✞Chapter 25✞

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(Please read authors note at end.)

We have raw tonight. I'm excited. After speaking with my mom last night we just went back home. We ended up watching movies on the couch all night, giggling randomly at stuff that's not even funny. It's crazy how comfortable I am around Ro. He's the love of my life.

Ro and I woke up at 7:30am, both on the couch. Luckily dads not on call so he didn't wake up to us on the couch. I don't even wanna know what would've happened if he woke up to us cuddling on the couch sleeping.

Once our alarm went off we both immediate shot up, startled by the loud noise. Once we calmed down I Gave Roman a quick kiss and headed up to my room to get ready. I decided to put on my favourite pair of lulu lemon leggings. They have pockets. It's the best invention ever. For a top I just kept on the shirt I slept in, it's Romans and it's a Metallica band t-shirt. I just tied it up at my left hip bone to make it fit a little bit better.

I decided on very natural makeup because the lovely ladies in makeup will do the rest for me. So I skipped foundation, put on a tiny bit of concealer and dusted on some highlighter, finishing off the look by smearing on some light mascara. For my hair I just put it into a cute French fishtail braid along the side of my head.

Once I felt comfortable enough with my look I jammed my feet into some all red Chuck Taylor's and hopped out the door, down the stairs and into the living room where Roman was pulling off his shirt with his back to me and grabbing another one to put on.

"Self control Asher." I mumbled. Loud enough for him to hear but not coherent enough for him to understand.

"What?" He said throwing me a look as if he had an idea of what I said.

"Nothing." I said with a smile. He just rolled his eyes and hopped over the back of the couch. Walking up to me and bending over enough to put his face into my neck. I smiled and pulled him in closer.

"Is your dad still sleeping?" He asked, head still in my shoulder.

"I th-" my sentence was cut short by a creak on the steps behind me.

"Yep." Dad said, taking on the situation. "What time do you guys have to leave?"

I looked down at my phone, it was eight. "Now." I mumbled getting ready to step out the door. "You coming?" I asked Roman.

"Yep. Be right out babe." He smiled and I just nodded and headed out to warm up the car. The November winter nipping my skin as I walked out the door.

---------in the house--------
Romans POV.

"How are you this morning?" I asked, nervously lifting my eyes to the man in front of him.

"Pretty good son, what's going on?" He asked knowingly. Knowing I wasn't just gonna question his morning.

"Sir- Jared, I have and extremely important question for you." I said, keeping my head down, but lifting it up for the next sentence. "You're an old fashioned man, so am I. So I think it's important to ask, I would like to ask for your permission to marry your daughter." The words came out rushed. It was easy to tell was nervous.

"Roman, son. I've only known you for two days, but I see how her eyes light up when you're around, even more than when she's around me. You make her happier than even I could. Of course I will give you my blessing, son. Welcome to the family." He said. Slowly and reassuringly.

I felt tears pop into my eyes, I tried to press them Back, but I just couldn't. "Thankyou so much Jared. I wont let you down." I smiled and he nodded.

"I know."

---------at the event----------
Asher's POV.

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