Love At First Fight (Michael...

De wonder_itself

66K 2.3K 758

Michael Jackson is the head of his company, and puts work first after his ex-wife destroyed his respect for l... Mais



1.1K 43 17
De wonder_itself

"Hey guys," Michael smiles, sitting down at the booth again, "What'd I miss?" He asks, looking between the both of us as my mouth still hangs open and my brother has a slick grin on his face, "Jamie?" He asks, concerned, placing a hand over mine. I look to him and back to Jesse before shutting my mouth.

"Oh, nothing. You missed nothing." I say quickly.

"Well obviously it had to be something. Your jaw was practically on the floor when I came back here." He smirks, placing his phone in his pocket.

"Who were you on the phone with?" I ask, staring down at his pocket as I try an change the subject.

"Oh, I was on the phone with Janet," Michael smiles, "She says hi." He says sweetly. I nod, looking back to my brother who is staring down a waitress across the room. I roll my eyes and look back to Michael.

"How's work going? Anything new?" I ask. He chuckles, shaking his head.

"I uh, didn't ask. We weren't talking about work." He winks, causing me to shake my head.

"So what are you going to eat?" I try and change the subject again as I flip through the sticky menu.

"Damn, I don't know," he sighs sexily, leaning into me, "I was thinking I could have you." He smirks, causing me to choke on nothing. This turns Jesse's attentions back to us as I pat my chest.

"James, you alright?" He asks, leaning against the table. I choke out one last time before taking a swig of water.

"Oh yeah, just fine," I hold a tight smile, "I just choked on my own spit."

"Oh, okay," he sighs, leaning back, "Do you guys know what you want to eat?" He asks, causing me to turn to Michael.

"I do." Michael winks suggestively making me roll my eyes.

"Yeah me too." I mumble as the waiter comes up to our table.

"Hey guys, how are you doing today?" He asks, winking at me specifically. Michael places an obvious hand on my thigh and holds a tight smile.

"Oh, we're fine, and you?" He asks sarcastically. I turn to him, nudging his shoulder as my brother lets out a snort. I look to him, furrowing my brows.

"Oh, I'm good. What can I get for you today?" The waiter continues to stare at me.

"I'm gonna get the chicken parmesan." I smile, handing him my menu.

"Same here." Michael mumbles.

"Hey, me too!" My brother exclaims, "Chicken Parm all around." He smiles, holding his arms over the table causing me to giggle and Michael to let out a low chuckle.

"Wow, that was easy," The waiter smiles, winking at me again before collecting all of the menus off of the table. Michael reaches down and runs a hand along my inner thigh as he walks away. I inhale sharply, placing my hand over his.

"He wants you." Michael whispers in my ear as my brother looks down at his phone.

"Well he can't have me." I sigh as he moves his hand closer to the heat between my thighs.

"Why's that?" He smirks, kissing my ear.

"I'm interest in someone else." I mumble, watching my brother.

"Really? Who's that?" He grins, placing his hand on my jean-covered labia.

"Ryan." I smirk, causing him to remove his hand immediately.

"Really?" He sighs with frustration. He knows I'm kidding, but he's still pissed.

"Michael," I sigh, "You know I'm not interested in him."

"Who, the waiter or Ryan?" He scoffs, standing from the table.

"What about Ryan?" My brother lifts his head, smirking.

"Michael," I sigh, staring at him. He avoids my eyes as he looks to my brother.

"It was nice meeting you, Jesse." He states, throwing down a $100 dollar bill on the table before walking away.

"Michael," I call, going to stand. He continues to walk out the door as my brother grabs my wrist.

"Let him cool off. He obviously likes you, why in the hell would you bring Ryan up?!" He exclaims, holding his hands out.

"I don't know, it was a joke. He knew I was kidding but I didn't think it would upset him that much. I mean, jeez. Obviously I like him." I mumble, folding my arms.

"Oh, so you like him now?" My brother smirks, folding his arms as well.

"I don't know," I sigh, "He's so... complicated."

"Well obviously he's not just Janets brother to you. I mean, James," he smiles, looking around, "I haven't seen you this happy since you and Adam were dating." He shakes his head, recalling the asshole that is Adam, "What a dick anyways. I mean who the hell just-"

"Forget about it," I interrupt, "I try to forget it, you should too." I murmur, leaning against the table.

"Michael isn't Adam, Jamie. Is that it? Is that why you guys aren't dating yet?" He raises his brows.

"I know, but Adam was nice in the beginning" I sigh, avoiding his question, "How do I know Michael won't do the same thing?" I sigh, holding my head in my hands.

"You don't. But let me tell you, I never liked Adam. I always knew there was something off with him." He snarls, tapping his foot against the ground.

"Michael scares me, Jesse," I begin, causing his brows to shoot up. I shake my head, holding out my hand, "Not in that way. He's just so intimidating in the best way. He's rich, he's super nice sometimes, but a complete jackass other times. I don't know. I haven't dated anyone since Adam. Besides, Adam and I only dated in the beginning. After that... it was just two people living in a house." I roll my eyes.

"Adam is an asshole, James. He didn't know how to treat a woman right. Michael obviously has some sort of pull on you. You were just about to go after him. He's doing something to you." He winks, "Besides you never answered my question from before." He smirks.

"I told you I haven't dated anyone since Adam." A smile tugs at my lips.

"You don't have to date to do the nasty." My brother says a bit too loud, causing me to look around.

"We haven't done the nasty." I roll my eyes, knowing it's not a complete lie.

"All I'm saying is that Michael could be the one. I'm not stupid. He's obviously not here on business unless all of his rendezvouses are in the middle of the night." My brother raises a brow, "He probably came to Texas for no reason other than to be with you."

"Michael is here on business, Jess. It was just a coincidence that he had some work to do here as well." I try to convince him.

"Whatever, James," he laughs, "I'll grab yours and Michael's stuff. Go get your man." He winks. We both stand one at a time and Jesse pulls me into a hug.

"I love you." I sniff into his shoulder.

"Stop that, you're gonna make me cry." He says sternly, causing me to giggle.

"I'm sorry. I just miss you and Mum a lot," I sigh, "I hope she gets better."

"She will, James. Don't worry, I'm holding down the fort here." He smiles as we pull away.

"Okay, I'll see you later brother." I smile, grabbing my things.

"You got that right. Coming to the hospital tomorrow?" He asks, sitting back in the booth.

"For sure," I smile, walking away, "See ya!"


15 minutes later and I'm standing at Michaels door. I've tried to knock about ten times and nothing. I can't bring myself to do it.

"Get it together." I murmur to myself, knocking on the door, making it creek open a bit. I furrow my brows, pushing it a bit to make sure I'm not seeing things.

"Michael?" I gasp, walking into the dimly lit room. I look around and candles are lit everywhere around the suite. Rose petals coat a path to the master bedroom causing my curiosity to grow. I slip off my shoes and place my things int he corner beside the coat rack. I follow the path into the bedroom where Michael is standing with a rose in his hand.

"Come here baby. I think I owe you an apology." He smiles sexily, reaching is hand out to me as I fold my arms, shaking my head.

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