Caged- Vrene

By Aliabk1999

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🥀Not Every Happy Couple Gets A Happily Ever After🥀 __________________________________ 18+ content ahead. Th... More

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2.7K 75 33
By Aliabk1999

Joohyun pov

"Taehyung.......... Please save me, don't hurt me. End this pain in my life, I don't want a life where I'm not even loved by my own husband".

"Irene, I was a fool to hurt you. And I will make up for all the time we lost..... I want to start a new life with you........... I want you to be the mother of my child Irene".

I felt myself coming to consciousness as I was snapped out of my dream, my eyes opened and I saw this man who looks like he came out of a fairy tail lying next to me in deep slumber. Last night was something that I can never forget, and I don't even want to imagine what would've happened to me if he had not been there to save me.

I looked at the time and it's already 10:25 am, but I guess Taehyung didn't bother to get up today because it's Saturday. Well he will be getting up soon so I really should start preparing breakfast, I slowly get up from the bed and as soon as I stand up, I feel my legs getting wobbly. I still feel like throwing up every time the picture of that man getting tortured by Taehyung comes into my mind, but why.............why would he go this far for me, he committed murder last night because of me. What if the authority's come for him, what if he goes to jail.

Well I hope nothing like that happens, I push all the negative thoughts out of my brain and head to the bath to get a shower and clear my mind, I undress and I look at my bruised figure in the mirror and I can only pity myself. I have been through so much, so much pain both physically and mentally that I don't even know how I'm holding up. And now thinking back to what happened last night, I feel like a stranger in my own body and I hate looking at myself.

I turn on the shower and as the warm water hits every part of my body, it stings a little. But I ignore the pain and rub myself as hard as I can to rid myself of the filth of last night, because that's how I feel right now. I feel filthy and dirty. As I close my eyes while I take a shower, a flashback of last night comes into my mind and it scares me to my bones. I feel terrified all of a sudden, so terrified that I run out of the shower in just my undergarments and jump straight into the bed and cling onto Taehyung's back tightly, I close my eyes and wrap my arms around his back as the bad memories haunt me. And as soon as I get closer to him, I feel so warm and safe. I stuff my face against his back and wrap my legs over his and after some time I start to feel normal.

"What are you doing" Suddenly I hear Taehyung's deep and husky voice that makes me flinch a little.

"um..........i was scared" I answer in a low voice still attached to him. I hope he doesn't mind, even though I am still wet from my shower and almost naked. But suddenly he pushes my legs off his legs and removes my hands around his waist and gets up off the bed and heads for the bathroom.

"Get up and go make breakfast" He orders me in a serious tone while not even looking at me and then just heads inside the bathroom. I don't know what is going on in his mind, why is he so irritated the moment he wakes up. Maybe it's because of me, I shouldn't have hugged him so tight, he must probably be annoyed because of that. I get up and dry my hair and then get dressed, Taehyung is still in the bathroom when I head out the room, and I freeze when I see the hallway through which I ran last night.

I don't know why, but as soon as I come outside I get this feeling inside me. That something is pushing me towards the basement where I saw the horrors last night, after what happened I can only remember certain images, it's like a dream. You can't remember what happened accurately, you can only remember some flashbacks of that traumatic accident. Without me knowing, my body starts moving in the direction of the basement, I don't know what will I do if I see all that blood down there. But I want to see it, I can't be satisfied unless I know what happened to him after Taehyung took me upstairs. Oh my God, I hope Taehyung doesn't get made at me for this.

Finally, I stand before the basement door and just standing here is giving me goosebumps and shivers down my spine. I grab the knob and as I twist it, I pray to any God up there to give me the strength to see through this. I close my eyes and twist the knob and enter the room.

Once I enter, I slowly open my eyes and....................there is nothing. I'm not even kidding, there is absolutely nothing here,it looks completely clean and I can't find a trace of what happened last night, not a single drop of blood. Wait a second, maybe last night was a dream. Maybe it was all just in my head, but..... It can't be, it all seemed to real to be a dream.

I slowly inspect every corner of the room and I notice the chair in which the robber was tied up but I don't see any trace about him............. What the hell is happening with me. I just stand there and close my eyes and just wonder what is happening for a good 5 minutes. Suddenly I feel a shiver on the back of my neck..........

"What are you doing here".

I slowly turn around and I jump back a little when I notice Taehyung standing before me with his dark eyes and a more than annoyed expression. Where did he even come from, I didn't hear a single footstep.

"Ah.... Um I-I was just looking a-" I am still trying to answer him when he cuts me off with his deep voice, that shakes me to my core.

"Don't......go snooping around the house, do I make myself clear" he orders me like I'm just a servent and I just lower my head. could he say that to me, I'm not a servant in this house, I have just as much as say in this household as he does. I don't know what came over me but I lift my head and glare right back into his eyes without any fear.

"I'm sorry but you don't get to order me like this Taehyung............I am your wife, not your slave or something. And this house doesn't just belong to you, it belongs to me as well. So I will do whatever I want and go wherever I do I make myself clear" I seriously have no idea how I managed to say all of that, maybe I just had enough of his orders. But it felt good to speak out like that, although I don't think he took my words to kindly. I can literally see his face fuming with anger and his eyes shooting daggers at me as he takes a step coming closer to me. I try to stand firm but he is to intimidating, it makes me take a few steps back.

"You..............talked back to me. Irene your lucky I am not in the mood to do anything to you right now so don't push me again like this, I won't let this disobedience pass like nothing. You will be punished for this.................and as for what you said before, I will say this once so get it through your thick skull. You are not my wife, you would be my wife if I still loved you...............from what I see, you are my property, the moment you said 'yes' to this marriage, you gave up your rights to a free life, I own you and I own your body so don' back to me say yes if you understand" I empty because of his words, I don't even realise and my tears start falling. His words hurt more than any physical assault, I lower my head and watch my tears hit the ground.

"Y-Yes" I answer in a low whisper that is barely audible, and there goes that confidance. I just got caught up in my own trap and now I can just hope that Taehyung forgets about this punishment.

"Good stop crying and go make me breakfast" He says as he steps closer and wipes my tears with his hands and plants a small kiss on my cheek before leaving the basement and I just stand there a crying mess. Why did I even think that Taehyung would change, last night like he said he wasn't protecting his wife but his property.

I slowly walk towards the kitchen and even though I keep wiping my tears, more and more fall. I don't know but today, his words cut extra deep maybe because I'm still recovering from last night. I enter the kitchen and notice Taehyung already sitting on the table busy reading a newspaper, I quietly enter trying not to piss him off again.

"Um, what do you want to eat" I ask as I stand before him with my head lowered and hands crossed behind my back. I notice that he doesn't even bother to look up at me as I talk to him.

"Anything you want to cook.................just try not to exert yourself too much" He answers while keeping his eyes focused on the paper without showing any emotion, but his words do put a small smile on my lips and I turn around and start to cook him breakfast.

It's been a while since we spent a morning together, usually he is at work and I'm alone and even on off days he has business arrangements. So I am glad that we get to have a normal morning even if our relationship isn't that normal. As we are in the kitchen, the bright and warm sunlight entering through the windows creates such a beautiful atmosphere and mood. While I'm making eggs and pancakes I sneak a small glance behind me and notice Taehyung looking at me and as soon as I look at him he turns away, he sometimes acts so cute like this.

As some time passes I notice that I have a pair of eyes constantly staring at me and I know it's Taehyung but I don't do anything and act like I don't know, until he calls my name.

"Irene" As I hear his deep and heavy voice I turn around in a flash and notice him staring thoughtfully into my eyes.

"Yes" I answer in a low voice trying to stay calm as I feel his burning gaze roaming my body.

", I don't know how to say this........but I wanna apologise for what I said earlier" My eyes go wide when I see him saying sorry while nervously rubbing his neck and looking away from me, is this even real or am I still dreaming.

"W-what" I am still dazed and confused and only this word escapes my mouth while I stare at him like a deer in headlights.

"I want to take back what I said earlier about you....................i was just angry and I shouldn't have said that, this house belongs to you as well and you can do whatever you want, and................. I'm not gonna punish you for talking back to me" He speaks to me in a heavy but gentle tone while not being able to look me in the eyes whereas I'm completely out of my mind. I don't even know what the hell is happening right now, I mean am I crazy or did Taehyung just say he is sorry for something. This is the first time he has spoken to me like this since I don't even know how long.
I just stand there shocked for I don't know how long just staring at him and trying to grasp what he just said.

"Your gonna burn the pancakes" He says with in a serious tone before turning his attention back to the newspaper, and his words snap me out of fantasy and I quickly check up on the food. Phew! Thank goodness it isn't burned, but............i suddenly feel so happy right now.

After cooking everything, I place the food neatly in front of Taehyung all the while smiling from ear to ear and I notice there is something different in Taehyung's expressions, there is this unfamiliar softness that wasn't there before. I also sit down opposite to him after placing everything, I start to eat my breakfast and as we eat even though we don't talk and there is only silence but this silence is quite comforting.

"Um..... Do you have any plans for today" I try to start a conversation with Taehyung after feeling that we have been silent for too long, he stops eating to look at me which makes me nervous.

"None...............i just want to stay at home and rest for today and complete some small office work" He answers as his voice becomes even deeper, and even if he doesn't intend to do this but his voice is always enough to give me goosebumps. Well I think that's good, maybe it can give us some well needed bonding time if he stays at home.

After finishing eating, I pick up the dirty plates and place them in the dishwasher to clean them, I notice Taehyung still sitting there so I divert my attention from him and start to clean my daily chores which start with cleaning the kitchen.

While I'm cleaning the kitchen counter, suddenly I feel breaths on the back of my neck followed with some kisses, I flinch as I turn around and am faced with the haunting eyes of Kim Taehyung inches away from me. I feel sweat pouring from my forehead when I see him this close to me and I can't even control my breathing.

"Ta-Taehyung, wh-what are you doing" I stutter and barely get my question across to him, he stares at my lips with lust in his eyes.

"Making love to my I not allowed to do that" what is happening today, first the apology and now he's asking if he is allowed or not. I can't control my emotions at this point as I feel butterflies in my stomach and shivers on my skin but.................what is more shocking to me is that my body wants him today.

"Y-Yes, you can" I answer in a whisper while keeping my head lowered, I can't even face him right now because of how red my face is. I see him placing his fingers below my chin and lifts my face up to face him, as I stare into his eyes I get lost. I get lost in those dark black orbs and I am only snapped back when I feel him gently place his lips against mine, he doesn't push me or be rough with me, it's not like he just wants to have sex with me. I really feel like he wants to make love with me today, the taste of his lips drive me crazy as I close my eyes and wrap my arms around his neck.

He pushes me back against the counter as he wraps his hands around my waist, while we kiss I feel his tongue poking my lips asking for permission to enter inside me and I can't even control myself as I happily open my mouth and allow his tongue to enter my mouth, his tongue explores and exploits every corner of my mouth with passion and it makes me feel like I'm on cloud-9. As Taehyung bites my lower lips gently, a moan escapes from me which makes Taehyung suddenly stop and look at me with a smirk on his lips which makes me feel even more embarrassed.

"Irene................. Are you enjoying yourself right now. Do you enjoy having your husband's tongue inside your mouth" I can't believe he is teasing me like this, I can feel my face turn red as a tomato as I keep my hands wrapped around him but I stuff my face in his chest to try and hide my embarrassment. But as much as I try to hide it, I have to admit I do enjoy it when Taehyung is being gentle with me like this. I don't answer him and stay quiet.

"If you don't answer then I'll take it as a no...........and I'll stop" This guy is a fox, first he starts this and now I am so turned on and he threatens me to leave me like this. He unwraps his hands around me and is about to leave when I grab his shirt and stop him, as he turns around to face me. I keep my head lowered.

"Yes....... I do" As I answer he doesn't waste a second to again smash his lips against mine with oozing lust and pleasure. As we makeout he suddenly picks me up while not breaking the kiss and I also quickly wraps my legs around his back, this euphoric state that I'm in when I feel his tongue playing around inside my mouth is too much to explain right now.

Taehyung carries me to the living room and places me down on the couch and gets on top of me, I feel his hands roaming and searching every part of my body and it feels so damn good because today he isn't being rough with me, he is taking his time to make sure I'm comfortable. I place my hand on his chest and push him away a little which makes him look at me a little confused with a questionable face. I look into his eyes as I slowly unbutton my silk nightware that I am wearing and expose my naked body hiding underneath to him. I see his eyes light up once he sees my naked breasts right up in his face and it is enough to make me blush and turn away from him.

"Goddammit woman, your gonna make me go crazy" He growls with his heavy and husky voice but today it doesn't scare me but rather it makes me feel a little giddy.

"Go on dear" I give him my consent to proceed further and he doesn't waste a second to wait as he stuff his face in between my breasts, licking my cleavage and fondling my breasts. I legit become a moaning mess when he starts with me, his tongue makes circles around my nipples until they become erect which adds to my pleasure, I put my hands inside his hair and wrap his head against my breasts.

My moans start to become even louder until they are ringing everywhere inside our mansion, I feel my vagina literally become soaking wet and my body just craves more and more of him. Taehyung then stops and takes off his shirt in a flash exposing his beautiful toned body and chiseled abs, and needless to say I'm this close to losing my mind right now because of the pleasure. He smirks at me as he down my lower body, he places kisses on my navel as he slides off my pajamas exposing my wet vagina to him which brings more happiness to his face as he looks at me.

"Looks like someone is even more eager about this then I am" I see this grin on his face that makes me a little nervous as I hide my face from, suddenly I feel his finger softly rubbing against my wet folds and it feels so good, he makes circles around my vagina and it drives me crazy by just how much I am being teased right now, I am completely in his palm right now. Suddenly without telling me he inserts two fingers inside my vagina and I let out a loud scream of pleasure as I arch my back.

"Ahh Taehyung........ S-Stop teasing me, please dear" I beg him to stop teasing me and give my body the thing it is craving right now. This makes him look at me surprised as he takes out his finger and stare into my eyes which makes me feel so exposed and bare.

"I didn't know my wife was such a naughty woman..............but I can't refuse you, if you ask me with those eyes" He says to with a smirk on his face as he starts to unbutton his pants, and I can already see the huge bulge in his pants and honestly it scares me a little but I can't stop this now, I am way to turned on to say no to him now. He takes off his pants leaving him in only his underwear and I can see the tip of his manhood poking out of the underwear, erect and hard as a rock.

He keeps his underwear on as he makes his way towards my face again and connects his lips with me again and I feel his hot and throbbing member rub against my wet vagina and it is enough to make my legs go weak.

But as we are making out in the living room suddenly the bell rings which makes Taehyung get up and away from me. Seriously why now, I was feeling so good.

"Who could it be" I ask as I lay on the couch naked and wet, I can see Taehyung's expression changing to become even more violent and angry as he gets up from me and puts on his pants.

"Whoever it is, is about to leave this house in a casket".


Ahh, why the f did the author stop it just when things were getting interesting. Well I wanna apologise for that but don't worry, Vrene will be getting another 18+ scene soon, but I think now as the story will progress we will see how Taehyung's feeling will change day by day, whether they change for the good or bad I can't tell u that.

However right now try to guess who cockblocked Taehyung.

And another thing, I will upload 3 more chapters of this story before I update the fallen because that stories last chapter was over 10000 words so I need to be fair to this story as well.

So if you liked this chapter then please vote and comment how you feel.

See ya

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