Oh The Throne? You Keep That...

By KSAdams

788K 41.8K 6.1K

As a politician who needed to give people kindness to make him stronger. Jin did just that from F rank soul p... More



19.8K 1.1K 98
By KSAdams

Jin dragged the boy out of the dining hall, not minding the shocked looks he received. He nodded slightly towards Wang Ji as they swiftly made their way to his living quarters.

"Sit" he motioned the boy to take a seat across from him as his maids quickly prepared tea and snacks, waving them away he continuously stared at the young child.

"Your, your highness." the poor boy was shivering as he stared down at his tea cup his tears from before dried leaving him feeling embarrassed.

Jin didn't understand why but he felt a certain gut instinct that if he left the child here he would regret it.

Elegantly he sipped the light tea, smiling gently all the while as he observed the boy, from his mannerism and body he could tell he was physically and mentally abused and from the way Ge Keung, reacted to Ge Wen he could already deduce there was also sexual abuse involved.

Sighing Jin looked at the child's scars once again. "Whats your name?"

The boy paused while taking sip he quickly looked up finally making eye contact with Jin. Seeing the boys face Jin himself was shocked he looked like a mini seductress in the making his rosy lips and pale skin contrasted with his black eyes, his brows curved elegantly thick lashes fanned his thin cheeks. Jin could already tell once the boy became an adult he would be a sinful beauty.

"Your highness, hum...this humble one does not have a name." the boy bit his lips as his fingers tightened around his tea cup, because he was born it reminded his father of that shameful night he betrayed his first wife and slept with a maid. His mother was forbidden to name him when he had asked his mother why he did not have a name she had tearfully gone and requested his father to bestow one. When his mother returned that night it wasn't with a new name but a body filled with bruises and blood. He was waiting for the crown prince to mock him for not having a proper name when nothing happen, he raised his head again he watched as the crown prince set his cup down placing his palm on his chin he lazily observed him.

Jin truly wanted to laugh he has never felt so angered in his life previous and current, did that idiotic man believe without naming the child it doesn't exist? He could have easily given her medicine to kill the growing child in the womb instead of killing it outside.

"Would you like to follow me?" He waited silently tracing the polished wooden tea table with his finger, not bothering to look up.

The boy swiftly climbed out of his seat falling in front of Jin he kowtowed several times his forehead breaking from the impact. "Please allow this humble one to serve you, your highness!"

Jin climbed down from his seat, lifting the boy up. "No need to kowtow to me, I feel we were  fated to meet." Smiling gently he looked into the others tear filled eyes. Jin didn't know why he wanted to take care of the boy but it wasn't like the imperial family would go poor by feeding another mouth. He gently dusted the boys old robes, "How old are you?"

"Answering your highness, I am six years old"

Jin's hand shook slightly, he knew the boy was malnourished but to think so severally he had thought the child was only four. Sighing he wrapped his arms around the young boy not bothering with the stench his body emitted.

"Your highness!" he heard the sharp gasps of shock and horror of his servants, as he continued to hug the shivering boys body. Is he crying again? He felt his robes slightly dampen as he reached over and rubbed the child's hair, feels like fine silk he silently mused.

"Get the bath ready and robes for the both of us" Pulling the crying boy with him he took him into the bathing area, not bothering with the servants he himself undressed the child. Jin could attest to the fact that he was usually uncaring but when the boys body came into light he stared at the ribs that were severally sticking out, no part of the boys flesh was unmarked old scars and new scars one above the other. He had also seen brand marks on the boy a few had symbols of different flowers. "Who did this?" he touched the boys burn scars not looking into his eyes. "Second sister, Peony's, lotus and plum blossoms." his fist slightly tightened as he stood in front of the untainted prince he felt so ashamed of himself.

Jin did not understand why he felt so much anger he felt as if he wanted to destroy everything in sight. "Bao" once he had called his spirit beast he felt her appear, "Yes child?" Bao looked over at the young scarred boy her eyes shined for a moment before looking back at Zu Jia.

"Why are my feeling this way?" Jin at first believed it was his personal feelings but he had never been so angered in his life the disgust he felt now was completely foreign after studying his feelings he noted the slight burst of chill Bao released.

"Child, call upon your spirit beast." Bao looked again at the malnourished boy from before.

The young boy looked a Bao in shock and awe but swiftly called on Xue, the white spider looked into Bao's eyes. "Your majesty!" a childish sounding voice was released by the white spider.

"You have suffered." Bao's spirit form left Jin's body, wrapping herself around the white spider.

Jin looked over at both spirit beasts, "Do you both know each other?"

"This young one was a close servant girl from the frost spirit realms." Bao gently rubbed her scaled face onto the spiders both seemed extremely happy with their meeting.

"So was it your feelings that I felt before?"  Jin's lips arched downward in displeasure was she tampering with his feelings.

"My feelings for Xue, strengthened your own feelings for  the boy." Bao's ancient voice sounded through the room. Her wings slightly flapped as she looked at Zu Jia in amusement.

Annoyed Jin wrapped his fingers around the young boys hand pulling him near the bath, he swiftly poured fresh water onto the boys skin and began to gently wipe away the dirt and grime after repeating this for a bit he took the child again and entered into the heated bath.

They could hear their spirit beasts talking to one another but they were both silent for a moment. Jin closed his eyes rethinking his involvement with Bao was what she said true did he have those feelings to begin with. Sighing he opened his eyes once again. Lifting his small body up he moved over and sat next to the boy. "Are you against me giving you a name?"

The child swiftly shook his head his wet hair almost slapping Jin's face. His lips twitched slightly as he took in the child's form observing him for a moment.  "Zu Jian, from now on you are Zu Jian"

Zu Jian quickly lifted his head and looked into Zu Jia's his tears overflowed. "Your highness, your humble servant thanks you!" his tiny hands covered his face as his body shook with emotions.

"Jian, you are not my servant remember this" Jin didn't bother comforting the boy again he would just cry a few moments later.

"Your..your highness" stuttering the young child continued to cry

A frost spider and a frost dragon, Jin mused silently to himself. It seems we were truly fated to be a part of each others lives.


Ge Keung is the pedo uncle! I forgot to name him previously but I've since updated that page

At first I was going to make Jin call himself benwang , but I decided not to for now when I finish the book I'll go back and edit it to properly say benwang so till then please excuse that.

Some people might want Zu Jian  to be Qin's rival and get Jin's heart sadly Jian is only a sworn blood brother it wont change. BUT NEVER FEAR! I already have  a certain man for Jian in mind. HEUHEUHEUHEUHEUH

Shout out to Openlyfujoshi for Jian's name

14 will be edited

If ya like vote, it would be much appreciated<3

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