[1] Little Miss Luna. | ✔️

By peardabear

498K 14.4K 2.5K

a small town girl that spends her days taking care of her elderly grandfather meets a handsome man that seems... More

Volume One ; Bonus Chapter
Little Miss Luna Book Two Announcement
A\N: Story Promos
LML Timeline


11.8K 425 81
By peardabear

When Cortez went to visit the Crystal Lake pack, he had one goal that he wished to achieve. He wanted to form an alliance. The Crystal Lake pack had a lot of warrior wolves, just like the Destine Moon pack. It only made sense that they worked together instead of eventually falling into war with each other. The latter would only result in great chaos. With such strong warriors, they would completely tear each other's packs apart until there was little left.

Unfortunately, throughout their stay, Cortez quickly found out how Alpha Gabriel handled his pack and he didn't like it. The man was deeply cynical, sadistic, pessimistic, and had a look in his eyes that made Cortez uneasy. With everything Alpha Gabriel talked about, Cortez couldn't help but pick out strange context clues that lead him to believe that Alpha Gabriel wanted world domination or something.

It was just the way he phrased things and talked about everything like it was all so little, like he was above everything. Alpha Gabriel bragged on and on about how strong his pack was, adding in the Destine Moon pack as flattery. He told stories about how parents used to conquer packs and that they had such a great empire. Cortez didn't like it and that led him to not like him.

Halfway through their stay, Cortez finally got a moment alone with those he had brought with. He had brought some of his strongest to show off to Alpha Gabriel, which he was now regretting. Part of him felt like he shouldn't have because now Alpha Gabriel had their scents and recognized their faces. It wouldn't have been a big deal if Cortez didn't want to forever stay out of this guys way.

Lee, Ray, Tyree, and Trevor all felt the same. They had spoken to some of the warriors in the Crystal Lake pack while Cortez was off with Alpha Gabriel. Apparently, the warriors here were just as bigheaded and suspicious. They made sick jokes about hunting their food and terrorizing humans. When Cortez heard they liked to target humans for fun, he instantly knew they had to get out of here.

Even if Cortez wanted to seal the deal to protest Sophie from any harm, he knew it wouldn't work. These wolves were ruthless. There was no trusting them. He didn't want them anywhere near his pack, Sophie, or himself. It was simply too dangerous.

"Cortez!" Gabriel called happily from the other end of the long, well decorated corridor of his pack house. With Jeremiah and his warriors beside him, Cortez confidently faced Alpha Gabriel. "I've been looking for you! We should really get this mind link thing under wraps so it's easier."

Cortez forced a chuckle, although, he promised himself to never let this creep into his head. "I was simply admiring your decor and treasures with my men. It looks like half of everything here is made of gold."

"Oh, absolutely!" Gabriel hooked his arm over Cortez's shoulders and pointed towards the half body statues in front of the windows. "These beauties here, molded after my parents, the first Alpha and Luna of this pack. Mine will be added after my kin challenges me for my spot."

Cortez's eyebrows furrowed as he stare at the golden statues. "Your kin doesn't have to challenge you to be Alpha. You know you'll die like that. Why don't you just step down?"

"Step down?" Gabriel exclaimed as he retracted his arm from around Cortez. "If someone wants to take my pack from me, they're gonna have to kill me first! I took down my father and my son will take me down, it's tradition!"

Cortez gawked in shock. He shouldn't be shocked.

There were a few packs that still had that tradition but Cortez had never met them, only heard of them. It was an old tradition. Packs forgot about that tradition centuries ago. With human influence, wolves decided that killing your father for their spot as Alpha was no longer acceptable. If humans found out about werewolves and learned about them, that was one of the things that would secure their spots as nothing more than monsters.

"Speaking of kin, when do I get to meet yours?" Gabriel gestured excitedly at Cortez with his long nails and fingers covered in shiny rings.

"What?" Cortez carefully studied Gabriel. When had he ever mentioned he had any kin.

"Well, you've found your mate, haven't you? Isn't she pregnant with pups yet? When do I get to meet them?" Gabriel continued, completely oblivious and full of hope.

Cortez grew rigid as he glanced back at his pack members. They were stiff and expressionless, already aware of how dangerous his questions were.

Cortez had accidentally mentioned his mate once, claiming she couldn't join him on this visit. He had only mentioned his mate because Gabriel wouldn't shut up about how rude it was that he came as one instead of a pair. Now more than ever, he regretted it. The silver lining around this mate talk was that Gabriel had never seen her and knew nothing about her, not even her name.

"There are no pups." Cortez simply answered, his arms folding over his chest.

Cortez went the rest of the day trying to figure out what the best move to make was. If he allied himself and his pack with Gabriel's, there were risk but also benefits.

Benefits: If Cortez's pack is ever engaged in war, which he hoped would never happen, Gabriel's pack would be the first to help. And they were strong so there wouldn't be much to worry about. With both packs combined, their strength would be undefeated. Also, if there was ever a tragic accident that took it their pack house or something similar, they could take refuge here.

Cortez simply wanted to take care of his pack and he would be doing that if he allied with Gabriel's pack. But there were also too many red flags to ignore. This alliance would be dangerous.

Risks: The Crystal Lake pack seemed to be prejudice against humans. They taunted and terrorized them. There is a risk of exposure there, along with the danger of them finding out about Sophie. If they didn't agree with being allied with a human, they'd break the alliance and likely attack her. The chances that they'd be okay with it and protect her were very, very slim.

Cortez couldn't risk it.

Not only could he not risk putting Sophie in their line of sight, Cortez also wasn't confident in letting the Crystal Lake pack anywhere near his. He didn't want them to rub off or, the contrary, bully his pack. He didn't trust anyone in this pack house. It just wasn't safe for him to go along with this alliance. It was best to simply get out of here and act like this little visit never happened.

"Thank you for taking us in for a couple days but I think it's about time we make our way home again." Cortez calmly the said the next morning in the big foyer surrounded by pillars and grand staircases.

Alpha Gabriel, shocked by Cortez's words, simply stood and stared at him. "You want to leave? Your stay isn't up yet. We have much more to discuss about our alliance. The deal isn't done."

"That's alright, Gabriel. I think it's best we go our separate ways." Cortez spoke with a lowered voice.

"You don't want this alliance?" There was a pause before Cortez shook his head. A grin of eery disappointment flashed across Alpha Gabriel's face. "You're depriving yourself and your pack of strength. We'll will help protect you during your times of distress. What about your new mate? What are you going to do when she's attacked and killed when you don't even have pups yet?"

Cortez grew instantly rigid at Gabriel's last question. What was that suppose to mean? What did pups have to do with anything? Cortez cared about her safety because he loved her. Keeping her alive just for pups wasn't at all his intentions but he wouldn't be surprised if it was Gabriel's. No wonder he doesn't have a mate. The moon goddess knows better than to give a sociopath like him a mate.

"You know, you talk a lot about mates for someone who doesn't have one." A growl laced Cortez's words as his eyes turned dark with anger.

An alarm went off in Jeremiah's head as he realized what was about to happen. He's losing it! He's losing it! This isn't going to end well. Jeremiah mind linked the warriors beside him but none of them dared to move a muscle.

"Don't get so defensive, Alpha." That same eery, grim smile broadened across Gabriel's features. "I'm only looking out for her. You're right. I am without a mate. If we seal this alliance, won't you share?"

In the blink of an eye, Cortez had Gabriel by the collar of his shirt. Gabriel chuckled with satisfaction at Cortez's anger. He could feel it radiating off of him. It was a dark aura that took over the room and filled Gabriel with so much joy.

"I planned on walking out of here peacefully but that doesn't seem to be your forte." Cortez huffed angrily.

"Peace? Oh no, no, no, Alpha. Now chaos? I enjoy chaos." Gabriel snickered. "You don't enjoy chaos, Alpha? It's my favorite game to play."

"Keep that shit away from my pack and my mate. If you come anywhere near what's mine..." Cortez's words got trapped behind his gritted teeth.

That was the signal for Jeremiah to finally get his Alpha out of here before this got too messy to turn back from. Everyone knew the magnitude of Cortez's next words and were all equally as grateful that he had stopped himself. Well, besides Gabriel. He was actually very eager to hear the end of his threat. Unfortunately, Cortez's pack members pulled him away from Gabriel and started out the door with him. Not one of them looked back.

"You came for an alliance and nearly declared war!" Gabriel broke out in bone rattling, goosebump inducing laughter. "Let's play, Alpha!"

A low growl rumbled within Cortez chest as he listened to Gabriel yell. All he wanted was to get as far away from that freak as possible. Luckily, it didn't take long for him and his pack members to load into their black van and drive off. Gabriel was slightly disappointed at Cortez's shocking amount of self control. Gabriel wanted to play. It had been awhile since Gabriel tore someone down and ripped them apart.

As Alpha Gabriel turned back into his house, his pack members closing the big doors behind him, he found a present hidden for him in the middle of his foyer. With his hands politely behind him and eyes firm and strongly locked with Alpha Gabriel's, stood one ofDestine Moon's pack warriors, Lee Kang. The look in his eyes gave away all of his intentions and pleased Alpha Gabriel to no end.

"And what may you need, Mr. Lee?" Gabriel grinned, his long fingers linking together like dominos falling one at a time.

"I want to join your pack." Lee answered with his head high and posture straight. "I do not wish to be on Alpha Cortez's team any longer. I find your pack far superior and a good fit for me. You might find I'll be very useful to you."

A quiet snicker echoed through the big foyer as Gabriel happily nodded. "I think you will be of use as well, Lee. As long as you're willing to play my favorite game."

Lee was hesitant but he nodded. Gabriel also nodded and sauntered up to Lee, wrapping his arm around his shoulder and skipping down the corridor with him as he whispered his plan into his new warriors ear.

"Did we.. forget.. Lee?" Trevor asked as he counted everyone in the van. Lee was not amongst their small crowd.

Everyone looked around, their eyes meeting as they also realized Lee was not with them anymore. Cortez let out a frustrated groan as his head fell into his hands. "I don't think we forgot him."

Cortez could feel it. Trouble was on it's way.

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