Babygirl. -Roman Reigns-

By PiraBeans

71.9K 1.6K 170

Asher has dreamed of becoming the youngest WWE diva all her life. At 16 years old she was accepted into NXT... More

✞Chapter 1✞
✞Chapter 2✞
✞Chapter 3✞
✞Chapter 4✞
✞Chapter 5✞
✞Chapter 6✞
✞Chapter 7✞
✞Chapter 8✞
✞Chapter 9✞
✞Chapter 10✞
✞Chapter 11✞
✞Chapter 12✞
✞Chapter 13✞
✞Chapter 14✞
✞Chapter 15✞
✞Chapter 16✞
✞Chapter 17✞
✞Chapter 18✞
✞Chapter 19✞
✞Chapter 20✞
✞Chapter 21✞
✞Chapter 22✞
✞Chapter 23✞
✞Chapter 24✞
✞Chapter 25✞
✞Chapter 27✞
✞Chapter 28✞
✞Chapter 29✞
✞Chapter 30✞
✞Chapter 31✞
✞Chapter 32✞
✞Chapter 33✞
✞Chapter 34✞
✞Chapter 35✞

✞Chapter 26✞

1.1K 28 6
By PiraBeans

"C'mon Steph, you can't just not tell me who I'm wrestling tonight!" I said angrily, I had been fighting her on this for about 15 minutes already.

"Asher, you know I love you, and you know you're my favourite, but I can't tell you. This is gonna be a real match. Handicapped, cage match." She said, my jaw dropped.

"No girl has ever competed in a cage match." I mumbled.

"Exactly, now get going." She said as we heard, 'Asher Colson to guerrilla' I ran to the guerrilla and started stretching for my match as Lillian announced me first.

"This match is a handicapped, cage match and it's scheduled for one fall, first, from Calgary Alberta Canada, Asher Colson." Lillian said, as soon as I heard my music I ran out, the crowd cheering, then screaming when they noticed the new gear. Everyone seemed to love the new ring gear and the new good girl on the outside, psychopath scary Emo on the inside character. Which is good. Cause I do too.

"And her aponnent , from Cincinnati Ohio, Dean Ambrose." My eyes popped and my jaw dropped as soon as I heard his name. His music started playing and he started running up, being the usual lunatic he is, his eyes looking weary.

"I'll take it easy." He whispered and the cage started to come down. As helpers started throwing kendo sticks, chairs and tables into the ring. Just as the cage hit the matt, Stephanie's music hit.

"Not so fast you guys, don't ring that bell yet." Stephanie yelled into the microphone. "I know you two are all buddy buddy, but I don't care. If you don't both try your very hardest in this match, neither of you will ever have another shot at a title." She just smiled and walked off.

Dean and I made eye contact for a few seconds and made a truce, "Whatever happens tonight, we don't let it effect our friendship." I mumbled and he nodded. As soon as the bell rang we locked up, me quickly getting under him and flipping his body over. He was on the ground and I made a fast run for the wall, unable to even touch it was a finger before Dean was up and suplexing me away from the walls. Pain shot through my shoulder blades and my back arched to try and even out the pain.

He made a face as if saying sorry before lifting my leg to go for the pin, I lifted my shoulder at one. From this moment on I knew the only way someone was winning is if one of us gets knocked out. He stood up and tried to make a plan of his next moves and I got up, no longer able to see him, when I turned toward him I saw his torso in between the ropes and I automatically knew he was going  to try to try to clothesline me so I quickly ducked down and speared him right to the ground. He groaned and I went for the pin, he kicked out.

While he laid on the ground I made my second run for the wall, climbing halfway up, the crowd was going crazy. Dean got up but I kept climbing. He quickly caught up To me at the top and we exchanged punches, I had the last punch, but he grabbed my arm as he fell, pulling me down with him, I mainly landed on him, so my fall wasn't too bad, his must have been excruciating though.

I got up quickly, standing in the corner pulling my hair out of my face and screaming like my character would, we still have to stay in character. I grabbed a kendo stick and started whacking him over and over with it, until it snapped in half. Then I went for a cover, pulling his knees all the way up to his chin, but he still managed to overpower my arms and kick out, kicking me in the face as he did, causing the skin on my cheekbone to split and start bleeding pretty bad.

He noticed the blood and his eyes filled with an emotion I could fully tell. It looked  apologetic, scared and worried all together. I just put a hand up to show I'm okay, but I could feel the blood dripping and see it falling onto the mat. I fell into one knee no longer able to stand. He took advantage of my situation and went for the pin. I tried so hard to kick out, but it was no use.

Everything after that point was going In slow motion. Dean hanging over my lifeless body and Roman and Seth running out with a bunch of trainers to assess me.

"Everything's gonna be okay, babygirl." Roman muttered, trying to convince himself more than me. My eyes got so heavy I couldn't hold them for very long.

"Stay awake sweetheart. Listen to our voices." I couldn't really distinguish who was talking, but I recognized the nickname to be from Seth. I tried so hard to keep my eyes open until I was in the chilly air and I saw red and blue flashing as I got into the back of an ambulance. From that point on everything was black.

Romans POV.

I stood in my changing room watching television above me intently, looking at my bestfriend wrestling my girl. At some points Dean was dominating and others Asher was. It was actually a fairly even match. She started whacking Dean with a Kendo stick and I gotta admit I felt proud. She went for the cover.

Her face looked like it was getting a little too close for comfort, and it was. When he kicked out he hit her right in the cheekbone. The second I saw the blood hit the matt I knew something was wrong.

I left the room and the television on its own with Seth right behind me and we headed to the guerrilla to meet her when she comes out, but as we watched the tv above us we could tell there was too much blood. The second that bell rang I was out there. She wasn't looking good, her skin was growing pail and it looks like one side of her face is caved in. Seth and I ran out, followed by about seven trainers. The trainers got a stretcher and I carefully picked her up and placed her onto it.

"Everything's gonna be okay, babygirl." I muttered trying to convince myself more than her. My mind racing with everything but good thoughts.

"Stay awake sweetheart, listen to our voices." Seth said, noticing her eyes were starting to fall closed. She opened them back up momentarily and made eye contact with me, before they put her into the back of the Ambulance and her eyes shut completely.

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