we were met by three hooded figures. Meldy, Ultear, and Jellal.

After clearing a few things up, we were asked to find out what was behind the weird magic they felt during the games. And for payment, Ultear offered to help us unlock our unused magic. And let me tell you that it hurt like a bitch to go through the process.

Once done, we returned to the Guild Hall. Grandpa listed off the team. Natsu, Gray, Erza, Lucy and Wendy were the team. I wasn't too pissed about it. I trusted Grandpa's judgement, and I could focus on healing magic once they get off the field.

We then headed to the capital city of Crotus, where the games were being held. It was a very beautiful city. Natsu, Lucy, and I went to check out the city. After the sun set, we found a fight. And from the smell, we found two of the Sabertooth wizards. And they were dragon slayers. And they were considered third generation because they were not only raised by dragons, but also implanted with dragon essence lacrima. And they killed their dragons.

"You what?" I screeched, shaking with rage. "You killed your parents? How could you?" But they didn't answer, and walked away. I wanted to chase after them. Damn did I want to run after them and bash their damn faces in.

My mother died giving birth to me, and my father left me behind when I was following him on one of his missions when I was too young to go on my own. Corpina, my dragon, became my mother figure. I would have never been able to kill her. And the fact that these people could do so, and brag about it... I was a complete mess and Lucy decided that it would be best if I stayed with her and Erza in their team's room for now.

Wendy didn't make it back to the inn by midnight, and we found out why there was a curfew. There was a preliminary round to bring the 100 plus guilds participating down to eight, with a race that had no rules. But in order to win, all five team members needed to pass the finish line. But we still didn't have Wendy. We were at a disadvantage, but Elfman decided to fill in for her for now. Lisanna and Happy went to go find Wendy and Carla. I decided to go help. Finding Wendy would help calm my nerves from running into those Sabertooth bastards.

I looked all over, telling Warren what I did, or actually didn't, find. Lisanna and Happy managed to get into the castle gardens, something about them going site seeing. The preliminaries were over, but we weren't sure who won, and then Lisanna and Happy found Wendy and Carla, and they were drained of magic power.

We brought them to Porlyusica to heal, and the next day, the teams were announced from last place to first. Fairy Tail, Quatro Cerberus, Mermaid Heel, Blue Pegasus, Lamia Scale, and Raven Tail. Second place in the preliminaries was another team for Fairy Tail, consisting of Juvia, Gajeel, Mirajane, Laxus, and... Mystogan. Okay, it's Earthland Jellal, but no one needs to know that. And first was Sabertooth. And it was around this time that Mavis showed up. Only people from Fairy Tail could see her, and to be truthful, I was completely excited that our first guild master was here.

The first contest was called Hidden, and Juvia and Gray went up for their respective teams. It was pretty much a giant game of hide and seek in a summoned city with clones of the contestants participating in the contest filling it. Needless to say, no thanks to Raven Tail, Gray got last, and Juvia got seventh.

I glared at Raven Tail. A Dark Guild gone legal, run by none other than my father, Ivan. I may not have known why my father was excommunicated from Fairy Tail, but if he went and made a Dark Guild, even if it's now Legal, it can't be anything good.

The battle portion of the day came and the first round was Fairy Tail Team A, being Natsu's team, versus Raven Tail. Lucy versus a wizardess named Flare. And Lucy was kicking ass, but then something happened and Lucy just seemed to give up. As she was about to be burned with the Raven Tail symbol, Natsu came to were Fairy Tail ws and burned some of the Raven Tail's wizard's hair that was near Asuka. After that, Lucy got back to fighting, but for some reason she still ended up losing.

I was pissed. I couldn't care less that Natsu's team got zero points, but the fact that Raven Tail had pretty much used a child as hostage boiled my blood.

The second day's contest was called Chariot. And poor Natsu and Gajeel had decided to do it. And they were on vehicles. As was Sting from Sabertooth. And they all suffered from motion sickness. My eyes widened.

"Is that going to happen to me too?" I asked out loud, eyes wide. Gajeel didn't always have it, so why now? And if it happened to him, it could obviously happen to me. "I don't wanna get motion sickness!" I whine loudly. "How am I supposed to ride on the Thunder Twin float if I'm puking my guts out!" I continued to whine, but cheered loudly as Gajeel and Natsu crossed the finish line, and Sting didn't.

Elfman went up against a Quatro Cerberus wizard, and won because if he lost, the guy he was facing would get Mirajane and Lisanna for the night to do the kinkiest of stuff with.

"I am right here!" I yelled down. "And I am a willing participant too! No sex, but we can still get dirty damn it!" And as mentioned earlier, Elfman won. Meaning that Quatro Cerberus was going to go by Quatro Puppy. It was awesome, but when it came to Mirajane from Fairy Tail Team B against Jenny from Blue Pegasus, it turned into a posing contest instead of an actual fight. And as it was going on, other female members from various guilds jumped down to pose as well. Mavis then turned to the girls in Fairy Tail and gave us swimsuits to pose in. I smiled wide.

"If you weren't dead and just a ghost, I would hug you!" I said as a grabbed a rather skimpy swimsuit and jumped down to pose with everyone else, even if it only Mirajane's and Jenny's poses were counted for. And there were so many poses and outfits. Normal Swimsuits, School Swimsuits, Thigh Highs, Dominatrix outfits, Cat Ears, Glasses, and finally wedding gowns, in which the girls had to chose a guy from their guild to pose with.

"How did I get pulled into this?" Laxus asked as he held me bridal style in the area. I smiled as I clung to my brother.

"Easy, because you're my loving, protective older brother." I replied with an even wider smile, trying to ignore Lisanna's comment to Natsu about playing husband and wife when they were younger. It had hurt, and though I didn't say anything, Laxus knew, and that was probably the real reason he was down in the arena posing with me.

"And now onto the next outfits." And Laxus just looked at me and dropped me on my ass.

"Hey! That's not nice you asshole!" I yell after him, but after the Lamia Scale guild master tried to join, everyone left the arena except Jenny and Mirajane, and Mirajane WRECKED Jenny with one hit. And poor Jenny had to pose naked for the Sorcerer Weekly Centerfold because she thought she was tough shit and made the bet with Mira. Dumb bitch.

Sabertooth's Yukino went against Mermaid Heel's strongest Wizard, and though the Celestial wizard fought hard, she lost.

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