Chapter 29

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Ivy's POV

As soon as the door closed, Future Rouge came and started to order the dragons and wyvern to attack, and I was shocked to see him actually do so, with a magic he called 'Dragon Tamer Magic'. I was shocked, but was so confused. And we were going to be attacked by the Jade dragon, the one we had spoken to in the dragon graveyard, Zirconis.

He told us that they were just sort of here to do whatever. Suddenly, Natsu yelled, telling the dragon slayers to slay the dragons. I smiled as I turned to Zirconis with Wendy.

"Sounds like fun. You ready Wendy." Before I got to do anything, the Jade Dragon roared, and most of the girls ducked. And what happened was... the soldiers lost all their clothes. And then he used his magic on Lucy, and she lost hers. Apparently, Zirconis' magic destroyed people's dignity. Zirconis picked up Lucy, and Wendy and I got ready.

"Time to kick some ass." I said. Wendy started to her thing as I started mine.

"Copy Cat Dragon Roar!" I clipped his tail as Zirconis flew up. I cast my Lightning Angel magic and flew up with Wendy. We launched our dragon roars together and when Zirconis dropped Lucy, I went with Happy to get her, leaving Wendy and Mirajane to deal with him as I helped Lucy.

She knocked Natsu off the dragon he was fighting on, and when I caught up to them, Natsu was on the ground with a red mark and Lucy was covered with a sheet. I glared.

"You know Natsu, if you wanted to be a pervert, I am right here." I said, motioning to my chest that was halfway out, as usual. Virgo appeared and redressed Lucy. Natsu and Happy left and I glared. "So how hard did you slap Natsu for grabbing your tits?" I asked, frowning slightly.

"Oh trust me, I slapped him pretty hard." Lucy said as she was pulling up her boots. As soon as Lucy had finished dressing, we found her diary, but not. It was her future self's diary.

Lucy opened it and began to read it as Virgo and I stood by and waited for her to speak. I crossed my arms and watched the sky, waiting for a dragon to attack us, when I saw a fire dragon, completely made of flames, attacking the one Future Rouge was riding on.

"Well that's useful, having them fighting amongst themselves." I muttered. Lucy snapped the book shut and started running, and I stayed close on her heel. We got surrounded by dragonlings... I think. Before I could activate any of my magic, hair came and pulled Lucy and I out of the blast zone. Once we were placed out of harm's way, we found it was Flare, the wizard from Ivan's guild that had threatened Asuka, that saved us.

"Okay then." We said and ran off to find the others.

"So, you gonna tell me why we're running and who we're trying to find?" I asked. I didn't get an answer as we ran into another hoard of dragonlings.

But then things went weird, and instead of running into a hoard of dragonlings, we just kept running straight.

"What was that?" I asked as we continued. "It felt like I knew not to turn right back their..."

"I know right? It was so weird." Lucy nodded, and we continued until we made it back to the courtyard where the gate was. According to the diary, we had to destroy the gate, and it would make Future Rouge disappear.

"You couldn't have shared this with me as we ran?" I asked. Lucy scratched the back of her head slightly.

"I was a little more focused on getting here." She said, before going serious again and turning to the gate. "Now let's destroy this gate!"

Lucy and Yukino summoned their celestial spirits again in hopes that they could destroy it themselves, however, it didn't do anything to it. No matter how many times they tried. Suddenly, a fireball came flying towards us. I pulled Lucy away from it and when I turned to see what had happened, Natsu had destroyed the gate, had Future Rouge unconscious, and had taken down a dragon. Then the dragons began to glow gold, returning to their own time, as well as Future Rouge.

"That was a joyride." I said with a sigh, turning to Natsu with a smile. Natsu turned to me and smiled, giving me a thumbs up.

"Hell yeah it was!" He said. I giggled lightly before seeing Laxus was hurt more than usual and went to help Wendy heal him up.

A few days later, we were finally having the banquet for after the games. The Fairy Tail girls took Yukino into our care and dressed her up. I, personally, had decided to wear something appropriate for once. White ball gown with gold accents, strapless with a sweetheart neckline and low back. As well as purple gloves that went up to my mid bicep with black lace border. I wasn't all that comfortable wearing something that covered my legs, but the royal palace wasn't really the place to be seducing guys. But the heels were comfortable for once, so I didn't mind. And having my hair off my neck in a messy, yet elegant, bun was refreshing

I mingled with friends from other guilds that worked at the club, guild members to see how the last round of the games went, but I was missing Natsu. I could have lost him a couple days ago, and would've never told him how I felt. Though that was forgotten for a second when I saw a tons of girls hanging off Laxus. I smirked as I walked over to the area the Thunder Legion where residing.

"Hey Big Bro!" I said as I happily pushed a few of the girls away and clung to his arm. "Since when did you allow girls to touch you without needing to be in a full rubber suit?"

"Last I checked, half the room has been staring at your boobs." I pouted.

"Hey, they're covered this time!" I pointed out with a slight pout "So aren't my legs." I said as I stuck out on of my legs, completely covered in dress. That's when Lucy dragged me away to help support Yukino as she went to talk to Sting and Rouge. It turned into a giant 'join our guild' with everyone and Yukino. I sighed, putting a hand on her shoulder.

"Just join who you want Yukino." I said as she nodded.

Arcanios came in and stopped everyone from fighting over Yukino, and instead of the king coming in to thank us himself, Natsu came in dressed in the king's attire. I couldn't help but giggle as everyone else just sighed in embarrassment.

Natsu was quickly forced out of the royal attire and I was happy to see him return to mingle with the rest of us. Soon after everyone came to aid the princess in speaking with her father. And I smiled as we all also accepted to be punished along side her. And her punishment was to wear the pumpkinhead for a week.

Copy Cat DragonOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora