His fake assistant

De tom-yumke

2.9M 86.8K 29.1K

When a bubbly farmer Faye gets sent on a mission by her best friend, the infamous journalist Elizabeth Venice... Mais

Eww? (1)
My father isn't the king (2)
The billionaire sure loves to cuddle (3)
Doing nothing (4)
The beast woke up (5)
My daily dose of drama (6)
Huge bloke, Marc (7)
20 questions (8)
Say bible (9)
Are we friends? (10)
Does it upset you? (11)
Cookies are a yeah (12)
Sweet...too sweet (13)
Famous? (14)
Taking care (15)
Safe (16)
Be kind, always (17)
Living together (18)
Movie night (19)
Befriend him (20)
Make one (21)
Christmas kiss (22)
It's real (23)
Mother-in-law (24)
Rival for life (25)
Family diner (26)
Heartbroken (27)
Until you (28)
People can't change (29)
It will all be okay (30)
Mine (31)
Broken remote (32)
I'm shook, they shook (33)
Q&A chapter
Fairy lights (34)
She said YES! (36)
I'm the villain (37)
Nightmares (38)
Epilogue (39)
Realizations (1)
Drunk Faye (2)
Caged like a doll (3)
Perfect world (4)
Breaking point (5)
The beast is destroyed (6)
Break in? Kind of (7)
Ovulation test (8)
Preg-nant (9)
straight SAVAGE (10)
Lies, lies and lies (11)
Horrible father (12)
Spooky spook (13)
Little snitch (14)
Break the cycle (15) - the end

I love mushrooms (35)

36.4K 1.2K 412
De tom-yumke

"Home is where your story begins."


I bang my head to the wall for the 62726 time.


No words could describe my irritation for this handsome billionaire.

"I need time, please."

These were the exact words I had uttered after his shocking proposal, but I guess that his definition of 'waiting' must be something from another planet.

If you look up the word 'irritating' you'll find a picture of a smiling Mason, holding both his thumbs up with a wolffish grin.

"I feel like marrying someone... oh YOU!"

"Faye William... Hmm, it suits you. You can have my surname."

"Sooooo... you've burned these eggs.... are you marrying me?"

These were a few of his tricks he tried to pull off these past days.

But did you think he would stop there???


Do you know what this lunatic, crazy mad man was doing now?




"Cause if you liked it then you should have put a ring on it", he singed... well more screamed on top of his lungs.

    "Mason, come down here! You could hurt yourself", I yelp like a overly worried mother scolding her son, placing my hands on my hips.

    "Say yes, baby", he stick his tongue out.

"I said I was going to think...", I stop my sentence abruptly when I see him...

Wait, is he really...


Urgh! If it wasn't annoying enough Miley Cyrus also got in him.

     Mason is possessed!

The reason why I haven't denied nor accept his proposal is, because I don't know what to do.

The confusion my head is facing right now is beyond words.

I was happy, yes that I was, a joy that could make me cry, but then I remembered that this isn't right.

What am I going to do with his proposal? This mission is almost over.

I must call Liz and ask her what I should do now. How is this going to end?

I shrug my shoulder and carefully observe Mason who was now singing -nah boiii more  screaming on 'I will always love you.'


'They must pay me for being his babysitter' was my last thought before I  pulled the cable out of the wall and turned off the lights.


I giggle softly, hearing his voice beam through the room.

    "First you won't accept my proposal and now you don't let me have fun? You're a devil, princess!"


    "Why did I have to take so many clothes in my luggage? Where are we going?", I ask, sitting down in the car seat.

Mason starts the car, not answering my question, only a vile smirk dancing around his lips.

"Masooooooon, where are we going?", I repeat the question, getting inpatient.

"We're going to Las Vegas so we could instantly marry in a little chapel", he casually blurts out.

"WHAT YA SAYIN'?", I scream, throwing my hands in the air, almost slapping him in the face.

"I'm done waiting", he sighs out dramatically, shaking his head.

I don't answer, only dumbfounded gaping at him  in disbelief.

"I'm kidding", he chuckles, making me turn my head back to him.


A proud smirk was dancing around his plump lips.

"To your home", he finally answers.


Ohw! Hell...


My head turns around meeting his stunning facet. He had a look on his face which said 'surprise!'. SURPRISE MY ASS THIS IS SERIOUS!

I was still gaping, no words come out my mouth. I could still not resume what he had just said.

"Aren't you happy?", he finally asks worriedly when he sees my shocked face.

"Of c-course I am", I nervously choke out, biting the inside of my cheek.

It wasn't a complete lie, I would see my animals back.... and my aunt and uncle,


The mission would be directly over when he discovers why I'm his assistant.

His Fake Assistant.

My hands immediately reach down my pocket, taking my phone out.

     "Are you still using that brick? I've bought you a new one", Mason complains somewhere in the background.

Yeah, that he had, but that's a pain in the ass for later. I in no time dial a number.

     911... please I need an ambulance, I think I'm going to faint.

    Just kidding.

He looked at me full worry written in his mesmerizing metallic grey orbs. He was absorbing me in, I felt naked... naked for him. He could drag me down on my knees with his lustrous stare.

My heart was pounding heavily in my chest mostly because of him, but also because of....

"Sup, Faye. Any updates?"


My hand palms became sticky and wet from al the sweating I had from the unthinkable stress.

"H-h-hi", I stutter out.

My teeth were painfully grazing my lips.

    "What's up?"

"Hello, my best friend", I utter on gritted teeth, ignoring the look Mason was giving me... he was probably thinking that I was talking to some guy who would steal me from him.

What a possessive bloke.

"Euhm.... hello Faye", Liz responds in confusion.

"I-I'm currently with my b-boyfriend", I stammer out.

"Ohw", I hear her gasp on the other side.

     "We're coming home to you!", I exclaim, trying to sound cheerful, but end up sounding really fake.



I hang off before she could scream even more and let my ears bleed.

Well now she's prepared for what's coming.

I turn my head, meeting Mason's grey eyes, they portrayed some sort of intense love, making my heart skip a beat in my chest.

"I've just told my best friend that we're coming so she's prepared", I declared, looking straight into his grey orbs.

    "Okay", he responds warmly in his deep velvety voice.

His hand reaches out, taking my hand which was laying next to my thigh in his. Our fingers automatically laced with each other. He brings my hand closer to his mouth, placing a soft kiss on the palm of my hand.

Such an easy and sweet move could make my heart melt so easily in a poodle of painful emotions.

I'm a weak woman.

He brings my hand down to his thigh, still holding it in his big warm hand while looking through the car-window, steering his fancy car.

I could feel a nervous wave flowing off Mason's aura, it engulfed me, making me shift into my seat.

    "Do you... do you think your family will like me?", he finally asks. His voice only a soft murmur, the distress thick in his voice.

A wide, sunny smile escapes my lips without any of my consent. I lean back in my seat, observing him carefully.

Who could ever guess that the big, bad billionaire would be anxious for a stupid thing like this?

His head turns to look at me by my lack of respond. I open my mouth before he could make up things on his own.

    "They'll love you like I ...", I immediately stop myself from the words which were going to escape my sinful mouth.

I must be too caught up in the moment. That must be why I'm acting so weird.

    "Mushrooms... like I love mushrooms", I finally utter, snickering awkwardly.

I look in front of me, not wanting to meet his orbs. My cheeks were burning in heat. I felt hot....Please turn of the car heater.

In the corner of my eyes I could see him grinning as if he knew what I was going to say.

"Patience", he whispers to himself, tightening the hold on my hand.



I was jumping in my seat in excitement. My heart was pounding loudly in my chest. I felt beyond joyful and.... nervous! I haven't been to my farm for around 7 months.... and in those months so many happy memories happened. I actually became habitual with this New York life that I don't know if I'll readapt in a life back in my farm.... lonely, without Mason.

My heart begins to ache by the thought.

Why was I thinking about such a depressing thing? I should think about something else.

My eyes immediately start to twinkle when I saw the familiar wide land. My farmhouse still remained the same as I remember in my memories, nothing has changed... well maybe my cows and sheeps looked a bit dead like they haven't had water and food for da-



Someone please calm me down. I think I'm going to faint.

    "We're here", Mason declares after parking his car in front of my farm.

"I.... wait I need a moment", I hold my hand out in front of me, trying to calm my beating heart. I still couldn't believe I was going to see my family today... more so now.


Two knocks on my car window make me jump up in the air. I immediately turn around to look at my side of the window, seeing...

     "AAAAAAAAAH!", I hear my voice screech out loudly.

I immediately get my belt off, jumping on Mason's lap. I hide my face in his neck, closing my eyes tightly. His hand immediately embrace my whole body, slowly caressing my hair.

There in front of my window stood the most terrifying thing I had ever seen.

A person with long blond, unbrushed hair was staring right at me. She had a big mole on her nose, making her look like Nanny McPhee. Her lips were pale... too pale. On the bridge of her nose were two big rounded glasses. She looked like she came straight from a horror movie.

Has anyone told her it isn't Halloween today?

   Trick or treat, no thank you.

Mason held me closer, kissing my hair when he saw me shaking.

    "Are you okay, love? Who is that? Is she bothering you? Baby, please respond", Mason blurts out worriedly.


Before I could even respond to him, the woman started to knock again, making me almost pee myself. I only held Mason closer, locking my arms around his neck in a dead grip.

    "Come out!", the woman says.

     "Is she scaring you, princess?", he asks, fury clear in his voice.


Why did I feel like a child who needed protection from her father? I'm a grown up woman.

"Come out now, Faye", the woman's irritation became clear.

She. Knows. My. Name.

Okay, maybe I need protection. That woman is really scaring me.

I feel Mason bow forward, but I don't look up... I hear the window going down, making me want to slap my head.

What. The actual mushroom.

You should never open the window for a suspicious person!

Not getting killed for dummies 101!

"Damn, woman. Stop, knocking on the window. I'm really losing my patience now... if you don't want to live a miserable life then I could recommend you to stay away from my princess", Mason warns her harshly in his powerful voice, only he could manage to sound this imitating and dominant, the complete opposite of how he normally talks and acts with me.

He has never tried to dominate me, always trying to get everything my heart desires.

    "Faye, stop being a crybaby and get your ass over here... also tell Mr. William that I'm your bestie", the woman speaks and only now I could hear the familiarness in her voice....

     Lizzie bear???

I immediately climb off Mason's lap, almost wanting to jump out of the window in excitement. I open the door running to her, my arms immediately embrace her tall form.

If I was a dog my tail will be wagging uncontrollably.

    "Yeah, I know you're excited to see me. Who wouldn't?", she laughed, hugging me back.

    Oh man, this feels good.

    "Liz, I-I...", I choke on my words.

Behind me I could feel Mason's warm presence getting out of the car.

"You probably can't utter a thing, because of how much you've missed me", she replies, caressing my head like a dog.

"No, why you so ugly?", I state, pushing her away only to observe her face.

    "You!", she points at my head, she lowers her voice threatening so only I could hear her. "Even if I'm disguised I'm still the most beautiful person on earth."

    HA. HA.

"I didn't know you were a comedian. Hilarious!", I chuckle loudly, slapping her arm in process... but she didn't laugh...


Two muscular arms sneak around my waist and by the smell and warmth I could already tell who it was.

Mason held me close, kissing the top of my head. I look at him, seeing him already smile warmly at me. My heart immediately melts into a puddle.

"I'm Mason William. I apologize for my behaviour a second ago", Mason introduces himself dryly on a hard tone, but behind that tone I could see how hard he tried to sound nice and kind for me, but it's just out of his comfort zone.

"Urgh", I hear Liz hiss, while rolling her eyes in annoyance.

I clear my voice, sending her big nasty glare. Mason has just tried his best to not snap at her and she shrugs him off like this?

My poor baby.

    "Oh... Hiyaaaaw", Liz finally speaks in thick fake accent.

I really want to smack some sense into this journalist.

    "This is my best friend Li.. Lisa-"


We both say it on the same time, making him observe us both in confusion. Oh no! Maybe he will get suspicious and know something is going on.

"My name is Lisa-Patricia, nice to meet you too, Mr. William", she utters, shaking his hand.

Mason shakes her hand a few seconds, before embracing me back into his arms.

I sigh out in relieve when suddenly....

"Elizabeth Venice! Get your ass over here. Faye is going to be furious when she sees that you haven't fed her chickens for days", I hear the voice of my uncle loud from for away...

My mouth falls open, a look of horror crosses my face.

My chickens?

"Elizabeth Venice?", Mason whispers under his breath it seems like he needed to think deeply.

Maybe he forgot about her. I crossed my fingers, chanting: please, don't remember her. Please, don't remember her.

"That stalkerish journalist who climbed into my closet!"


Liz's and my eyes cross, we both had a anxious look on our face, not knowing what to do.

    "They tend to call me Elizabeth Venice, because I look like her", she giggles awkwardly, scratching her head., trying to save herself from this misery.

     "Right...", is the only thing Mason utters.

He made a weird face, probably trying to match where the resemblance came from....

     Which resemblance?

     "You know that talent full journalist who is so beautiful, kindhearted, full of creativity, amazing, breathtak-"

    "I think we got the point, Liz... I mean Lisa-Patricia", I break her sentence.

Her eyes completely lit up when she was talking about herself. She was dreaming away.

I wish her ego was as big as her flat ass.

I then suddenly remember something... MY BABIESSSS!

Without any warning I was already, running to them. My beautiful babies. They are probably dying by now.

I come to a halt in front of the shed. I almost dragged the door out of it's hangs out of excitement.

     "Mommy is home!", I scream, tears rolling down my eyes while I open my arms welcoming my babies.

All my chickens were a cross of running and flying to me with the last energy left. My eye scan the room... I felt like something was missing...

"Princess, why is there a chicken chasing me? AAAAAAH! IT'S FUCKING ATTACKING ME! BLOODY HELL!"




One word: sorry...

Please don't hate me :). These past few weeks I literally got spammed under by you guys. I never got so many messages in my entire life. But honestly I loved reading how much you guys were excited for the update.

Do you guys know a way how I could reach to you better? I tried to update you guys about my whereabouts via the Wattpad notifications, but honestly no one checks them... neither do I.

Oh, me and my friends are going to chill a bit tomorrow and a note to Marilia... I'm serious now I'm going to bring beer with me.

Question of the day: how old are you and how old do you think I am?

I'm really excited to know how old you'll guess....

Oh this time I'll really update soon. I promise :).


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