TJL#12#Princess Of Fairy Tale

By HiddenInTheEpic

386K 21.7K 3.7K

She lives in Fairy Tale, believes all that Fairy tales she is hearing from her childhood. She lives in dream... More

Life is Colorful
Anger Won't Help
Very Special
A Call!!!
A Valid Reason
Meeting Him
Her Presence
His Girl
Something New
Stupid Me
Why Is This Hurting?!!
The Plan
Home Sweet Home
My Sweethearts
A Shock!!!
Let It Be
Simple But Attractive
No Wonder Why!!!
Lying Friends
Somethings Will Never Change
Best Or Worst!!!
Just Like That
Another Time
The Panther
A Visit To The Hospital
The Kids
Not Sure
Axton Promise
A Tensed Day
Three Musketeer
Love Him More
Bad Sign
Plan Z
GS Grand Event (Part-1)
GS Grand Event (Part-2)
What's Wrong With Her!!!
Mission Wycliffe House (Part-1)
Mission Wycliffe House (Part-2)
Mission Wycliffe House (Part-3)
Shocking And Horrible
A Safe Plan (Part-1)
A Safe Plan (Part-2)
My Girl
His World
Now Or Never
Moms Are Magic
Never Ever
Gordon Bennett!!!
Shopping For Baby
Mysterious Notes
A Maze
Enigma Of The Note
A Suitable Condition
Engagement Ring
It's For Real?!!
Break It
Magic Girl
Crazy Cousins
Surprise For Her
Happily Ever After
Crashing The Wedding
The Missing Part
Not True
For You
Malinowski's Call
Beautiful Sunshine
Best Vacation Ever
No More Secrets
My Bright Star
The Memorable Party
New Storm
Soon After That
Love Of My Life
Cast Analysis
Cast Analysis
Recommended Covers

Take Me To Him

3.5K 225 37
By HiddenInTheEpic

Natasha's POV

" Hey, Reikon!!!" I saw a girl with short black hair calling Sabrina.

" Is that Karol?" I asked Sabrina. She nodded.

" Hey Black!!!" Sabrina said.

" Not funny." She came ahead and gave her a hug.

" Girls, meet my friend Karol White." Sabrina said and Karol rolled her eyes. She walked towards us.

" Karol White." She extended her hand toward me.

" Natasha Axton." I said and shook her and.

" I know you, guys." She said.

" Natalie Axton. Nice to meet you." Natalie shook her hand.

" Anyone else?! Or we can go inside?" She asked.

" Yeah, he is coming." Natalie said. " There he is." Natalie said and I saw the Prince charming coming with a smile on his face.

" Good morning, girls." He said. He looked at Sabrina who was frowning at him.

" Brayden Thistlewood." He extended his hand toward Sabrina. She shook his hand still frowning at him.

" Sabrina Reikon." She said. He turned to Karol and smiled.

" I think I know Karol." He smiled. She smiled back too.

" You do. I am wondering you know them?" She asked him.

" Yeah, kind of." He said.

" Let's go inside then." Karol said and took us inside.

" Again hoodie?" I asked Brayden.

" Yes, don't want to take any risk." He said and I nodded. " When is Christian coming back?" He asked me.

" This evening. He told me yesterday. We haven't talk today." I said and started to miss him suddenly. Christian!!! I love you so much. I miss you. I said in my mind and smiled.

" I am happy for Christian that he got someone like you. You both deserve each other." Brayden said. I smiled.

" Yeah, thank you." I said.

" You no need to thank me for stating the truth, do you?" He asked.

" Umm, ok. If you say so." I said.

" So, you are a doctor?" He asked me.

" Not completely. I am still in my last year then have my internship. Sabrina is in her internship." I said.

" So, you both are doctors?" He asked.

" Yes." I said.

" Well, that's nice actually." He said.

" Here. Have a seat please." Karol said.

" Thank you, Karol." Natalie said.

" You're welcome." Karol said.

" Alright. I will show you sample." She said.

" Umm, hmm. That one." Brayden said pointing a simple yet gorgeous ring.

" For whom are you choosing this?" She asked Brayden.

" Going to propose my girlfriend." He said.

" You don't have a girlfriend. Don't fool me!!" Karol said.

" You never know." he said.

" I know th-" Karol was saying but suddenly my phone started to ring.

" Sorry." I said and took my phone out. I saw Christian's name on the screen and my face lit up. " Excuse me." I said and came out of the room.

" Hello!!!" I said.

" Hey, Babe." He said. " How are you? What are you doing?" He asked.

" I am fine, Christian. I am with Natalie and Sabrina. Shopping and roaming around. Girls day out. How are you? What are you doing??" I asked.

" I am having my breakfast. Have you had your breakfast?" He asked.

" No, I have some work. Then I will have it with the girls." I said.

" Oh, you are not missing me at all."  He stated and I pouted hard." Don't pout." He said. " It's truth."

" It's not truth. I am missing you very very much." I said.

" Really?!" He asked.

" Yes." I said.

" Ok, I trust you." He said and I smiled widely.

" I love you." I squealed and some customers of the store looked at me weirdly. " Umm, I am sorry." I said to them.

" What happened, Babe?" He asked.

" I was loud." I said and he laughed.

" Don't laugh." I said.

" Ok, Babe. As you wish." He said.

" When is your flight?" I asked it's in the evening. I will there by 10." He said.

" Very well then." Squealed again but this time in a low tone. He chuckled.

" Why are you so cute?" He asked me.

" I don't know." I said shaking my head. He chuckled softly.

" I think I have to find out the answer." He said.

" Alright. Feel free to find it out." I said.

" Ok, Babe. I have a meeting. I will be there by 10 and I will call you then." He said.

" Ok. I love you. Bye." I said.

" I love you too. Bye Babe." He said and hung up. I smiled widely. I love this guy truly, madly, crazily, deeply.

" Hey!!" I heard Natalie.

" You're done?" I asked.

" Yeah, we are." She said.

" Show me the ring?" I asked and they showed me the ring.

" Other one?" I asked.

" That will be collected by Glinda." Brayden said.

" When?" I asked.

" Soon. You will know."  He said.

" Ok, but I have some things to discuss with you, Mr. Thistlewood." Sabrina said glaring at him.

" I know what you mean by that, Ms. Reikon." He said smirkingly.

" Really?! Great then. Start over." She said.

" About what?" I asked.

" Why Glinda suddenly came here without you?! That was the matter which create this situation." Sabrina asked.

" We fought." He said.

" For what?" I asked.

" Actually, she wanted me to tell everyone about our marriage. She was no more happy hiding it. She was feeling insecure. This lead us a major fight and she came back UK." He said.

" You didn't want to tell the world that she is your wife?! What kind of person you are!!!" Sabrina growled.

" And you didn't stop her when she came back here?" Natalie asked.

" I wanted to tell that to the world but I was waiting for a right time. But I only understood day by day it was going to be difficult. And I didn't even know she came here. I went to Brazil for a deal and she ran away." He said totally frustrated.

" Oh, is that like that?" I asked.

" Yes." He said.

" Alright. I am hungry." I said and everyone turned toward me and looked at me weirdly.

" What!!! Can't I be hungry?!!!" I said.

" Let's have breakfast." Sabrina said.

After breakfast Brayden left saying he had something else to do. But we enjoyed a lot. We had lunch and came back home. I just had a quick shower and changed into something comfortable. Then I slept I don't know for how long. I came downstairs and found Noel and Natalie watching TV. Suddenly a news caught my attention and my eyes widened.

" What happened?!" I asked.

" The plane crashed after taking off. It was British airways flight coming from Madrid. It seems none of the passengers is alive." Noel said and I felt everything around me going blurry. I felt nothing around me was effecting me. I blinked for a moment and took my phone. I tried Christian's number for several times but he didn't picked up. It said number is not reachable.

No, it can't be truth. It can't be. It is a lie.

" Nate, what happened?" I heard Natalie but my head started to spin. I couldn't see anything clearly. My brain stopped working.

" Nate!!! Nate!!!" Natalie shook me grabbing my shoulders.

" Christian!!!" I whispered.

" He...he was there?" Natalie asked me. I couldn't answer her cause black consumed me all over. I couldn't stand still anymore my brain and body stopped supporting me. I closed my eyes.

" Nate!!! Open your eyes!!!" I heard Noel. " What happened?!! Nate!!!" Noel and Natalie was calling me shouting.

" Nate!!! Nate?!!" Natalie said patting my cheek. "Mom!!!! Dad???" I heard Natalie shouting. But I couldn't get myself hold back. I was feeling everything shutting down around me and I was going far far away from everyone from everything.

' God!!! Please if you can't give him back then take me to him. Take me to him.' I remembered that thing saying to myself while I completely blacked out.

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