The Bet I Lost

By turtleswords

785 94 786

-SECOND BOOK OF THE FRAT SERIES- Blake Cohen is placed a bet that for him, was easy breezy. Parties, girls an... More

1: Changing Strategies
2: Late Night Conversations
3: A Game For Two
4: Can't Get You Off My Mind
5: Sharing Beds
6: Finger Up The Wrong Hole
7: Pose for the Picture
8: Aim, Point, Shoot
9. You Got Me Going Crazy
10. Fight For You
11. Nasty Truths
12. Stay The Night
13: Catching Feelings
14: Game Over
15: Come Together
16: You Hit The Wrong Wall
17: Cheer Up
18: Welcome to DR
20: Falling For You
21: Behind Closed Doors
22: Saying Goodbye
23: Guiltless twisted lie
EXTRA CHAPTER: Unkown Caller
EXTRA CHAPTER: Getting Kick-Out
EXTRA CHAPTER: Wedding Bells

19: Feeling Guilty

24 3 50
By turtleswords

I fell asleep for like five minutes before waking up with a halt. I decided to take shower to wake me up. When I walked out of the bathroom with only the towel around my waist. I looked for something comfortable to wear. I didn't put a patch on, I didn't feel like it was necessary. I walked out of my room and went to Tina's room.

She was walking out from the bathroom wearing only her underwear. She jumped and walked inside the bathroom again to get her bath robe.

"You have the curviest body I've ever seen" I said mesmerized by her curves. She rolled her eyes and moved to get her clothes. I walked over to her "I can't keep fighting this desire, this curiosity to feel you, to hear you moaning and test how far you'll go" I whispered standing in front of her. She wasn't looking at me "I bet you've never been touched like I want to" I said tilting her head up. I placed my thumb in her lower lip and slowly parted her lips "I bet right you're thinking about how good my lips would feel touching were no one else has ever kissed you" she sighed and I leaned down to kiss her.

She moved backwards but I didn't let her get far. I cupped her head in my hands and kissed her. At first she was reluctant but slowly she gave in and kissed me. She wrapped her arms around my neck and stood on her tiptoes. I placed my hand in her lower back, lifting her a little bit from the floor.

"Blake... my parents can come" she said stopping the kiss but I didn't listen and kissed her again.

I placed her on the bed and placed myself on top of her. Her bathrobe opened and her body was completely exposed to me. Her skin was soft and warm against mine. I wanted to kiss every inch of her skin, I wanted to touch her and feel her warmth.

"I want to..." I started but stopped biting my lip "I want to fuck so badly" I groaned and looked at her. I wished I could go back and change the circumstances in which we met. I wished I didn't feel guilty every time I wanted to kiss her or touch her. I felt dirty, almost as if I was only doing this for the bet but I damn knew I was just falling for her.

She looked at me for a while and we just stared at each other then she raised her head and kissed me. It was a soft and delicate kiss that just fed my feelings. I placed my hand on her stomach and slowly moved it up until I reached the border of the bra.

"Guys, we're here" her parents shouted from the floor below and Tina jumped and I felt her teeth bumping into my lip and then the sour taste of blood.

"Sorry" she whispered and I got off her. She dragged out of the room and locked herself inside.

I walked to my room with a smile on my face. I was definitely falling for her and I didn't see a way of stopping it.

Tina's parents invited us to go out for dinner. I was getting ready and my phone wouldn't stop vibrating on the bed. I looked at it and saw all the text messages from Elias.

E: picture or it didn't happen

How old was he? 10? Jesus. I dropped my phone on the bed and it vibrated again.

E:  i need prove, Blackey, pictures

E: tonight

"Blake, what happened to your lip?" Tina's father asked when I walked downstairs. I cleared my throat and looked at Tina. She avoided my eyes and her father's.

"I tend to bite my lip when I'm thinking" I said the first thing that came to my mind. He nodded and walked to the door. Tina looked at me and rolled her eyes.

We drove to a parking lot filled with food-trucks. It was packed with people. We got a table in front of one food-truck and Tina's parents started telling us about what trucks were good and what was good about them. 

I convinced Tina to take a picture with me. It wasn't the pictures Elias was asking but it had to do. I sent it to him immediately and turned off my phone. Tina didn't pick up anything, hopefully. 

After dinner, Tina's parents dropped us off at a bar called Shots. When we walked in it was really dark and crowded. The walls were filled with posters and CD's of old rock bands. There was loud rock music playing. We got to the bar and asked for two random shots, then Tina ordered one called 'Blowjob'. 

They played 'Sweet Child O' Mine by Gun n' Roses and Tina sang along to some parts. I looked at her mesmerized, already drunk. She blushed and ordered another shot, she passed me one and chugged hers before I even put mine close to my mouth. 

We left after my eighth shot. Tina was pretty wasted, she was giggling on the Uber. I had the worst hiccup ever. The Uber driver didn't say a word while he drove us to Tina's house.  When we got there I carried Tina up to the door and to her room.

I threw her on the bed and took my shirt off before laying next her. She was giggling uncontrollably. I laid next to her. 

"I'm so drunk" she said with a laugh. I chuckled and looked at her.  Her cheeks were flushed and her eyes had a certain spark I've seen before. I just love to stare at her eyes. "you're cute" she whispered with a smile and touched my cheek. She looked at my lips. 

"Am I?" I asked her with a smirk. I turned to face her and she did the same.

"Yes" she confirmed smiling. We stared at each other for a while and then she leaned in towards me and kissed me. I immediately placed my hand on her head, bringing her closer to me. 

She moved to place herself on top of me. I placed my hands on her hips and pushed her against my erection. She started moving her hips up and down, very slowly. It felt so nice I let out a moan.

Suddenly she stopped kissing me and ran to the bathroom. I looked at the bathroom door concerned when I heard her throwing up. I stood up and walked to the bathroom to help her, she tried to kick me out but she was in no condition to do so. I held her hair while she threw up. I don't why I decided to get inside the tub in our underwear. Tina tried to protest and get away from me but I held her tightly in my arms

She fell asleep soon after, her chest rising and falling very slowly. I fell asleep looking at her rosy cheeks and pink lips. 


I woke up with the worst neck pain of my life. I hide it from Tina and her parents just so they wouldn't ask questions. We were on our way to Tina's grandmother's house. I didn't feel exactly comfortable about meeting her whole family. 

We got to Tina's grandmother's house; it was a big, yellowish, two story house with a big entrance. When the door opened a white little dog came out barking and Tina rolled her eyes. She had the worst headache ever. 

Then an old lady came out and hugged Tina, greeting her in Spanish. I though that was her grandma but apparently no. She then eyed me and the only thing I could do was smile and stand there like statue. 

"It's Tina's friend" Marcia said with a smile and emphasis in friend. I guessed the lady asked who I was. She kept looking at me and then turned around to walk inside the house behind Tina. 

Once inside there was music playing and the smell of seasoning was all around the house. There was an enormous patio with a terrace and stairs that led to a pool. The sun hit right on the pool making the water shine. 

"Tina!" another lady stood up from a rocking chair and hugged Tina. She looked her up and down and said something to Tina's parents. Tina looked at me with her cheeks red. I wondered what they were talking about. 

"Hello, I'm Blake" I said introducing myself and extending a hand. She placed her hand on mine and I kissed it. 

She said something in Spanish and again Tina's mom answered, this time saying something in Spanish.  Tina looked at her mom and then at me, her cheeks were bright red. Her grandma said something else and Tina looked at me again. Her whole face was red and I swear I could see the ghost of a smile on her lips. 

Tina went inside with her mother and grandma, her dad was inside. I stayed in the patio looking around. I walked around and even went down to the pool and walked around, it was really hot and I wanted to jump in really badly. My phone vibrated and it was Corey, we talked for a while. He asked me about Tina and how the bet was going, he asked me if we already did it, probably Elias told him to call me. 

I caught Tina staring at me from the kitchen window, she looked concerned or sad, I couldn't figure it out. I smiled at her and kept talking with Corey. 

We had lunch in the backyard, Tina's parents seemed a bit hostile towards her and avoided making eye contact with her during the meal. I looked at her questionably wondering what had happened but she just smiled. After lunch, just like yesterday we had coffee and then Tina's grandmother invited me to get in the pool. I gladly accepted the offer and walked over to the pool.

I took off my t-shirt and left it on the little table next to the pool. I entered through the stairs avoiding making a big splash and annoying Tina's grandma. The water was nice and warm and very refreshing, compared to the hot, humid air. The sun was at its peak and it burned my skin almost immediately. 

Tina came downstairs wearing the tiniest purple bikini. My eyes almost popped out of my head when I saw her. I smiled and watched her walking inside the pool. She came close to me, standing right in front. 

"You never cease to amaze me" I said smirking. She rolled her eyes and looked down. 

We stayed in the pool for the rest of the afternoon. Tina's mom came down to let us know they were going upstairs. Tina looked at me and rolled her eyes, there had to be some sort of joke between them.

"I can't wait to go to Punta Cana" Tina whispered walking to the edge of the pool and grabbing one of the juices her mom brought down for us. I walked closer to her, standing

"Why? so I can make you cum without any interruptions?" I whispered in her ear and felt her whole body shiver. I placed my hand on her neck and slowly went down until I reached her arm then I leaned down and kissed the curve of her neck making her shiver. I pulled her closer to me and her body touched mine "I can't tell you how many times I've dreamed about you moaning my name" I said on her ear and she leaned back into me. 

"Why didn't you try anything last night?" she asked opening her eyes and looking at me. It surprised me that she thought I could do anything without her consent.

"Because when I want to hear you moaning, I want you to be sober" I answered with a smile. 

I placed my hand on her waist and turned her around kissing her. She was surprised at first but then kissed me back and wrapped her legs around my waist. My hands went to her butt and pressed her against my erection.

"The can come down..." she said in the middle of the kiss but didn't stop kissing me "any minute" she finished and bit my lip. I grunted and let her go. 

We got off the pool and sat down on the chairs by the pool until Tina's parents came down to tell us we were leaving. Tina fell asleep on my lap on the way to the house, once we got there she woke up and walked up to her room.  

I went up to my room and laid bed thinking about Tina. Things were getting pretty heated up between us and I didn't want to stop them but at the same time I felt guilty every time we were together because I knew that the reason we started talking in the first place was because of the stupid bet. If only I could just get out of the bet without her finding out, maybe that way we could be together but then I wouldn't be ok with lying to her. 


I heard Tina's door opening and I decided to go to her room. I sneaked out of mine and walked to hers. She wasn't in there still I laid in her bed. She came and closed the door telling me how uncomfortable the situation could've been if it wasn't her. We laughed and then she laid next me. I kissed right away and placed myself on top of her. I wanted to do it with her. I started kissing her neck and the top of her chest. I looked at her asking for permission to take off her shirt, she nodded and I took her shirt off, exposing her white bra to me. 

My hand cupped her breast and kissed her again. She moaned and kept kissing me. I felt myself getting hard under the pants. I wanted to feel her so bad but something made me stop.

"I don't think is a good idea" I said stopping the kiss and getting off her. I laid next to her, closing my eyes and sighing loudly. I could feel her eyes on me "let's just sleep" I said after a couple of minutes pulling her towards me. 

She rested her head on my chest and fell asleep soon after. I couldn't believe I stopped myself right when I could've done something but I didn't want to be thinking about the stupid bet when I do it with her. 


We were on our way to Punta Cana first thing in the morning. Tina's mom insisted we had breakfast before leaving but Tina said we could get something on the way. 

We stopped in a liquor store and bought alcohol, Tina insisted on paying but we ended up splitting the bill. Then we went to a pharmacy and bought condoms. Tina got all read when I joked inside the pharmacy that she was planning on raping me. 

Tina suggested we played a game on the way. I agreed and she started asking me questions, nothing too personal but I could see she really wanted me to open up to her. I really wanted to tell her everything about my father, and my mother and why I was studying law and about the fight but I just couldn't bring myself to open up someone else knowing I'll be losing her soon. 

"What's the worst thing that someone can do to you?" she asked and gripped the steering wheel tightly. I looked out the window thinking about what I valued the most. Honesty, for sure was my first thing. Ironic.

"Lie" I answered and then added "and I hate when people make you feel like you're not worthy" I avoided her eyes for a while "and you?" I asked.

"I guess, lie" she answered shrugging. She kept quiet for a while and then spoke again "I hate when people brag about what they have or do" she frowned and I smiled. She looked so cute mad. 

I stayed quiet for a while thinking wether I should ask the question I was thinking or not. I was getting carried away and I was letting my feeling show but at this point I was complete lost in Tina. 

"Have you, in the short time we have knowing each other, thought about going steady?" I didn't want to sound too hopeful but who was I trying to fool? I liked her and I wish I could call her my girlfriend. 

"Mmm, yes... it has crossed my mind" she answered, I couldn't stop the smile that formed on my lips "I mean, you give me boyfriend vibes" she laughed and I joined her. 

"It has crossed my mind too" I said and she looked at me "eyes on the road, Tina" she blushed and looked at the road, I could see a smile on her lips but she was frowning. 

We made a stop and switched drivers. Tina seemed to be very tired. We kept playing for the rest of the way. She told me she had a boyfriend in high school, who was a fucking douchebag and treated her like shit. But she ended up dumping him. I told her about Lydia, without names in case she knew her. 

I asked her why she hasn't date anyone from college and she told me that she just didn't have the time to do it. She was focused on her career. But here she was, wasting her time with me. 

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