[1] Little Miss Luna. | ✔️

By peardabear

496K 14.4K 2.5K

a small town girl that spends her days taking care of her elderly grandfather meets a handsome man that seems... More

Volume One ; Bonus Chapter
Little Miss Luna Book Two Announcement
A\N: Story Promos
LML Timeline


14.1K 398 63
By peardabear

In preparation for Cortez and Sophie's date night, she made sure everything was in. She had called Delilah to make sure she could use her as an excuse. She already knew her grandfather wouldn't let her leave the house if she actually told him where she was going and what she was doing. Delilah happily agreed to be her excuse and cover for her if necessary.

Sophie told her grandfather she was going on a late shopping trip with Delilah since Delilah knew more stores in town than she did. Henry didn't hesitate to stop her, simply happy that his granddaughter was getting out of the house with a friend of hers. Sophie then called Mabel to ask her to help take care of her grandfather until she got back. Thankfully, Mabel easily complied.

It was perfect. Sophie had everything covered. All she had to do was get ready, which was probably the hardest part of this whole thing. When Cortez had called to confirm their date, she had asked what to wear and all he said was something mildly formal. Sophie that would be difficult to pull off until she realized that's all she owed. Now, instead of having nothing to wear, she had to pick between a whole clothes full of short dresses and skirts.

The best she could come up with was a skintight dress with a white and yellow-ish brown plaid pattern. The fabric wasn't all the stretchy so it wasn't insanely comfortable but it was cute and tight. It made her look mature. Especially, the spaghetti straps and neckline that was as straight as an arrow across her chest. She liked how the dress showed off her collarbones and petite figure. It was mildly formal. It was perfect.

As usual, Sophie didn't do much with her hair. There wasn't much she really could do. She did, though, decide to wear some make up. That was rare for her. The most she ever did was mascara and concealer to make sure she didn't look dead. This time around, Sophie covered her lips in gloss and eyelids in gold. It didn't look half bad. She might've stepped over the full formal line just a tad but she redeemed herself but putting on some white vans.

As the clocked ticked closer to seven thirty and the sun began to paint the sky pink and purple, Sophie's heart stared to race. So many questions started running through her head.

Was this really a date? A real date? Were people official couples after going on a date? How could she date a grown man without ever telling her grandfather? Was she comfortable dating a grown man in the first place? Well, yes. It was Cortez. Her crush on Cortez had grown so dangerously fast that she couldn't turn back now. Cortez was a gentleman. There was no reason to be worried, right? He would surely treat her to a wonderful evening.

There was a knock at the door and Sophie's heart instantly leaped into her throat. She felt like she was going to throw up. She wanted the floor to open up and swallow her whole, until she remembered she had to get to the door before her grandfather decided to get it. It's not like he was all that fast so even if he did get up, she could probably beat him to the door.

That was besides the point. Cortez was here and she couldn't even fell her fingers or toes.

Cortez could hear loud and frantic footsteps inside that made him smile to himself. Sophie was rushing. Good. He couldn't wait to see her. It was nice to know she couldn't either. Cortez was lost in his thoughts by he time she actually got to the door and threw it open.

Cortez's attention was lifted from the ground as he looked at Sophie in the doorway. His eyes met her bright green ones first before he looked her up and down. A skintight dress. Fuck.

"Hi." Sophie's voice came out barely over a whisper. Any louder and she was afraid her voice would come out as shaky as the rest of her body.

"You look.." Cortez's words came out just as breathy before Sophie cut him off.

She suddenly put her finger to her shiny, glossy, plump little lips and peaked back into the house. As she was turned, Cortez's eyes couldn't help but fall to her ass in her right dress. He didn't stare for long, cursing at himself for being such a perv when the opportunity presented itself.

"Delilah's here! Mabel should be here any minute. Goodbye, Chief." Sophie called back to her grandfather. He yelled something back as Sophie waved and closed the door behind her.

Sophie looked up at Cortez, her hands linked innocently behind her as she bounced on the balls of her feet. "You were saying?"

The sight of Sophie biting the inside of her lip made his head spin. He just wanted to kiss her. What was stopping him from just grabbing her and kissing her? There are a lot of reasons, actually. A lot of reason that Cortez would have to keep reminding himself over and over again. He had to maintain self control. He couldn't be a wild animal. They were on a date. An innocent date. A date between friends.

Cortez ran his hands through his hair, his eyes still locked on Sophie. His big hand then dragged down his face and rubbed over his chin. Sophie could read him pretty easily when he did that. She had a feeling he had a couple opinions that he was refraining from sharing. It made a cheeky grin spread across her face.

God, she's fucking beautiful.

"Lets go." Cortez blurted.

He grabbed Sophie's arm and let his hand slide down until it found her hand. Their fingers linked together as Cortez dragged her towards his car.

Sophie couldn't help but notice those familiar tingles again. Their skin to skin contact was comforting her just as much as it was making her heart proud in her chest. How did he do that to her? Make her just as flustered as he made her comfortable. It was dizzying, intoxicating, addicting.

"So you have the car again?" Sophie smiled as Cortez pulled open the passenger door. "I thought we'd be disappearing into those woods back there. That's where you all seem to come from."

Cortez chuckled and held onto Sophie's hand as he helped her slid into the passenger seat. "Someday, maybe." Cortez mumbled before shutting the door.

Sophie watched Cortez saunter around the car, trying her best to keep from smiling. She couldn't help how happy she was. Her whole body was basically trembling with nerves but she loved it. She was excited.

Cortez slipped into the drive seat, started the car, and pulled out of the parking lot. As they started down the road, Cortez looked to Sophie and held out his hand. Sophie was reluctant to hold his hand only because of how shaky and nervous she was. Still, Sophie placed her hand in his and felt those addicting tingles crawl up her arm.

Why couldn't she stop smiling like an idiot?

"You didn't tell your grandfather that we were going out tonight?" Cortez asked, his eyes on the empty road ahead.

"No. He would kill me if he knew I was going on a date with a grown man." Sophie sighed. When she realized what she had said, her mouth parted and she nervously turned to Cortez. "I mean.. not like a real date! Just a friend date. If that's still what this is..?"

Cortez couldn't help but grin. He glanced at Sophie and shrugged. "It's whatever you want it to be, Gorgeous. I'd be honored to go on a real date with you."

Not being able to contain herself any longer, Sophie covered her face with her free hand and nearly doubled over as she internally screamed. Cortez laughed at her adorableness and pulled her arm closer, trying to get her to sit upright so he could see her face. Sophie did sit up but she stared out the window so he couldn't see her. She waved her hand in front of her face as she felt her face warm to dangerous temperatures.

The two sat in a semi-comfortable silence, fingers linked with Cortez's thumb rubbing gently stop her hand. It was a calming gesture for both of them. It made Sophie adapt to Cortez's physical affection quickly and satisfied Cortez's never ending need to finally be able to give that physical affection.

Holding her hand was all he needed. It was enough.

Sophie was slightly surprised when they finally arrived in downtown. It had taken them a half hour before they were finally in the thick of it. There were big buildings and busy streets, streetlights flicking on everywhere as the sun slowly set.

Sophie didn't go downtown a lot. She didn't really have any need to. But now that she saw it again, she wondered why she always stayed hidden away. Everything looked so beautiful.

Cortez slowed the car to a stop in front of a simple white building, only two floors, unlike the other sky scrapers. He parked it and got out. Sophie looked around curiously as Cortez walked around to her side and pulled the door open. She took his hand again and was instantly led towards the white building. Cortez swiftly tossed his keys in the air, letting a valet catch them as they walked passed.

Now that she was out of the car, she could admire the decor in front of the restaurant. There were giant cement pillars that made the building look historic but sleek windows with beautiful foliage hanging from them. There was lights on the sidewalk that shone on to the building and gave it a beautiful glow. Overall, it looked expensive and extravagant and Sophie didn't know how she felt about that.

Cortez talked to the woman stood at the table directly inside the restaurant, claiming they had a reservation on the deck. Sophie clung to Cortez's arm as she looked around. Everything looked so new, sleek, and expensive even on the inside. She didn't get to marvel for long before the woman led Cortez and Sophie through the restaurant.

The woman set them at a table outside where many others were sat. The mood lighting fit the atmosphere nicely with the moon finally making itself known and the candles on all the tables beautifully flickering. Sophie could t keep her attention in one place. There were so many plants everywhere and soft music coming from somewhere unknown. It was all so grand. She loved it.

"This is really fancy." Sophie whispered as she scooted closer to the table.

Just as she said that, a waitress came to their table with a bucket in hand. She placed it on the table and Sophie noticed it was filled with ice and sat inside was a wine bottle. Well, this was a little awkward. She was extremely underage to be drinking wine. But the waitress was pouring her a glass anyways.

Sophie peered nervously at Cortez, who slyly put his finger to his mouth with a smirk on his face. Sophie held back her laughter and simply smiled as the waitress poured Cortez a glass as well. It wasn't long before the waitress walked off and left Sophie and Cortez to talk amongst themselves.

Cortez picked up his glass and gestured it towards Sophie, signifying for them to toast. Sophie complied, gently tapping her wine glass against his.

"You're a bad influence." Sophie whispered once more.

"Don't worry, I won't let you get too drunk." Cortez winked.

Sophie watched Cortez tilt the glass to his lips and take a sip, hesitantly following. She took a quick sip and scrunched her nose as she left the liquor sit on her tongue. It wasn't bad, just kind of tart and dry. Cortez enjoyed watching her taste it, at least. She looked adorable with a wine glass in her hand. She looked like a queen. Like a Luna. He was enjoying the enchanting view of his mate under the moonlight.

The night moved quickly for Cortez and Sophie, unfortunately. They just kept talking and talking and talking. They never ran out of things to talk about, mostly because Cortez kept trying to dig deeper and deeper into Sophie's life. He asked about her parents, her grandparents, school life, and her favorite memories growing up. Anything and everything about Sophie, Cortez wanted to know. He just wanted to listen to her talk all night.

Their topic of conversation bounced between funny and serious pretty rapidly. Cortez liked to hear Sophie talk seriously about the things she cared about but one of them would always make a snarky comment that would have them both chuckling. When Sophie finally started digging into Cortez's life, it was the same as always. He gave little detail and was obviously working around the bigger picture.

But there were still stories about his little brother and his parents that Cortez could tell without beating around the bush. He told stories about the fights him and his brother got into as kids. Sophie listened intently, a smile on her face and her eyes twinkling. She enjoyed hearing about how Cortez grew up. He was a complete mystery so anything he was willing to give up, she happily received.

Sophie learned that Cortez and his brother were homeschool, which is where most of his stories stemmed from. The two were always together so they were bound to mess with each other. She also found out he spent a lot of times in the woods as a kid. No wonder he lived there now and even owed wolves like they were normal, domestic pets.

Finally, Cortez realized he had hit a really good story as Sophie lit up while talking about her old piano. She old him all about how her grandmother used to play and had taught her how to play. She recalled a memory where her grandmother's music had actually made her cry when she was even too little to understand why. She was in love with the piano ever since then.

But sadly, they had to get rid of the piano after her grandmother passed and they went through some financial struggles. Even as she told him the bad news, she was still happy and excited to talk about it. Sophie really did love playing the piano and Cortez took note of it. He'd have to surprise her someday soon.

They're conversations dragged on and on even as they ate. Sadly, when they were preoccupied with food, Cortez didn't eat to hold her hand and play with her fingers like he was. Sophie hadn't even noticed he was holding her hand because she was so focused and talking and listening to him talk. It all felt so natural and comfortable. She didn't know why but she liked it. She liked being with Cortez.

When Sophie and Cortez were done eating, it didn't take long for his hand to find hers. This time she noticed it but tried not to so she didn't get all flustered and nervous. They talked for awhile more as the waitress cleaned their table of their plates and showed up with the bill. Cortez whipped out his wallet and slapped down cash before stuffing it away again. He then got up and gestured for Sophie's hand.

"Shall we get out of here, Gorgeous?"  Cortez smiled softly, with content, as he stared at his mate.

Sophie jutted out her bottom lip and used Cortez's strength to pull herself out of her seat. "I don't want to go home.." She cutely whined as she wrapped her arms around Cortez's muscular arm.

Cortez slipped his arm out of her grasp, causing her to go sad for a moment, before he draped it over her shoulder. He didn't hesitate to place a kiss on her temple this time as they walked back through the restaurant. Sophie happily hummed and wrapped her arms around Cortez's middle. He was warm, and although he was very muscular, he was still soft and comfortable to be wrapped around.

And the best part, it didn't feel strange, it felt easy.

"I never told you, but you clean up nice." Sophie said. She patted her hand over his dress shirt, feeling his abs underneath as she did so.

"So do you, Gorgeous. I couldn't stop staring at you all night." Cortez smirked.

"I noticed." Sophie cheekily trapped her bottom lip between her teeth as she looked up at Cortez, who let his eyes scan her up and down once more.

Sophie giggled as they approached Cortez's car in the quiet parking lot. Cortez went to open Sophie's door but before he could, Sophie stepped in front of him. Cortez stared curiously down at his little mate, instantly noticing the way she nibbled mischievously on her bottom lip. There was a silent knowingness between them as they stared at each other. Sophie wanted something, and even though she was too shy to ask, she didn't have to.

"I'm really happy." Sophie confessed.

Cortez grinned. "I'm happy that you're happy."

"There is only one thing that could make this night better..."

Cortez reaches up and cupped Sophie's face in his palm, rubbing his thumb over her cheek like he did with her hand. "You're a minor. I have to keep reminding myself of that."

"I'm a minor that just drank wine." Sophie pointed out, the mischievous glint in her eyes growing more prominent. "I think it's okay if we bend a couple more rules tonight."

Cortez jaw clenched as he tried his best to restrain himself. If he kissed her now, would he even be able to stop? He couldn't give in. He'd absolutely hate himself for giving in. Wasn't it enough to know that she was all his, anyways? He could have her for the rest of his life so couldn't he wait a couple more months, at least? It would be nice if it was that simple, but this damn mate bond was torturing him.

"Are you saying you want to kiss me because you're drunk?" Cortez cocked an eyebrow at his beautiful mate.

Sophie giggled and stepped forward, letting her hands rest on Cortez's hard abdomen. "I'm not drunk. I only had one glass."

With Sophie so close, basically pressed against him, he could see every detail of her twinkling green eyes. He kept himself busy by combing his fingers through her hair and brushing it behind her ear. He couldn't just go in and kiss her. There were so many reasons why.

But fuck, did he wish he could. She was beautiful. She was breathtaking. The way she was looking up at him was taunting him.

Sophie removed her hands from Cortez and reached up towards his face. Cortez carefully watched her hands but didn't move a muscle. He felt her small fingers graze his scruffy jaw before she grabbed him just under his jaw. She stood up on her toes, her eyes bouncing rapidly between Cortez's eyes and his lips. She has never kissed anyone. She wanted to do it but she was nervous.

"Sophie.." Cortez whispered, the slightest undertone of a warning in his voice.

Sophie's eyes bright green eyes flickered up from his lips, her own slightly parting as she stared at him. Cortez gulped and went to continue but was cut off by someone clearing their throat behind them. Sophie retracted her hands from Cortez and fell flat on her feet, nervously turning away from the stranger.

Part of her was worried a passerby might've noticed their age difference and was going to say something that she didn't want to hear. Sophie was hoping, by turning away, they'd second guess themselves and turn away. Hopefully.

Cortez turned to his right and spotted the worse end to his almost perfect night. Trouble. It was here already.

"Beautiful evening, isn't it, Alpha?" Alpha Gabriel smirked wildly as he stared into Cortez's pitch black eyes.

Sophie curiously turned to see who it was that was talking to Cortez so casually. With her thumbnail between her teeth and arm wrapped around her waist, she looked on the man stood a couple feet away from them. The man looked a couple years older than Cortez, his features sharp but wrinkled with age. He wore a long trench coat style jacket with gold buttons and trim all around it. The smirk on his face was grim, eery, devilish.

A low growl subconsciously rumbled within Cortez's chest as he stared Alpha Gabriel down. Sophie looked up at him, shocked by the sound. "I don't mean to ruin your beautiful evening, Alpha, but I'm gonna need to borrow her."

The man's gaze fell on Sophie and her whole body went stiff. She reached for Cortez's sleeve and stepped closer to whisper. "What is he talking about?"

"Nothing. Don't worry." Cortez grumbled.

Cortez turned to Sophie and reached around her to open the passenger door. Just when he got it open, Gabriel slammed it shut. Sophie flinched and gasped, nuzzling closer to Cortez's chest at the man's sudden close proximity. She felt safer the closer she was to him. Cortez growled once more, daring Gabriel to get anywhere closer to him or his mate.

"I'm not leaving without your precious mate, Alpha." Gabriel warned lowly.

That whole sentence made no sense to Sophie. She couldn't understand what he was talking about. Why did he want to take her? What did he mean by mate? Why did he keep calling Cortez Alpha? Was this some cult language she didn't know about it? Did this creepy man in black want to sacrifice her or something?

"Cortez.." Sophie breathed nervously.

Cortez stood up straight again and grabbed Sophie's hand, ready to turn and walk away. He figured maybe they could go on a walk around the city until Gabriel got bored and left. That plan quickly came o an end when Cortez turned to see multiple other dark shadows scattered around the packed parking lot. There was maybe a dozen of them, all spread out but all staring directly at Cortez and his tiny mate.

"You know, you never mentioned your mate was human. Or that she was so young." Sophie turned to the man, clinging desperately to Cortez, who refused to look. "She looks delicious."

Cortez snapped at Gabriel, his bark turning into a low and threatening growl. Sophie quietly squealed and buried her head against Cortez's arm. She didn't know what was going on but she didn't want to be in the center of it.

"What do I have to do for your dumbass to turn around and go home?" Cortez seethed.

"Simple. Hand over the girl." Gabriel answered.

"You'll have to kill me first."

"That can be arranged." Gabriel shrugged and let his eyes shift to his wolves waiting idly by. They slowly started moving in and Cortez cursed her his breath.

"Get in the car." Cortez commanded as he turned to Sophie.

"What? No! I'm not letting go of you!" Sophie exclaimed with wide eyes, her fingers digging into Cortez's bicep. The commotion around her pulled in her attention, her eyes bouncing from one guy in all black to the next.

"Sophie, look at me." Cortez gently grabbed Sophie's face and locked their eyes in an intense stare. "I love you."

"What?" Sophie breathed. "Wh-why? Why are you saying that now?" She panicked.

"I won't let them hurt you. I promise you. Just get in the car." Cortez placed a kiss on Sophie's forehead and reached behind her to open the car door again.

Sophie protested but was pushed into the car, anyways. Cortez closed the door and turned his attention to Gabriel. Sophie watched the two large men stare at each other, a certain light shining in both of their dark eyes.

"You're real confident in your ability to fight your way out of this one, aren't you, Alpha?" Gabriel evilly chuckled.

"You can't really relate," Cortez smirked. "But I'd do anything for my mate."

Gabriel rolled his eyes and flicked his finger towards him as he turned on his heels.

"Cortez!" Sophie yelled as she spotted one of the men in black approach Cortez in long strides.

Cortez turned and swung his fist, successfully landing the first hit. Sophie gasped and clapped her hands over her mouth at the sight. Before the man that got decked could even recover, another was already charging towards Cortez. This guys hit was enough to cause Cortez to stumble back and collide with the car, causing the whole vehicle to shake and Sophie to yelp.

Sophie folded in two with her head in her hands as tears stared streaming down her face and painful sobs escaped her. She didn't want to look. She couldn't. The sound of their punches being exchanged and painful grunts and groans were still audible though. Sophie plugged her ears, squeezed her eyes shut, and panic rocked in place as she cried. She didn't want to be here. She didn't like violence. She didn't want these guys to win and take her.

Sophie was scared.


She was terrified.

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