Sovereignty and Servitude

By florencemaude

271K 5.5K 19K

KOTLC AU Highest Ranking: #1 in Sophitz, #1 in dexiana, #1 in KOTLC, #1 in Diana, #1 in Tiana At last! The El... More

Prologue: Girl of Unknown Origin
Book One: Sovereignty
Part One: New Foundations
1: A Charming Introduction
2: Royal Treatment
3: A Dashing Rescue(r)
4: Telling The Truth
5: The Great (Snowy) Escape
6: An Adventure in Moonlight
7: Types of Persuasion
8 (pt.1): The Savages' Feast
8 (pt.2): In The Belly of The Beast
Read This Or You'll Be Sorry
9: Ruins of a Past Life
10: A Happy Distraction
11: Worlds Collide
Dex's Armor
12: A Lasting Impression
13: Opposing Sides Divide
14: False Sense of Peace
Part Two: Battle Stations
1: And The Dust Settles
2: A Knight's Oath
3: Protection From More Than Radicals
4: Normalcy
4.5: Outside The Manor Walls
IOU Commission 1 - Diana
IOU Commission 3 - Sophitz
BONUS IOU Commission - Dedicated to @_KawaiiMei_
5: Sister, Muse, Whose?
6: Assistance
7: Maternal Instincts
8: Your Blood, My Hands
9: Awakenings In Cold Sweat
10: A Knight's Heroine
11: Returning To The Roots
12: A World Without You
Hurricane Hiatus
12.5: Rendezvous
13: Retaliation
14: Those Caught In Between
15: I Know You
16: Under the Valley, Over The Willow Trees
17: What a Shame
Under The Valleys, Over The Willow Trees
Book Two: Servitude
Part Three: Friendship Caught Fire
1: Casualties of War
Special surprise!
2: Enough
3: The Scarfed Girl
4: Juline
Another Hiatus + Hot Tip
Hello :)

IOU Commission 2 - The Triplets

3.1K 67 183
By florencemaude

An AU, not canon, not part of the plot.


When in town, Bex often doddled, not because of shopping, but because if she walked past the fishing port enough times, the cute young merchant boy would glance up at her, and maybe even wave. He was always very kind to his customers, and kept things in control, barking out orders to his crew so they all worked in an organized manner. She was always too shy to approach him... at least, until one Monday morning when she just couldn't take it anymore, walked up to him when he had a moment and she couldn't talk herself out of it, and introduced herself, "Hello, my name is Bex Dizznee, what is yours?"

He took her hand and kissed her knuckles politely, "Edison Moore, miss. To what do I owe the pleasure?"

"I've just passed by so often that I thought it rude not to introduce myself and compliment your work ethic. You are very organized in the way you run things here," she replied smoothly, smiling charmingly, hoping he didn't see through her to know that she'd grown to admire him from a distance.

"Why thank you," he laughed a little in tune with the wind, which rustled his blond hair gently, "and I must say, your greetings from afar have always brightened my day."

"You've noticed?" her heart fluttered.

"How could one not notice a beautiful lady such as you?" he gave her a goofy grin, and she hid her red-faced smile behind her fan.

"Say, would you care to have tea together some time?"

"Aren't I supposed to ask you that?"

"We do live in modern times, do we not?" she quirked her eyebrow as he laughed,

"Yes, of course, forgive me. I would enjoy that. How about my office, Wednesday, at eleven in the morning?" Edison suggested, and she nodded.

"That sounds lovely. I shall see you then," Bex turned away, smiling gracefully over her shoulder as she they said farewell, keeping poised, playing it cool, but once she was out of sight, she practically danced all the way home, sporadically cheering to herself like a like thing and grinning like a fool.


It was a quiet, rainy March afternoon when Rex Dizznee could first claim that he was in love. He was at his guard post in the courtyard when he saw her scurrying across the lawn with a picnic basket, undoubtedly for the royal children, his nieces and nephews, who towed behind her excitedly, back towards the palace. Phillip, Iris, and Isaac were all in the lead, as the three oldest at eleven and ten, racing to get out of the rain gleefuly. Amy, Celeste, and Rosemary were next, all about five or six years old, toddling behind with Amy begging the older kids to wait up while the twins stuck together, holding hands as they followed the group, Rosemary smiling widely, giggling, and Celeste's face set in concentration, determined to keep hold of her sister while keeping the bigger kids in sight. Rex had watched all six kids grow up over the years, starting with Phillip when he was eight years old, Isaac, Sophie and Fitz's first child, when he was nine, Amy, their second child, when he was thirteen, and Biana and Dex's first children together, the twins, when he was fourteen. Rex knew from countless experiences that the kids tended to get tunnel vision, so when the kids rushed past the young maid and knocked her over, Rex left his post, rushing over. He knelt next to her and helped her sit up, her sapphire eyes piercing his periwinkle ones.

To hide his blush, Rex looked away towards the kids, yelling, "KIDS! YOU JUST KNOCKED THIS POOR WOMAN OVER! COME SAY YOU'RE SORRY!"

"It's alright, thank you," the young maid smiled up at him softly, "they're just kids."

"No, it's not alright, they need to learn not to treat people like that," Rex assured her, giving the kids running toward him a hard look.

Isaac was the first to reach the two adults, and he knelt down next to Rex, upset, "I'm sorry, I didn't realize we knocked you over. Are you okay?"

"I'm fine, thank you, Prince Isaac," the young wo

man smiled gently at the heir to the Evertalian throne as Rosemary threw herself at her with a hug.

"Careful, Rose," Rex scolded lightly, knowing she only meant well.

Phillip quietly picked up the basket and gripped the handle, saying softly, "Sorry. I'll get this for you."

"Oh, your highness, you don't have to-" the woman started, but Phillip shook his head,

"We knocked you over, this is something nice I can do to try and make up for it," Phillip replied with all the grace and gentleness of his late father, and the command and power of his step father.

"We're sorry," Amy apologized earnestly, "we didn't mean to, honest."

"It's alright, it was an accident," the maid smiled, and the sky opened up, pouring down on the eight of them.

"Go on and get inside guys," Rex instructed the kids, and they quickly did as they were told, even though Isaac lingered a little, making sure the young maid was alright one last time.

"Again, sorry about them," Rex helped the woman up, "what's your name?"

"Maeve, but you can call me Mae," she wiped her hair out of her face, smiling, "and you're Sir Rex, Prince Dex's younger brother, cousin of the queen."

"Yes," he nodded, smiling a little, hoping he wasn't being too awkward or weird, "but you can just call me Rex. Now, how about we get out of the rain?"

"Right," she nodded, and Rex held his shield over her head as they ran inside, thunder booming above them.

When they reached the door, Rex opened it for her, and waited for her to step inside before saying, "This is where I leave you. I must get back to my post."

"Even though it's storming?"

"Afraid so."

"Won't you catch a cold?" she asked delicately, water droplets clinging to her eyelashes, flashing from the lightning illuminating her face, which was more beautiful than when Rex had first seen her.

"I'll be alright," he promised, "now go dry off, you're soaking."

"It was nice meeting you," she smiled brightly, and Rex was so flustered he could only watch her go. He cursed himself, thinking he'd blown his chance, but later that evening when he returned to his room from his post, he found a fluffy towel and fresh cup of tea waiting on his desk with a note reading: "Now go dry off, you're soaking." And that's when Rex knew that this was only the beginning of their story.


Lex combed his fingers through his hair with a sigh, staring out the window as he twirled his paintbrush in his other hand, wondering when inspiration would strike him. After painting his fellow triplets' portraits with their significant others, he seemed to have hit a wall. Nothing inspired him - people, nature, the whim of his imagination, nothing. It was as if the well of creativity had run dry, leaving him in this drought. This was not good by any means, as he was the court painter, his livelihood was made by painting. It was his job to paint the portraits of the royal family and the nobility when commissioned, and if he was in a rut such as this when asked, the portrait would always somehow be lackluster.

Just his luck, right as he was about to go take a walk when a fine young woman with vitiligo walked in, and every little movement other than her in the room seemed to stop. Lex dropped his paintbrush and stood up, bowing instantly, "How may I be of service, my lady? Pray, what is your name? I am certain this is our first time meeting."

"My name is Emeline Werden, and my family has requested you paint a portrait of me," she said shyly, self consciously tugging her earlobe as she showed him her family crest, which was a raven midflight, an arrow in its claws. The Werdens were not a high ranking noble family, rather low in fact, due to a history of gambling, however, that did not change their rank as a noble family.

"I have painted your parents before, but I never knew they had a daughter," he offered her his hand in which she delicately placed her own, and he brushed a soft kiss on the back of it, feeling his well of inspiration filling again at the sight of this uniquely beautiful woman.

"I was kept a secret until recently, because of my... condition."

Lex frowned, "I'm sorry, but I don't quite understand why."

Emeline drew in her breath and didn't meet his eyes, "Well it if very abnormal and odd to have two starkly contrasting skin tones."

"Oh yes, of course it is," he quickly agreed, "but that's part of what makes it so beautiful. You are like a night sky dotted with stars, a dark canvas with white ink. Do you know how rare white ink is?" She shook her head. "Incredibly. There are so few chances to use it, so hardly anyone bothers to produce any, but that means that it is only perfect for certain pieces of art, and that those pieces it is used in are unique to all others. The rarity of your 'condition' is part of what makes you and your skin so beautiful." After realizing how far he'd gone in complimenting her, he added, "Apologies, I suppose that was crossing a line," as he rubbed his arm awkwardly, hoping she didn't think him ridiculous.

Emeline blushed deeply, "No, no, it is very kind. Thank you."

After a moment of silence, he then continued with business, "So, a portrait you say?"

"Yes," she nodded, "to hang next to the portrait of my parents. We need it done before my coming out ball next week. It is a short deadline, I know, but could you do it? I am able to come in whenever you need-"

"Of course," Lex said a little too quickly, and awkwardly rubbed the back of his neck as he recalibrated his reaction, "come in every day until it's finished, to be safe. I could even start now, if you like."

"Oh, I didn't bring the dress my parents wanted me to wear, but I could go get it-"

"Nonsense, I'll just get the bases today, I won't get halfway through your face," he assured her and grabbed a chair, pulling it in front of his easel, patting the seat. "Come now, why don't we get started?"

Emeline sat down, and inspiration flowed back into Lex's body as he carefully began to plan out her portrait, knowing that somehow, he would get this young woman to agree to be his muse.

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