Our Wildhearts (James McVey...

By Ola_Finbola

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I'm Delilah I used to live in a small town in Saddleworth before my dad made me move to London. London wasn't... More

Across The Way
The Boys
Skype Call
In The City
Texts, Facebook & Twitter
First Introductions
Can We Dance?
Small Gig?
Xbox 360
The Morning After
You Too
He's My...Friend
His Confession
The Triangle
Leaving Me
You, Me At Six
Just The Two Of Us
Memories Over a Picnic
It's the Little Things that Count
Just Another Saturday
Back Here
How Could You?
Home Isn't So Sweet.
The Journey Back
What Happened?
Bon Appetite
What's Up?
James' Recovery
It's All About Trilly
Madley Brilly
Back Alley
Don't...Just Don't.
Different & The Same
Crowd Craze
Drinking Games
Last Night.
Nothing Happened!
Just a Train Ride Away
Let's Shop
They Don't Know
Secrets About The Past
Don't Leave Me


366 8 0
By Ola_Finbola

Delilah's P.O.V

Here's an update; so basically everything is set up, the food is either cooked or being cooked, the punch is prepared, the invites are out and now all we need to do is get ready! Us girls are in Milly's room and we've just got ourselves some new clothes. I bought myself a green lace vintage dress, some high waisted patterned black leggings from Primarni, as I like to call it, and a black and grey skirt which has a longer top layer that you can see through but also has a shorter bottom layer. Tilly bought some light-wash boyfriend jeans and a body-con cropped top. Milly had saved herself a bargain on a multicoloured shape patterned jumper and some new dark-wash denim dungarees.

Tilly didn't wear any of her new clothes instead she wore the dress Tristan had bought her for their first date, the maroon one with the zips on the shoulders, her black dolly docs and make-up wise she put on some foundation, eyeliner, mascara and black lipstick. Milly didn't wear her new clothes either she chose to wear her dark green body-con dress, some black wedges, and for her makeup plum lipstick, black flicks done with eyeliner and a little bit of mascara. Now I chose to wear my new dress some high-heeled brogue docs and my black bowler hat. I put on some mascara, red lipstick and a little bit of eyeliner, this is the most I put on!

After having got ready the three of us walk downstairs only to find the four boys stood at the bottom of the stairs, looking rather handsome, staring at us as we do so. Tilly couldn't wait any longer and ran down leaping into Tristan's arms when she reached him. Milly picked up the pace and when she reached Brad he wrapped his arm around her waist. I walked down calmly as James stared at me in awe, he held his hand out to me and I took it in my own. He then pulled me into him and kissed me unexpectedly. I laughed into the kiss and he picked me up as I flicked my feet in the air.

"Guys can we save that for later? We've got things to sort out still!" Connor said with a slight pleading tone. James put me down and took my hand before leading me through to the kitchen the others following us. I just heard Connor sighed from the back of the group.

"Right, is all of the food ready?" I asked getting butterflies in my stomach. I haven't seen any of these people for a few months and some of them had...

"Yeah, everything is set up we're just waiting on the guests who should be arriving in, hm, five minutes-ish." Tilly replied interrupting my train of thought.

"Alright! Why don't we get this party started with some music!" Tris yelled as he raised his hands in the air. We all cheered and went into the lounge where there were some snacks in bowls on the table.

1 hour later

The house is packed with familiar faces who keep glaring at me as I search the house for James or Conor or anyone who won't snigger at me. At long last I find Tris and I grab his hand. He turns around abruptly and smiles at me reassuringly.

"Hey what's up? You look like someone wants to kill you." Tris yelled over the loud chatter and music.

"Nothing...have you seen James?" I asked loudly so he could hear me.

"Last I saw him he was in the kitchen."

"Alright I'll go look for him, thanks Tris!"

I make my way to the kitchen receiving a few giggles from the 'popular' girls and smirks from the boys on the rugby team. I reached the kitchen and at first I couldn't see James but he came into sight and I wish he didn't! Why is she talking to him? Who does she think she is sitting there twirling her hair round her finger? I was stood there for about a minute before I felt my hat lift off of my head.

"Hey give that back!" I yelled as I turned around.

"Aww, come on Mayo it's just a game!" I hadn't looked at his face but I knew who it was just by his voice, I mean how couldn't I?

"Long time no see Chips!" I looked up at his smiling face and he was beaming down at me. He was wearing my hat and he held his arms out to me. I gladly accepted his hug and squeezed him tightly.

"Nobody has called me that in a while!"

"Would you rather me call you Charlie?" I asked as I snatched my hat back off of his head.

"You call me whatever and I'll call you Mayo!" We broke off the hug and we laughed, nothing was funny but we hadn't seen each other in like 7 months. Me and Charlie, along with Milly and Tilly, were best friends back in high school and after we left high school in May Charlie had gotten a job which meant he was busy all of the time.

"I think I'll stick with Chips! Anyway how've you been?" I continued to ask.

"I'm great missed you three but yeah, you?" He asked as we sat on two of the stools at the counters. By this time I had totally forgotten about James and that bitch!

"Yeah I've been great made some new friends whilst living in London..."

"Oh yeah, how is London?"

"There are really good shops, one being Dr Martens, and I live across the way from the new friends I mentioned."

"Delilah, did you find Ja...who's this?" Tris emerged from the compact crowd of people. I remembered the girl he was with and got angry again but then my expression turned to a moored depressed one as I remembered. She's just another person who was out to ruin my life. I pointed to him and both Tris and Charlie looked at him. Charlie looked at me apologetically. "Delilah, he's just making conversation." Tris continued trying to make me feel better.

"Yeah...this is Charlie by the way, he's an old friend from school!" I replied and covered up my emotions. Both of them knew that I was still upset but they just carried on and shook hands.

"Nice to meet you!" Tris said cheerily.

"You too, I'm guessing you're one of Delilah's friends from London?" Charlie asked Tris in the same tone.

"Yeah. I hope she told you good things about me."

"Oh definitely!" The two of them laughed and I'm pleased that they're getting along.

"Well, it's been nice talking but I'm going to go talk to James!" Tris said as he gave me a sympathetic smile and headed off in James' direction.

"She's a bitch and you fucking know it Delilah! She knows he's your friend and she's trying to get to you just like she used to!" Charlie said to me as he peered into my face. The word friend stood out to me and I realised that I hadn't told him about me and James.

"Yeah, I know, but Charlie James isn't my friend...he's my boyfriend." As I said this Charlie's face lit up.

"You're kidding me, Delilah has a boyfriend? It's about bloody time! The amount of times we tried to set you up and you'd say 'no, he's not my type' or 'he's too vain'!"

"I know but I found Mr Right or so I think I have..."

"I'll tell you if you have when I see you two together." Charlie winked at me and I looked over at James who was now talking to Tris.

James' P.O.V

I had been sat here bored out of my mind whilst this girl battered on to me twiddling with her hair with her finger like it was attractive. I think her name was Naomi but I couldn't really care less she reeks of perfume and she's got the worse makeup and fake tan I've ever seen!

"James, I need you to help me find Connor and Brad." Tris said as he emerged from the crowd. I could tell just by the way he said it that he didn't actually but I'll take any opportunity to get away from this girl that I can.

"Oh sure man, sorry Naomi I've got to go." I said sounding as apologetic as I could.

"I'm sure you can find them on your own." Naomi replied bluntly as she sneered at Tris.

"You might not want to do that you'll get a crease in foundation and fake tan or is that your skin?" Tris asked as he gave her a fake smile. Naomi looked to me for support but I just shrugged my shoulders and she stormed off, at last.

"Thank you so much, I owe you big time!" I said to Tris and his expression went serious.

"Well you owe me bigger, Delilah's pretty upset that you were talking to her. And when I say pretty upset I mean she looked like she was depressed!"

"Shit! I was only talking to her because she wouldn't stop!" I looked over to Delilah and saw she was talking to a tall boy with short brown hair that's slightly spiked and green eyes the same colour as hers. "Who's she talking to?"

"An old friend of hers from high school. He's called Charlie and he seems nice. There's no need to be jealous though James they're way too buddy-buddy for anything to happen between them." Tris put his hand on my shoulder and shook me slightly.

"Hey guys!" Tilly jumped on Tris' back and he grabbed her thighs to support her. "Why do you look so serious, this is a party!" She seemed half drunk or half sober depending on how you look at it.

"No reason, how much have you had to drink?" Tris asked her and she giggled.

"Only two beers, three cups of punch and some vodka."

"Only..." I said to her sarcastically and she was humoured by it. I nodded at Tris as I left them to go to Delilah who was now in her lonesome.

Delilah's P.O.V

"See you around Mayo!" Charlie said to me as we hugged. He had to go back home because as per usual he has work in the morning.

"Yeah, we should meet up sometime!" I replied as we broke the hug and he smiled before leaving. Not too long after James appeared.

"Hey." James said as he sat down, he knew I was upset, thanks Tris. "Delilah I'm sorry, if I knew you don't like her I wouldn't have suffered through her yapping! She was...what?" I couldn't help but smile when I heard that he didn't enjoy her company.

"You didn't want to talk to her?" I asked him.

"Why would I want to talk to a girl who has five extra layers of skin due to fake tan and foundation?" I laughed at his comment and he laughed too. I heard clapping coming from where James had been before, it was Tilly, her and Tris were looking at us. I can tell she's a bit tipsy! "Why didn't you want me to talk to her?"

I know I have to answer but the words just won't come out. The constant chatter has turned into a piercing ringing in my ears. The party was just a distant memory as flashes of her and her bitchy friends laughing at me. The sniggers of my fellow classmates as I roamed the corridors.

"James why the fuck did you just stand there?" her whinny voice breaks my memory and I stare into the eyes of the girl who haunted my life for 6 years. "Oh hey it's you!" She, Naomi, looked at me with her patronising smile and folded her arms.

I can't take it, I can't deal with this again! I have to escape! I push my way out of the kitchen and Connor sees me.

"Delilah! Where are you going?" he shouted after me but I stormed up the stairs.

"Connor, where did she go?" I hear James ask as I reach the top of the stairs.

I ignore them and slam the door of Milly's bedroom. I push the desk chair under the handle so it cannot be opened and wander aimlessly to the window. I unlatch it and push it up to open it. I climb onto the roof which it opens onto. The night air is cool against my skin and I sit on the roof, cuddling my legs.

Naomi's smile haunts my thoughts as I try to think of positives. I hear someone pushing on the door but they fail to get in. I don't want this, I don't need this! The rattling of the door handle has stopped and the sound of footsteps going down the stairs is faint in my ears.

I've been sat here for 10 minutes and I'm freezing but at this moment in time it doesn't bother me.

"Are you going to sit there all night?" it's Charlie, he's come back to the party.

"Probably...what're you doing back here?" I ask him my voice cracking slightly as I have been crying.

"Well, I was walking home and began asking myself why am I leaving when my best friend just got back and she's sat there with nobody's shoulder to cry on!"

"You didn't have to Charlie I'm just being pathetic..."

"How can you be what she did was awful! Now don't you move I'm coming up!" Charlie walks towards the front door but instead of hearing the door open I hear the rustling of the fence that supports the roof I'm sat on. He reached the roof and sat next to me, the tears flooded my eyes and he wrapped his arm around me.

"I wish you were there when she...when she bullied me..." I said through my constant tears and he hugged me tighter.

"I do too but hey I'm here now ain't I?" He answered. I just nodded and he stroked my hair so it wasn't in my face. "Delilah you have every right to be upset, that bitch turned everyone against you, except Milly and Tilly, but everyone who you thought were your friends left you..."

The memories came flooding back and the tears became more frequent. Naomi is a nasty piece of work and she bullied me through out year 6 and high school. She turned everyone against me, including my friends, and she started this when Milly and Tilly were on a school trip to china, meaning it was me against the school! Life was living hell! I know you're thinking 'well what about Charlie?' I didn't know him at this point he was just a face you see when walking through the corridor. That was until year 9 when we became inseparable along with Milly and Tilly who I was already inseparable from.

"I'm happy to see you again Chips." I said and gave him a weak smile.

"Me too Mayo!" Charlie replied and squeezed me tighter as he smiled back slightly more enthusiastically than my own.


I know it's a bit of a sudden ending but I'm writing a part 2 to this chapter and I just felt it was getting a little bit too long soo, ya know! Sorry I'm not updating every dash anymore but I'll try get at least 2/3 chapters up a week!

Thanks Fin! <3

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