Behind the Screen (a Tom Hidd...

De thelegalmidget

44.1K 1.3K 110

Kate Evans, writer and aspiring actress is starting a fresh. She want's to challenge her brothers to world-re... Mai multe

1. Emails
2. Just a Normal Person
3. Sexy Stranger
4. A Snack Sized Disaster
5. Hiddles
6. Multiple Choice
7. Autumn Leaves
8. Winter Blues
9. Balls of Silk
10. Midnight Romantics
11. Early Risers and Invitations
12. Second Gifts
13. Loki's Ascent
14. Pegs
15. Soggy Socks and Heavy Hearts
16. Mother Nature
17. Clouded Minds
18. Knocked into Reality
19. Awards and Passions
20. Proposals
21. Wrap Party
22. Saying Goodbye
23. Funerals And Flying
24. Moonlight
25. Every Cloud
26. Small Details
27. Pressing Matters
28: Interruptions
Soon to be Updated
29. Mini-Me
30. Number 53
31. Bagels and Babies
32. Ducks
33. Beer and Table Decorations
34. Cramping
35. Plan A, B and C
36. Hash Browns and Burnt Sausages
37. A Marvel Wedding
38. Headlines and Kibble
39. Doubt
Important News!
41. The Stag and Hen Part 2
42. The Earring
Chapter 43

40. The Stag and Hen Part 1

326 11 0
De thelegalmidget

The drive wasn't as smooth sailing as the girls had desired. Three toilet stops later, Kate was beginning to wonder whether she'd have been better off bringing a bucket and she wee along with them; instead of four crates of cider which were only enhancing the setbacks.

"Kate, what is that on your face?" Jess slurred from the back seat, stroking the condensation off the window.

"What?" Kate twisted around to look in the wing mirror.

"That thing, the disapproving frown. Get rid of it, it is not allowed in this car this weekend." With a final eye roll, she sat herself back so that she was facing the road. The buildings had gradually become a rarity as they neared their destination. Bricked buildings were being replaced by hedgerows and quaint cottages. Feeling more at home already, she took a lung full of air and stretched her arms above her head.

Just as she was getting comfortable, she felt her phone buzz against her thigh. It was Tom letting her know he had just got to the airport and was waiting for his gate. She considered texting him back but seeing as Dominique was sending up zed's, Jess had replaced her hand with her tongue and was licking the window clean, she decided she would give him a bell before he boarded.

"Hey you! How are you? How's the journey been so far?"

"Hey beautiful. I am fabulous thank you, it has been... interesting to say the least." He laughed.

"Go on..." A smirk emerging on her rose tinted lips.

"Well, your brother is a nightmare and we haven't even left the country yet. As for Hemmingsworth. Don't even get me started." He chuckled, clearly eyeing his friends up in disproval.

"Glad to see they are all behaving like adults then. I say don't tell me too much and we can have a proper conversation in secret later. I am being watched like a hawk by a certain someone right now. Literal daggers are going in my back and...." She turned her head to check on Dominique who, remarkably, was still dribbling on her chin; fast asleep. "Are you seriously going to sleep the whole way there?" Kate giggled and readjusted herself.

"Let me guess, the dagger shooting is from Jess, the snoring is Dominique and the hawk is Alice?" his tone sounded as though he was smiling ear to ear.

"That was scary. Please tell me you haven't set up a camera in her car?"
"Well... of course not darling. I just know you and your friends very well."
"Clearly. So as I was leaving I saw this fig.." Kate stopped talking as she could hear the announcement being made at the airport.

"Flight SC002 is ready to board. Could all passengers please begin to make their way to gate 2 please. Those flying in First Class might like to use entrance 2B as you will be seated before everyone else. Thank you, we hope you enjoy your flight."

"Right my dear, it seems it is time for me to depart."

Kate sniffed. "Okay my dear, have a safe flight don't drink too much you know what it does to your stomach."
"Yes mum." He laughed, his case trundled alongside him as the group of rowdy gents headed towards their flight. "I know, I will be thinking of you the whole time, fiancé."
"Me too, fiancé."
"I love you my darling,"
"I love you too, anyway go go go, the lads are waiting!" She waved her hand as though swatting him onto the plane.

"Okay love, love you bye!"
"Love you bye!" Just as she was about to hang up, she heard a familiar voice in the distance, "Oi Hiddleston, was that my sis? Did she sound drunk, I bet she is mortal by now she-." She threw her phone back on the top of her bag.

"The cheek. Although chance would be a fine thing." Alice had momentarily taken her eyes off the road to look at her.

"What's that hun?"

"Chris asked Tom if I was drunk. Chance would be a fine thing, this one has drunk half of our supplies and we haven't even checked in yet." The car erupted in laughter sending Dominique's light snores into a rather shrill scream.
"Bloody hell guys, thanks for the warning." She rubbed her eyes, sending black eyeliner smudges all over her cheeks. This only added to the giggles as even Alice saw the disaster unfurl from the view in her mirrors. Jess had stopped tonging the car and was now frantically trying to get her phone to camera mode in order to capture the sight that sat next to her. "One second, stay threeer,"

"Dominique, do us a favour and move the last bottles out of reach." She lunged for it, trying to retrieve them from her tight, drunken grasp. "Why Kate do be such an granma."

"Because," Dominique grunted, now fighting for the last bottle. "she is right, that stuff was supposed to be for when we got there. We only have one crate left now." She managed to prize it out of her hands eventually, leaving her to sulk and get back to applying moisture to the window.

Two hours later they had finally made it. As Alice turned into the driveway of the lodge, a snort was emitted from the back seat. About half an hour after all alcohol was removed from her reach, Jess had passed out on Dominique's lap. "She best not puke on my seats." Alice said light-heartedly; her concern about her ride clearly still present.

"She best not puke at all, you know how Kate can't stand sic-," before Dominique could finish her sentence Jess fell out of their grasp and onto the gravelled ground below. Scrambling towards the bushes she bent over and hurled right onto the flower patch below.

Kate stood still, eyes closed with a sarcastic smile on her face. "Brilliant." Alice on the other hand sped towards her, "Not my mothers Geraniums! Of all the places woman...." Dominique laughed and let go of her bag to pull Jess's hair out of the firing line.

"Right come on you. So long as you're finished I will take her inside and put her to bed. We can sort everything else once this one is out for the count." Jess murmured but didn't puke again so Dominique saw this as her opportunity. Her and Alice dragged her into the porch and out of sight.

This left Kate standing outside trying to get over the growing smell of sick that was working its way up her face to her nostrils. Shuddering with disgust she made her way to the boot of the car. The button was always a bit temperamental so with a few attempts she prised it open ajar, enough to retrieve their cases. Dragging the largest of all four up the drive was a struggle for a lady lacking in height. She placed it in the hall, hearing Dominique offering a glass of water to the drunken mess of the group.

On her final trip to the car, Kate hauled her blue spotted overnight bag from under the spare tyre. Slams, grunts and groans were followed by the rustling of stones beneath her feet. Just as she got half way to the door something caught her attention. She spun on her heel to face the car; she could have sworn she had seen something move from behind the car to the bushes below. Wondering what was taking her so long, Alice had emerged wearing an oversized pair of yellow washing gloves on. "Hey good lookin', what's occurring?"

"I could ask you the same," she nodded down at her hands and smiled.

"Oh these old things? Yeah turns out she wasn't quite empty of the puke thing as first thought."

"Of course she wasn't."

"What's with the stationary nature Kate? Why are you standing here staring at my mums bushes? So to speak..." She huffed laughter through her nose, her gaze not leaving Kate's face.

"Nothing, I just... I thought I saw something."
"Probably the local kitty. Nigel. Was he a black?"

"Yeah maybe," The two of them stared at the bush for a little while longer, Alice now looking a little more concerned for her friends well being.
"Right, as much as I'd like to stay and study greenery, I must go and deal with the child of the house."
"Yeah, We have to make sure we memorialise this moment." They hauled her bag onto the floor and went to lock the front door. "Photographer?"

"You know what to do,"


A few hours had passed since Jess' human fountain spectacular. The girls had ensured that she was alright before abandoning her to do shots by the fire. Filling up their second round of apple sourz and concoction of other beverages, Kate suddenly had a thought.

"Alice, won't your mum mind?" She too was beginning to feel the warm, fuzzy effects of alcohol.

"Mind what?" Kate put the lid back on the bottle.

"The flowers? They're kind of covered,"

"No, she won't ever find out. It rains approximately five times a day. Trust me, it will be gone by the time we leave." They laughed and Dominique began the five-second countdown to the next shots.

"Three, two, one... down em, down em!"

Taking her miniature glass, she threw her head back and let the liquid slide down her neck, leaving a slight burning sensation in the back of her throat. "Wow, guys I am going to have to slow down otherwise this weekend will be a total washout."

Dominique was looking rather disgusted at her, throwing another drink back with one eyebrow still raised. "It is your hen weekend. Being drunk is kind of the whole aim."

Kate shook her head as her friend began unscrewing the bottle to top their glasses up again. "Shall we just stick a film on?" Dominique was becoming rather delayed in her actions, causing her to spill the green liquid onto the wooden floor.

"Don't be so boring Kate, I am going to the bathroom. Then we are playing ever have I ever. Got it?" She got to her feet, stumbled across the room with nothing but the bottle and what was left of her dignity; which wasn't a lot.

Alice had sensed Kate's discomfort and sat back against the sofa. "Did you want to hide these and pretend that a ghost took them? We can just sit and eat crisps whilst watching Harry Potter if you'd prefer?"
"You know me too well." Kate shook her head and smiled.
"Shall I put the kettle on?" They both got to their feet, swaying a little from the drinks that were now spilt on the floor.


She hadn't checked her phone since they had arrived, so made up an excuse to excuse herself from the situation for a few moments. She didn't want to seem like the kind of woman who couldn't go five minutes without hearing from her boyfriend, but something still wasn't sitting completely right with her. Why would she have dreamt about Scotland? And it surely wasn't just a coincidence that he was going there on his stag weekend? "I just need to change out of these jeans, I'll be right back," she shouted to Alice who was now clanging around with mugs and teaspoons.


She pulled the bolt across her door and unlocked her phone to see seven texts all from one very drunk man. Tom. Most of which were illegible but she could make out the basic gist of what he was trying to say. They read:

Kate, my darling soon to be wifey bifey. How are the devil you? For the winds of the sun I cannot for the life of me help but


Sory, Pressed sent too fadst

I must love you lots because I alwys prof refd my tstxt. Anywya


I love you so mch and I jst hope youre havijn the best time.


I canne for the life of me stop thinkin about you and yire gorgeous face.


Is Jess, dominic and Alice taking good cure of my girl? I hoep so.


Chris is clling me to do shots so Imma go.


I love you. Can't wait to marry yoy.


Reading these messages or garbled nonsense made her think. He really did love her. Texting those you truly have feelings for whilst intoxicated was indicative of only that. It was reassuring to see that Chris was still there looking after him, not that he needed looking after. Or did he?

With the worry of Scotland looming over her, she hesitantly dialled his number and awaited his voice. It rang and rang until she was about to give in. There was a pause in the dialling and someone answered.

"Kate, my lovee, my hearttt, my soullla." He put emphasis on the last letter of every word making her giggle at his childlike manner.

"Tom, my drunken fiancé. How are you?"
"I am fineee honeyyy. How are youwa," she could hear him swigging something out of a bottle.

"Good good, yeah I'm grand my sweet. Just worried about you aha," She could feel herself becoming progressively anxious.

"About what my lovely?" He had seemingly snapped out of his drunken state as soon as she mentioned how she was feeling.

"You, and that hooded figure. I think I saw it here." There was silence on the end of the line. "Please don't say I'm just imagining it, Tom. Alice already thinks I am nuts."

"No no no, I just... I keep seeing someone too. Like I think I know them but not sure where from."

"Same! God, maybe we are just insane." He laughed lightheartedly, her smile not quite reaching her eyes.

"Maybe. Or just drunk."
"That too."

"Kate? Tea or hot chocolate?" There was a light knocking on her bedroom door.

"Tea please hun."

"Tea Miss Kate? On your hen night?"
"Yeah, Jess is passed out, Dominique is on her way there and I just want a cuppa."

It was only a short amount of time before they said their unwilling goodbyes; Kate was sure that Alice knew what she was doing. They had made a pact that they weren't allowed to use their phones unless it was absolutely essential. "Stay safe my love." She whispered.

"You too my darling. Night night!" She quickly changed into some joggers and headed into the kitchen to find Alice sat on the worktop sipping at her hot cup of cocoa.

"Couldn't find the right joggers ey?"

"Look before you start I-,"
"I know. Its okay you know. I don't mind."

"Really?" She sat herself down at the kitchen table. The seat was cushioned by a wicker base; giving the lodge a vintage, barn feel.

"Yeah. I know you're worried about him, but he is a big boy. And your brother is there, nothing is going to happen to him, Kate. He's well looked after."

They sat and talked about her dream for hours. The details she could recall were sounding more and more ludicrous by the second. How had she let a nightmare control the bearing on the outcome of her hen weekend? "Put it this way, it was just a dream. It wasn't real. You've never had a dream that has in any way been reflective of what has happened right?" Kate nodded along as Alice attempted to calm her. "So, now we are going to move to the lounge, check on them two and open a bag orf crisps and watch a film. Deal?"


Just as they were about to vacate the room, something caught her eye. Her depth of vision seemed to focus on the silhouetted figure standing just outside the kitchen window. She didn't scream. Nor did she have any inclination to move. Rooted to the spot, Alice followed her gaze to meet that of the figure in question.

"Okay. I take back everything I just said." No one moved. No one breathed. The only noise was from behind the pane of glass that separated them from it; the wind battering the house with rain.

Kate's voice calm and alert, she whispered, "What do we do?"

"We grab that metal from by the fire and we head out there."

"Well, what else do you suggest we do?"


By now, the lack of noise had altered Dominique of their presence. She had sobered up a little by now and was looking rather forlorn. "Hey, guys, what's ha-,"

"Shhhhhhhh!" They both murmured and managed to get the message across that they were no longer alone.

"What the fuck? I am going out there. No one, I mean NO ONE messes with my best friend on her hen night." Before they could stop her, Dominque was out the door with a bread knife fully in tow, yielding it like a sword. She maybe hadn't sobered up as much as she initially thought. The figure had jumped back slightly in shock as Dominique began shouting and screaming at it.

"YOU MOTHER FUCKER. MESS WITH HER YOU MESS WITH ME. WHAT DO YOU WANT?" she lurched forward and grabbed it by its hair which was black and stuck tight to its head from the wind and rain.
"Oi you tit, it's me!"

"Jess?" They all exclaimed in unison.

"What the fuck are you guys doing with a knife?"
"What the fuck are you doing outside in nothing but your pyjamas and wellies?" Alice asked, wearing a rather concerned look on her face.

"I wanted to make you jump. I didn't realise you'd go all ninja on my ass though, can you please put that down?" She gestured to Dominique who was still waving it at her in shock.

"Let's get you back inside and call it a night. I don't know about you guys but I've had enough excitement to last the week."

Following that last outburst of dramatic occurrences, Kate wanted nothing more than to unwind with her book and her teddy under the cover of her duvet. As she rummaged through her suitcase, she pulled out her shirts, skirts and undergarments. It was whilst she was unfolding her PJ top that she felt something hard and cold.

Stuffed between the fabric of the shirt was a piece of glistening metal. Perching herself on the end of her bed she examined it. Prizing it from the cotton, she saw that it was an earring. Silver in colour, it was peppered with green diamante's and shaped like a serpent. It was larger than any earring she had in her collection; and rather garish too.


"Yeah?" They called from behind the joining doors.

"Are any of you missing an earring?"

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