Am I still Invisible?

By LostBandGirl

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High School. That awkward place where everyone is grouped in cliques unless you are invisible. 16 year old Ri... More

Chapter 1: I am Invisible
Chapter 2: Crash
Chapter 3- Talking to Mr. Abercrombie and Fitch
Chapter 4- The Universe performs Tricks
Chapter 5- How are we Related?
Chapter 6- Prickling, Tingling and Alerts?
Chapter 7- I Need a Party
Chapter 8- Glasses and a Staircase
Chapter 9- Why Me?
Chapter 10- Dad's Home.
Chapter 11- Me vs The Hellhole
Chapter 12- Am I Normal?
Chapter 13- From Romantic Comedies to Horror
Chapter 14- The Agreement
Chapter 15- A Clean Break
Chapter 16- Licorice
Chapter 17- A house full of Enemies.
Chapter 18- Dylan Roberts Is Not A Turd
Chapter 19- Explanations and a Perfect Execution
Chapter 21- Our Mini Italy and Family Pranks
Chapter 22- Biting My Tongue (not)
Chapter 23- The Cycle of Sleep Deprivation
Chapter 24- The Stairway to Frenzy
Chapter 25- Heartbreak or Betrayal
Chapter 26- Sucker Punched
Chapter 27- An Impromptu Road Trip
Chapter 28- The bednapper
Chapter 29- Friendship and Loveship
Chapter 30- A trip to Uni
Chapter 31- Being part of the Bridal Party

Chapter 20- Whipping their Sorry Butts

340 17 26
By LostBandGirl

Disclaimer- you are about to enter a highly UNEDITED area. Be cautious

Chapter 20

Whipping Their Sorry Butts

"Wait, so your brother just signed you up to join the team because he thought you could beat half the guys?" Sandra asks me.

I have told her this six times. What about this is so hard to comprehend? Maybe it's just Monday morning memory loss.

"Yes Sandra. Did you expect the answer to magically change in the last minute?"

She rolls her eyes at me. I can't help it. I become sarcastic and snappy when I am nervous, under a lot of stress or angry That often leads to mean and demeaning comments leaving my mouth involuntary. To be fair, I always apologized the next day because I hate feeling guilty for hurting someone else's feelings when they didn't deserve it. If they deserved it...well that's a different story.

"What I don't get is why you agreed. I mean, he just forced it on you and playing soccer involves physical activity and exercise. Why would you put yourself through that torture?" Nataka asks me with genuine concern.

"Just because you're lazy and unfit that doesn't mean the rest of us enjoy being like that. Besides, some of us have to work to keep in shape. And he didn't force it on me. I went along with it because I have missed playing soccer since I gave up last year."

"It is still a form of torture."

"Oh shut up Nataka. All I asked is if you guys would support me. Now are you going to do it or not?"

My friends all look at each other quietly and instantly I feel guilty.

"Sorry. I am just really stressed and nervous. What if I fall on my ass?"

"You'll be fine. Don't worry. You play really well. Unfortunately Selena and I can't make if because we have a business studies project. Gemma has a home economics practical for extra credit and I know Nataka has to baby sit Michael. Sandra will definatley go- right Sandra?" Prissie says wrapping her arm around my shoulder.

"Of course I will. I wouldn't miss the chance to watch her fall flat on her ass." Sandra jokes.

I laugh but it is a strange laugh because of the tension in my nerves.

Today is going to be one interesting day and, as if it isn't bad enough already, I still have to deliver Jake's message to Sandra. I didn't have the guts to do it yesterday.

If this nervousness doesn't kill me today, then I will end probably up tripping on the soccer field and snapping my neck. If I do die on the soccer will Pete get the blame since he signed my up? I really hope so.

It is at the precise moment I notice a tall lanky kid walking past me. He is wearing a ski mask and green turtle neck.

I nearly shit myself. Not at my brother's extreme vanity but at the fact that he forgot gloves. So there are two very large, orange hands sticking out from that puke green sweater.

Hint: Puke green wool and orange skin do not look attractive.




The last bell of the day sounds and it is almost as if I am hearing a battle cry calling me to war.

I walk to the girls bathroom and change into an old kit of mine. The whole time my stomach feels like it is about to flip over and tie itself up into a not.  This is the first time that a girl has tried out for a boy's soccer team let alone the open soccer team. I can't help picturing myself slipping and sliding on the field, panting because I can't keep up or falling on my ass multiple times. What adds to my nervousness is that Logan, the d*ckhead from English, is trying out for the team as well. If I do something stupid around him I will never hear the end of it.

Almost as if coming to save me from driving myself mentally insane, Prissie and Nataka walk into the bathroom right then.

"Okay, why do you look like you are about to puke and then hide in the bathroom stall till you are old and wrinkly?" Prissie asks.

"Because that was my plan," I reply, "What are you two doing here? I thought you were busy."

"Turns out that Michael has a parent-teacher meeting after school anyway so his Mom let me off the hook." Nat answers jovially.

Michael is Nataka's thirteen year old neighbour whom she babysits for every time they are in desperate need of help. Apparently he is a little demon child so she hates babysitting for him but her parents force her to do it so that she can learn 'work ethic' and make friends with the neighbours. This was the one thing they gave her to do which they stood firmly on and didn't let her nagging and begging get to them and persuade them to let her quit.

" Why are you so nervous Riley? I mean you are a Harper and not just any Harper but you are RILEY HARPER," she yells the last bit.

"So, that doesn't take away the fact that I am probably going to be the shorest one there, am going to fall on my ass millions of times, am going to be laughed at for thinking I could play with the boys and much more. Also, I will probably have to carry around the humiliation for the rest of my life." I answer dejectedly.

"Riley. You are going to do fine. You are going ot do better than fine- you'll be fantastic,"

"Extraordinary," Nataka adds






"The epitome of perfection."



"The fact is. You'll do insanely well. Pete and all of us believe in you. Go out there and run circles around those boys. Prove to them the strength of a female. And who cares if they laugh, you have always got us. We have been laughed at and teased our whole life because we were never popular- so what of they laugh a bit more? We will deal with it and hold our heads high because we support you and what you are trying to do. So go out there and play your heart out and don't come back with any regrets. We believe in you- now you just need to believe in yourself," Prissie says as she wraps her arm around my shoulder.

I can almost feel tears well up in my eyes. Her us of the word 'we' was what really got to me. All my friends had so much faith in me that they were willing to take their share of the teasing if I failed.

I was determined to prove them wrong.

I hugged both of them, thanking them profoundly for making my day and making me feel better, Prissie's words had tamed the beast of nerves in my stomach a tiny bit making it more bearable.

I thanked them again for pushing back their events to come and give me this huge amount of support in such a limited time.

"Where do you think you are going?" Nataka asks with one eyebrow raised.

"To the field?" I reply. Why is she looking at me like that?

"Did you forget that I am not babysitting Michael. Therefore I can stay and support you a.k.a watch you fall and embarrass yourself."

It actually had slipped my mind but before I could tell her that Prissie interjects.

"Nataka. How dumb are you child? It is to soon to be making 'you are going to fail' jokes. You do that after she gets into the team or you will just make her nervous again and undo whatever good I did." Prissie says before smacking Nataka on the arm.

"No, it's really okay Priss. I am fine. Yes Nataka, it did slip my mind. Now would you get a move on before I set Prissie on you for being the slowest damn boat to China."

Nataka starts to walk out the bathroom and I follow her. We walk towards the home economics classroom, which is strategically placed at ground level so that there are lots of doors to escape out of in case of a fire (to be fair it was not Nataka's fault that she doesn't have enough logic to remove the polystyrene tray before placing the frozen pizza into the oven- needless to day she failed.)

Sannie walks out the minute we arrive and Gemma waves and mouths good luck before continuing to make these delicate edible flowers for her cake. Of course her cake looks the best - courtesy of the fine skills she acquired in France and Italy over the years.

Then I notice Selena is there trying to snipe a flower from Gemma before being swiftly smacked with a spoon. She holds her hand as she runs over and gives me a big hug telling me that I will do just fine and not to worry.

I hope she is right.  I simply cannot help but be nervous. It's terrifying to think that not only will I be representing myself but also my family and more important the right women have to equality.

Just then Seth does that little half-jump-half-walk thing people do down the stairs. He looks really good in his faded and distressed black jeans which a grey shirt and his lettermen jacket. I did mention he played baseball right? Well he does. And, he plays football as well. Just saying.

"Hey babe," He says as he grabs me into a swift and strudy hug. The safeness of it does a little to calm me down but the nerves are steadily working on defeating this calming agent. Seriously, those damn nerves need to chill and give me a f*cking break.


"How are you feeling?"

I look up at him and give him my best 'are-you'f*cking-serious' looks. Is he dimwitted or something? How does he think I am doing? I mean- common sense people!

"Well I am just f*cking cheery. My nerves are totally not trying to give me a panic attack and I have had years of training over these much older and professionally trained guys. Also, don't get me started on the height advantage I have. I mean come on. I tower over those five-foot-ten and above guys," I say with a big fake smile on my face. However, I must admit that the sarcasm helped to calm me down.

I see my brother a.k.a the-amazing-captain-whom-everybody-expects-me-be. In all honesty I have to say; damn you Pete for setting the bar so bloody high. Now everyone thinks I am going to be some soccer- playing prodigy.

"It will be okay. You are a fantastic player and you will whip all their Asses. I have faith in you. Just try your best. Now your brother is calling you to the fields. We will wait for you at the spot."

He words don't really help calm me down but I can't let him know that so I reach up and kiss his cheek.

He does the same and with that he, Nat and San walk over to the hill which over looks the field. We call it 'our spot' because the whole place was never used till we sat there freshmen year. Since the we have been the only ones to use it.  It's our corner of the world because it is just as over-looked at we are.

It also gives a great view of the majority of the school, which included the field.

My friends are probably sitting there so they don't have to sit with the screaming teenage girls on the bleacher. Those girls are crazy. Some are even requesting a skins vs shirts game.

I join my brothers on the field. We all shake our heads and begin our warm-up.




"I told you that you'd be fantastic," Seth says as he grabbed me around the shoulders and plants a light kiss on my head.

"Yeah. You played great Riles." San says enthusiastically, " I am not hugging you though. You are all sweaty and shit. I don't know how Seth is dealing with it."

Seth just shrugs his shoulders and I cuddle up closer into him. He was so supportive this whole time. He clapped every time I got the ball and cheered me on. I really need to return the favour and go to one of his games some time.

That will be one difficult football match- trying to cheer on four people at once.

"I just hope I got into the team," I say rather truthfully. I am irrationally anxious to see if I made it or not.

"Are you kidding. You played brilliantly. You defended like a pro. You literally whipped their sorry butts all over the field. You intercepted with everything you had. And that winning goal you scored at the last minute. Wow. It literally just skimmed under the bar of the goal post and it swung so it looked like you were going to miss until the last minute. The goalie didn't stand a chance. You were on fire. Plus your hair made it look like you were literally in fire. Don't be nervous because I know that you'll make it, ," Seth says reassuringly.

I feel embarrassed at his compliment.

"Thanks," I mumble.

By now we are at the parking lot. I say good-bye to Seth and he goes to his car after telling me he is taking me out on Friday. That was the day the list for the team was announced. I guess he wither planned to be a celebration or make-her-feel-better thing.

"Hey San. Come down to the vending machine with me?"

She nods and walks after me.

Okay Riley, now is the perfect time. Just tell her. Just grow a pair of lady balls and do it.

"Sandra. Jake is in town for the tournament thingy."

She looks at me before subsequently looking downwards at the ground.

"Yeah. I figured." She sounds so...I don't know but something sounds wrong.

"And we had a talk. He gave me a message to give to you." I look up curiously at her. I don't know how she is going to respond to this latest development.

"Yes. Continue. One does not simply leave thy hanging." She answers in the way she does when she is uncomfortable. These are typical Sandra tactics- whenever she wants to avoid talking about something she either jokes or tries to change the subject.

This time she chose a Shakespearean inspired joke. It was original- I'll admit- that I liked it. It was different from Sandra's usual humour of piss-Riley-off-to-get-a-funny-reaction.

"He told me to tell you that he will always love you and will always wait for but he is going to give some space to decide what you want."

Whew. At least that part is done. Now I just have to help my best friend through whatever she is going through after that.

Sandra just nods and continues staring at the ground. Was there a basilisk on the floor or something?

"Yoohoo. Sandra. Are you okay?"

She looks up at me and she looks tired. Not to mention upset.

"Yeah. I am just elated that I got rid of that jerk," She jokes. Her tone however, lacks lightness or happiness.

"Stop it San. You can't try those b*llshit change the conversation tactics with me. I know you too well."

Maybe that was harsh but if I didn't do it Sandra would have kept on attempting to change the subject.

"Look Riley. Thank you for giving me the massage and caring but, I am really not in the mood to talk about it," She said dejectedly.

I nod and decide to give her some space as well. She will tell me whenever she is ready.

By now we are back at the parking lot. I hop into my car and she gets into hers.

Now the only thing I have to be anxious about is the list on Friday. I really hope that I get into the team.

Author's Note

So we haven't chatted in a long time...

If you  are a silent reader take a chance and comment telling me either something random or how your day went. Or both. You Pick.

I again want to thank everyone for the reads. They mean a hell-of-a-lot to me. I am still riding on the wave of 1000 reads. Though it still might seem miniscule to some for me it feels like i am on Cloud 9.

I can actually feel how my writing has improved from my first chapter. Its all thanks to you guys. 

So yeah. If you are interested on a brief update of my life: I just watched blended and laughed my ass off because it was so ridiculous that you had to laugh. 



P.S It feels so strange not typing out Minkmuffs101. 

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