The Governor's Daughter

By Greasergirl4life

16K 573 51

Devil Anse Hatfield is desperate. The McCoy's are attacking his family and only the law can put an end to it... More

Letter to the Governor
The Governor's Daughter Meets the Devil's Son
Who in the Hell is Willie?
Unwanted Company
Uncle Jim's Scheme
I'd Kill for You
Talking with the Devil
My Best Friend
Promise to Levicy
Home ain't Home Anymore
A New Start
Meeting Ms. Henrietta
Country Bumpkin
Something Blue
Christmas Party Showdown
The Trouble with Easedropping
Message from Randall
What Scares Me the Most
New Year's Eve Rally
New Years Massacre
Devil Anse's Scheme
Comfort from the Most Unexpected
Ya Two Timin' Hussy!
My Own Personal Hitman
Go back to Charleston!
My Willow
Mr. Rockefeller
The Trouble with Revenge
Letter of Sorrow
Flashbacks are a bitch
The Dumbest Bastard I Know
There's a storm brewing

Lydia's Escape

407 11 0
By Greasergirl4life

"Supper ready Ma?" Cap casually asked when he walked through the door, Lydia close behind.
"Cap! You're home early!" Levicy exclaimed and went to greet her son. 
"Someone was gettin' homesick." Cap said as he hugged his Mother.
"I knew ya'd get ta missin' me boy." Jim Vance piped in.
"It wasn't me. Oh Lyddie begged me to bring 'er back."
"These hills startin' ta grow on ya Ms. Wilson?" Devil Anse asked with his pipe between his lips.
"I reckon so sir." She answered.
"They'll always be your home now." He told her.
"I would like that."

"Wyddie! Come see your pwesent!" Rosada Lee exclaimed. 
"Present?" Lydia questioned.
"Cap came up with it. We all pitched in." Cotton explained.
"Where is it?" Cap directed his question to his Father.
"In the barn." Anse replied.
"Come on." Cap took Lydia's hand and led her to the barn.

"Cap you've already given me enough." She protested.
"Well this is from the whole family." 
"You need to stop spoiling me."
"Get use ta it darlin'. Close your eyes." He commanded. Cotton put his hands over her eyes and Lydia smiled from ear to ear. Cap opened the barn doors and guided Lydia.
"Alright you can look now." Cap said. Cotton moved his hands. In front of Lydia was a new bed. It was beautiful. It was obviously hand-crafted. 
"It's beautiful." Lyddie said in awe.
"I reckon you're tired of sleepin' on the floor. It won't fit in the house now but when all this is over you'll have this." Cap said.
"Thank you all. I love it."

"Hey Cap! Where'd ya get this fancy new ride?" The voice of Jim Vance boomed from outside the barn. The others went to see what Jim was on about. 

"Governor gave it to me." Cap explained. He walked over to his new wagon and started unhooking the horses. 
"And the horse behind it?" Lias asked as he examined the horse.
"Yes sir." Cap said.
"And that new pistol on your hip?" Anse asked.
"Yes sir. I reckon he likes me. I told 'em I didn't need any of it but he wasn't takin' no for an answer." Cap replied.
"Got anymore sisters?" Lias asked Lydia.
"No but if my aunt ever gets a divorce I'll let you know." Lydia promised him.
"I'll take that too." Lias said half jokingly. 

That night was calm and full of peace. Everyone was gathered around the fire. Levicy was knitting and Devil Anse was smoking his pipe, as usual. Lydia sat close to Cap while patching his jeans......again.

"I don't know why you mess with it. They'll just be ripped again in a week." Cap mumbled.
"I ain't having you around in holey jeans." 
"Just shows I'm a workin' man."
"You can be a working man with patches."
"Whatever you say." He twirled a strand of her hair.

Lydia took in the scene around her. Little kids were snuggled together happily. Her heart began to ache for the baby she killed. Cap felt her shoulders tense and followed her gaze. He knew exactly what she was thinking about. He held her tighter in hopes of comforting her. Lydia knew she had to keep this family safe. She had taken them under her wing and they were her responsibility. She decided right then what she was going to do. And she had to do it tonight. She just had to figure out how to sneak out of here.

Cap and Lydia were the last two still up. Lydia was finishing the last pair of jeans.
"Tired?" Cap asked her.
"Gettin' there." She said sleepily.
"Come on. You can finish those later." Cap pulled her up with him.
"I'm almost done."
"If ya do it tired you'll have ta do it again."
"Alright. Goodnight Cap."
"Goodnight Lyddie." He gently kissed her cheek.
"You missed." 
"Where did this brave girl come from?" Cap chuckled.
"You're rubbin' off on me Mr. Hatfield."
"That's not good." He kissed her lips. She deepened the kiss. The thought of what could happen tonight was urging her to keep going. Cap pulled her closer to him. There was not an inch of space between them. 
"I'll see ya in the mornin'." Cap pulled away. Lydia smiled and went to the room she shared with his sisters.

Lydia quickly and quietly changed into a simple dress. She knew she could not sneak out through the front door because she would wake someone up. Her only option was the window in the girl's room. She opened it as quietly and slowly as possible. Her petite form slipped through and she shut it behind her. Tiptoeing her way to the barn was a difficult task. She had to watch out for twigs in fear of waking up the Hatfield's. 

When she reached the barns she saddled Cap's new horse and rode off quickly. Honestly, she was not sure where to go but she knew she had to get to the tug. Lydia pushed the horse to keep going, in fear she was being followed. She reached the tug and slowly made her way across. Her plan was to keep trotting along until she reached her destination.

Her destination was finally in sight. She took a deep breath. She was scared. But she could not back out now. There was too much on the line. Cap and his family were depending on this. Lydia kept her head high and climbed off the horse. After tying the horse up she knocked on the door.
"Who are you?"
"Mr. McCoy, I'm Lydia Wilson. I need to have a word with you."

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