[1] Little Miss Luna. | ✔️

By peardabear

498K 14.4K 2.5K

a small town girl that spends her days taking care of her elderly grandfather meets a handsome man that seems... More

Little Miss Luna Book Two Announcement
A\N: Story Promos
LML Timeline

Volume One ; Bonus Chapter

7.4K 121 42
By peardabear

It's finally June and you know what that means!!

I know a few of you mentioned that you wanted a bit more of Miguel and Alex (which you will definitely get in Volume Two, don't even worry you're little gay butts) But, until then, here is something super lovely and super gay for all of you to enjoy! It's a long chapter dedicated to the first time Miguel and Alex met! There's a bit of fluff but most of it is smut...


If you don't mind commenting and answering; Are you a lesbian? Gay? Bi? Trans? Queer? Or questioning? Female? Male? Gender fluid? Or prefer no label at all? When did you realize you weren't straight or cis? I'm curious as to what my readers identify as.
I'm personally a bisexual female and have been out for two years so it's really exciting to finally celebrate my gayness! Let me know a little bit about you and we can all be gay in the comments together!



Watching Sophie, Miguel's new baby sister, was beautiful. Watching her nervously stumble over her words in the microphone was adorable. The dress she wore complimented her personality and appearance perfectly. Even the ceremony itself was amazing. There were so many people from so many different packs and everyone was having fun. Miguel hadn't even met some of the packs that had attended.

"The Lorton Yews pack? What's a Lorton Yew?" Miguel asked before he took a sip of his scotch drink.

"Lorton is a village of beautiful, open land within the England where our pack mainly stations. In Lorton, we have a tree over a century old as an outstanding landmark. It was actually planted by Luna Andy's great grandfather when he started this pack. He planted it because Yew trees are known to represent longevity and regeneration, two of werewolves greatest traits as supernatural creatures. We cherish that tree as we cherish any Alpha and Luna of this pack." An older man from said pack explained as if he were describing the greatest day of his childhood.

"Wow..." Miguel nodded, taking another sip of his scotch since he didn't have much to say about that. He definitely wasn't going to dive into a conversation about a tree. "Then, What are you guys doing here, in America? Are you only here for the mate ceremony?"

"We're actually here on business. Only a few of us are here but we should be here another year or so. And since our pack have some old ties with yours, Luna Andy couldn't pass up the opportunity to visit." The old man further explained.

Miguel nodded understandably as he reached up to scratch the left side of his neck. He frowned as he touched the spot and it reacted painfully, feeling hot and sensitive. That was a bit odd. Was it the alcohol in his system that made his blood hot? That would maybe pass as an explanation if it had ever happened before but scotch was one of Miguel's favorite drinks. He drank it all the time and was never this uncomfortable.

"Excuse me for a moment.." Miguel forced a smile and turned to disappear into the crowd.

Now that he thought about it, his whole body had been kinda hot for the past hour or so. It wasn't the alcohol, his wolf was perspective enough to tell him that. It was something bigger than that. And the second that thought came to mind, Miguel's eyes widened and his heart rate quickened.

Here? Now? My mate is somewhere in this very ballroom, possibly inches away from me and I don't even know where. Miguel panicked.

Miguel picked up his steps through the crowd as he desperately looked around for his mate. She was here, somewhere. She was close, too. He could even feel his wolves anxiousness as he searched. Even the mate bond knew how close they were and was annoyed by how long it was taking them to find each other. Miguel now understand that the hot and sensitive spot on his neck was where she'd mark him.

Finally stepping on the outskirts of the crowd and stood on his tippy toes to try and see over everybody. Miguel looked at every woman he could spot but felt nothing. Nothing was clicking. In fact, the spot on his neck and the internal pull he felt grew stronger. He was getting too anxious for his own good, violently running his fingers through his curly brown hair. She was somewhere close, he could feel it.

And then Miguel looked left and he froze, as did the world around him.

His eyes stared into another pair, just as dark and deep as they stared right back into his. The wolf that stood a couple feet across the ballroom, his mate, the one person he was meant to love and cherish for the rest of his life, was right in front of him. And, who he thought would be female, was not. That was definitely something Miguel didn't expect.

Yet, as quickly as that realization hit him, it was gone. Miguel wasn't thinking about the fact that his mate was male. Instead, he was thinking about how insanely handsome his mate was. To put it as simply as possible, he was eternal.

The male stood staring at Miguel was obviously larger than him, which he could tell despite how far away they were from each other. His legs were long, arms long, torso long. His shoulders were wide and the curvature of his suit jacket gave away the shape of his muscular frame. Still, the man was slim despite his muscle. Overall, it was clear to Miguel that he was mated to a warrior. He definitely had zero complaints about that.

While further examining his mate, Miguel found himself swooning over the way the stranger had separated and gelled his hair so neatly. He looked sharp with his toned facial features, monolids, muscular but slim frame, and a formal suit. Even his fingers, that were wrapped around his drink, were long, slim, and instantly made Miguel squirm. He really was too handsome for Miguel to think about anything not inadvertently dirty.

Finally dropping his gaze from his mate, Miguel nervously looked around. His insides were even more tangled by his anxiety than before. He couldn't understand how everybody was having a good time in their own little bubbles when this was happening. Miguel had found his mate. The whole ballroom wasn't going to stop and stare until they finally kissed, causing the crowd to wildly cheer like in those cheesy movies?

Miguel was outraged.

Looking at his mate again, Miguel had the initial instinct to run towards him and kiss him as soon as possible. But instead, he decided it would be best not to do that in front of a crowd. As much as Miguel liked and wanted the drama and attention, he wasn't exactly sure he wanted to put this situation in the spotlight just yet. His mate was male, after all, what if he didn't want him and got angry if Miguel drew in everyone's attention.

Quickly forming an alternative plan, Miguel turned and started for one of the exits of the ballroom. Alex instantly perked up as he watched his mate walk off with such quick steps. His heart raced even faster than it already was. Why was his perfect, adorable, tempting mate running away? Did he not like him? He didn't want a male mate? Yeah, it wasn't exactly expected, but Alex was already in love. He didn't want to be rejected.

Aren't you going to follow me? Miguel asked through their newly formed mind-link that had connected the moment they made eye contact.

Alex's breath hitched in his throat at the sound of his mates beautiful voice in his head. He wanted him to keep talking just so he could listen, but following him was the first mission. "Hold this." Alex said, gesturing his drink towards his friend, Seth, without even looking at him.

"Hold- What? Why?" Seth asked as he struggled to get a good grip on it since Alex was already walking away. "Hey! Alex!"

Alex ignored him completely as he kept his eyes set on the doorway that his mate disappeared through. There was a short hallway between the ballroom and the large, spiral staircase that led to the rooms of the Destine Moon pack members. Unsure of where to go or where his mate had run off to, Alex simply headed for the staircase. But, as soon as his hand gripped the railing, Miguel grabbed his wrist and pulled him away from the staircase.

Alex slightly stumbled until his hand braced himself against a wall in front of him. His eyes were quick to discover what was between him and the wall. It was his mate, stood an inch shorter than himself and holding a smug grin on his beautiful face. They were basically under the staircase, which didn't provide much lighting, but Alex could still admire the light in Miguel's dark eyes and the smirk on his face.

The two took a moment to absorb each other's presence, both completely bewildered to have their mate right in front of them. The temptation to touch Miguel was torturous. All Alex could do was ball his fist and tighten his jaw to keep from acting too impulsively. Maybe Miguel wanted to talk first. Maybe he wanted to discuss their situation. They were both male, after all. There was a couple things that needed to be discussed.

"Uhm.. Hi.. Is this the part where we introduce ourselves?" Alex stammered with a low voice, nervously gulping when he realized how lame that sounded.

Miguel's smirk broadened into a toothy smile at that. He had no interest in formally introducing himself. This was his mate. There was no good first impression to make, no need to get to know each other, no need for niceties. They had the rest of their lives for all of that and right now, with all the adrenaline pumping through his veins, all Miguel wanted to do was kiss him. So, he did.

Miguel grabbed Alex's face in his hands and pulled him closer to crash their lips together. Alex braced himself with his other hand on the wall, on either side of Miguel's head, as his lips pressed against his mates. Instantly, a spark of absolute euphoria ran through their bodies. Any nervous tension within them had faded as they kissed and inhaled each other's scent, instantly growing intoxicated with bliss.

The two kissed sweetly for a while, as if formally introducing themselves in a more physical aspect. But Alex quickly grew hungrier, gently cupping Miguel's face and opening his mouth further by tugging his chin down with only his thumb. Alex swiftly slipped his tongue into Miguel's mouth to kiss him deeper. Miguel felt a shiver run up his spine at the way Alex was able to manipulate him in the politest, yet still dominant manner.

Miguel's hands fell from Alex's face as their tongues danced with one another's. Every time Alex felt Miguel's breath on his tongue, heard his heart skip a beat, or felt him shudder in front of him, he grew hungrier. That spot on the left side of Alex's neck was also becoming a concern. His body, and his wolf, was begging for more of Miguel. Simply kissing him wasn't enough to quench his undying thirst.

Blinded by lust, Alex grabbed Miguel by the waist and pulled him flush against himself. That helped just as much as it made the situation worse. Now all Alex could think about was how much clothing was in their way. He wanted to touch Miguel. He wanted to touch his flesh, feel his heartbeat, and bath in his warmth. He wanted more, and under this staircase wasn't where he was going to get more.

The moment Alex pressed their bodies together, Miguel understood Alex's wishes without even asking. The stiff erection pressing against his hipbone was enough to let him know. Feeling Alex's erection pressing against him turned him on, though. Now he was starting to want just the same things, causing him to grab the lapels of Alex's suit to bring him impossibly closer and press his hips further against Alex's.

Just as a delicious moan spilled from Alex's mouth and fell into Miguel's, the sound of a couple girls giggling cut their fun short. Alex separated from Miguel as quickly as he could, wiping the corners of his mouth of any spit before he shoved his hands in his pocket. Miguel also collected himself as he leant casually against the wall under the staircase. The two held each other's stare, silently eye-fucking each other as the girls got closer and closer.

"There's Miguel!" One girl shouted from the staircase above them. They both looked up to see four women staring down at them. "I've been trying to find you! A couple of us are going to the watering hole after the ceremony if you'd like to come with."

Miguel briefly glanced at Alex, which was almost not so brief since he was so distracting. "I would really love to, ladies, but as the Alphas little brother, I've got a lot of people up my ass tonight. I'll let you know, though, if that's alright.."

"Yeah. No problem." They all nodded with bright smiles, some stealing glances at Alex. They were definitely suspicious of the amount of tension between Miguel and this handsome stranger but decided to leave it alone.

The four girls continued up the stairs as Miguel and Alex's gaze found each other again. Neither of them advanced towards the other until they were sure the girls were out of sight. But, even when their giggling was faint, Alex was hesitant. He anxiously balled his fists in his pockets, his eyes still glued to his mate. His thoughts were running wild and Miguel could tell. It slightly worried him.

"I don't know what to address first.." Alex cleared his throat, his thick eyebrows furrowing for a moment. "The fact that you're the Alphas little brother, or that, more people than just me will've been up your ass by the end of the night."

Miguel's eyes widened at the same time that Alex's lips stretched into a cocky and playful smirk. Miguel tried to fake an appalled expression but simply ended up smiling like an idiot. He stepped towards Alex with a firm finger extended towards his handsome mate.

"First of all, who the fuck decided that you got to fuck me?" Miguel sassed, cockily looking Alex up and down as he trapped his bottom lip between his teeth.

Alex straightened out his posture and buffed out his chest, adding another inch to his height. Although, they were almost matched in height, Alex was still bigger than Miguel. That didn't mean Miguel had a small ego or pride, by any means. If he wanted to top, he sure as hell would try. But, admittedly, the image of Alex ramming his ass with his cock had Miguel ready to drag him to his room this very second.

Alex promptly grabbed Miguel by his chin, his grip gentle but dominant as he angled Miguel's face just perfectly so he could stare into his eyes. "I did. I've already decided I'm going to fuck the shit out of you."

Blood rushed to Miguel's groin at Alex's promise as his heart fluttered in his chest. Licking his lips and staring into Alex's eyes, Miguel silently agreed on that decision. He could only imagine how easily Alex could destroy him with the body he was blessed with. Actually, he didn't have to imagine. His room was right upstairs.

There wasn't much that Miguel remembered from here to there. He hardly remembered anything from that night, like he told Sophie the next day. He remembered locking eyes with Alex and talking with him during the night, but the rest was a bit blurry. Miguel was drunk, but not off of liquor. He was so high off the thrill of finding his mate and getting to touch and kiss him that the memory of it all blurred together. He was in a blissful daze.

Even if he didn't remember portions of his night, Alex sure did. He was high off of excitement and arousal, as well, but he wouldn't let the memories evade him. Alex clearly remembered Miguel dragging him up to the third floor and down a long hallway until they reached his room. Alex was quick to notice that Luna Sophie and Alpha Cortez's room was down the same hallway. As was the room that Luna Maria and Alpha Antonio slept in when they visited.

Miguel instantly attacked Alex the moment they entered his room. He captured the warrior in a brave kiss, shoving his tongue in his mouth and kissing him rather wildly. Alex moaned at Miguel's fury as it sparked a bit of fire in himself. He used his big hands to tear open the suit jacket wrapped around Miguel and shimmied it quickly off his shoulders, without once breaking the kiss.

As Alex shed his own suit jacket, Miguel fumbling to help. He didn't even need to help. Alex was effortlessly ravishing his mouth even as he was meticulously unbuttoning the cuffs of his dress shirt. His tongue was so skilled, lips so soft, the taste of liquor in his mouth so delicious. Miguel was melting and falling apart before he even had all of his clothes off.

Nevertheless, Alex didn't mind stripping Miguel himself. He would gladly rip his clothes off to get to his warm flesh.

The back of Miguel's knees somehow found his bed amidst their undressing and prompted him to lower into sitting position. Alex separated from Miguel to rip his shoes and socks off, Miguel falling suit. Alex undressed to his boxers before Miguel managed to and simply stood to admire his mate as he stripped of his pants to also be left in his boxers. It also gave Alex a moment to breathe before he stole Miguel's lips again.

When Miguel looked up, he was awestruck at the view in front of him. Alex somehow looked even bigger without clothes on. He wasn't as big as an Alpha but his body was toned and naturally dominant. The moonlight coming in through the windows of Miguel's room casted beautiful shadows that increased the definition of Alex's body. Miguel was drooling. He wanted to put his hands on every inch of this man's body.

Miguel didn't hesitate to fulfill his own wishes and desires, raising his hands to Alex's thighs. There was minimal hair on Alex's legs and even less on his thighs, which made it easy for Miguel to slide his hands up his skin and beneath his boxers. Alex gulped but didn't move as he waited for Miguel's hands to finally reach for what was calling out to him, almost literally since it was forming a noticeable tent in his boxers.

"I've never touched a man before.. I never really imagined I ever would, either." Miguel said as he stopped under Alex's boxers and grazed his skin with the pads of his thumbs. The gentle gesture made Alex's thigh muscles flinch and dick twitch.

"Have you touched a woman before?" Alex curiously asked, his tone hoarse as he tried to fight a moan.

"No." Miguel answered honestly as he stared up at his handsome mate in the darkness. "Have you?"

Alex didn't answer. Instead, before it became suspicious as to why he hadn't answered, he leant down to capture Miguel in a kiss. It worked too. Miguel instantly melted as Alex worked his tongue to steal dominance and authority in this situation. Miguel's hands were soon on their mission again as he gently grasped Alex's erection underneath his boxers.

Alex moaned at the sudden contact and kissed Miguel impossibly harder, trying his best to completely devour him. Miguel's movements over Alex's dick were sloppy and had no direction. That was expected. Miguel had never touched another man and neither had Alex, so, figuring out how to touch one another was going to be difficult. That didn't mean they weren't going to try.

Placing a hand on Miguel's shoulder, Alex gently guided him back until he was laying down and he could easily climb on top of him. Their legs brushed, hands clawing for each other as they made out. Miguel tried to pull Alex flush against him so he could feel his skin on his own as Alex caressed Miguel's face and then his waist, managing to prop himself up on his free elbow.

Amidst their passionate make out session, Miguel involuntarily rolled his hips to meet Alex's. Both of them moaned at the feeling of their throbbing erections brushing against each other. Again, there was still clothes in their way. So, Alex reached for the waistband of Miguel's boxers and tugged them down his thighs. Miguel wiggled to help with the removal process and then went for Alex's.

"You're going to.. uhm.. put th-that inside of me?" Miguel gulped as he propped himself enough to stare between them as they both laid naked, Alex's erection resting on his thigh.

"That was the original plan, yeah." Alex answered through soft panting, looking between them and then returning his stare to Miguel. He carefully studied the look of uncertainty on Miguel's face. "But we can go for an alternative method if you'd rather not try that tonight.."

"N-no.." Miguel stammered. His eyes lifted to meet Alex's. Again, Miguel was shocked at how attractive Alex was. How could he pass up the opportunity to have this man fuck the shit out of him? "I want it. I want you.. Just never really mentally prepared myself for something like this. I always imagined I'd be fucking a woman."

"Would you rather I be a woman?" Alex couldn't help but ask, even if it wasn't exactly the right time for that kind of discussion.

Miguel let his elbows give out from under him so he was laid back against his bed. He gently shook his head as he held Alex's stare. "No. I want you more than I've ever wanted anything in my life."

Alex felt a heart-shaped arrow shoot through him and pierce his heart at Miguel's declaration. Being wanted was something so, completely, unfamiliar to Alex that it felt like Miguel was speaking a foreign language. And to be wanted more than anything else was heavy. Maybe Miguel was just drunk off lust, or maybe Alex was just in denial.

It was impulsive at this point. To think anybody wanted Alex in their life was so absurd that Alex denied every hint he might've received over the years.

Alex cleared his thoughts for a moment as he tried to get himself back on track. Sex. He wanted to have sex. He wanted to completely devour the man laying before him and he wanted to do it correctly. But, as someone not very well versed on gay sex, Alex went for the first thing he could think of. In order to minimize pain, Miguel needed to be prepped.

Raising his hand, Alex placed two long fingers an inch from Miguel's mouth and nervously gulped. "Open.." Miguel obeyed, opening his mouth. "Now, suck."

Miguel closed his mouth around the two appendages and began sucking on Alex's fingers. Alex instantly gritted his teeth to restrain himself but a low groan still escaped him as Miguel sucked on his fingers. Even his dick twitched at the lewd sensation of having his fingers in Miguel's mouth. The action translated easily to his groin, causing Alex to squirm. Feeling Alex's precum leak on to his thigh turned Miguel on just as much.

"Your spit.." Alex breathed, his eyes glued to Miguel's mouth. "Give me your spit."

The spit in Miguel's mouth was a bit salty from Alex's fingers but he didn't mind. He gathered the spit in his mouth on to his tongue and opened his mouth. Alex carefully lathered his fingers in Miguel's spit, scooping some up for good measure, and retracted his fingers. Gently pushing Miguel's legs open with his other hand, Alex brought his fingers towards Miguel's puckered hole.

"If you're uncomfortable-" Alex started but was quickly cut off by Miguel.

"Just do it." Miguel's fingers balled the blankets beneath him into his fists. His eyes lifted from Alex's fingers, that were nearly dripping with spit, to his dark eyes. "I can take it.."

Both of their hearts raced and chests heaved as they panted, staring intently at each other. Alex decided to listen and lined Miguel's hole with his own spit. The spit had cooled on his fingers, causing Miguel to flinch and clench at the odd sensation. Carefully, Alex began pushing one finger passed Miguel's entrance. The boy beneath himself stilled, a mangled sound escaping him as his eyes squeezed shut. Alex patiently waited as Miguel calmed himself.

When Miguel let up, Alex continued to push his finger inside until he hit his last knuckle. Miguel's awkwardly squirmed and muttered whines as Alex tested the water. He moved his finger inside of Miguel's ass, feeling his warm walls dance around him. He slightly twisted his finger and suddenly hit a particular spot that had Miguel's whole body jolting in response. Involuntarily, a lewd moan poured from Miguel as Alex found his prostate.

Alex grinned as he realized what he had found. He played with the little spot for a moment, repeatedly rubbing and pressing. Miguel continued to squirm and chew on his bottom lip to keep from making too much noise. Feeling something gently tap him, Alex looked down between them to see Miguel's hard-on bouncing and hitting his hips as precum spilled from his slit and dripped down his length. He was unraveling so quickly like this. Alex was amused.

"Holy shit! Stop, stop, stop!" Miguel cried out as he pushed Alex's shoulder. Alex's eyes widened and removed his finger as he stared at Miguel in confusion.

Didn't that feel good? Why did he look like he was in pain? Was it painful? Was it suppose to be painful? Alex thought he was doing the right thing by prepping him. He was doing it so it wouldn't hurt. But, by the way Miguel was violently running a hand through his messy brown hair, Alex was convinced he was doing something wrong and Miguel was simply enduring it until it was over.

Through heavy panting and labored breaths, Miguel finally spoke up. "Oh my goddess.. I thought I was about to cum just then. That felt way too fucking good."

Alex's eyebrows furrowed as he moved to hover atop Miguel again. "You told me to stop because you were about to cum?"

"Y-yeah.." Miguel panted. "I didn't want to cum too quickly.."

Alex's expression hardened, his dark eyes somehow darkening with lust and dominance. He looked like a predator ready to pounce on it's prey. "Too quickly? You must not understand what I mean when I say I'm going to fuck the shit out of you. I'm going to make you cum more than once, mate."

And before Miguel could protest, Alex gathered the precum off of Miguel's dick and his own before lining up at Miguel's hole again. This time, he added both fingers and used their precum as extra lubricant. Miguel arched his back against Alex as he thrust his fingers into his ass. Alex continued his assault on Miguel's prostrate, pulling out just to slam his fingers back in.

"No.. No.. Shit! Oh, fuck!" Miguel cried and moaned as Alex finger-fucked him like his life depended on it.

More and more precum spilled from Miguel's cock as Alex coached him closer and closer to his orgasm. It wasn't that far behind considering the type of situation they were in. Miguel was holding back by gripping Alex's shoulders already. The knot deep within Miguel's stomach was tightening, his dick was throbbing and pulsating, mouth dry as he held it agape to cry out with pleasure. It didn't make it any easier to hold back when Alex scissored his fingers inside his ass.

"Oh shit! I-I'm gonna.. I'm gonna cum.." Miguel warned as he quivered and thrust his hips to meet Alex's fingers that were pumping in and out of him, hitting they perfect spot every single time.

"Cum, then. Cum all over yourself for me, baby." Alex whispered, his words lewd and voice low and sexy.

Miguel's thigh quivered as he did just that, spurting cum on to his stomach. The little collections of cum repeated jumped from his erection as Miguel loudly cried out in pleasure. Alex never slowed his pace in Miguel's ass, simply marveling at how beautiful Miguel looked when he was coming apart like this. His long eyelashes fluttered, eyes rolled back, and all the muscles in his body flexed as he came all over himself. He was so hot, Alex was mesmerized.

"That feels so-" Miguel's breathy words were cut off when Alex captured his lips in a heated kiss.

Still moving his fingers inside Miguel, slowly this time, he took control of Miguel's mouth. Now that Miguel had already melted before him, he was absolute putty in Alex's hands. When he moved his fingers a certain way, Miguel's hips followed. When he moved his mouth over Miguel's, he followed. Alex had full control of the situation and Miguel's unforgiving pride and cockiness was found dead in a ditch.

"Please.." Miguel managed to slip out between sloppy kisses. "Fuck me, already."

Alex wanted to be gentlemanly and ask if Miguel was sure about his pleas, but his rational decision making was being clouded by lust. He wanted to fuck Miguel just as much as Miguel wanted to be fucked. But, in doing so, Alex had to break their kiss and remove his fingers, both of which had Miguel whimpering in soft protests.

Just as he did before, Alex gathered Miguel's cum off of his stomach and used it as lubricant. Spit and cum would do for now but they really needed to remember to grab proper lube before they did this again. It was kind of sexy spreading Miguel's cum all over his hole and his dick, though. It was incredibly lewd, something neither of them pictured themselves doing before, but not necessarily practical or reliable.

Alex lined himself up with Miguel's puckering hole and slowly slid inside of him just an inch or so. Miguel's breath, and any sound he was about to make, caught in his throat at the feeling of Alex's hard member entering him. Alex allowed Miguel to adjust for a moment before he pushed in further. Miguel gripped Alex's shoulders, his nails nearly piercing his skin as he was being filled and stretched, but he didn't say a word.

When Alex reached the base of his dick, he let out a low groan, both satisfied and greedy for more. Gently grabbing Miguel's chin, Alex tilted his head to press their lips together. Miguel moaned into Alex's mouth as their tongues gently danced and tangled. Alex slowly pulled himself out and carefully pushed back in, this time feeling a bit less resistance from the original stretch. He did it again, and again, until there was a slow but steady pace created.

Miguel broke away from the kiss to cry when Alex hit his prostate. "Fuck! Why are you moving so slowly? What happened to the guy that was gonna fuck the shit out of me?"

Alex smirked, his hands roaming the sides of Miguel's body as he took delight in the way Miguel complained. "I was keeping him at bay. I don't want to hurt you. We have to take it slowly before you can handle being fucked like that."

"Don't patronize me! I was born from alphas, you know. I can take it!" Miguel tried to sound tough and stern, but with Alex still moving inside of him, his voice still wavered and body quivered. It was hard for him to lose that cocky attitude of his, Alex was quickly learning that about Miguel.

Alex peppered kisses across Miguel's jaw and over his neck until he found the big red spot clouding his skin where his neck met his shoulder. Miguel moaned and shivered at the contact. His wolf was begging to be marked, just as Alex's wolf was begging him to finally mark his mate. The red spot burned on both of their necks as they awaited the feeling of teeth piercing through their skin. Alex decided to tease Miguel by simply grazing his teeth over the spot.

"Asshole.." Miguel hissed behind gritted teeth as he dug his nails deeper into Alex's shoulders. He just wanted to be fucked and to be marked. But, for some reason, Alex was refusing.

Alex let out a throaty chuckle, placing a sweet kiss where he grazed his teeth. "You're so demanding for being a bottom, mate. Should I really fuck you or just tease you for being so bossy?"

"Fuck me, fuck me, fuck me.." Miguel quietly chanted, his words breathing and full of desperation. He pulled Alex's shoulders closer as his legs wrapped around his hips and pulled his pelvic closer, causing Alex to sink into him even further. "Please.."

Alex decided he would listen to Miguel's request since he was begging so much. He broke away from his mate to prop himself up, grabbing Miguel's hips to position him at just the right angle. Alex pulled out of Miguel and slammed his hips back into him, causing Miguel's back to arch and loud gasp to erupt from his parted lips. Even Alex found himself growling at the amount of pleasure shooting through his veins. There was nothing better than fucking his mate.

Without mercy, Alex slammed into Miguel again and again. With Alex no longer pressed against him, all Miguel could grab at were the pillows and blankets surrounding them as Alex plunged into him over and over again. Every time Alex's cock hit into his prostate, Miguel cried out and clawed desperately at his blankets that were clenched tightly in his fists. He was on cloud nine, intoxicated by bliss, just as Alex was.

"Shit! Being inside you feels so fucking good!" Alex grunted as his hips snapped against Miguel's, the lewd sound of skin slapping skin filling both their ears. He loved the feeling of Miguel's ass clenching around his length, milking him desperately as he moved inside of him.

"Your cock inside me feels so fucking good.." Miguel choked out as Alex rocked his body so aggressively. Alex managed to hit his prostate at just the right angle three times in a row, causing Miguel to shake and tremble. "Ah, fucking hell! Do that again. Please, fuck me just like that."

Alex's grip on Miguel's hips tightened as he thrusted in and out Miguel at the requested angle. He could tell he was hitting that perfect spot as Miguel grasped his wrists and held on as if he were about to fall ten stories. No words left Miguel's mouth as the knot in his stomach grew unstable. He felt like he was cracking at the seams and would burst any second if Alex kept assaulting his ass the way he was.

"Are you gonna come? Are you gonna come for me, mate?" Alex asked, his voice low and gravely. He grasped Miguel's throbbing dick in his hand and began vigorously pumping his length, causing Miguel's back to arch once more as he braced himself with one hand on his headboard.

"Y-yes! Holy shit, yes! Don't stop!" Miguel's words were loud and declarative as he tried to hold it until just the right moment. "I-I'm gonna come, I'm gonna come.. Oh, fuck! Come with me. Please, come with me.."

Alex returned to Miguel and tilted his head to capture his lips once more. Their moans crashed together in their mouths as Alex continued to rock in and out of Miguel, his hand still playing with Miguel's cock. It only took a couple more rough thrusts before Miguel was crying out in an aggressive orgasm. Alex left his mouth as he cried, moving quickly to his neck to pierce his skin and mark him.

Just as his fangs pierced his skin, Miguel yelped and uncontrollably shuttered as the oddly blissful, and rather painful, sensation shot violently through his veins.

Miguel's blood ran hot, his entire body quacking as he came on to his stomach for the second time. Alex was close behind him, his warm cum filling Miguel's hole as he sloppily thrust repeatedly into him. Before he came down from his high, Miguel was quick to tilt Alex's head aside and extend his fangs. The moment his fangs pierced the red spot on his neck, Alex plunged roughly into Miguel, his body stiff and orgasmic cry loud as Miguel mewled and whimpered against his skin.

Alex wrapped one arm around Miguel's shoulder and the other around his waist as he pulled his mate flush against himself. Miguel pulled his fangs from Alex's flesh and let his head fall back as he panted, also wrapping his arms around his mate. They both laid together in silence, only the sound of their rapid heartbeats and heavy breathing filling each other's ears.

Alex hadn't pulled out yet, but Miguel didn't mind. He liked the feeling of him inside him and Alex liked the feeling of Miguel's hole still clenching around him. If they could pause this very moment and just live in it and soak in it for hours, days, or years, they both would probably choose to do so. There was an overwhelming sense of love, comfort, and safety between them. The feeling was intoxicating.

"I love you.." Alex whispered, reaching up from Miguel's shoulders to bury his fingers in his curly brown hair.

"I love you, too." Miguel breathed, his eyes glued to the ceiling as Alex laid atop of him. A moment of silence passed before Miguel spoke up again. "Are you going to tell me your name now?"

Alex chuckled and slowly pulled away from his mate so he could look into his eyes. Alex gently caressed Miguel's face as he smiled with so much contentment. "My name's Alex. Alex Cho. It's nice to meet you."

"Miguel. Miguel Martinez." Miguel relaxed with a smile on his face. "It's nice to meet you, Alex."

Alex finally pulled out of Miguel and collapsed beside him. Miguel shuffled for a moment to grab his blankets and throw them over him and Alex. They both got comfortable beside each other, Alex pulling Miguel into a warm embrace. Silence filled the air as the two stared at each other for awhile. Miguel fixed the gelled strands of Alex's straight black hair as Alex gently rubbed Miguel's skin with the pads of his thumbs. Alex couldn't stop staring at his beautiful mate that laid in his arms.

"You're not a warrior?" Alex asked.

Miguel's eyes narrowed. "Why do you ask? Do I not look like one?"

Alex smirked as he shook his head. "You're too small."

"Fuck off!" Miguel laughed. Alex chuckled as well, Miguel filling with so much love as the sound filled his ears. "You're a warrior."

"I am."

"From which pack?"

"Lorton Yews pack."

"Oh.. Does that mean you're only going to be here for another year? Or rather, we're only going to be here for another year? And then we're going to England?"

"Well, yes.. That's if you agree to join my pack, instead of the other way around."

"I don't really care what we do. I'm used to bouncing between packs, as the son of Alphas, since it gets so boring around here. Moving to England to meet your family and everything might be fun."

Alex frowned. "I don't have family in England. Actually, I hardly have a family at all."

Miguel reached for the brand new mark on Alex's neck and gently ran his finger over the two bloody spots. Alex's eyes fluttered shut as he held back a moan. The sensation of Miguel's fingers on the mark he made was euphoric. Alex was melting in front of him like butter. It was adorable to watch, but he didn't want to get distracted from their previous conversation.

"What happened to your family? Was there an attack or something?" Miguel asked.

Alex's eyes opened and locked with Miguel's again. "It's a, uhh... long story.. One you probably wouldn't be interested in hearing."

"I'm interested." Miguel insisted. "We've got all night. Hell, we've got the rest of our lives. You could talk for years and I'd listen to every word."

Alex smiled and nodded. Miguel was very persuasive when he said sappy stuff like that.

"There was an attack, actually, but they're all safe. There's a really strong pack in our part of Korea that went power hungry. They took out a couple packs before they came for ours, but when they did, there were only a couple of us left. We tried to get help from the other packs around us but everyone was so selfish and greedy, they simply wouldn't. So, my father contacted some of our overseas connections and the only thing they could agree on was sending me across the ocean for an arranged marriage, in exchange for money and other goods." Alex explained.

"Arranged marriage?" Miguel's expression twisted in confusion. "Why would the pack overseas want their daughter to be with someone that's not her mate?"

"Kristin's pack was weak and her parents were old. They couldn't take care of their pack and their pack couldn't take care of themselves. So, in handing down the pack to their daughter, they also brought me in to be Alpha. My family wouldn't let me stay, even when I begged. They were just as greedy for an easy out from their problems as the packs around us were. I wanted to stay and help build up our pack again, but they didn't care about that."

"So... You married this Kristin woman?" Miguel shifted uncomfortably when Alex nodded. He didn't like to picture his mate with another woman. It made his skin itch. "Did you touch her?"

Alex forced a calm expression. "Kristin was a very bitter girl. She was younger than me, immature, greedy, selfish, crude. I was miserable everyday with that girl. She always insulted me and resented me for marrying her, as if either of us had a choice. And... even when Kristin proposed the idea of sex, claiming we might as well not waste our time, I couldn't get myself to say no. I knew I would regret it but I just wanted her to shut up so badly. I figured, if I did it, maybe she'd relax a little and take to me more kindly than before."

Miguel gulped. So, he had slept with her. The very thought of Alex touching another woman, kissing another woman, fucking her like he fucked him just now, made his stomach stir.

"Was she any nicer?" Miguel asked, trying to push past the uncomfortable part.

Alex smiled knowingly at Miguel's question as he reached up to brush some stray curls from Miguel's forehead. "Nope. She was still a total bitch. And what's worse, she only seemed to get meaner and meaner, no matter how many times we tried it."

No matter how many times? Alex and this Kristin girl were in bed together multiple times? Did that mean he enjoyed it? Is that why he was so good at it just now? Miguel wanted to throw up thinking about the fact that Alex fucked him with the same dick that fucked her. How could he do that? How could he touch him with the same hands that touched her? Why did he touch her at all? And on multiple occasions?

Alex could feel Miguel grow rigid as he spiraled into his thoughts. All Alex could do was pull Miguel closer and lift his chin so their eyes met again. "I hated it, Miguel. Every single second with that girl was torture. I only did it because I thought it would get easier. I didn't love her. Hell, I don't even like her. I hated her, actually."

Miguel searched Alex's dark eyes and carefully examined the sincerity swirling within them. "How long ago did you touch her?"

Alex quickly searched his memory. "Twenty.. over twenty years ago, at this point."

Miguel nodded, his gaze dropping to his hands that awkwardly fidgeted between them. "So... What happened?"

"Kristin found her mate." Miguel's eyes flickered up in curiosity. Alex went on. "She found her mate, her family rejoiced, and then they all kicked me out since they had no more use for me. I tried to return to my parents but they wouldn't allow me to come back. When Kristin kicked me out, she cut all ties with our pack. My family found out and were so disappointed in me that they refused to take me in if I returned home."

Miguel took a deep breath and let out a heavy sigh at that. "Wow.. That really, really sucks, Alex. You tried so hard to help, doing shit that made you miserable, and they were still disappointed.. I can't believe your family would do that to you."

"I couldn't believe it either. I was so lost and hurt and confused. Luckily, Andy found me trying to drink myself to death at a bar and took me in. From then on, I made a home for myself instead of trying to find one to fit into."

"You were at a bar?" Miguel questioned and Alex nodded. "Do you know how much alcohol it takes to get a wolf drunk?"

"Five whole bottles of vodka and anything else in arms reach that was left unsupervised." Alex answered. "I spent every last penny I had in my pocket at that bar. The bartender was an oddly civilized rogue so he didn't bother to stop me like he would any other drunk human. He just wanted my money."

Miguel nodded once more and turned his attention to Alex's bare chest. For awhile, in the dead of silence, Miguel ran his fingers over Alex's chest and bicep. He just wanted to touch his mate and admire him as he took a moment to think about everything. Alex tried to do the opposite as he stared at Miguel. He didn't want to think about anything. The only think he wanted to think about was Miguel, his perfect, adorable, insanely hot, little mate.

"Do you want to join our pack?" Miguel finally looked up at Alex. "If you want a family, I kind of have one..."

Alex chuckled at Miguel's odd choice of modesty. "I would like that a lot, but, I don't think we really have a choice. That's up to Luna Sophie and Luna Andy."

"Little Miss Luna Sophie is my new baby sister now. If I tell her to take you in, she will." Miguel spoke like a spoiled child, which made Alex chuckle once more. He truly was adorable.

Alex pulled Miguel closer and tangled himself in his mate, planting a sweet kiss on his forehead. "Luna Sophie just started doing this. Let's not pressure her into this making the decisions we want. We're going to be together no matter where we go, anyways. You're all I need and will ever need until I die."

Miguel smiled to himself, feeling his cheeks warm. He let a moment pass before he slightly raised the blankets laid over them and focused his vision. As his eyes shown a bright hazel color, he could see both of their limps entangled under the covers. He had to focus his vision in order to see in the darkness, but the slight breeze and his bright eyes caught Alex's attention.

"What are you doing?" Alex curiously asked, also taking a peek beneath their covers to see for himself.

"Admiring..." Miguel chewed on his bottom lip, the light in his eyes fading as he looked up at Alex again. "You don't think you'd be up for another round, would you?"

Alex chuckled and grabbed Miguel's face to slam his lips atop the others. Miguel smiled against Alex's lips as his handsome mate took control of him. Alex didn't waste any time in sitting up to flip Miguel on to his stomach and crawl on top of him, grabbing Miguel's hips to perfectly position him. And before getting to the uncontrollable-fucking-phase, Alex had to leave a trail of sweet, chaste kisses down the back of Miguel's neck and spine.

"You look so sexy under me like this." Alex's voice was somehow more gravely and rough than just a moment ago, his lips still brushing Miguel's skin as his hands roamed his body. He wasn't lying. The view of Miguel's shoulders, slim waist, and the nape of his neck was irresistible.

"You look sexy when you're fucking me." Miguel stole a glance over his shoulder, his words meant to egg Alex on.

All Alex did was chuckle lowly at Miguel's obvious attempts to rile him up. He didn't need to try so hard because Alex was already hard again, which was also obvious as it rubbed against Miguel's ass. Miguel tried to push back against Alex to feel more of his erection, which Alex allowed. He thought it was cute was Miguel acted so impatient like this.

"You can't even see me in this position." Alex pointed out, his lips returning to the nape of Miguel's neck his big hand followed the length of Miguel's spine and perfectly guided him to arch his back and stick out his ass for him. "Maybe I should fuck you in front of a mirror. How would you like that, baby boy?"

Miguel opened his mouth to respond but didn't get the chance when Alex guided his length slowly back into Miguel's ass. Alex's cum spilling from Miguel's hole was just enough lubricant to get him swiftly inside. Miguel was already stretched out enough tonight. He wasn't too tight or too loose, but perfectly shaped to fit and swallow Alex's long and throbbing cock. Miguel couldn't wait to spend every night doing this with his new, insanely hot, mate.

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