Am I still Invisible?

By LostBandGirl

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High School. That awkward place where everyone is grouped in cliques unless you are invisible. 16 year old Ri... More

Chapter 1: I am Invisible
Chapter 2: Crash
Chapter 3- Talking to Mr. Abercrombie and Fitch
Chapter 4- The Universe performs Tricks
Chapter 5- How are we Related?
Chapter 6- Prickling, Tingling and Alerts?
Chapter 7- I Need a Party
Chapter 8- Glasses and a Staircase
Chapter 9- Why Me?
Chapter 10- Dad's Home.
Chapter 11- Me vs The Hellhole
Chapter 12- Am I Normal?
Chapter 13- From Romantic Comedies to Horror
Chapter 14- The Agreement
Chapter 15- A Clean Break
Chapter 17- A house full of Enemies.
Chapter 18- Dylan Roberts Is Not A Turd
Chapter 19- Explanations and a Perfect Execution
Chapter 20- Whipping their Sorry Butts
Chapter 21- Our Mini Italy and Family Pranks
Chapter 22- Biting My Tongue (not)
Chapter 23- The Cycle of Sleep Deprivation
Chapter 24- The Stairway to Frenzy
Chapter 25- Heartbreak or Betrayal
Chapter 26- Sucker Punched
Chapter 27- An Impromptu Road Trip
Chapter 28- The bednapper
Chapter 29- Friendship and Loveship
Chapter 30- A trip to Uni
Chapter 31- Being part of the Bridal Party

Chapter 16- Licorice

407 17 1
By LostBandGirl

 Picture of Seth's Chevy Camaro SS to the side. 2013 model.

Unedited. Will edit everything soon.

Chapter 16


I am so nervous that my hands are shaking and my armpit sweat is cold.

Its 5 o’clock and I start getting ready for my date with Seth.

I have dragged a chair in front of my closet and I sit staring at the endless pit of clothes. I haven’t grown since I was 13- when I still behaved like a girl (as San puts it)- so there is a lot of different clothes in there. Most of them are black, pants or band-tees but there are still dresses and stuff.

How is it that I literally have 3 years worth of clothes and 2 different clothing genres with nothing to wear?

There is only one person who can help me here. I stretch my mouth open and begin to yell so loud that it my lungs threaten to burst and my throat feels like it will catch alight.


Half a minute later my whole family and Mike pour into the room armed with a baseball bat, vase, lampshade, a rolling pin, a high heeled shoe and…is that a toilet plunger?

They are looking around the room with violent glares mixed with worry and terror. They begin to relax a little when they realise that nothing is going on.

“Well done Riles. You gave us all a heart attack for nothing.” Pete says snarkily.

I very maturely mimick him in my highest voice and stick my tongue out.

He retaliates by doing the same.

“Oh for the love of my sanity shut up,” Cassie snaps, “ Riley. You yelled for me. What did you want?”

“Sorry Cass. I was distracted by a dumbass,” I sneak a peak at Pete and he is glaring at me. Teehee.

“Cass, it’s my first date tonight and I have nothing to wear please help me,” I mumble looking at the ground. I am embarrassed at having to ask for her help. I mean I am the girl-who-doesn’t-give-a-damn-and-dresses-like-a-guy and now I am sulking because I can’t find the perfect dress.  It’s just so unlike me.

Sadly, my sibling realise this too.

“Awww Riley’s becoming a girl at last,” Cassie coos.

“It’s horrid I feel like I am losing a brother,” Will says in an overly dramatic voice before fake crying.

“I feel your pain bro,” Pete says rubbing his back before joining him with more fake tears.

“It’s okay guys- we will get through this. We will find the guy who destroyed our brother-sister-thing,” Dan says at our other morons-sorry- I mean brothers.

“Cassie. In a dress. That’s just wrong,” Emma says causing fits of laughter from everyone.

“You read my mind,” Mike states.

“Haha hilarious everyone. I am sh*tting myself. Now can you leave so Cass can make herself useful for once,” I say sarcastically. I can deal with the teasing I just wish they would help me while they were at it.

Cassie gasps next to me.

“That’ll have to wait. After all it’s my brotherly duty to ask who the guy is,” Pete says huffing his chest up.

Dan, Will and Mike all nod along with their chests huffed up and their backs upright trying to look intimidating.

“Guys save the intimidating looks for later. They don’t work on me. I know that you lot are softer than my fluffy socks. His name is Seth. Now will you leave?”

They guys deflated…literally.

“Nah sis. We aren’t leaving. We want to see Cassie be useful. Should be funny,” Will says as the rest of the freak show called my family piles onto my bed.

As Will is about to sit Cassie tackles him. She actually looks like she is flying before landing on the ground with him. Now that she is on top of our ‘dear’ brother- she begins to pin him and tickle him.

“I was always most useful in torturing you pipsqueaks. Remember that the next time to try to be funny. Big Sister always wins. Now say that Cassie has an awesome tackle and know everything,” Cassie eerily as she holds him down. He face is blank and devoid of emotions and she looks like she could do this all day.

Will writhes on the floor. Kicking and laughing so hard tears roll down his cheek.

“Never,” he gasps out through his laughter.

“Say it,” Cassie warns tickling him harder.

“FINE. Cassie has an awesome tackle and knows everything.” Will says loudly.

Cassie stops tickling him, gets up and walks to her phone.

“Got It!!!” she exclaims, “say hello to my new ringtone.”

She plays back the recording of Will saying the dreaded words and we all chuckle as he turns red.

“I will get you back for this Cassie Harper if it is the last thing I do,” he proclaims.

“Later. I have a lot of work to do know,” Cassie says before examining me.

“Scratch that- I have a hell of a lot of work to do.” She says before tying her hair up.

After tweezing, showering, exfoliating, shampooing and conditioning, shaving, perfuming, changing and dealing with Cassie whilst she did my make-up and lectured me for not taking enough care in my appearance-  I emerge from my bathroom to see the eager faces of my family.

“WOW. You look stunning Riley,” Emma squeal out loud.



Eventually around 2 minutes later the compliment stopped much to my delight because at long last my cheeks could finally return to their normal colour.

“Thanks guys but you are exaggerating,” I say.

I know that they are over-doing it to make me feel good. It’s just what family do.

‘”No really Rile. Look,” Mike says as he moves out from in front of the mirror.

Cassie chose a simple yet elegant navy dress and combat boots because she said it shoed my style whilst being feminine and I had to agree with her. I felt amazing.

Just then the doorbell rang and my brothers rushed down to get.

My sisters and I just exchanged a look before following them to make sure they didn’t scare Seth away.

When I arrived downstairs however, something a lot more disastrous had happened. My dad was talking to Seth. When had he even gotten home?

Then my brothers and Mike decide this would be a great time to stand behind my dad with their supposedly ‘intimidating’ stances.

Apparently their daft ‘look’ actually works. Seth was pale. He looked like he had just lived out all of his nightmares in one second flat.

“…10 o’clock sharp. Got it. Oh and don’t think about hurting my daughter or touching her in an inappropriate way.  If you do my sons and I will hunt to down and feed you to the gorillas,” my dad say.

I have to stop this.

I run up behind my dad and give him a kiss before running around him. I grab Seth’s hand.

“Bye daddy. Love ya. I’ll  see you at  ten. Don’t worry Pete I still remember those three most painful places you taught me about. Dan, I know to bend my thumb behind my fingers when throwing a punch. Mike I still remember how to tackle someone and hog tie them. Will…actually you tought me nothing. Bye everyone,” I blurt out not allowing them to get a word in edge-wise.

I then tug on Seth and practically run out of the house.

Will screams out after me, “I taught you the use of sarcasm and sharp-witted humour and that hurts more than any self-defense-OMPH.”

Yeah, Pete totally just smacked him over the head.

Thank goodness we reach the car before my dad starts his lecture on how we should be kinder towards each other. I mean pshh… our family shows our love through teasing and the occasional bit of violence. It’s how us Harper Siblings roll.

“You look beautiful,” Seth says looking at me.

I feel a blush creep up to me cheeks and I can’t stop my mouth from curling upwards.

“Thanks. You look very,” I say as I look him up and down, “casual?”

It’s the truth. He is wearing jeans and a t-shirt. I am pretty sure it’s the same pair of jeans he wore to school. Why does he get to relax but I have to wear a dress? This is not fair. I would have been much happier in my band t-shirt and jeans but I chose to make an effect.

“Yeah, sorry for not warning you but, I figured you wouldn’t like the whole fancy restaurant and candlelight thing and we already did the movies so I planned something a little different. I didn’t know you were going to get all dressed up,” he admits sheepishly.

I am a little shocked. It’s my first date. Of course I wanted the whole restaurant and candlelight thing. Its what every girl wants. And obviously I would get all dressed up, I mean it is a date. Do I really come off that lazy or boyish that he thought I wouldn’t get all dressed up.

To be honest I am a little mad but, I bite my tongue because I really don’t want this evening to become unpleasant. Also, you never know what might end up happening. Maybe Seth’s little surprise might be better than a restaurant and candlelight.

As we get into Seth’s cherry red chevrolet camaro we start to chat lightly about this and that. Nothing too exciting. We are pretty comfortable around each other since we have been hanging out all week.

Eventually we arrive in front of a brick bulding. It looks like one of those really dodgy factories in which the mafia are hiding in to complete a deal for drugs.

Seth gets out of the car and runs over to open more door. He hold me hand to help me up and then he continues to hold it as he leads me to the front of the Mafia Factory.

“Okay. So I know you love sweet things because you always go one about how you would kill for a Mars bar and so forth so when I saw that this was happening tonight I cleared what I originally had planned and booked two places for this.”

Seth has this big, dopey grin on and though it suits him it makes me worried that there is literally a drug deal going on and he thought I’d like to witness it. I mean it is a rational explanation. He said ‘sweet things’ and that could be could for drugs. Plus he probably thought that if I’d kill for chocolate I would love drugs.

If this is what I think it is all of my brothers and Mikes handy tips and tricks are going to be used. Seth, watch out man, because my left uppercut into a right hook is killer.

Seth himself however, is still oblivious to the thoughts running through my mind and he continues to lead me to the front of the building with that dopey grin of his.

Suddenly we arrive at the front doors and he leans down and whispers into my ear, “Look up.”

Wait isn’t he meant to be saying ‘look out’ not ‘look up’. I decide that the only way I can fully comprehend what’s going on here is to follow his instructions. I peek up. Oh hell no. This cannot be happening.

The sign above me reads, “Mr. Leeds Lovely Licorice.” This is a licorice factory. The one sweet I have never been able to palate since I was a child is licorice. I don’t know why but I have never been able to stand the stuff. Maybe it was the biter taste. All I know is that its I one of the few types of junk food I cannot eat.

“I head they were having this tour of the factory topped of with a tasting of their new flavours and I knew you enjoy most types of sweets so I booked two tickets. I didn’t even care about the price because I knew it would make you happy so…”

And cue the applause ladies and gents because this is going to be a night filled with my terrible acting.  I know feel like a terrible person. I can’t let Seth know that I hate licorice and can’t stand the taste. So I put on a huge smile and hope it convinces him. 

“Thank-you so much Seth. This is great. Honestly- it was such a sweet thing for you to do. Pun not intended.” I say with a slight laugh.

My acting skills must be better than I thought. Maybe it’s because I really don’t want to hurt Seth’s feelings.

We walk into the factory and I can’t help but think that this is a disaster waiting to happen.

Inside that factory we walk through the production line of the licorice and so far everything is good.

I get used to the smell about 15 minutes after the tour starts and then it’s not so bad. In fact it is actually pretty interesting. I know that problem is going to some in when we have to taste the stuff. I hope that maybe the flavourants will make it less bitter then I might just get away with tasting a little bit.

Seth holds onto my hand throughout the entire thing.  He looks down every now and then and gives me this big smile and asks if I okay and if I am enjoying myself. I always says yes and he always replies with a ‘that’s great.’

I know that I am being horrible company right now but it’s because the gears in my mind are whirring away trying to think of a way out of the licorice tasting. I can come up with nothing.

I don’t want to lie because that will mean throughout our relationship I will have to maintain that lie and that involves effort. Imagine having to throw away boxes of licorice etc. Not fun. Or him bringing us back here or something. I never want to come back here. The smell has started bothering me again and it is triggering my gag reflex.

I also don’t want to come out and tell him that for some strange reason licorice and I don’t get along because he put so much effort into this and I don’t want to hurt his feelings. I also don’t want to seem picky and fussy (as vain as that sounds). I actually want to go out with him again and I don’t need him thinking that I am some choosy little brat.

Eventually the tour guide says the dreaded words, “ Okay ladies and gents. Time for the licorice tasting.”

I can literally feel the bile sitting in my chest and I try my hardest to ignore the dryness of my throat.

We walk into this room and all around me I see giant plates of licorice.

“What’s wrong,” Seth asks me curiously, “I though you’d be more excited.”

I look at his innocent face and I lie my pants off, “ I am just so happy that I am speechless.” I add in a smile for dramatic effect.

And the show continues.

We walk up to the big tin in front of us.

The sign says cheesecake. Not so bad. I actually like cheesecake. Maybe I will like this one.

Seth waits for me to take a piece than takes one himself. I gingerly open my mouth and place the licorice inside of it. I begin to chew slowly.

I was wrong I can’t handle it. I need to get it out of my mouth now before I puke. I can’t puke this is a date. What do I do? I know. I can’t believe I am actually going to do this but I have to.

I dig in my purse (yes, Cassie made me take a purse) for some of the tissues Cassie said I should take as a precaution. I am actually going to need them now.

I pull one of the pack and make as if I am wiping my mouth.

Seth looks at me quizzically and I can understand why. I mean we are eating licorice. Why would I need to wipe my mouth?

I pull a tight-lipped smile from underneath the tissue and then I turn around. I quickly spit out the licorice into the tissue as I bend down in order to make it seem like I dropped something behind me so that he won’t ask why I turned around.

Then I remove the tissue from my mouth and dart past Seth to the bin behind him.

As I came back he looks at me with his trademark smile.

Time to find out whether he saw my gross move or not.

“Did you enjoy this flavour?”

I would take that as a not.

I will however refuse to do that again.

“Seth, can we get a take-away type thing. We really need to talk outside. In the fresh air.”

He looks at me weirdly before he walks away. A while late he comes back with a box filled with what I assume is licorice.

He hands the box to me and I look at before accepting it apprehensively.

We walk outside and into the car. When we are in the car he looks at me and I take it as my cue to start talking.

“Seth. Thank you so much for all the thought you put into that date but I have to tell you something. I really hate licorice. The taste, the smell and basically everything about it.  I am really sorry. Oh and here’s your take-away. I kinda asked you to get it for yourself so I wouldn’t feel bad. Sorry.”

I am looking between the floor and Seth because I can’t help feeling bad. I really did not want to hurt his feelings but I also don’t want to lie. Curse my moral compass. Couldn’t I have just said I have an allergic reaction? No, because my conscience would have nagged me about it.

Suddenly I hear laughter. Wait, what.

Seth is chuckling to himself. Is he sick or something? See, I knew licorice was evil.

“Why are you laughing?”

“I am laughing because of the irony. I should be apologizing to you. I messed up the date yet you are the one apologising,” Seth says looking at me, “ I am sorry Riley. I realise now that I should have asked you first. I promise the next time I want to be thoughtful I will make sure you will actually enjoy it.”

Now I can’t help but wonder if the boy is crazy.

“Seth. Stop it. You didn’t mess up the date. It was amazing because of the thought and effort you put into it. If anything messed up the date I was my weird taste buds.”

At this he laughs harder and I feel compelled to join him.

“Well that was a write off,” he gasps out after we are done with out little laughing fit.

“No it wasn’t Seth. At least we got to know something about each other.”

“I guess. Hey wanna play a game of 20 questions on the way back to I can learn more about you.”

I look at him and smile. This time it’s a real, genuine smile.





We finished our little game of 20 questions a while ago and now we are just randomly asking questions.

“Oh, I have one,” I say, “What is something you wished you had done?”

Seth glances at me out of the corner of his eye before looking at the road again.

“You ask weird questions. And the answer to that is that I wished I had listened to Ryan. He told me to take you out to a fancy dinner by candlelight but, I thought you would have hated that. I realise now that I should have listened to him.”

Now I am confused.

 “Why did Ryan give you date advice?” I ask inquisitively.

“Oh wow. Okay, this is embarrassing, but I actually asked him for advice because I know he is a bit of a… ‘charmer ‘shall we say. And now I realised I should not have questioned his knowledge. Anyway, you cheated, now I get two questions.”

Seth says still a tiny bit embarrassed from his earlier confession.

“Sorry Seth, but it looks like we arrived.” I say looking at my house.

“I didn’t even realise. And I was meant to be driving. Well let’s get you home before your dad turns me into ape feed.”

“ Seth, it was gorilla feed. Just saying”

He looks at me and shakes his head. Yeah that’s right buddy, you better give up ‘coz I am never growing out of my weirdo ways.

Seth, ever the gentleman opens the door for me, drops me off at the front door and only leaves after shaking hand with my dad (which was easy for him considering his hand was already shaking from nerves- my dad has that effect on people.)

My dad asks me if I had a good time whilst eyeing Seth up and down while he leaves as if to say that he will hurt Seth badly if I didn’t.

I laugh and kiss my dad good-night before running upstairs. I open my bedroom door only to be harassed by 6 people as to how it went.

“Well, first he….”




 Will fell of the bed he was laughing so hard. He even continued laughing on the floor. Pete had to run to the bathroom.

“I can’t believe, he, took, you, to, a, licorice factory,” Cassie gasps out, “ Doesn’t. He. Know. That. You hate. Licorice?”

“I hope my first date goes better than that. And I hope it’s before I am 16,” Emma laughs out.

I stick my tongue out at her.

We hear muffled screaming from the bathroom and the running of a tap.

“I think what Pete was trying to say was no dating before your at least 21,” Dan says with a straight face at Emma.

“That’s right,” Pete says bursting out of the bathroom and Will nods along in agreement.

“But Cassie and Riley…”

“Well we couldn’t do anything when Cassie did it because we were younger. And Riley is practically a guy so she can take care of herself. You, however, are our little sister. We have to protect you,” Will says.

“Oh really Will,” I say with an evil glint in my eye, “I am now officially planning revenge on you. Beware,” I warn with my best glare.

“Ooooh. I’m scared.” Will teases.

“You better be twerp.”

I have just the thing planned. I just need Cassie’s help. Which she will readily give of course. Us Harper Sister’s stick together. 

Author's Note

Longest chapter i have every written to date. 11 pages on word. 3 803 words. All whilst i was meant to be studying for my History Exam. That's how much i love doing this, i love this book and my readers,

So please vote, floow and comment because it inspires me and makes me want to slack of on my studying even more than i already do.

Okay, need to go learn about the renaisance etc. 

Ironically i was eating Licorice whilst writing this...



peace out...

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