The Alpha's Promise ✔️

Od hopetheauthor

444K 14.2K 1.1K

Werewolves long for the day they meet their mates. For Zane and Alessandra that's not the case. Zane is in lo... Viac

T H E ~A L P H A ' S ~P R O M I S E
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9.3K 287 70
Od hopetheauthor

Satan Will Be Asking For Tips

"Temptation is a woman's weapon and a man's excuse."


It's Friday night. Friday night can mean a lot of things to people but to the Blood Moon Pack's adolescents, it meant parties. The type where you can feel the booze flooding your bloodstream and putting your mind into a temporary haze. The type where the music controls your movements and nearly bursts your eardrums. The type where the bed squeaking above and the moans and groans don't bother anyone. Why? Simply because it was Friday, and Friday was the one day where you could forget.

I fell into the one percent of the pack's population that didn't enjoy these parties. Okay, maybe I was the only person that didn't enjoy these parties. I never needed to forget anything, and I didn't want to forget anything. The present is a different story though. I need to forget the fact that in exactly 20 days I will be turning 18 and could possibly find the person to whom half my soul belongs. No fucking pressure there.

So here I am, in front of my full-length mirror inspecting my appearance before I go out in the attempt to forget. My body has been squished into a burgundy colored dress that hugs my body in all the right places. My boobs appear to be, well, apparent and my butt is even more prominent than it usually is.

Oh, goddess bless me.

Walking into the party I'm hit with the smell of weed, sweat, and alcohol. All around the room there people dancing, grinding, kissing, and just partying.

"Alessandra!" I hear a screechy voice say.

"Oh..hi Jackie,"

Jacqueline Freeman is the definition of mean. In my whole high school experience, I've only had one boyfriend. Guess who messed it up, Jacqueline Freeman. Walking in on your boyfriend and Jackie doing the dirty is something that can scar someone for life. Granted, it was his fault more than it was hers, but I had considered her a friend before that night. Ever since then, I have stayed away from the male population. 

She sounded like a dying cow.

I don't need to relive the moment Leya.

Most of my anger was aimed at Jaden because he was the one I was dating. He had committed to me and he went back on it. Then I found out that Jacqueline had spread rumors about my sex life with Jaden and had called one of my best friends a slut. So yeah, not her biggest fan.

I wasn't heartbroken or anything, I wanted to break up with Jaden soon anyway. I just didn't expect it from him because before he was my boyfriend he was my best friend. I knew that Jackie and Jaden continued to see each other after, even if it was just sex, it hurt to know that Jaden had once been my best friend and now he hardly looked at me. On the rare occasion we did make eye contact he would give me an awkward smile, look down, and walk away.

"So what are you doing here? You don't seem to be the party type."

"I'm not."

I walked away from her, making sure to bump her shoulder on my way. I grabbed a drink from the closest bystander and gulped it down at once.

"Hey! That was my drink!"


All of a sudden I felt free.

Shit, this werewolf alcohol was good.

It takes some really good alcohol to get a werewolf drunk and I only had one sip and felt like I was on top of the world.

I'm totally going to regret this.

Now, I like dollars, I like diamonds...

I felt the music take over my body and guide me into a crowd of people dancing, that were just as lost in the music as I was.

I like stunning, I like shining


When I walked into my friend's party I didn't expect to find my love's fraternal twin sister dancing like she was some sort of seductress. All eyes were on her, and she didn't even notice them.

Shit, my dick is not taking this lightly.

Why am I staring at her? I love Isabel. Isabel Romano is my only love. Though there is no certainty she is my mate, I love her.

You don't know what love is Zane.

I think I do Rafael.

The only love a wolf can experience is with their mate.

Bullshit and Isabel could be our mate.

Blocking out my wolf's stupid thoughts I focus on Alessandra. As I watch her body move to the beat I notice the differences between her and Isabel.

Isabel's eyes were a greenish-hazel color while Alessandra's were a deep brown that glowed golden when her wolf was present.

Isabel is mature and sassy but has a certain authority to her that pulled me to her in the first place. Alessandra is quiet and keeps to herself but demands respect. She's definitely the strongest young female in the pack. To see her like this right now is different that's for sure.

Our relationship is complicated, she can stand me but I know she doesn't like me. Just like I don't like her. She's too reserved and always has a sarcastic reply to everything. Bless Alessandra's mate because I feel bad for the poor guy.

Feeling the people around me shifting from their positions I look up to see what's happening.

Everyone has formed a circle around the middle of the dance floor and as I walk closer I see what's happening.

Slow down

Grab the wall

Wiggle like you tryna make yo' ass fall off

Hella thick I'm gonna smash em all

Speed up

Gas pedal

There in the middle of all this is Alessandra. If I didn't know any better, I'd think she takes dancing lessons. Her hands are touching her body in the most erotic but appropriate way possible. How the fuck is that possible?

Maybe it's only erotic to you.

Goddess, Rafael will you please shut up.

I can smell the lust coming off all the males in the room. I'm fairly certain they can smell mine too, but can they blame me? Before I even know what's happening, I'm already standing behind her. My hands on her hips and her ass on my crotch. We start moving together to the beat and her hands go to my neck.

It's like I'm possessed. I can't help but bring her closer to me.

She has to be intoxicated because Alessandra Romano would never dance with her sister's boyfriend even if her life depended on it. Hell, she wouldn't dance with anyone like this. Period. Let's not mention the fact that she hates me.

Fuck I'm her sister's boyfriend.

I have a girlfriend.

Before she can turn around, I'm gone.

Walking up the steps of this gigantic house, I use my hearing to find Hiro.

"Hiro! Get your ass over here!"

Hiro walks in with a drink in his hand and a blonde on his arm. Typical.

"So I hear you've been doing some dancing huh Zane?"

"Shut it."

"What? Come on man you're going to be the alpha soon! When do you think you're going to have time to party with the hottest girls around again?"

"I've got a girl man."

"A girl that isn't your mate, what do you plan on doing once you find her?"

"Reject her."

This was what I hated about werewolves. We placed this importance on mates and unless the person you were with was your mate, no one really respected your relationship. Isabel and I actually had a real relationship unlike most of the other people our age who just slept around.

The blonde gasps like she just witnessed her favorite character in a telenovela die.

"You can't reject her man, if you were anyone else then maybe. But as alpha you have a responsibility and rejecting your mate will bring this pack to its knees."

"Isabel is more than fit to be a Luna."

"No doubt there, but can she be your Luna? Can she handle you as your mate could? Not to mention an heir can only be produced by two mates."

"My kid will be my problem, not yours,"

"No your lack of kids will be the pack's problem and I'm not sure if they'll handle it well Zane."

"They will stand by their alpha!"

"They won't stand by a weak one! They won't stand by an alpha who denied the most sacred blessing of the goddess!"

"Everything will be fine damn it!"

"No it won't, you know it, I know it, your father knows it, hell even Isabel knows it."

"I love her Hiro, she's my life."

"Wait till you meet your mate, trust me your love with Isabel won't compare to the one you will have with your mate."

"I won't love my mate, she'll never be Isabel."

Pulling the cigarette to my lips I think about what Hiro said. He's right about some things but the fact that I love Isabel doesn't change. I can't give up someone I've spent my whole life with because of someone I don't know.

I know I shouldn't have fallen in love with her, I know that. But now I'm in too deep and I don't think I can escape.

You don't love her, you know that.

I care about her.

Then stop lying to everyone by saying you love her when you don't!

I do love her Rafael, I always will.

Wait till you meet our mate.

I love Isabel and only Isabel.

Really? Then why were you dirty dancing with Alessandra? Why did you feel the need to be with her if you "love" Isabel?

It was a mistake.

You and I both know that if you went in there right now you'd take her to your bed faster than you can blink.

That's not true.

You're lying to yourself Zane, just wait till the time comes.

After that sentence, I tuned him out.

I need to see Isabel.

She's the only one that relieves my stress and takes my worries away. She listens to me and doesn't think of me as an alpha but as a regular person.

Goddess, I love that woman.

I rush over to my car and drive to her house as fast as I can.

We will prove them all wrong Isabel, all of them.

I take the key that the Romanos had given me to use and insert it into the lock and turn. The aroma of their house always brings me peace. It always smells like vanilla in here and it never fails to calm me.

"Yes, Isabel just like that!"

What the fuck?

I can hear the bed squeaking, the floor shaking, and the moaning of Isabel and a male.

Walking up the stairs, I pray that this is all in my head and that the girl I spent years loving isn't making love to another a man. A man that clearly isn't me because my pathetic ass is out here.

I reach Isabel's room. The room that we had spent so much time talking about the future, the future we had planned together.

"What should we name our kids?" Isabel asked.

"Lucile for a girl, maybe as a middle name even," I told her.

"I love that," she replied.

I didn't bother mentioning that if we ended up not being mates, kids wouldn't be in our future. She would be my mate though. I knew it.

Opening the door, the smell of sex hits me in the face. Isabel is on top of a man and looks like she's having the time of her life. Her eyes connect with mine and a sad expression graces her face.

I rip her off of him and start punching him.




Soon his face is purple and covered with nasty bruises. Blood drips from his nose and I'm pretty sure I knocked a tooth out.


"You dare to disrespect your alpha!"

He struggles to keep his eyes open and flashes a cocky smile because he knows there is no way he'll live through this.

"It was worth it," he manages to get the words out of his busted lips.

"You bastard!"

My fist continues to connect with his face. The color of his face morphing from a pale white to dark purple mixed with the crimson red of blood.

"Zane!" Isabel shouts from behind me.

The rage takes over and not even Isabel's desperate cries could make my wolf stop.

Her eyes are glossy and knees trembling in her naked state. She looks at me like I'm a monster, the disgust is clear in her eyes but what sticks out more is fear.

"How could you? You nearly killed him!"

"He knew what he was getting into when he slept with you, and stop it with the theatrics, will you?"

" You monster!" Her words are filled with hate and shock.

"Isabel I'm an alpha, I don't take this shit lightly."

"You aren't alpha yet! I can't believe I loved a monster like you!"

"Maybe you didn't know me at all, because I've always been this way,"

"I hate you! I hate you!"

"Don't talk to me again Isabel, don't even breathe near me!"

"This is all your fault Zane! If you would have just been faithful and didn't go around dirty dancing with some random whore then this would have never had happened!"

"I was faithful! And don't even talk about loyalty with me considering I walked in on you riding a man's dick just now!"

"I did it for revenge!"

"What fucking revenge do you want? I didn't do anything! I barely even danced with her!"

"I bet she seduced you huh? And you just couldn't resist getting your hands on her! Wait till I get my hands on her!!"


"Or what Zane? Are you going to kill me like the monster you are!"

"I loved you! I wouldn't hurt you Isabel!"

"If you loved me you wouldn't have danced with some random slut, but of course you did like the man whore you are!"

Somewhere inside of me, rage bubbles as she calls Alessandra a whore and a slut.

"Dancing and fucking aren't even on the same spectrum Isabel!"

"I don't even regret it! He made sure to make me feel so good!" her eyes glimmer with victory. I couldn't believe my eyes. Isabel Romano was the sweetest person I knew, how was she capable of doing something so hateful? It was like looking at a stranger.

"If you don't want to me fucking kill you right now Isabel you better shut your damn mouth!"

My wolf pushed forward, he demanded respect and Isabel was not giving it. The look in her eyes was the epitome of fear. The fear that was instilled in others was like a drug for alphas. It gave them a sense of power and fed their need to be superior, and I loved it.

"You are not my mate, you will never be my mate, and quite frankly I don't give a shit with who you sleep with because I don't care about you any more than a pack member!"


I felt myself regaining control of my body and I pushed forward.

"I'm going to make your life a living hell Isabel and don't you forget it."

Satan is going to start asking me for tips when I'm done.

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