Lovers: Boarding School

By Letalis

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✅ "It's just a game." Welcome to Lovers: Boarding School (Lovers BS), a new mystery-suspense dating game wher... More

D:2 + D:3


791 61 121
By Letalis

I REALLY stopped giving a fuck in my writing and "just went straight into it" (you'll get the joke once you finish the chapter ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) This is perhaps the longest chapter to date (4000+ words), but if you know me, I'll outdo myself in later chapters because I'm a terribly lost cause #RIPme

By the way, the song accompaniment to this chapter is PERFECTION.

WARNING: EXPLICIT CHAPTER ALERT. In which Gin and Violet teach you how to play chess and draw portraits. SEXILY. By the way, I don't consider sexily a real word. Please don't ever use it.

The world seemed to want Violet and Gin to be together.

In deserted classrooms "after" school.

In the backseat of his "lent" black Audi.

Even in her dorm room whenever her "friend" was suspiciously absent.

Every time Violet returned to the hollowed grounds of Amantes Mortem academy, she'd end up in the arms of her crooked-grinning devil with gunmetal for eyes and midnight ink for hair. Becoming feeble-minded from all the times Gin explored the mysteries of her body was becoming a bit of a concern for Violet, but with ignorance--and lots of sex--came bliss. And Violet was deliriously in bliss.

A simple kiss now often lead to clothes being strewn, limbs being knotted, and her body positioned in ways that Violet never thought were possible. Recently, she found enjoyment in having her hands tied while they were going at it, the thrill of losing her control and dominance immensely arousing for the previously vanilla inclined player.

Discovering a whole new facet to herself whenever Gin lovingly polished the diamond that was her mind, body, and soul was an exhilarating roller-coaster ride that hadn't lost a shred of its rapturous momentum. But Violet remembered that roller coaster rides could be frightening too.

The girl was happy, but she was too happy. In a game like this, this kind of bliss warranted only one of two things: one, she had finished a "good" ending of a route--or rather, Gin's route. But that was an impossibility as the game did not reset itself and offered Violet the option to pursue other routes and other possible lovers like most romance sims.

So this meant that option two--that this segment of the plot was the rising action before a disastrous event--was the most probable, and most likely scenario to come into fruition sometime in the near future.

Violet was paranoid and disheartened about losing this intoxicating bliss, even as she was curled up on top of Gin on their favourite, beaten couch inside the haunted abandoned arts ward.

The rundown arts room where they first exchanged words had become a secret hideout for them to flirt, talk, and fuck freely. In some ways, the place had also become a second home for Violet due to how often she'd frequent the place with her newly acquired "friend". Despite this small slice of comfort, a thought that stuck out of her mind like a sore blister made her burrow her face deeper into Gin's chest.

She didn't want to let him go just yet.

"You have something on your mind, Love?"

You always know, don't you?

"I do," Violet whispered, her eyes closing to revel in the feeling of his hand running through her hair.

"Do you want a distraction?" The hand combing her hair started to slide down her back and slip under the blouse of her uniform to tug at her bra strap.

Violet licked her lips, but bit the inside of her cheek to keep herself in line. "Can we do something else? I want to talk to you some more."

"You're growing tired of me?"

Shaking her head with a smile, Violet sat up and straddled over his lap. "I can never get tired of this," she purred, her fingers caressing the silver belt buckle of his pants. "Although, you do tire me out by how much you've been giving it to me lately."

Underneath her, Gin smiled at Violet with eyes that glistened like polished silver. "Do you want to play a game then? You seem to enjoy those quite a bit."

While he was proposing this alternative, Gin's hands traveled underneath Violet's skirt to fondle the soft flesh between her thighs which were covered in constellations of bite marks and hickeys.

If you're going to offer me another distraction, don't make it hard for me to refuse the first one, you bastard!

"And what game are you thinking about?" she said weakly as Gin's fingers slipped under the fabric of her underwear to feel at her hips.

He smiled a smile that exposed the pristine whites of his teeth. "Do you know how to play chess?"


Using a rickety desk, two rusty old chairs, and an intricately carved tortoiseshell chessboard, Violet and Gin set the stage for their duel of wits.

Instead of sticking to the color palette conferred to her by the plot, Violet claimed Black and Gin took over White. While Violet couldn't say that she was any good at chess--with her being a previous regional high school chess champion and all--she couldn't say she was terrible at the game either.

"To make the game more interesting," Gin said, leaning forward on the desk with his elbows, "how about we lose an article of clothing every time we lose a piece?"

Violet eyed at him, her face blank. "Like strip poker, except with chess?"

"Scared you'll be stripped bare by the time I say checkmate?"

She smirked and rolled her eyes at him. "Haven't seen me naked enough?"

"If I had my way with you," he crooned, "I would always have you naked and begging for me. Love."

She felt her body surge with warmth, but her face remained subdued and colourless. "Make a move already, Lover Boy."

The two were quiet during their exchanges, the clacking of chess pieces over the obsidian and ivory surface of the chessboard being the language they were using to trade blows. They continued wordlessly, with Gin's movements becoming increasingly aggressive and unpredictable. A pawn from the Black side was eventually swallowed by a bishop from the White side and a grin like a curved knife wound appeared over Gin's face.

"What will it be Love?" Gin said, taking Violet's defeated pawn to his lips. "I'm waiting."

Straightening her posture, Violet stared Gin down, indifferent. If you're going to be like that, she thought, I might as well be the same.

Under the desk, Violet slid off her panties and lifted them with a hooked finger for Gin to see. He raised a brow at the black lacy thing and grinned. "Already admitting defeat? We haven't even started."

"Who said I was admitting to anything?" she said before she flung it over to Gin who'd caught it and expertly tucked it into the front pocket of his blazer. She crossed her legs and puckered her lips as she said, "I thought I'd give you some encouragement since you won't be seeing much of anything, Lover Boy."

Chuckling, Gin beamed at her with delight glimmering in his eyes. "You always exceed my expectations, Love."

Violet ignored how his compliment tinged the pale canvas of her cheeks a soft pink, and carelessly placed another pawn into the direct path of a White knight. Gin swiftly replaced the Black pawn with his knight and looked up at Violet, his face expectant.

"What will you be taking off next?"


Violet knew she was going to lose. With only a bra and skirt to Gin's pants, watch, and left sock, Violet was left with only four pieces on the board while Gin had six. Gin's more reckless strategies and stronger pieces were closing in on Violet's king, and it wasn't until she'd lost both of her knee socks that she realized Gin was playing around with her like a cat with a cornered mouse.

She stared down at the board with pursed lips and fisted hands. The chess board was swimming in White and it left Violet seeing red.

Why did they program him to have chess-master level playing skills?  she grumbled to herself. She wished her avatar had eight more clips in her hair instead of the two that were sacrificed earlier to Gin's rook and knight.

Lifting up her Black queen to her eyes, Violet decided to draw out her defeat and asked Gin a trivial, but substantial question.

"If the Cardinal Points were chess pieces," she said as she lazily placed her queen on the board, "which ones would they be?"

Gin hummed and stroked his jaw. Slowly, he plucked out his White king and twirled it between his long fingers. "The king," he said before placing it behind his queen, "is James. It's the most significant piece on the board, but if you think about it, it's as weak as a pawn. Without the title, the king is nothing. Without his role, he's powerless."

"The queen?" Violet asked as her eyes flicked to the White queen on Gin's side of the board.

"It's Giselle."

"Giselle?" she said with knitted brows.

"Yes. Unlike this useless king we have here, the queen is the most powerful piece on the board. She can move across the board diagonally, vertically, horizontally--she's the full package.

"She can be very dangerous if you mess with her king," he added as he lifted his eyes to meet Violet's.

"But she's been nothing but kind to me," Violet murmured.

"It's because she knows you want nothing to do with her 'king'."

Casting her eyes on the black and white grid, Violet whispered another torrid question. "How about Jack? What is he?"

Gin fingered the mini Black castle turret he captured from the board. "You worried about him?"


"He's a rook. You can see him coming from a mile away. His movements are simple, straightforward--but effective. It may be easy to see where he is coming from, but that doesn't make him any less dangerous than a queen."

"What about you?"

"Aren't you curious about what I think of you?"

"You first," Violet said before moving her Black knight into an offensive position. 

Clicking his teeth, Gin procured a White bishop from the edge of the board. "I'm this one."

"I thought bishops are supposed to be saintly," Violet said, smirking. "But go on."

"Bishops...their movements can be easily anticipated. But," he said as he moved his White bishop diagonally across the board, "they can sometimes attack when you least expect it."

Crossing her arms and puffing out her chest, Violet glared knives at Gin. "Okay, then that just leaves the knight and the pawn. I better not be who I think I'll be."

Gin grinned at her from ear to ear with his head supported by his hand. "You guessed right."

"Why?" she huffed haughtily. "Why am I pawn?"

"Don't be upset Love, let me explain," he chuckled with his hands up in defense. "Yes, out of all the pieces on the board, you are the weakest one. You can only move one square at a time unlike the other pieces that can move across the board with ease.

"But, unlike all the other pieces, you are capable of change. Once you reach the other side of the board, you can become the strongest of the pieces and change the tide of the game."

"Except this one," he said as he pointed at his White bishop standing one strike away from taking her king. "Check."

"Fuck." Violet quickly arranged her king to move away from harms way. "So the only one that's left is Mr. Reinhart and he's the knight I presume?" she said while tapping her miniature Black horsehead still in play.

"You're correct."

"I don't get it though."

Gin leaned back and swung an arm behind his chair, all the while flaunting his incredibly chiseled chest and abdomen. "Mr. Reinhart," Gin drawled, "is an unusual...piece."

"How so?"

"He has a pattern, but its a mysterious one. He can...'jump.'"

Violet shuddered when she remembered Gin recounting his encounter with Mr. Reinhart at the Autumn Carnival. I shadowed him for a while until he reached the merry-go-round. He went on the ride and before I knew it, he disappeared.

"I still don't get it," Violet murmured, her eyes shifting nervously.

"He...I know there's a limit to how much he can move. But in that limited space he has, he can be surprisingly flexible."

It made sense that Mr. Reinhart, being one of the two forbidden fruits in the game, was bound to the school grounds since his duty--and his character's purpose--was to the school. But from her sparse interactions with his character, a growing wariness had been forming inside her like a rancid mold; she can no longer deny that Mr. Reinhart wasn't the uncomplicated, benevolent figure that she once lusted after candidly.

She had questions and she didn't want to raise her hand to get her answers.

Distracted and without a clear mind, Violet placed a Black knight in the opportune clutches of a White rook.

"What will it be?" Gin purred as he took her Black knight off the board and gnawed at its head. "Don't tell me. I do love me a good strip tease."

Violet grimaced and weighed her options. Squaring her shoulders, Violet unclasped her bra and slipped it away from her arms.

"Slow down baby," Gin hissed, his eyes shamelessly leering at the perky mounds of flesh exposed for his viewing pleasure. Gin was only able to capture a small glimpse of her naked breasts before they were quickly covered by the dark curtain of her hair. It was a good thing that Violet always preferred long hair on her avatars.

For a while, Violet was able to maintain the security of her other pieces until Gin strategically forced his opponent into a stalemate: have his bishop take her king and lose the game, or sacrifice her queen to protect her king, and lose her last piece of clothing in the process.

"Either way, you're going to lose something," Gin said with a slow lick of his lips.

A chess piece or a piece of clothing?

My pride or my dignity?

Violet stood up from her seat and sauntered towards Gin.

Why not lose both?

Standing by Gin and lovingly stroking his neck and right shoulder, Violet leaned over the boy with eyes of feigned innocence.

"Why don't you do the honors and take this skirt off for me?" she said as she beheld Gin's face with a finger at his chin.

He smiled up at Violet as his hand snaked up her skirt to squeeze at one of her bared cheeks. "I won't feel like I've won if I'm the one taking it off."

"Why can't we just call it draw?" Leaning down to give Gin a small peck on the lips, Violet left the boy hanging and walked towards the couch while tossing aside her final piece of clothing.

She sprawled herself over the couch smiling and beckoned him over with siren eyes. "Draw me like one of your French girls," she cooed.

"Comme les étoiles et la lune?"

"You know French?"

"You know I draw?"

Violet raised herself up with her elbows and winked at him. "The black smudges on your fingers, it's charcoal isn't it?"

Gin's eyes twinkled with stardust as he smiled at Violet like she was the timeless moon. "And how did you know that?"

"When I was my old school, I used to draw and paint with all sorts of mediums. Charcoal wasn't my favourite medium because it got everywhere."

Turning to her side, Violet exposed more of herself to her devious, tattooed bishop. "I figured you'd be a fan of charcoal though. You love the chaos and the darkness of it, don't you?"

Gin shook his head grinning and went to a shelf to take out a worn sketchbook and a stick of charcoal. Dragging a chair from the desk and placing it a few feet away from the couch, Gin sat down and flipped open his sketchbook to a fresh page.

"I do love the chaos and the darkness of it," he said. "Just as much as I love girl with 'love' in her name."


It was ironic that Violet was posing nude for an artist who was a marvelous, shirtless masterpiece of refined pixels himself. Staring at him with a sketchbook propped on his lap and a frayed piece of charcoal clasped between his fingers, Violet was able to examine the magnificent tattoo spilling over Gin's left shoulder in all of its entirety.

Hidden under clouds meticulously toned in thin, overlapping lines was a moon and an owl. The murderous shading of the clouds and the spotless clarity of the moon created an illusion of luminescence; like the moon was practically glowing from his skin. The owl, menacing with its horned ears and large disk-shaped eyes, was very much like the boy whose gray, piercing gaze looked through the darkness to scavenge for beauty in the unknown.

"You're making it hard for me to draw you when you're looking at me like that," Gin mumbled, his eyes focusing on a small detail at the corner of his page.

Violet's lips curled like a cat's. "But I want to make it hard for you."

Gin's eyes flashed over to Violet's and she felt her body heat under Gin's sweltering stare. The bad boy had been making it "hard" for her as well. His hands smudged in black, would periodically run down the contours of her body to "position" them into place. She'd grown frustrated when he'd avoid touching the places where Violet wanted to be so badly touched and she'd throw back heated stares of her own to provoke her artist into giving her what she so badly wanted.

Leaving his seat for the millionth time, Gin kneeled by Violet's face and ran a thumb over her lips to part them. She caught his thumb with her mouth when it pressed at her lower lip and she sucked on it as she gave him a look that offered to do the same with his other loose "appendages".

"Be a good model will you?" he said, his eyes dark and his voice smoother than aged cognac. Much to Violet's vexation, he extracted his thumb from her lips with a pop, retrieved his sketchbook by his chair, and sat back at his vigil with a smirk.

Gin then went back to his sketch of Violet, his eyes of liquid mercury intensively pouring over every inch of her naked form. She shivered under the intense scrutiny of his gaze, his eyes feeling like the back of a cold knife gliding over her skin as they scanned her silhouette in slow, focused circuits.

When his sultry gazes diminished, Violet sat up and approached Gin on his chair of rust. By the time Violet fashioned a throne out of his lap, he was scribbling his initials at the corner of the page.

"Amazing," she gasped, her eyes taking in the harsh contrast of her luminous white form emerging from the harsh black background encompassing her immaculately shaded body.

His portrait of her made it appear like she was lounging on a dark storm cloud, her hair spilling ink over its gossamer edge like running rainwater. Her face, which was given the utmost focus, captured the sly mischievousness teasing at her lips and the mesmerizing mystery swimming in her round, black eyes.

"You did a good job, Monet," Violet sighed. She rested her head on Gin's shoulder, totally spellbound by his rendition of her borne from charcoal.

"Women are easy to draw. They're just softness and curves. Nothing hard and angular like men."

"Do I look like your sister?"

The hard thing poking at Violet from Gin's pants died and his face scrunched in obvious disgust. Violet breathed a covert sigh of relief. 

"What the fuck? Why'd you mention my sister all of a sudden?" Gin said.

Grinning, Violet tilted her head closer to Gin's ear and tugged at one of his piercings with her teeth. He shivered from the pull and the hard thing in his pants revived.

"Do I look like her?" Violet said, her tone deeper, commanding.

Deflating like a balloon, Gin relaxed his shoulders and expelled a gust of air from his lungs.

"No," he said, his voice a degree above a whisper. "You don't look anything like her. Aside from your hair and your height, you are nothing--nothing--like her."

"You sound like you didn't have the best relationship with her."

Turning his head to Violet, Gin graced his model with a savage smile. "I went out and fucked around halfway across the world when they were burying her six feet under."

Gin brushed off Violet's hair from her face and planted a kiss on her cheek. "Don't look at me like that," he whispered, his breath dancing over her face. "She would've done the same if I died first. It was just how we were."

His voice was ice and death, but a nudging feeling prickling her intuition urged Violet to hold his face between her hands and kiss him.

Like a lit cigarette dropped into a pool of oil, their kiss sent them crashing onto the couch with Gin dominating over Violet. The restraint and the frustration that tortured them became fuel for their explosive bout of passion and they hungrily sought pleasure within the press and release of their colliding lips. The constant contact of their naked bodies smeared residuals of charcoal over their skin, painting them with soft smudges of gray and black.

It was chaotic.

"Do you want to know how I drew you?" Gin said once his lips were released from hers.

"I drew an outline of your waist first," he whispered, his hands sliding down the sides of her body to her hips.

"I drew your hips and legs next." Gin then proceeded to pry Violet legs apart and settle himself snugly between them.

Hovering his face over her chest, he breathed, "Then I gave lots of love to these wonderfully plump things."

With that, Gin dove in and began sucking the bud of one of her breasts while swirling circles with the other with his thumb. Violet covered her mouth to suppress her voice, but a hand restrained her wrist and chained it above her.

"Do I need to tie you up again, Love?" he whispered into her ear before running kisses up and down the column of her neck. "I want to hear you scream my name."

Violet bit her lip and did everything to hold back her voice as Gin barraged her weak point with his teeth. After having finished ravaging her neck and collarbone with hickeys, Gin peered into Violet's eyes and undid his pants.

"I didn't give this place much attention when I was drawing it," he said, rubbing his tip at her invitingly wet entrance. "I just went straight into it."

She gasped when Gin rammed himself deep inside of her with one thrust of his hips. She had taken him in a number of times before, but the feeling of being filled to the brim with his thickness was not something she was accustomed to yet.

He began moving his hips to a steady tempo, milking cries from his dark haired muse with every entry and exit of his member. His rhythm was cruel and punishing, with Gin wanting nothing more than to find his beginning and end within Violet's throbbing walls.

Violet, completely under his influence, dug her nails into the couch as she neared her release.

"You know," Gin said, as he drove himself into her innermost depths, "I took good care in drawing your lips."

Bruising them with a kiss, Gin unraveled Violet and she loosened herself on the couch, spent. Gin rode out her orgasm until he found his finish and leaned over his lascivious masterpiece with a grin. Panting heavily, Gin dropped his head to Violet's to give one last detail to her lips. 

"You're right," he said between breaths. "The couch isn't that bad."


This is what a full "chapter" looks like when it's not cut in half like the previous ones before it ( ;∀;)/

*le sigh* I just spent an entire day in bed writing this ONE chapter. I think I have a serious problem But I guess it's because I just want to get this STORY. OUT. OF. MY. HEAD. before I get bored with it and move on to the next one _(┐ε:)_ Geu soneul naemireojwo SAVE ME!!! #IWasAnARMYSince2014

Or maybe because I'm excited to write the next few chapters ('◞౪◟◉) I did write once that Gin was only my SECOND favourite character in this book (back in chapter 8: _traps)

Next chapter's going to have your favourite English Literature teacher appearing! FINALLY. A DIFFERENT CHARACTER. ALSO ROMANCE POETRY. Not a lot of people realize it, but romance poetry can be quite...sinister >:) I had to study the damn topic for two ungodly semesters y'know.

I bet y'all are sick of me already, but I truly do hope you all enjoy this story. It really means a lot when I see you guys react to this story and keep up with it as much as you do. If that's not love, I don't know what is ('ω`。)



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