My Mate Is A Spy?!

By Jay_Winchester55

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A spy and a werewolf? Who would have thought that would ever happen? Chase is the number one spy. He isn't... More

My Mate is a Spy?
The case.
First day
Brotherly Love
Trouble is everywhere.
Who are you?
Police stations. Enough said.
Story time kids
Questions and Answers Now
Story of a lifetime.
What the hell is going on?
Spending time.
New news
This day just got better.
School again?
Good day or bad day?
Chase asked me what!
Sister bonding
Another Car Chase
My Day In A Nightmare
Stories of my past
Today is the Day
Authur's Note
Welcome Back
My Mom Is Alive.
We Have to Escape.
Our Escape
Finally We're All Home.
Good Morning?
Mutual likes different people
Coming back to a nightmare
Going Home
The wish.
The End

I'm Home and Hooked?

24 0 0
By Jay_Winchester55

Chapter 21

*Jaycie's POV*

I woke up felling my head as it hurts.

"Oh gosh. What's with the killer headache?" I groaned in a cracked voice. "Owe. Why does it hurt to move my arm?"

I opened my eyes and was confused, what the heck is going on? I see Chase coming in and he saw that I was awake and trying to get up.

"Hey, hey, you should lay down." He said to me as he brought me a drink.

I shook my head and sat up.

"How did I get here? I don't remember anything until I got shot at the precinct. Gosh my head hurts a whole lot." I said after I drank the water.

"You don't remember being at the hospital?"

"What? Please, I... Wait what?!?" I said. "I was at the hospital? Is that why I am hooked up to this contraption?"

I was confused I had no idea what was actually going on.

"You were at the hospital. I got a friend of mine to get you to be here. You're home now. Also your leg will heal soon. The doctor I asked for is a werewolf, but he's an old friend of..." Before he could go on I hugged him and kissed him multiple times on his cheek and neck.

"You don't even know how much I appreciate this or am liking you more and more." I said to him.

He was frozen a bit as he touched his cheek. He was turning red which made me smile and laugh just a little. He was sitting on the bed with me just getting a smile on his face.

"You know you surprise me every time I see you." He said touching my cheek.

"Is that a good thing or no?" I asked.

"It's a great thing." He said.

Then there was a knock on my door.

"Come in!" I said.

"She's awake? I thought you guys said she was asleep?" Talon whispered. "I was expecting Chase to answer me."

"Talon you suck at whispering." Chase and I said only instead of giving each other distaste at what we did, we laughed.

They opened the door and came inside. Only Tessa ran in and hugged me.

"Don't do that ever again! Don't you make me do that ever again! I can't believe you did that to me!  Me! Jaycie! I can't believe you did that! You scared the living crap out of me! I'll never talk to you if you ever jump out of another car I drive! I hate you for doing that!" She cried.

"I love you to sister." I said hugging her back.

"Don't you dare do that to me. I'm mad at you." Tessa said.

"Then why are you hugging me?" I teased.

"Just enjoy the damn hug I'm giving you while you can, because this is the last one I'll ever give you ever!" She said.

"So as long as I live you only give me one hug?" I said with a gasp. "That's not fair!"

"Well too damn bad!" She said while she sniffled.

Then I smelt something. I sighed I know that smell to well.

"Who drank or is drinking?" I asked.

"No one is drinking." Justin said. "Alright I smell it to. Who is that?"

Then I remembered only one person who always comes to my house to see me when their drunk.

"Shit." I hissed as I stood up grabbing the crutches I saw. "Oh crap, oh crap, oh crap! I almost forgot about them. Fuck."

"Is Jaycie cursing?" Morse asked.

"Jaycie what are you doing?" Chase asked as he went after me.

"Stay in my room." I said as I got the things unhooked. Crap that hurts. I continue to keep going even though they are calling after me. I go down stairs noticing Paul was looking around as well as Xander. Once they saw me they were automatically concerned, but I told them I'm fine and that they should stay. Although they didn't take the hint, I kept going. When I saw the idiot outside sitting on a huge stone my mom and I put there I crutched over. He was still drinking his stuff until I sat down and took it away from him.

"Hey! What's that for?" He pouted.

"You were doing well and now you screw up on your sober days? What the heck Jack! They said at the school that they would take you back and not tell your parents if you knock it off! Jack, I'm not suppose to be your care taker! I'm not always here and you know that!" I said to him throwing the bottle away from him but making sure I keep a good grip on it since I can't run after him.

"I don't need a care taker. Ny booze is nough." He said mispronouncing his words. "It keeps those dumb shits away from meeeee now woesn't itshh?"

"Shut the heck up! Knock it off now! You can't even speak properly! How much have you had?" I asked him.

When someone else showed up I saw it was Tania. She was looking at me with utter astonishment. Oh shoot I still have the bottle. I look at the bottle then to her. I notice Skull got here as well looking at me with the same astonishment.

"Just a little and I want more now wivvv me meh bottle backsss!" Jack said.

I held it far from him.

"No! Sit down mister! I'm mad at you right now." I said as I held him far from me with my good leg. He slumped back onto the rock with a pout.

"But Jayyyyyyciiiieeee! If I'mmm not drrrriinkinng my my my d-d-driiink I'll rememmmber. I don't want toooo!" He complained.

"Jack, you are not drinking!" I said each word loudly and he winced.

"You sound like a banshee." He complained more.

"You sound like a kid having a tantrum!" I quipped back.

"I do not!" He said while laughing.

"Oh god." I complained. "I get this is your escape from those times they took us, but you need to find a new escape."

He sighed as he laid on my thigh.

"I'm just going to go to sleep like last time. Night Jay." He said with a yawn.

I sighed and rolled my eyes. I noticed everyone was out and Talon looked curiously at me. Although Chase looks mad at something. Paul face palmed his forehead and grumbled.

"How many times has Jack done this to you?" Morse asked.

"Ya'll don't know him. It's fine. Also I think I need your help Paul and Xander. I need you to put him in my room." I said.

"As always." Paul said with a slight smile.

"What do you mean as always? Who is this and why does he do that? Why didn't you tell anyone about this?" Chase asked.

"Chase, I've been a great friend to Jack. When he's sober he is a great one to. I didn't tell anyone about this because I didn't. I'm not going to rat out Jack. If his parents gets wind that he's drinking again they are going to blame it on themselves. His parents are great people but they are always busy. Plus he does this to escape them. He believes drinking keeps them away and it keeps the memories away." I said as I frowned messing with Jack's hair.

He was still mad though as Paul helped him up and Xander helped him take him.

"In your room though? Does it have to be your room?" He asked.

"Yes it does have to be my room. What is so wrong with it?" I asked throwing my hands in the air.

"IT'S A GUY! Also you should be in bed not letting him in the bed."

"You make me sound like a slut. I'll go back to my bed then, but if your going to be like this Chase I don't want you here." I said doing my best to get up and successfully I do get up.

"Jaycie." Justin says.

"Please not right now. I'm getting a drink and going to get some food. Then I'm going back in my bed like I should be." I said with a sigh.

"I'll help along with Talon and Link. Morse can you go get some take out? Tania and Thalia can you guys go with Morse?" Justin said and they all agreed.

Chase looked annoyed as well as Skull.

"Seriously, Chase. You need to calm down." He said with a shake of his head.

I was inside though. I started for up stairs and started to wonder, how the hell did I get down the stairs so successfully? I sighed as I started to head up slowly and carefully. I almost fall to only have someone catch me and pick me up. It was Chase. He carried me up as I crossed my arms.

"Okay, I know I'm in the wrong and I'm sorry. Forgive me?" He asked me.

I looked at him and looked at him real good. From what I hear from Skull he doesn't apologize a whole lot. I think about it and sigh as I give in. I hug his neck and kiss his cheek to surprise him. He looked a bit surprised but he just smiled.

"Are you going to keep kissing me?" He asked with a chuckle.

"I've only kissed your neck and cheek a few times at my house." I said like it was no big deal.

"You kissed me few times there as well when we were at the hospital as well." He said.

"I don't remember, and I can say that I think that you were jealous when I said that he can go in my room. Also when Paul said as always I think your jealous." I said teasingly.

"I am not." He said.

"If there is one thing in this world I can detect more than anything it is when someone is telling the truth. Also by that look you gave back there it tells me you were jealous." I said with a smug look.

"You sure about that?" He asked.

"I sure can. Ok when it comes to this I can. I know I was jealous once even though I kept denying it." I confessed.

"If I admit I was jealous will you tell me why you were jealous?" He asked.

"I will if you promise over...Skull's life that you were jealous and mean it." I said.

"What if it kills Skull?"

"Then I know you were lying and you just killed your friend and my best friends mate." I said.

"Darn." He said with a slight chuckle. "Okay, I swear over Skull's life that I was really jealous, and I mean it."

"See it wasn't that hard now was it?" I asked him.

"It was in front of you." He said. "I've never actually admitted to anyone that I am or have dated that I was jealous. Although they thought I was I never really was. Except this time I was and admitted it."

"We all do new things in life." I said.

"Will this be new to you as you tell me why you were jealous?" He asked.

"I've told guys about the things I was jealous of before."  I said nonchalantly.

"Even your boyfriends that you had before me?"  He asked.

""  I said and we laughed a little as we were finally in my room.

"Who did you date before me?"  He asked.

"Shhh...  Paul doesn't know.  He's been dying to know ever since I told him I have dated people without him or Dad knowing.  Dad found out as well, but my mom knew."  I said with a reminescent smile.  "My mom and I would always sneak off and go to our favorite diner across town to get milkshakes and talk about it.  It was so much fun.  I felt as if it was just me and a friend sneaking out and having fun talking about our boyfriends and ex's even though my dad and her were married she talked about him and her ex boyfriends.  It was always thrilling to hear about her stories of her youth.  It seemed so much better than my life at the time.  I was actually pretty jealous, but then I remembered what I had and what she didn't have when she was younger."

"What was that?"  He asked just making me look up at him with a bigger smile.


Hey ya'll!

I finally updated this chapter into this book.  I actually have to say I am kind of liking how I write this story.  Although, I might have to make a lot of readjustments when I am done with this book.  I think so far I am going at a good pace.  Also remember all of this is coming from the top of my head.  When I write I try to make a lot of scenarios for this book or any book I write.  I also am really trying not to put so much curse words.  I am also trying my best to not say them as well.  Also for all of you readers that don't like it I will try and think of other words to replace them.

Anyways though, I hope you like this chapter.  I think it is a bit rough on my part as I had to rethink it, although I did not rewrite it.  I had to stop writing and do some work for summer school, let's hope I maintain an A in this class I am in though.  I also stop writing and lose my thought when ever my dad calls me or when my dad and his wife and kids need me to do something.  Also when they tell me that we are leaving or about to eat is when I stop writing and sometimes lose my train of thought.

I hope all ya'll are having an amazing summer!  I hope ya'll have a great life!  Lastly I hope ya'll comment, vote, and or follow me.  Also read my other stories.  Also if ya'll think I should make a facebook page for any of my books then comment below!  Another thing before I stop typing and hopefully actually fall asleep since it is 3:19 in the morning in Hawaii where I am, I want you guys to help me decide whether or not I should keep characters or not keep characters or if I should put more scenes with characters you like.  Also tell me which character in this book is your favorite.  I also need a new cover for this book as I am not quite liking the cover I put on it.  Just message me through inbox, comment, or put it on my message board.  What ever you would like to do, or don't do any of it.  Totally fine with me, but this book would be so much better if ya'll helped out and it would make it easier on me.


P.S. I actually highly doubt I'll actually get any sleep.  Another thing is that I will add in something to tell you what the characters in this book look like, which I probably should of already done by now, but I think I've never described a few of my characters.  A thing that I will try to do better on and well just overall improve on my diction.  Have a good morning, evening, afternoon, or night as I don't know where any of you people live!

I think I should try and go to sleep now. :|

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