Satisfied Yet? // KtH

By taechoppa

20.4K 734 449

"Don't press my patience. You're far from having me on my last nerve, and you don't want to see me acting on... More

31 (holy watah +21)
32 (holy watah +21 pt2)


491 20 12
By taechoppa

Taehyungs POV

"What happened?" Baekhyun asked as he saw me on the ground struggling to get up. My blood was now dried as he came over to help me up. I sat on the edge of the bed and forced to catch my breath. "Tell from the beginning." He ordered and I nodded.

"The day Y/N came, I took a nap when then I had a dream, which turned out to be real, lucid. Jackson was there and I couldn't control myself anymore."


Shes about to come and I just finished looking at all her background information. I immediately fell on my bed ready to take a quick nap. "How come someone so pretty is a daughter of a wrench?" I asked as I closed my eyes. Darkness engulfed me rapidly and all I could do was stand in the middle of it. Another figure formed and I couldn't make it out clearly.

"Long time" The voice made me scrunch up in disgust and I bit my lip. "This is a dream." I told myself. The figure shrugged his shoudlers and finally showed up. "You can think like that if you want." He said.

My first intention was to land a punch square on his jaw. Instead, I kicked him in his crotch. "Get the fuck out my dreams." I demanded and he chuckled. "Fuck no." He dealed and I raised an eyebrow. "Wh-"

His fist punched directly in to me and I groaned. "What do you want this time!" I shouted and immediately pulled my fangs out. "That girl. Through you." He said making me more confused. "Listen here you piece of shit, you leave me alone. If you hurt her then I will kill you." I threatened.

He smirked and I stepped forward as he stepped back. "Sounds like you care for her. You didn't even meet her yet. Oh wait you need her for your plan. Oh by the way... too late." He said then disappeared with a flash of blue. I was brought into a different form. I saw everything happening but I wasn't the one controlling myself. Y/N came into the room and my actions walked towards her.

"So you're the girl. More than I expected." Jackson said through me. Y/N looked down and Jackson moved her hair away from her neck. My fangs came out and he leaned into her neck but thankfully he couldn't bite her. That's my job. Her voice was so soft, and her eyes held so much innocence yet she seemed to come off as strong. She's lovely. Jackson attempts to touch her in different places but her confidence didn't allow it.

I'm going to slaughter Jackson with his own fucking knife.


"And the same thing happened today but our mental fight impacted my real self." I said pointing out the scars and bruises on my neck and arms. "But I was messed up. I was myself when I bit her and I wasn't necessarily being kind. I don't know something just got over me and I had to taste her. And then she was so vulnerable. Being a man, it did something to me." Baekhyun sighed and hugged me. I flinched in both pain and surprise but gave in and hugged back.

"I'm so sorry Taehyung. I'm not being a good cousin. All I do is listen to you and sit around when I should be with the family." He confessed. I shook my head and pulled back. "You are protecting us, that's why you took a break from your job to visit us." I said. In reality, he sacrificed almost everything just to make sure we were fine.

"So wait, why didn't you tell Y/N this when you were apologizing? You let her believe you were doing it." He asked and I sighed. "She knows who Jackson is, and things have happened. I don't want to come out as weak. I want to be strong in front of her and protect her from these types of things." I frowned.

"Says the one who 'doesn't care what happens to her'." Baekhyun chuckled and shook his head. "You are not weak." He spoke up again. And I smirked. "I know" He laughed and I smiled. "Now go get a first aid kit." I hit his head playfully and he chuckled. "AIsh ok.. go to sleep after cause it's getting late."



The next day I knocked on Y/N's door and heard a small 'come in'. I came in and cleared my throat. She looked up at me, fully healed and smiling, and ran up to me. "A-are you feeling better?" she asked. Her worried eyes made me weak and soft. "I'm fine. And you?" I asked she smiled and nodded. "I'm good." She played with her fingers behind her back which I found adorable.

"I-i have a question." She said I hummed in response and sat on her bed. "Who is Jackson. His name is familiar bu-"

"Hey Y/N want to go to the aquarium?" I asked making her eyes widen. "How dare you!!!" She stood up making me worried. "I-I'm so sorry I d-"

"Why would you even ask!!! of course!!!" She smiled and jumped up and down before hugging me tightly. I chuckled and held onto her waist. I pouted when she pulled back, it was comfy with her in my arms as if she's meant to be there.

"Well then let's go" I dragged her with me and she followed like a lost puppy. She's adorable.


I took pictures of her as she named the fishes and stared at the new creatures. "That's a narwhal!" She said while gasping. I chuckled as she dragged me there and put her hand on the glass. "Since this one is special, I'm gonna name it after you." She said and smiled at me before looking back at the narwhal.

A smile never left my face as she stared at the Narwhal. My heart beat faster then usual and a shade of red blushed my cheeks. It's a good thing the indoor Aquarium was dark so you couldn't see the color on my cheeks. I back hugged her and rested my head on her head. "Oh Tae say hi to Tae." She said while pointing to the baby narwhal with a small horn sticking out.

Chuckling once more, I kissed her cheek making her stiffen then relax. "Can we see the penguins next?!?!" She asked and turned around in the embrace. I nodded and I ran after her when she went off. "Y/N-ah you can't run off or else I'll loose you!!" I said holding onto her waist. She looked up at me and smiled. "Sorry Oppa"

She looked ahead and I blushed furiously. Her eyes widened all of a sudden and I looked to where her eyes met.

"N-no!" She cried and fell to the floor while covering her ears with her hands. I worriedly dropped to her side. I need to keep her safe.

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