By Jkslifesaver

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Moving to a large city from a small midwestern town Matilda (Mattie) Leman is away from her overprotective f... More

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Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Twenty Seven
Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Thirty One
Thirty Two
Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Thirty Five
Thirty Six
Thirty Seven
Thirty Eight

Chapter Nineteen

379 21 14
By Jkslifesaver

"I do! There's a bag in the backseat with a spare set of clothes. You still have the keys so you can run and grab the bag so I can get dressed and get out of here."

"I'll be back " Mattie murmured  shyly stopping herself from the urge she had to hug Jordan again.

Jordan nodded and watched her walk out the door.

I think I love this woman

Less than ten minutes passed when Mattie reentered Jordan's room .

"Do you need help to the bathroom to get changed ? That's where I put your bag "Mattie explained standing by the bed

"No hun I think I can manage" he said with a wink and made his way to the bathroom

":Would it be better for me to go bring your truck around ? Once your changed you're good to go right ?"

"Yeah I'm just waiting on Lisa to bring the paperwork and stuff so you can pull the truck around."

Jordan finished changing and walked back into the room. "Hey Mattie I forgot to grab my deodorant off the sink. Do you mind grabbing it for me?" He asked as he put his shoes on.

Lisa returned with the discharge paperwork before Mattie managed to grab Jordan's deodorant stepping back to make sure he didn't miss anything else Mattie turned just as she heard Lisa talking to Jordan

"That quiet mousey little girl isn't really your wife is she ?"

"Excuse me?" Jordan snapped

"A man like yourself needs a woman not a little girl " Lisa almost purred

Jordan rolled his eyes. "Look Lisa I wouldn't have sex with you if you were the last woman earth. That woman you called a mousey little girl saved my life and can run circles around you. Give me my paperwork and take your skanky ass on somewhere else. I'll be leaving with my wife while you'll be going home alone tonight." He unleashed on Lisa. He looked around for Mattie so they could leave.

Lisa muttered under her breath as Mattie stepped out of the bathroom

"We all set to go ?" Mattie asked Jordan glaring at Lisa "I need to stop by the nurses station before we head down

"Let's get out of here babe" Jordan  said as he walked over  kissing Mattie

Lisa cut her eyes at Mattie as she stormed out of the room before they could exit

Mattie looked up at him dazed "Why'd you kiss me ?"

"To piss her off and put her in her place. Plus I like kissing you"

Mattie felt her face "I -I like kissing you too. I meant what I said I'm stopping at the nurse's station I'm reporting her "

"Good. She needs to be fired. She was completely inappropriate"

After stopping at the nurse's station and having a conversation about Lisa's bedside manner one of the staff forced Jordan to ride in a wheel chair down to the truck. Once Jordan was settled in the passenger seat Mattie started the truck ,pulling out of the hospital parking lot .The drive to their building was short and it didn't take Jordan long to be out of the truck and heading to the elevator with Mattie close by. Unsure of how to even act Mattie got on the elevator after Jordan did thankful it was empty and released a nervous breath as the doors slowly closed them in the small space .The smell that she equated to Jordan had returned and Mattie was thankful because she hated the antiseptic smell the hospital left behind on him.She hadn't seen a bottle of cologne in Jordan's bag .Mattie couldn't help but wonder if the scent was just the mix of the deodorant he wore.

The doors opened, As they stepped out. Mattie looked at Jordan waiting for the okay to go in .

"Come on in Mattie"

"Thank you .I would've opened the door but then I realized it's not a regular key " Mattie whispered feeling awkward .

"As long as you keep that oxygen on I'm gonna run down to my apartment and get cleaned up. Are you hungry ? I can bring something up? "

"I'm starving and in need of a shower. I guess I'll shower while you're getting cleaned up and we could order something to eat and have it delivered if that's ok?" He asked

"You don't want real food ? "Mattie chuckled

'I'm not a very good cook Mattie and you've done enough for me already. I couldn't ask you to cook again."

Mattie shrugged "You didn't I offered and if you want to turn down something I know you loved when I made it the last time that's on you "

"What do you have in mind?

"It's a surprise now go get your butt in the shower so I can go do the same and get what I need . Because when I get back up here you're going to have to let me back in and if you're in the shower you can't do that"

"Yes ma'am" Jordan snickered

Mattie closed the door and let out a breath she hadn't realized she was holding.

In record time Mattie showered changed and gathered up the ingredients for the macaroni and cheese she'd made him before.Mattie figured it was the ultimate comfort food and that Jordan would enjoy it .The elevator carried her one floor up and Mattie tapped gently on the door.

Jordan answered the door in his robe. He had finished his shower but hadn't put his pajama pants on yet. "Come on in. I'll be ready in a minute."

"I'm just gonna get into the kitchen and start things if that's okay ?"

"That's fine. I'll only be a minute" he shouted from the bedroom. He was hurrying to get dressed so he could get in the kitchen and help her.

Mattie had water on to boil , oven preheated and was shredding cheese by the time Jordan returned from his bedroom. The familiar scent of him alerted Mattie to his presence before she saw him.

Mattie continued shredding the cheese unsure of what to say to him

Jordan walked into the kitchen and sits at the bar, watching Mattie cook.

Mattie continued shredding cheese when she finally noticed Jordan sitting there

"Where's your oxygen ?"Mattie asked quietly

"Where's what?"

"The oxygen "Mattie repeated slightly louder

Mattie looked down at the cheese slightly shaking her head

"Is your breathing okay ?"

"I feel fine as long as I'm not moving around too much"

Pointing to the couch Mattie instructed him "Go sit over there "

"I like sitting here. It's easier to talk to you from here. Plus that food smells so amazingly good"

Mattie smiled "You're not a very cooperative patient. And thank you wait'll til I add my other secret ingredient I didn't put that in last time ".

"Ooh what is it? I want in on the secret"

"You'll know what it is when I put it in you're just gonna have to wait Mr Impatient "

"Ugh! I don't want to wait. Is it like a family secret? Is that why you can't tell me?"

Mattie chuckled "Nope just something common on a farm "

Turning away from Jordan Mattie pulled out the package that held the special ingredient playfully peeking over her shoulder to see if Jordan was watching .

"It better not be something like pig balls. That would be gross" he said trying to hold in his laugh

"Nope it's the balls of the last person who asked what the ingredient was " Mattie told him trying to sound as serious as possible despite the laugh threatening to escape

"Hmm they must be little ones then cause that package isn't very big. Size does matter" he said using a cough to cover his snicker

Mattie couldn't contain the laugh any longer as an obnoxious snort escaped. Clamping her hands across her mouth Mattie bolted from behind the island ducking into the half bath off the living room.

Jordan lost it the minute he heard her snort. He sat at the bar laughing hysterically and trying to catch his breath. His laughing turned into a violent coughing fit. He tried to call out to Mattie but he couldn't stop coughing long enough. He finally decided to smack his hand against the bar to get her attention.

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