By Jkslifesaver

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Moving to a large city from a small midwestern town Matilda (Mattie) Leman is away from her overprotective f... More

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Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Twenty Seven
Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Thirty One
Thirty Two
Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Thirty Five
Thirty Six
Thirty Seven
Thirty Eight

Chapter Ten

343 19 7
By Jkslifesaver

Jordan woke suddenly as Mattie was putting the macaroni and cheese in the oven.

"How long was I out ?" His voice was raspy from sleep.

"I've been here for about forty-five minutes and you were asleep when I got here. Aiden said if you needed anything to call him and he would check back later " Mattie explained nervously

"You didn't have to go to all this trouble Miss Laren"

"You need to eat Mr Knight "

"It smells really good. Thank you..." Jordan replied trailing off.

Mattie wondered if pain caused him to cut his sentence short but left it alone.

"Do you need anything? Something to drink?"

Jordan pushed off the recliner with his good hand, unsteadily getting to his feet.

"Miss Laren you don't have to wait on me .I still have one good hand "

Making his way to the bathroom Jordan's normally sure strides were hindered by the effects of the medication. Stopping to steady himself on the kitchen island Jordan grimaced when he reached for the stool with his left hand

"Fuck this is gonna be a real pain in the ass."

"Mr Knight whatever you need let me get it."

"Unless you can find a way to magically drain my bladder there isn't much you can do."

Mattie stopped cutting the tomatoes for their salad at Jordan's words watching as he navigated his way into the bathroom, wearing the same pajama pants he'd had on when he napped in her apartment.

Fuck it was going to be a long night 

After hearing banging around in the bathroom Mattie watched Jordan round the corner to the massive kitchen seating himself on one of the stools at the island.

Handing him a bottle of water Mattie finished mixing the dressing for their salad .

Jordan studied her as she moved around his kitchen putting bread into the oven and checking the macaroni and cheese pulling it out long enough to sprinkle more cheese on top and placing it back in the oven.

Mattie's hair was down around her shoulders and her glasses seemed to frustrate her as she pushed them up on her nose.

"Mattie "Jordan whispered hoarsely

Mattie stilled immediately.

Had her boss just called her by her first name?

"Everything okay Mr Knight ?"

"I -I " he stammered

Fuck what was he doing he wasn't some clueless teenager why was he suddenly nervous around this woman?

"Nothing "Jordan mumbled sliding off of the stool, padding slowly back to his recliner

Fifteen minutes later Mattie pulled the macaroni out of the oven setting it on a trivet before turning back to the oven to pull out the loaf of French bread she'd warmed up to have with it. Slicing it Mattie slathered butter on each warm piece ..

Mattie found a tray under the island that she used to arrange a salad, a few pieces of the bread and a bowl full of the macaroni and cheese. From memory she pulled silverware and napkins out she laid them on the tray next to the bowls and walked toward the living room where Jordan had since turned on the tv watching the local news.

Jordan looked up in surprise

"Not joining me again Miss Leman?"

Mattie nervously shook her head 

"Why the hell not ?" Jordan snapped irritably

Mattie unsure of what to reply began to clean up the kitchen.

Jordan shifted narrowing his eyes "Mattie I'm talking to you "

When no reply came Jordan pushed the tray to the side and pushed off the recliner

Steadier on his feet than he had been Jordan reached the island in short time

"Mattie " Jordan spoke softly

Mattie refused to meet Jordan's gaze

"Come sit and eat with me. You took all this time to make it when you didn't have to "

Mattie continued to wipe the counter with such a force Jordan feared she'd shred the sponge she used,

Frustrated Jordan leaned in and gently cupped Mattie's chin in his hand.

"Please "

The gesture was something definitely unexpected Stepping back Mattie pulled away breaking the contact .Her skin could still feel his touch as if it had been burned into it.

Jordan bowed his head,defeated walking back to his recliner.

Of course you're only good enough for one night stands what the fuck are you thinking?

She probably has already heard all about you ,you asshole

Mattie finished cleaning up the kitchen and texted Aiden that she wasn't able to stay much longer to keep an eye on Jordan because she wasn't feeling well. It was a total lie but telling him the truth would make her seem like a pretentious bitch.

Jordan still hadn't touched his meal when Aiden appeared in his living room

"Uncle J what in the fuck did you do ?"

Jordan ripped a piece of bread apart and popped it into his mouth

"Not a fucking thing "

"Mattie looked like she was about to cry when she left here. "

"Aiden I don't know I've asked her every time she has been here to share a meal with me.I don't know why .Maybe she doesn't like me or something. Hell who knows maybe she hates men  " Jordan complained.

"I seriously doubt that Uncle J .I've seen her look at you and if that's the look of a man hater then I'm a priest"

Jordan glared at him as he took a spoonful of the macaroni and cheese ,groaning as he chewed

"Jesus this woman can cook Fuck that's really good ."

Aiden walked into the kitchen helping himself to what Mattie had prepared

"Who said you could have some.And how did she know it's one of my favorite foods ?"

Aiden chuckled as he plucked a piece of bread off the tray and walked back into the living room with his food."Not a clue Uncle J but sounds like she was spot on ."

Jordan continued eating wondering how this woman could possibly know what his favorite foods were.

Aiden cleared their dishes , loaded the dishwasher and made a tray for Mattie.When he finished he peeked around the corner to find his uncle sound asleep in the recliner much like he'd been when Aiden left earlier.

Slipping out of the apartment quietly Aiden took the steps down to Mattie's apartment.

Startled by the knock Mattie peeked through the peep hole immediately opening the door for Aiden

"What's wrong ? Is Mr Knight okay ? Did you guys need something ?"Mattie rambled on opening the door for him

"Nope just thought you actually needed to eat since you took off out the door like something was chasing you"

"C'mon in Aiden and thank you it wasn't necessary"

Aiden set the tray on her counter "Yes it was . You need to eat too. "

"Does he know you're down here ?"

"Nope he ate and fell asleep"Aiden explained

Mattie nodded in understanding

"Are you afraid of him?"

Aiden's question was blunt and Mattie had never dealt with anyone speaking to her that way


"You a man hater?"


"Then why do you keep bolting like your ass is on fire ?"

Mattie shifted nervously

How the fuck could she explain that she had a tiny crush on her boss.

To be honest tiny didn't describe it .Massive was more appropriate but she'd heard stories in the short time she'd been at Knight Forensics about how Jordan liked to fuck and forget.Apparently it had become his mantra .Mattie refused to be a notch on his bedpost

Was it even possible to feel this way about the man this soon?

Maybe she was naïve

"You like him!" Aiden declared

Mattie avoided his penetrating stare

Fuck he was as bad as Jordan

"You know he's not a bad guy once you get to know him. Before you judge him maybe you should know the reason why he is the way he is."

Mattie's head recoiled "What happened?" She asked softly

"Eat and I'll explain"

Mattie nodded and sat down on the stool next to him as Aiden explained about his Uncle Richard and Jordan's ex Natalie.

An hour later when Aiden left to go back to Jordan's apartment Mattie was full and had a new understanding of the man who spent more time in her thoughts than should be allowed .

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