Chapter 6

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I was irritated. Lucy, Erza, Gray, and Natsu had left. I was left to work on the new guild hall and work at the club. We ended up getting two new guild members while we were at it. From the disbanded Phantom Lord guild. Gajeel, the Iron Dragon Slayer, and Julia, a water wizard.

I was at the club when I saw Gajeel walk it. He was shown to the table I was currently waitressing and I sighed as I walked over and popped my chest out.

"Welcome to Guild Cahoots. Would you like a meal? Or me?" I traced a finger up his jaw and he shot a glare at me. "Oh come on. You've never seen a slut before?" He grumbled and turned his face.

"I haven't been here for a while. I never new that YOU worked here." I cocked my head.

"You're one of those stuck ups who only came to see those in your guild right?" Gajeel nodded. "Well I'm the only Fairy Tail girl here so you'll have to deal with me. Now, what would you like?" Gajeel scratched the back of his head with a light blush on his face.

"An audience." I nodded and grabbed his hand.

"Then let's go." I pulled him into my room. After an hour we left and he had a nicer aura around him. I had finished working and we went back to the guild hall together.

"Hello Ivy. Gajeel?" Mirajane seemed surprised. So didn't most of the other guild members. "What are you two doing together?"

"Just came back from work. He was my last customer today." Everyone's mouths dropped.

"You... and Gajeel...." I turned to everyone.

"Yeah so what? It's in my job description." Everyone still seemed a little off. We continued more guild work and finally it was finished and better than ever! After a few more days everyone came back. I was pissed!

"Hello guys. How was the request?" I came over to Mirajane and the others.

"It was okay." I walked up to Erza.

"Why didn't you guys take me with you? I was waiting for a mission with you guys and you left me behind?" I crossed my arms and pouted.

"Sorry Ivy, I thought it would be good for you and Natsu to cool down." I could feel the sad expression creep into my features and instead went and showed everything that was new, Natsu being highly aggravated until a fight broke out. I sighed. Of course. I sat at the bar and sighed, Lucy came over.

"You okay Ivy?" I shook my head.

"Of course not. Natsu usually does this, randomly disappears and I don't know. It's depressing. I mean, I may not be dating him, but..." I trailed off and stared at the table. Then Natsu came over.

"Hey Ivy! Let's finish that fight!" I turned to him and sighed.

"Why the fuck not? Let's go." We left and got ready. Everyone stood outside and we got ready.

"I'll go first this time. Fire Dragon Roar!" I easily dodged his attack and sighed. Should I go easy on him? Or should I go full force? He hit me with another roar and I decided to go full force.

"Lightning Magic, Sonic Thunder!" I released the sound wave and Natsu just nearly dodged it when I turned. "Lighting Magic Thunder Cat!" The lighting cat fell from the sky and landed on him. He, however, was not knocked unconscious.

"Wow Ivy, you're really-"

"Lightning Magic, Lightning Rod!" I threw the rod and it landed right in front of him, exploding and sending him into the crowd. He sat up and looked at me with an odd, slightly shocked and amused expression.

"Have you been holding back this entire time?"

"Lightning Magic, Thunder Boom!" The little cloud appeared and hit him, however Natsu is still very strong. I sighed. This was getting tiring.

"Wow, I haven't seen Ivy like this before." I could hear whispers and comments from the other guild members. I have never been like this. I have never bombarded my allies, no one has seen my real strength, except for Grandpa and Laxus.

"Come Ivy, keep going." I looked at Natsu.

"Lightning Magic, Spark Gun." I put my hand in the form of a gun. Static built at the end of my finger and shot out, giving a small kickback. It hit Natsu in the shoulder causing him to spin and fall. I blew on my finger and turned to face Natsu. "This fight is over." Natsu began to get up.

"What do you mean over? I haven't even started!" I turned to him, accidently holding a bored look on my face, which gave him a loud message. "You think I'm not worth it?" My eyes widened.

"No Natsu it's not that."

"Then why have you been holding out? You haven't ever fought like that before." I sighed.

"I didn't want to use all my power."

"Are you saying I'm weak?"

"No Natsu it's not that at all! I didn't want to hurt you that's all! If I hit you in the wrong spot I could kill you! I wouldn't be able to live with myself if I killed you!" I felt the bruise on my neck burn a little and I flinched and touched it. It was healing of course, but it was still there. Natsu walked up to me and bent my neck slightly.

"Where did you get this Ivy?" I refused to look him in the eye. "Ivy! Who did this to you?!" I still didn't look at him. That's when Gray walked over.

"Natsu that's enough."

"Keep your mouth shut perv! I want to know who hurt Ivy!"

"Why you little-"

"You little what. I could take you down in two seconds flat!"

"You wanna test that theory flameboy!"

"Bring it on!" Natsu let me go and I slipped away. Natsu stopped and looked around. "Damn it where is she?" I hurried out the door and headed down the street when Natsu caught me. "Ivy." I turned to him. I looked around and sighed.

"Come with me." I grabbed his arm and dragged him to my house and we sat down on my couch.

"Ivy?" I sighed again and looked at him. "Who hurt you?" I felt tears bite the sides of my eyes. I opened my mouth when the door flew open. It was Happy.

"Hey Natsu! Master is about to go over the Fantasia Day preparations." And for once I was sort of happy that he interrupted. I didn't want to tell Natsu what happens when I disappear after an argument about her.

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