The Bet I Lost

By turtleswords

785 94 786

-SECOND BOOK OF THE FRAT SERIES- Blake Cohen is placed a bet that for him, was easy breezy. Parties, girls an... More

1: Changing Strategies
3: A Game For Two
4: Can't Get You Off My Mind
5: Sharing Beds
6: Finger Up The Wrong Hole
7: Pose for the Picture
8: Aim, Point, Shoot
9. You Got Me Going Crazy
10. Fight For You
11. Nasty Truths
12. Stay The Night
13: Catching Feelings
14: Game Over
15: Come Together
16: You Hit The Wrong Wall
17: Cheer Up
18: Welcome to DR
19: Feeling Guilty
20: Falling For You
21: Behind Closed Doors
22: Saying Goodbye
23: Guiltless twisted lie
EXTRA CHAPTER: Unkown Caller
EXTRA CHAPTER: Getting Kick-Out
EXTRA CHAPTER: Wedding Bells

2: Late Night Conversations

37 5 29
By turtleswords

After the long night I had, when my phone rang on my pocket for the hundredth time I knew I was going to get yelled at. I forcefully pulled it out as I took out my t-shirt.

"Hello?" I said and my voice sounded so low my dad was going to know I've been sleeping. My throat hurt like crazy too.

"Do you think this is the time when you're supposed to be waking up? Didn't I tell you to set an alarm for 6 am everyday? Do you really want to be in school?" my dad was yelling in the other line and every word was a stab to my brain.

"I'm sorry, dad" I apologized even though that wouldn't mean anything.

"I'm sorry is not going to get you a degree" he said harshly "come pick the damn papers up before I give it to some of the other interns" he angrily said hanging up.

I groaned loudly and took a clean shirt out of my closet and made my way downstairs. The house was a complete mess but the freshmen were already here cleaning. My frat brothers were still sleeping. I hopped on my car and turned it on, it was still hot since I just got back home.

I drove listening to music and trying to wake up. My dad was going to point out my outfit but at this point I was too tired and fed up to care.

I parked in the empty spot next to my dad big Lexus and hopped off. I strolled to the door and swiped my car at the sensor. It beeped and the door unlocked.

"Hello Blake" the receptionist greeted me with a smile. I smiled at her and kept walking to my dad's office.

I could hear him talking to someone as I walked down the long hallway. I saw the two guys exiting the office and I knew they were being yelled at because of their faces.

"He's not in a good mood" one of the guys announced. I nodded. As if I didn't know.

I knocked and waited for him to talk.

"Come in" I pushed the door open and the view of my dad gave me chills. He was in a very bad mood. The vein in his forehead was popping out and you could see his cheeks red.

"Good morning, dad" I greeted him and took a sit in front of him.

"Where's your tie?" he asked looking at me up and down with disgust "and what's up with this ripped jeans?" he raised an eyebrow.

"I got home and didn't have time to change" I shrugged and looked at the stack of papers sitting in front of my dad. He shook his head, disapprovingly.

"I don't know what I'm going to do with you, Blake" he started "you seem fine for a couple of days and then you just go back and do something stupid" his voice started to raise "how many fucking times do I have to tell you that drinking and partying will not get you anywhere?" he looked at me.

"A hundredth times dad" I said with a bored tone "and I know, I wasn't out partying, I was on a date" I lied but this only made it worst.

"And you think a girl, knowing the good for nothing that you are, will stay with you?" he mocked and smiled proudly of his words "you better get your shit together before I cut your income" he said pointing at the stack of papers.

I had nothing to say, so I just got up and took the papers from his desk.

"When do you need this?" I asked avoiding his eyes.

"End of the week" he said looking at me "oh, and Blake?" I looked at him "make sure to look at all the legal implications" I nodded and exit the room.

I drove back home in silence. My dad has always been a motherfucker. Ever since my mom left with my two older brothers he made it his job to remind me what a good for nothing I was that not even my mom picked me. By this age, I was used to his harsh words but sometimes they really hit me there.

I started working as soon as I got home. I didn't want to hear my dad's voice again reminding me how many nothings I've had accomplished in my life. I went through the papers quickly, most of them had the information I needed highlighted so it made it even easier.

I took a break around 12 to grab something to eat. I order something and in the meantime while I waited I asked one of my friends to give me Tina's number. I texted her.

We're throwing a party tonight. Mind passing by? - Blake.

PS: save my number.

I locked my phone and threw it to the other side of the bed. I was half way through the work and I had class in a couple of hours. My food arrived and I ate in my room, locking the door and putting on loud music. The little speech my dad gave me hours ago still stung deep down and gave a sour flavor to the food I was eating.

The papers piled on top of my desk as I quickly went through them before leaving for my afternoon class. My alarm went off and I groaned and left the paper and my computer on top of the desk. I ran downstairs and skipped the questions my frat brothers were dying to ask me about last night.

The drive to my class building wasn't long and I got there in perfect time for my class. I took the stairs up to my class room and walked inside, sitting in one of the chairs on the front. The professor walked in with a stern look swinging his briefcase slightly.

The class was quick and before I knew it I was driving back home thinking about the amount of work I had left.

The house was getting ready for the party as I made my way upstairs to finish work and get ready.


After I was done with most of my work I went downstairs to the loud music, the alcohol and the girls. I tried calling Tina several times but she didn't pick up. I wondered if she had already decided that I was not worth of her time. 

I walked around, not getting involved in any crowd and trying to avoid any of the desperate girls that were walking around the party looking for their next hook up. 

Around eleven thirty, Tina called. 

"Hey, where are you?" I asked her. She seemed to be out of breathe. 

"On my way, could you wait outside?" she asked and I wondered why she was coming so late.

"Sure" I hung up and walked outside to wait for her. 

I found a group of guys and we started talking about football. The season was about to being and I really needed to stop drinking, it usually makes me feel very out of shape. They were commenting on our luck last season and how we won when everybody thought we were done. 

I say headlights approaching and then the car stopped right behind us. Tina got off wearing black jeans and a gray crop top that made her look even curvier. I bit my lip just imagining her in her underwear. 

"Hey" she greeted standing behind me. I turned around grinning. Everybody's eyes were on her. 

"Hi, why you got here so late?" I asked walking a few steps away from the guys. She eyed me and then her eyes stopped in mine. 

"I fell asleep," she confessed. I chuckled. We walked away from the group.

"Well, you want to go in and grab a drink? We can go up to the balcony if you want or you feel like dancing?" I offered raising an eyebrow testing the waters. I didn't think she was the type to dance. 

"Let's grab the drink and go to the balcony" she said and I nodded leading the way up to the house. 

We walked inside, avoiding the people dancing and heading to the kitchen. I grabbed two solo cups and we went inside the living room again to take the stairs up to the second floor.

The balcony was empty, weird coincidence. We sat on the bend and remained quite for some time.

"I didn't think you'd come" I admitted looking at the floor. Why didn't I say that?

"Me neither" she blurted. I looked at her.

"What made you?" I asked curious to know what had made her come to a place she clearly didn't want to be at.

"The same reason as yesterday, I'm tired of living my boring life and decided to go out more" I tried to believe her but it was hard. I nodded and took a sip of my cup.

As I expected, a lot of people interrupted us while we talked. The balcony was like the preferred spot for guys to finger girls, for making out and for talking. 

Around two the party quieted down simnifically. The night had turned chilly so I got Tina a blanket.

"Why don't you change degree?" she asked to break the silence we had fallen in once again. 

"I can't, my dad is a really good lawyer with a buffet of his own and I am the one suppose to stay with it after he retires" I didn't like talking about my family. She nodded apparently understanding that the topic made me uncomfortable.

"I'm getting sleepy" she said. I looked at her and nodded. I stood up and helped her with the blanket. I started walking towards my room. I was tired myself and I kind of wanted to sleep with her. 

"Let's lay down in my bed," I offered her my hand and she took it, most to my surprise. 

I opened the door to my room and saw her scanning the room. It was mostly clean and put together. I made sure to clean it before going down because the amount of papers I had on my bed was unbelievable.  

"Your room is more neat than I thought it would be" she commented. I chuckled and she smiled looking at my football trophy. It was one of my biggest pride something else my dad saw as 'insignificant'. 

I took off my jacket and threw myself on the bed. She was still looking around the room. 

"Come on, jump in" I said with a grin. It was going to be harder than I thought to keep myself from kissing her. 

She walked to the bed and climbed on, lying next to me. I wanted to put myself on top on her and kiss her until our lips were swollen. I wanted to touch her and feel her. I closed my eyes forcefully and bit my lip. 

"So..." she said to break the silence. I yawned and looked at her.

"You're good at reading, aren't you?" I asked asked. She nodded; I stood and went to my desk to grab my favorite book. "Could you read this to me?" I asked looking for a way to distract myself from my thoughts about her boobs on my hands. She nodded again and seemed a bit confused "I've never had a girl in my bed with which I didn't end up having sex, I don't want to have sex with you" I added talking really fast. She raised her eyebrows "I want to, just not now"I blurted she blushed "so, I want you to read to me so I can forget about kissing you" I finished in a hurry and had to catch my breath at the end. 

She took the book from my hands and opened it. I lay back and closed my eyes. This had to either make her fall for me or make my erection go away. It was a win-win situation for me. 

"I like my body when it is with yours" I knew this one and it wasn't going to help with the situation "I like my body when is with your body. It is so quite a new thing. Muscles better and nerves more" She paused  "I like your body. I like what it does, I like its hows" I she paused again and continued "I like to feel the spine of your body and its bones, and the trembling-firm-smooth ness and which I will again and again and again kiss, I like kissing this and that of you, I like, slowly stroking the, shocking fuzz of your electric furr, and what-is-it comes over parting flesh... and eyes big love crumbs, and possibly I like the thrill" I fell asleep before she could end it. I knew how it finished even though it wasn't one of my favorites it was a very beautiful poem.

When I woke up it was almost dawn. I looked at my phone on the nightstand and saw the time. five forty-five in the morning. I sighed heavily and looked up. I had to wake up in fifteen minutes to being my day. I placed my phone on the nightstand again and noticed a little note. 

Took the book to read it, maybe I can read to you again next time... - Tina.

I smiled and saved it inside the little drawer in my nightstand. This girl was something else, I thought as I walked to the bathroom to take a shower. If one thing was clear; I'm not supposed to fall for Tina Vega.

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