✞Chapter 9✞

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Asher's POV
I just opened the door and soon there was a mans lips strongly attached to mine. He kissed me hungrily and I could already tell who it was... It was---

It was Dolph. I couldn't help pushing him away.

"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?" I asked angrily.

"I told you I liked you!" He said as he cornered me in my room.

"Dolph... What are you doing?" I asked. He just kept walking. "Dolph please don't do this."

"SHUTUP!" He yelled as he smacked me really hard in the face. I let a tear fall down my stinging cheek.

"please... just stop." I whispered.

He took off his belt and started whipping me with it. He took my shirt off and started smacking the hard leather onto my back. Then my inner thighs.

He kept beating me with the belt until the buckle hit my side really heard and I screamed in pain.

He then threw the belt across the room, it hit the door with a loud thump, and used his bare hands to beat the crap out of me.

Once he was done with his beating, he kissed my neck and whispered "Never say no to me, princess."

I cried silently, unable to move my half naked body, all that was left was my underwear. I thought for sure he was going to rape me... But he didn't.

I looked over and saw my phone. It wasn't close enough to reach it, but I was in too much pain to move. I cried and reached as far as I could.

My middle finger was so close to touching it. I kept crying. Until finally, in a split second movement, my finger reached it, and I was able to pull it close enough to grab it.

I smiled slightly and unlocked my phone, scrolling through my contacts. I saw Romans name, and contemplated calling him but decided to call Seth instead.

It ringed six times.

"Hello?" I heard Seth say.

"Seth..." I started "Seth I need y-" I was cut off by him talking again.

"Sorry, just pranking ya, you've reached the voice mail of Colby Lopez. Leave me a message." I cried out loudly when I realized it was his voicemail.

I only have Dolph, Romans and Deans number now, I'm not calling Dolph, and Dean never answers his phone, so I'm stuck with Roman. I quickly pressed dial and put it up to my ear.

It barely rang twice.

"What, Asher?" He said bitterly, which I ignored.

"Roman" I cried quietly. "Roman I need your help!"

"Are you okay?" He asked worriedly.

"No, Dolph attacked me. I can't move. I'm in my room... Help me." I said quietly, surprised he actually heard me.

"Room number?" He asked.

"3..3...2" I mumbled in too much pain to talk any longer.

I hung up and laid, stomach down, naked on the floor, crying.

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