For Only You: A Grayson Dolan...

By lil_ole_me17

75K 1.5K 151

"The tears don't stop coming, but I can't feel them come out anymore. I want to run, to leave this place, to... More

Alise POV
Grayson POV
Alise POV
Grayson POV
First Encounter
Stupid. Stupid.
He's Done
One More
The Line
Meet-and-Greet Goals?
Corn and Beans
Please No
Day Off
Back to the Grind
Shattered Hearts
Annaliese's House
Annaliese's Village
A View
Back to The Village
The Goodbyes
School: Take Two
Going Away
Bonus Video
No Annaliese
No Grayson
The Day Before
The Big Day
Two Dates?
Clicks and Some Food
...Don't be Alone
Oh No
Back Again
Going Back
Bye - Bye
Day after Day
The Phone Call
Bonus POV
My Hero
One Voice
Idiot: Take Two
The Plan
The Condo
Snowed In
Back On The Road
Round Trip
The Week
A Talk
Annaliese's Debut
No More
The Intersection
The Shot Heard Round The Hospital
The Voicemail
Happy, Happy, Happy
A Good Night
Waking Up
Epilogue 2

Surprise: Times Two

563 16 1
By lil_ole_me17

Grayson's POV
I look at the clock in the kitchen.
11:11 pm. 49 minutes before Ethan and I are actually "adults". I don't want to be an adult. Seventeen in a great age to be. You're not a kid, but you're also not expected to be an adult yet either. 11:11 pm. 'I wish that I could see her.'
Ding-dong. I look at the clock again. 11:12 pm. 48 minutes. I look back. My entire family is frozen. Everyone looks at each other, wondering if they invited someone over or if they knew of someone coming to visit or something. We all shake our heads and share confused faces. And then my leg starts to twitch. 'Gosh dang it,' I think, looking at it. Ethan looks at me and gives me a worried look. I give him a half smile. We look back up to see our dad getting up, going towards the door. I wish I could say this was normal, for someone to show up, uninvited, at least that we know of, at our door at 11:12 at night. It wasn't. Okay, when is that ever normal? We peak over the wall, but all I can see is the back of my dad, getting ready to open the door. He looks back at us, shrugs, then swings open the door. I can't see who it is. I look at Ethan, but he gives me the same confused look that I'm probably giving off as well. I look towards Cameron, but freeze.
"Do the Dolans live here?" A voice punches through the wall, straight into my ears.
"I'm sorry, ma'am, but I don't know who you're talking about," Dad answers with the exact thing that he's supposed to say if anyone ever shows up, looking for us that he doesn't know.

But... I know who it is. My brain stops listening. I have no idea what they're saying. I look at Ethan, and when I see his complete look of confusion, disbelief, and then happiness, I know I'm right. I start to get up, and my mom looks at me, confused. The look on her face is telling me to sit down, but I still can't hear a word she says, and I get up anyway. I'm walking towards the door. I still can only see the back of my dad. And then my ears open up to hear one of the greatest things I've ever heard.
"Sir, I apologize for the inconvenience that I may be causing, but I know you're the Dolans' dad and I know this is their house. I drove all the way from Illinois, with my friend snoring next to me, all the while trying to actually figure out where they live. That probably sounds really creepy and everything, but I promise I'm not a stalker or anything like that. I'm sorry, they are our friends and I just really want to see them before they turn 18 in the next 40 minutes," she stops to catch her breath, but before she can say anything else, my dad interrupts her.
"What did you say your name was again?" I can hear the wonder in his voice.
She hesitates, but says it, "Annaliese."
His body straightens and he starts laughing.
"Oh no, you're definitely not a stalker, but just the girl my son talks about all the time," he finishes with a laugh. He steps out of the way saying, "come right in." And then I can see her. She looks exhausted, but somehow, she's still glowing. I don't understand how. She just drove all the way from Illinois to New Jersey. I don't actually understand, but she's standing right there. She looks up, and she sees me. I see the smile grow on her face, making the tired look leave her face, leaving only her smile.
"Annaliese," I whisper, still in awe.
"Grayson," she answers back.
"AND HANNAH!" Hannah yells, coming out of no where, moving past Annaliese, going to the right, where I now see Ethan. I look back at Annaliese. She's just staring at me. It kind of reminds me of when we first met and she just... stared for a solid couple minutes. Then, with a sigh, releasing something from her, she drops her bags and slightly runs into my arms. And we hug. Her head rests on my chest, mine rests on top of her head. My arms go above hers, hers below mine. Both sets wrapped tightly around the other. She doesn't let go, so I bring my hand up to her head, giving her more comfort.
"You left me a note," she finally sighs out.
"The note. At the condo. You left me a note," she says, getting clearer each time, pulling back to look at me again. I feel myself blush. My hands immediately go up to my head, scratching it, a natural instinct to feel less uncomfortable. Her right hand goes up to grab my arm and she pulls it back down. I look down at her. She puts my arm back around her like we were hugging and makes me look her in the eyes. "I thought you didn't leave me one. I didn't find one. I thought you just left, without anything. I thought you left one for Hannah and not me. I thought you just left me," she tells me. I can see the hurt in her eyes. It's my turn now to grab her hands.
"Nonononono. I would never do that. No, I'm done not talking to you. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry that you thought that. But, I could not be more happy that you are here, standing in front of me, half an hour before my birthday."
She smiles up at me, and then, like she's just remembering something for the first time, her finger pops into the air.
"That reminds me, we came here to surprise you for your guys' birthday," she says, walking me back to where Hannah and Ethan were.
"Well, you are so very welcome then," my mom says, coming out of no where, reaching out her hand. "I'm Lisa."

"Your parents are seriously so kind... when they aren't trying to kick me back out into the night," Annaliese jokes as we set her up in the guest room.
"Well, it's easy to be nice when they really like who they're talking to," I say, winking. She laughs.
"I'm surprised they do, since I just showed up, late, at their very classified home, to see her very famous sons," she tells me, matter of factly. We both laugh. And then the room grows silent, the only sound audible is each of our breathing.
"I can't believe you came," I breathe out. She stops moving and turns around to look at me.
She doesn't say anything, then I can see her eyes water. 'What did I just do?!' My mind starts panicking.
"I... I thought...." she struggles with what to say. "I thought that you had left me again, and didn't want to talk to me again. I thought that you were trying to get away from me... but Hannah found your note, and she read it to me, and there was no way I was staying at my house for your birthday," she finishes, her eyes stopping watering.
"I hope I can return the favor soon," I tell her, smiling.
"I do too," she returns my smile. There's a short break before I start talking again, with a much lighter mood on my shoulders.
"Now, in that letter I said that the next time we saw you, no matter what, we would make a video. I guess we should discuss what video we're making this weekend."

FINALLY with the Grayson POV, am I right?
In all seriousness, I hope you guys all enjoyed his POV, since you haven't seen much of it lately, but keep in store, more is coming up!!

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