
By Demons_Muse

777 375 53

This is an old version of this story. Things have been edited out, details changed etc. The completed new ver... More

Ēlī Vīlībāzma-First Battle
Ojūdan Vysossa-Lost Worlds
Tymptir Kȳvanon-Game Plan
Arlie Raqiros-Budding Friendship
Skoriot Perzys se Suvion Rhaenagon-Where Fire and Ice Colide
Se Jaedos Tēgembōñ-The Summer Isle
Se Zaldrīzes se se Qrinuntys-The Dragon And The Spy
Hae Jēda Is Ondoso-The Passage Of Time
Se Sȳndror Māzigon-The Darkness Comes
Brōzio Tubis Biarves-Birthday Banquet
Se Siren se se Qrinuntys-The Siren And The Spy
Uēpa Laesi-Ancient Eyes
Se Ruarza Vala-The Masked Man
Se Dāria Hen Solaria-The Queen Of Solaria
Se Ūndegon Hen Jēda-The Administrator of Time
Isse Iā Tolmiot Qrīdrughagon Jēda-In The Distant Past
Ossȳngnon Hen Bōsa Gō-Nightmares From The Past
Ñuha Laehurlion-Familiar Faces
Perzys Kustikāne-Tempered Power
Tegun Hen Tīkuni Se Morghon-Court of Wings and Ruin
Pryjagon se Jaes's-Shatter the Heavens
Rȳ Jēda Se Ābrar-Through Time and Space
Henaer Morghon-Henaer Apocalypse
Rȳ Se Ñuqir Māzigon Ābrar-Through The Ashes Comes Life
Dāria's Dārōñe-Queen's Grace
Se Dārys Hen Sindaria-The King of Sindaria
Nopāzma Iksis Doru-Hell Is Empty
Gīda Zaldrīzoti-Glass Dragons
Grēges Va Se Dōros-Fly On The Wall
Pirta Jorrāelagon-Flase Hope
Arliñāre Tembyr-Fliping Pages
Hēnkirī Urnēptre-Mixed Signals
Mīsagon rȳ ñāqes-Providence at Dawn
Geptot mērī-Left Alone
Naejot skoriot se kasta iēdar dīnagon-To Where The Blue Waves Sway
Suvion Isse-Iced in
Ruarza Kȳvana-Hidden Agendas
Gevie Sōvegon Ōdres-Butterfly Effect
Ruarza Tala-Hidden Ties
Lyka Biarves-Quiet Joys
Skoros Kostagon Gaoman?-What Can I Do?
Se Gūrotrir Gen Vīlībāzma-The Spoils of Battle
Iā Bantis hen Ojūdan Ōdres-A Night of Lost Emotions
Vala's Prūmia-His Heart on Canvas
Isse Vējes's Ondos-In Fate's Hands
Pālegon Bē-Turning Gears
Mēre Hūra Tolī-One Month Later
Ziry Gīmigon-She Knows
Vīlībāzma rȳ Ñāqes-Assault at Daybreak
Morghon Vīlībāzma-Death Match
Se Ropagon Hen Haan's-The Fall And Rise Of The Haan's
Se Dārys Qilōni Geptot Īlva-The King Who Abandoned Us
Ezīmagon Se Iemny-Into the Womb
Hārīblie Hen Amplie Hūra-November Thirtieth
Naejot Se Uēpa Tegun-To The Ancient Land
Rȳ se Tegun-Across the Rifts
Lumina Lentor-Lumina Town
Vestriarzira hen Muña-Tales of Mother
Iēdar Vīlībagon-Water Wrestling
Va Se Geralbar Arlī-On The Road Again
Iā Jollōragon-A History Lesson
Mandia Eladora-Cousin Eladora
Tolīmorghon Lentor-Ghost Town
Zorelin Lentor-Zorelin Village
Jehikagrī Jorrāelagon-Blooming Friendship
Pryjatan Jorrāelagon-Withering Friendship
Zȳhon Prūmia isse se Sombāzmion-His Heart in Ink
Qrīdronnor isse Jorrāelagon-Trouble in Paradise.
Jēda Naejot Jikagon-Vacation Time
Rȳ se Mōris-At Wits End
Mijegon Jorrāelagon-Loveless
Hae Jēda Is Ondoso-As Time Goes By

Hūra Ōños Vestriarzir-Moonlight Reminicing

10 4 2
By Demons_Muse

Illya raised the golden cup to her lips and took a swig of the rich wine inside. Tekina sighed in satisfaction.

"I have to admit, you've got some good booze here." She stated.

Sora laughed. "Well we were pirates. We've got booze from all over the world. If there's anything specific you want let us know and I'd be happy to get it for you."

"Oh you don't have to do that! This is good enough! We wouldn't want to impose ourselves," said Kaito.

Illya chuckled. "Don't worry. He used to be a world class chef. He can't help it. Even to this day, he still gets up early to make breakfast for us."

Tekina looked at the two in front of her and smiled. "I'm guessing he won you over by feeding you?"

Illya slumped into her chair sheepishly. "I'd be lying if I said that didn't play a part in it. We met when we were really little but both of us were always on the move so we hardly took notice of each other. When I was seventeen I had a bit of a wild streak going on and ended up on a pirate ship. We first really met when our captain recruited him."

"I didn't think we'd get along at first, but I think we both realized that there was some kind of attraction there that we couldn't just ignore. She'd come chat with me whenever I was prepping meals for the next day, sometimes she'd just sit and watch me cook. We just enjoyed each other's company. I would always make her her favorite snacks when she came to spend the night with me in the galley. Before we knew it we were in some kind of unspoken relationship. I'm pretty sure everybody else knew we were a thing before we did haha!"

Sora seemed to beam as he recalled their first real memories together. Illya playfully leaned her head on his shoulder which he responded to by gently resting his head on hers. She looked like a young girl, fresh in love. Tekina and Kaito couldn't help but find it endearing that even though so much time had passed, their love hadn't waned in the slightest.

"Everyone thinks he's such a regal gentleman, the perfect Prince but when I first met him, he was a total menace. Always wanted to be doing the complete opposite of what he was supposed to. Me being the sheltered princess who had to do everything she was told was thrilled to have been whisked away for adventures almost everyday. Though I guess at his core he really was always the perfect gentleman. I suppose that's what first attracted me to him. Of course I know a lot of nice guys, nothing against them but there was just something about Sora that was so vastly different but portrayed in such a subtle way that had me completely smitten. It helps that we've been through a lot with each other which has just brought us so much closer.

There came a time where our crew had to leave me behind for some time because I had sustained a serious injury in a battle but Sora and I had uh...a moment...and next thing I know three dragons are crawling out of me months later and I'm getting pregnant for a second time almost four years later. I never actually thought I'd ever be able to carry a baby full term since I'm prone to miscarriages so I had adopted a few children prior to the triplets being born and now here we are. Many years later and I've had five children of my own!"

The blond figure that watched them from the distance frowned before disappearing back down the steps. Little did they know that the predatory eyes of Illya's guards stared intently, waiting for them to give them the slightest reason to jump out and tear them to shreds. Back with the happy couples, Kaito put an arm around Tekina and chuckled.

"Do you remember when we first met?"

Tekina sighed and shot him a playfully sarcastic look. "How could I forget? You were such a dork!" She laughed.

Kaito blushed as he let the sound of her beautiful laugh float through his ears. "It's not my fault."

"How did you two meet?" Sora asked curiously, taking a sip from his cup.

Tekina was the first to speak. "Well it was back in Myham Agana when I had freshly graduated and began working as a teacher at the village Academy. He was already a teacher there. He was working as the martial arts instructor. I was the history teacher but because of my experience, I'd often help out around with the other classes when they were short on hands."

Kaito laughed at the memory. "I first saw her when I was out in the courtyard. She had come to help coach my class. She was uh...haha. She was wearing these cute shorts and had her hair in a ponytail. She was absolutely captivating. " Perhaps it was due to the alcohol or maybe it was simply because he was tired, regardless Kaito found himself drifting into a dreamy haze.

Tekina let out a long sigh. "Of course the first thing he notices is my ass." She mumbled. "Anyway, we had a few sparring matches and he eventually plucked up the courage to come and ask me out. I was the only person without any prominent special ability. Because of my telekinetic abilities, people thought I just cheated my way into getting the job.

There was also this creep, Shintaro I think it was. He was another teacher that for whatever reason just despised us and always tried to cause trouble for us. So it was nice to have a friend around. Kaito is quite laid back and open-minded so it was easy to get along with him. He always looked out for me and supported me when I needed it. I guess when I saw how reliable he was, I couldn't help but fall for him."

Tekina looked over at her day dreaming husband and sighed again, but this time the faintest traces of a blush could be seen on her cheeks. "I suppose the way he would get flustered at times and his sweet gestures did have a part to play in it as well...but don't tell him that. I'll never hear the end of it of you do." A small smile tugged at her lips.

Sora smiled at them. "That's sweet. He must love you a whole lot. I was brought up being taught to always respect women, chivalry was etched into me at a young age by my father so I can tell he treasures you a lot."

Illya glanced up at the sky and her smile faded. Tekina noticed this and cocked her head curiously.

"Something wrong?"

"How many seven." Illya mumbled to herself.

Sora wrapped his hand around her shoulder and pulled her closer. "Illya what is it?"

Illya looked back down. "'s nothing. All this talk about love reminded me of something. It's the seventh day since a full moon...there's a popular myth in these parts that on the seventh day after a full moon people are more likely to meet their fated partner and fall in love at first sight"

"Are you referring to Lord Cheng and Astrid?" Tekina questioned. "I noticed how giddy she got around him this evening. "

Illya shook her head. While the topic was supposed to be a lighthearted, joyful one, she sported a rather grim expression. She didn't respond to the question.

Both Tekina and Kaito had noticed during the banquet when Illya and Ray's eyes flashed in that ephemeral way. "You think something's wrong? Couldn't you use your clairvoyance to figure out a solution."

Illya sighed. "It doesn't work like that. Even if I know what's to happen. Sometimes I have to let it play out, else it could destroy the entire flow of things...or what not. A few times I did decided to go against what fate had written, I caused two apocalypses, a civil war and almost caused a full on world war. Needless to say, if something is supposed to happen, it's going to find a way to happen." Another long sigh escaped her lips. "Fate's a tricky thing. It's absolute but you have the power to change it. It's malleable but can cause catastrophic destruction if done wrong...I suppose we'll just have to wait and see what will happen. For all its worth, fate it still what binds us. Things are bound to happen no matter what we do."

Illya set her cup down and rose from her seat. On instict, everyone else followed her lead.

"I'm guessing you won't tell us what those things are?" Tekina bantered.

Illya smiled and shook her head. "Nope. Ignorance is bliss. Trust me, I've learned that the hard way."

Sora smiled reassuringly and took her by the hand. "Come. It's been a stressful few days. Let's return to our room so I can help you unwind."

His words caught her off guard and Illya flushed red. She timidly said good night to Tekina and left with Sora. Tekina deadpanned as she was hit with a wave of deja vu. A soft chuckle escaped her as he remembered Kaito's attempt at "unwinding her" during their first night in Solaria. She noted that perhaps Sora and Kaito were more alike than anyone would have thought. She turned to her dazed husband and snapped her fingers in front of him.

Kaito shook his head, awaking from his dream. "Wha—where did everyone go?"

"To bed." Tekina stated simply.

Kaito fumbled to his feet and rubbed the back of his head sheepishly. "Ugh...I guess we should head back too."

Tekina laced her fingers through his, earning a confused glance from Kaito. "'s been a while hasn't it..."

Kaito stood there trying to figure out what she meant. Even in his dazed state he picked up on it as quickly as an excited grin broke across his face. "You mean it?!?"

Tekina chuckled and let go of his hand, starting back up the path to their room. "Yes. Now hurry up before I change my mind."

Kaito wasted no time in running after her.


Elsewhere, a restless Astrid had managed to sneak out of her room , completely unaware of the flow of shi that flooded the universal river of fate and barreled towards her at an alarming rate.

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