✞Chapter 10✞

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Asher's POV
I heard Seth scream "what?!?" And then I only heard what Roman said after that, so I stopped listening. Until I heard Seth say something. He said, "I'll go find him."

"What?????" I screamed as Roman hung up the phone.

"Nothing, babygirl, just go back to bed." He told me.

"No!" I yelled. "Tell me what's going on." I demanded, strictly.

Roman stared at me, begging me not to make him tell me. Finally he gave in.

"Seth is going to find Dolph. He doesn't want him to get away with this." He told me.

"It's only going to make it worse." I mumbled, breathlessly.

"What?" Roman asked.

"Don't you realize that going after Dolph is only going to make things worse?" I asked. "Dolph is one step ahead of you, he sees this coming. Seth will attack him, he will tell the police and during your match tonight, while Seth is locked up and I'm all alone... He will attack again."

Roman looked slightly not convinced until it finally clicked in his brain, he realized it was a possible thing and that I need to be protected.

"I've got it!" He said. I looked at him confused. "During your match, I will be right at the guerilla, ready to go out if needed, and plus I have to go out there anyways for the storyline. And during my match I will just get Dean or somebody to watch you." He said, I felt safer now, but not completely safe, like I knew something was going to happen.


My music hit and I ran out of the curtain, my long blonde hair flowing behind me as I sprinted down the ramp. Once I reached the ring I just stared. Finally I stretched my arms up, the crowd going crazy all around me and I grabbed the second rope, gracefully jumping and lading on two feet, crouched down and rolled onto my stomach and under the bottom rope. I stood in the corner once in the ring and yelled, "IT'S ASHERS TIME NOW!"

Soon after I heard Summers music hit. I had to pretend to hate her, which wasn't very hard so I just glared at her through the ring, stalking toward her slowly until she entered the ring. The bell dinged.

I ran toward her but she put one finger up, signalling one minute and she grabbed the rope. The ref pulled me away. She kept her finger up while she applied a thick coat of lip gloss.

"What's the point, it's only going to rub off!" I yelled, impatiently.

She finished and as soon as one arm came off the rope I charged at her. I grabbed her by her ears and pulled her toward me. I let go of her ears and quickly turned her, wrapping my arms around her torso. Positioning her for a Suplex.

Until Seths music hit. Seth came out with a microphone. "Don't do this baby, I love you! Not summer. Just come back to me." With my arms still around her I positioned her so she was tight in one arm and pulled her around so I could get a microphone.

"Really? Because if you were out here because you loved me, you wouldn't be telling my not to hurt her." Is all I said and as fast as possible I pulled her onto her neck, suplexing her and rolling her up. I got a three count and as soon as I won Roman came out and we hugged. Seth was taking care of Summer and Ro and I were flaunting our on-screen relationship.

Babygirl. -Roman Reigns-Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt