The Governor's Daughter

By Greasergirl4life

16K 573 51

Devil Anse Hatfield is desperate. The McCoy's are attacking his family and only the law can put an end to it... More

Letter to the Governor
Who in the Hell is Willie?
Unwanted Company
Uncle Jim's Scheme
I'd Kill for You
Talking with the Devil
My Best Friend
Promise to Levicy
Home ain't Home Anymore
A New Start
Meeting Ms. Henrietta
Country Bumpkin
Something Blue
Christmas Party Showdown
The Trouble with Easedropping
Lydia's Escape
Message from Randall
What Scares Me the Most
New Year's Eve Rally
New Years Massacre
Devil Anse's Scheme
Comfort from the Most Unexpected
Ya Two Timin' Hussy!
My Own Personal Hitman
Go back to Charleston!
My Willow
Mr. Rockefeller
The Trouble with Revenge
Letter of Sorrow
Flashbacks are a bitch
The Dumbest Bastard I Know
There's a storm brewing

The Governor's Daughter Meets the Devil's Son

779 25 5
By Greasergirl4life

"What was I thinking?!" Lydia thought. She made it to Logan County but now she did not know how to find them. "Sure thought that one through didn't ya Lyddie?" She continued to mentally scold herself. The only thing she could think of was to ask people who they were and tell them she was new to town. She did not want to directly ask for the Hatfields because she did not want to ask the wrong person, like a McCoy. She figured the Hatfields would not be around town due to the circumstances. She sighed and decided to go find a room for the night and continue her search.

"I'm sorry ma'am but we don't have any rooms available. All booked with bounty hunters. I might suggest the brothel. I know a lady like you won't like it but it'll do for the night." The clerk told her.

"The brothel?"
"Yes. You know were they-"
"Yes I know what it is but they actually sell rooms?"

"Well miss it's more of a saloon. They do rent out rooms. We just call it the brothel because that's mainly what goes on."
"Oh. Well thank you sir."

"My pleasure ma'am."

Lydia had never been in a saloon. She took a deep breath and walked in. Instantly all eyes were on her. She was very overdressed. Girls eyed her in envy and men eyed her with lust. Lydia ignored them all and went straight to the bartender.
"You're hired." He said as soon as she reached him.
"Hired? Oh no sir! I just need a room for the night."

"Oh. Shame. Two bits a night." He said disappointed. She dug in her tote and handed him the money and he handed her the key.
"Third one on the right." He told her.
"Thank you." She said quickly and went straight to her room.

She shut her door and locked it. She did not want any unwanted visitors in the middle of the night. She sat on the bed and tried to make a game plan. The only thing she could think of was to go downstairs tonight and try to get some information. First she wanted to clean up. It was a long trip and she desperately needed a bath.

Cap Hatfield and his Uncle Jim Vance headed for the saloon. It was a very risky move but they needed a drink and a little fun. They sat down in their usual spot. It was in the perfect position. They could see who was coming in and who was leaving. They could also see what all was going on around them.

"Cap, you see that new thang they got workin'?" Jim Vance asked his favorite nephew. Cap followed his Uncle's eyes and saw a women who really looked out of place. She looked like she was going to a ball or something. And she was not like the other girls. She looked disgusted by the men throwing themselves at her. Cap could not help but stare. She looked to stand about 5'6". Her greens were mesmerizing and he could not take his blue one off of them. Her light brown hair had very little wave to it and reached to the middle of her back. You could tell she was not from around here because of the way she dressed and the way she was built. Women here were either real scrawny due to starvation or a hard life working or real plump for the opposite reason. She was in between. Perfectly curved. Cap's eyes traced her body.

"Look alive son and stop your droolin'." Jim Vance snapped Cap out of it. Cap grabbed the bottle of whiskey on the table and took a swig. About that time Cap's older brother Johnse waltzed in. His eyes instantly fell on the new girl and he smirked.
"Sit your ass down Johnse. She don't want nothin' to do with the likes of you." Cap practically growled.

"I'll find that out on my own." Johnse slurred. "Great, he's already drunk." Cap thought.

"Hello there. I'm Johnse Hatfield. Haven't seen you around here before." Johnse walked right up to Lydia.

"Hatfield? As in Devil Anse Hatfield?" She tried to contain her excitement.

"That's my Pap."
"Oh that's great. Is it just you here?"
"My brother and Uncle are over there?" He pointed towards Cap and Jim.

"Even better. They look sober, unlike you." She grabbed his hand and drug him over to Cap and Jim.

Cap watched the interaction closely. He could not quite tell what they were saying but when he saw her grab his hands he could not help the heat that rose to his cheeks. He was really surprised when she came over to them and sat down. Men glared at them jealously.

"Hello. I'm Lydia Wilson. My Father is the Governor. I came to talk to your family about what's going on. Father is busy and I decided to come so I can tell him what all is going on." She explained quietly so they were not overheard.

"How do I now you're tellin' the truth? You could be a bounty hunter tryin' ta fool us. I ain't ever heard of the Governor's daughter." Cap questioned.

"I figured you'd ask that." She pulled the letter out of her tote and handed it to him. Cap recognized his own handwriting and knew she was telling the truth.
"She's real." He said to Jim.

"Bes take her to your Pap and let him decide." Jim suggested.

"Let's go. You're welcome to come unless you just wanna stay here." Cap told her.
"No I'll come." She said getting up quickly.

"Where you goin' in such a rush?" A drunk man grabbed her arm before she could get out the door.
"Away from you fools." She spat
"Don't be like that darlin'."

"Leave her be. She's with me." Cap grabbed the man's arm. The man looked into Cap's eyes and gulped. He slowly released Lydia and walked off. Cap ushered Lydia out the door and to his horse.

"You can ride with me or Jim. Don't matter to me none." Cap said while getting on his horse. Instead of answering, Lydia held her hand up to him and he helped her up.

"The Governor's Daughter. Why would he send you instead of an attorney or somethin'?" Devil Anse questioned with his pipe in his mouth. She was sitting at his table with him, his wife, Cap, Jim, and Johnse.

"Well sir I'll tell you the truth. He didn't send me." She confessed.

"What do you mean he didn't send you?"

"I noticed he was worried about something yesterday morning. I asked him what was troubling him and he showed me the letter. He said all he could do was sue Kentucky and send an attorney. But suing the State of Kentucky will be a very long process and you could all be dead before then. I just wanted to help and the best way to do that is to be here."

"You've gotta be jokin'! We send for the Governor and get his daughter. Just great. Just our luck." Jim exclaimed.
"I know you don't think I can help but I really can. I'm the Governor's daughter. I have a lot of political pull."
"Now she's braggin'." Jim muttered.

"No I'm not. Look, I'm all you got. If you don't want my help I'll leave but you can't say I didn't try." She eyed Jim Vance. She might look sweet and delicate but she is a fireball when mad.

"You can stay. You're the only woman I know beside Levicy that'll stand up to Jim and that must mean somethin'." Anse decided. Cap could not help but smirk. He might like having his own little fireball around.

"What good can you do? You don't know nothin' about fightin'." Jim argued.

"Teach me how to fight, I'll show you how to win."

"Fair enough. For now you'll stay in the room with my daughters. Levicy will show you there." Anse said.

"Thank you kindly."

"Tomorrow we want to know more about you and we'll tell you more about us." Anse told her.

"Sounds good sir."

That night Lydia tossed and turned. She thought about her parents. She thought about what might happen if she failed. She did not want to see the Hatfield's killed. They seemed like good people. But there are two sides to every story. She was scared to find out the other side. What if the Hatfield's were not as innocent as she thought? Besides all that, something else clouded her thoughts. Well, someone else actually. Cap Hatfield. She could not help but stare at his eyes. One, for there beauty. And two, she wondered what happened. Those eyes held a story. A story she did not know but was intrigued with already. "No Lydia stop this. You're here on business and don't have time for some backwoods country boy." She thought. Besides, she met him in a brothel and that is not a good sign. She is just glad she did not have to sleep in that God forsaken place . She closed her eyes and tried to push the thoughts out of her mind and get some sleep.

Cap Hatfield finally understood Johnse's struggle with Roseanna and why he could not keep it in his pants. Cap was dying to go to her. He could not do that though. Mainly because he was better than that and was nothing like his bone headed brother. Secondly, she was too much for him. She is way too high maintenance. Too flashy. She acts like a Yank in a way but you can tell she is just a Southern Bell without the accent. It was really weird. He decided he is gonna ask her about that tomorrow. He sighed and mentally punched himself and tried to sleep.

Meanwhile, Johnse laid in bed wide awake too. "She sure is a pretty thang." He thought. Johnse knew it was not love but just lust. But sometimes things come from lust. She is the Governor's daughter! Imagine what he could do with that money! He could definitely go to Oregon country. He could fake it till he made it with her. He smiled to his self and went to sleep.

A/N Will this be a love story or is it strictly business? You'll find out soon! Team Cap or Team Johnse? Caddie or Jiddy? Lap or Jydia? Please think of better ship names guys because I suck.

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