Manipulation >> Becstin

By mahoneaddict

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× Manipulative people do not understand the concept of boundaries. × They are relentless in their pursuit o... More

Manipulation ➳ becstin au
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Twenty Two
Twenty Three
Twenty Four
Twenty Five
Twenty Six
Twenty Seven
Twenty Eight
Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Thirty Four
Thirty Five
Thirty Six
Thirty Seven
Thirty Eight
Chapter Thirty Nine
Forty One
Forty Two
Forty Three
Forty Four
Forty Five
Forty Six
Forty Seven
Forty Eight
Forty Nine

Chapter Three

4.2K 157 6
By mahoneaddict

Austin's POV

We finally get to my Range and Becky sits next to me in the passenger’s side. I look at her and she’s looking forward and uncomfortably connects with my gaze.

“What?” she asks me. I look away quickly and start driving to Justin’s house. A few blocks away from his house I pull off the road.

“Where are we?” she asks not looking at me.

“Listen, Becky. I know I acted like a complete jerk when I met you-”

“I’ll say.” she mumbles.

“I was wondering if you and I could you know start over, you know?” I plead to her, she sighs. She still hasn’t looked at me.“Apologize first.” she looks at me.

“What? Why?” I ask.

“‘Cause you were acting like a jerk. You said it yourself.” she clarifies, I groan. 

“Fine, I’m sorry. Okay?” I say. She smiles.

“Okay, now hug it out.” Becky pesters me. I sigh loudly. I crush her in a huge hug and I hear her laugh.

Damn, she has a beautiful laugh.

I instantly pull away from the hug, and start driving again. I can see Becky giving me a weird look out of the corner of my eye. I ignore it. 

We finally get to Justin’s and Becky is instantly engulfed into a bear hug when the door opens.

“You are so tiny. I feel like I could break you in half.” Justin says to Becky when he put her down, she giggles.

“Hey Austy.” I hear Brittany whisper in my ear.

“Hey Brit.” I sigh and sit down and Brittany is instantly on my lap.

“Rob, and Alex said they’d be here in a while. And Zach has some science project to do. So he’s dippin’ out.” Sarah tells us.

Sarah, Brittany, Delissya are whispering to one another.

“Becky come with us.” Brittany says.

“Oh-kay?” she gets up and follows them to one of the rooms down the hall.

“So, Becky’s going to be your new girl?” I ask Justin, he smiles.

“For a while.” He smirks.

“I don’t understand why you play with girls like that, man.” I say honestly.

“You’re the one to talk. Need I remind you of Tia?” He says, I sigh.

“That was different, alright?” I say.

“You can have her for a twirl once I’m done with her.” Justin laughs.

“You’re a sick man.” I tell him while laughing. 

Just then I hear a door down the hall close. I connect my eyes with Becky’s who looks like she’s crying. In an instant she darts out the door with a hand covering her mouth. I look at Justin who’s eyes are wide.

Becky’s POV

That sick disgusting bastard.

I keep running until I feel my legs collapse on the sidewalk.

“You can have her for a twirl once I’m done with her.” 

That asshole.

I hear a car pull up and I cover my face. The door closes.

“Hey, Becky. Are you alright?” the person tries to touch my arm but I slap it away.

“Don’t touch me.” I say through clenched teeth.

“Listen, what you heard back there-”

“Shut up, Austin.” I say quickly, “You and I know exactly the type of guy Justin is. I knew it right when I saw him class. I didn’t even want to be there. I just did it for Tia.” I confess.

“Why are friends with her?”

“She’s nice and she’s an honest friend.”

“We’re your friends too.”

“I’d rather have one honest friend than a lot of friends that go behind my back.” I get up.

“Why don’t you just come back. Justin’s really upset.”

“Really?” I ask with fake concern.

“Yeah, really.”

“Good.” I say and walk away from him. He follows me.

“What now?” I ask turning around. He sighs loudly.

“Look, you seem like a nice girl, Becky.” he starts. I tap my foot impatiently.

“We”, he gestures to both of us with his hands, “Can still be friends, right?” He asks me. I look at the ground.

“You’re not like Justin, right? I mean, if I’m friends with you. You’re not going to hurt me, are you?” I ask him seriously.

“No. I wouldn’t pull that shit, okay?” I nod.

“I guess we can be friends. But, Tia’ll kill me if she finds out.” I tell him.

“You shouldn’t let her control you.” He says, I laugh.

“And your friends don’t control you?” I say with my arms crossed.

“Th-they don’t.” He looks off nervously.

“Tell me ‘Austy’ Why were you the one that had to pick me up when Justin didn’t.” I say. Austin connects with my eyes and I quirk my eyebrows up waiting for him to respond.

“I-I” he stutters, he looks at the ground clearly embarrassed.

“Austin.” I flop my arms to my side. I walk up to him and hug him tightly, I pull back and look at him, his eyes are glossy. “What happened that made you like this?” I look up to search his eyes.

“Can we talk somewhere else?” he asks trying to hide the fact that he’s crying by rubbing his eyes. I nod. We get into his car and drive off.

Austin’s POV

I can’t believe this shit. 

Two years. 

Two damn years.

And one girl comes along and finally asks.

I pull up to the driveway if my house and I pull the keys out of the ignition and look at Becky.

“Let’s go.” I say. She unbuckles her seatbelt and hops out. 

Like, literally hops. 

She’s so fucking cute. She has to hop out of the truck.

You have a girlfriend Austin.

Think of Brit. 

Think of Brit.

I find myself in front of my room. Before I open the door I look back at Becky.

“There’s going to be some stuff in here that might make you think differently of me. But, you can’t tell anyone, okay?” I plead to her. At first she furrows her eyebrows and then she apprehensively nods.

 I inhale sharply and open the door.

Becky’s POV

“A guitar?” I ask as Austin pulls the strap around his shoulder.

“Yeah. I sing.” he confesses. I grab the nearest chair and sit down.

“Eager?” he smiles, I nod. He starts to strum the guitar. He sings a cover of ‘Let Me Love You’ by Mario and once he’s done I look at him in awe.

“Wow! That was awesome!” I scream he blushes and stares at the ground.

The hell? did he seriously blush?

“Um, thanks.” he smiles while he puts the guitar down.

“So what does this have to do with you being…you?” I ask he sits down in a roller chair and starts swirling around.

“When I first started singing. It wasn’t cool. Like this kid can sing without cracking his voice but another guy will get more girls if he’s playing ball.” He says, I knit my eyebrows together.

“It’s like this…when I showed my friends I could sing a lot of them said it was gay. So, I join basketball and football and got girls so they wouldn’t think of me that way.” he clarifies. I nod sadly.

“At first, it was just a few different girls a month but it became so much larger than that. When Justin and I became friends I got more popular. Popularity plus girls equals happy Austin. But, it wasn’t enough for me so when Justin and I started to get bored we started making up these games. We would see who could a girl first. Whoever won, won. I guess. It’s pretty stupid but one time when I found this girl I really like of course I asked her out and of course we got into a serious relationship but Justin and I were in the middle of a game and well, she- uh- Tia. She found the texts. Pictures. Everything…and that was it for us. She went into hysterics when she found a video of me and the girl I was messing with on my phone. And she broke it off with me that night…Why am I telling you this?” he laughs and looks at me.

“I honestly have no idea.” I smile at him.

“And then I told Justin I wanted to stop and everything’s been okay since. Well, I still see Tia giving me nasty looks and spreading rumors about me but it’s okay.” He says cooly.

“So you changed yourself…for your friends.” I assume.

“I didn’t really change. I just. Improved myself.”

“Improved yourself? By putting down the guitar and learning how to do a jump shot and throw a football? That’s improving? Face it Austin. You wanted to be popular so you did everything you could to get in with the cool kids. You even lost yourself while you were in there.” I tell him.

“I know. I know. It’s just that. I don’t know what else to do now. It’s like a routine. Everyday we hang out and every other day we party. It’s exhausting but at the same time it’s so fun. It gets your blood pumping. It’s pure adrenaline.” He smiles.

“Dude, you could get that same feeling on stage. People cheering your name. Your name in bright lights. Touring the country or even the world! You could go to like award shows and do ad commercials! I mean, if you take this..” I grab up his guitar. “and that thing in the middle of your face that’s called a mouth and use it to sing you could be doing things these kids here could only dream of.” I tell him.

“You have a great imagination Becky. Maybe in some other alternate universe but not in this one. Trust me.” He says, I sigh.

“You don’t see what I see, do you? You have potential do amazing things Austin. I just saw you kill it on Mario. You have an amazing gift Austin. The world deserves to know it.” I tell him sincerely. 

“The world would judge me, Beck.”

“Did you just call me Beck?” I ask him.

“Yeah, Beck. It’s your new nickname.” He smiles at me.

“Dude I’m serious about the singing thing.”

“So am I. I can’t make it. I’m not good enough.” he says


(A/N: imagine if Austin never posted videos bc insecure.



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