✞Chapter 21✞

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Asher's POV

I booked our tickets for Calgary Right when I woke up, I managed to make a flight today. We leave in about two hours, Roman was still sleeping.

I sat on him, causing him to open his eyes. He smiled at me. "Our flight is in two hours, get up" as said cutely, making him smile, then all of a sudden look worried.

"Two hours?" He yelled, getting up to put his things together.

"Babe, calm down I packed our stuff this morning." I yelled sweetly at his franticness and he stopped and looked at me. He smiled nervously and I giggled. "We go to Calgary for two days and then I got us tickets to go to the Bahamas."

"Well than, what are we waiting for?" He asked, I smiled and got up, grabbing my bag and walking out the door with Roman, I smiled at him sweetly...

Once we got into the car I got real. "I'm kind of scared to see my dad, I haven't seen him since I left for WWE..."

"I'm sure he will be happy to see you, Asher. Don't even worry about it. Also, I'll be there for you through it all. You know why?" He asked, I shook my head no. "Because I love you." He grabbed my thigh. I smiled.

"I love you too!" I said as he started driving to the airport.

-------------/on plane /--------------

"Attention flyers, we are about to land so please put your seat belts on and prepare for landing, Thankyou." The pilot said over the intercom, waking me up and making me take my head off of Roman's lap, who was awake.

I buckled up and got sitting normally in my seat as the plane descended toward the ground. I didn't text my dad because I wanted it to be a surprise. I always hated this part. The plane landing, I have never liked it. I buried my face into Roman's chest to try and stop the fear. The second he wrapped his arms around me the fear vanished and I felt completely comfortable in his arms.

I felt the plane land and stop, then Roman started to get up and I followed him out of the plane. We waited to get all of our bags for the conveyer and we left. We didn't get a rental so I had to get an uber. Roman put his arms around me and just stood with me as we waited.

"What if your dad doesn't like me...?" Ro asked, with a worried look on his face.

"Don't do anything to hurt me and he won't have any reason to." I said smiling, he lightly smiled back, still worried. "Come on, he's gonna love you." He nodded.

He got into the dark red Subaru that was our uber. "My dad's a cop by the way." I said as we got in, his face strained and he gave me a look that said, 'Why didn't you tell me, is he actually?!' I just nodded. Now he looked worried.

Once I got to my fathers average sized black, grey and White House. I went and stood on his porch. I called him.

"Hi daddy!" I said through the phone.

"Hey pumpkin, where are you?" He asked, I smiled.

"I'm in Cincinnati, we have a live show there tonight." I said, feeling bad for lying.

"I miss you pumpkin, why did you call?" He asked sweetly.

"I miss you too, I just wanted to say hi." I said as I rang the doorbell.

"Oh hey, can I call you back? There is someone at the door." He said.

"Of course." I said as Roman came up beside me and grabbed my hand nervously.

My 42 year old father with brown hair and tan skin came to the door, he gasped and I went for a hug.

"Daddy!" I squealed as he grabbed me and held me close. He smiled brightly, his piercing blue eyes filling with joy.

"Daddy, this is Roman." I said, pulling away.

"Nice to meet you, sir." Roman said, taking his large hand and holding it out for my father to shake.

"Please, call me Jared." He said as he grabbed Roman's hand and shook it. I smiled. "Come in, come in." He said to us, smiling brightly. He brought us to his black leather couches, Roman and I sat on the love seat and my father sat on a chair in front of us.

"You're on WWE too, correct?" He asked Roman.

"Yes, wrestling is my passion." He said, smiling at my father. Dad smiled back.

"Do you love my daughter?" He asked, my mouth fell open.

"Dad!" I said, scolding him.

"It's okay." Roman said. "Yes I do, I love her very much." I blushed.

"Good." He turned to me. "So how long are you staying?" His face lighting up ever so much more.

"We have today and tomorrow." I said, sadly, yet excitedly. Excited to go to the Bahamas with the love of my life.

He looked disappointed. "Well, are you going to visit your mother tomorrow?" His stomached turned just at the word.

"No." I said, I did not want to see her. I left it at that and so did he. "We should go get our bags." I said, standing up and grabbing Roman's hand. We walked to the driveway and I started tearing up. He pulled me into him tightly yet gently.

"What's wrong babygirl?" He asked, kissing the top of my head.

"I hate her! I hate her so much, I hate what she did to me but I hate what she did to my father even more! She ruined a loving family and she thinks that she can just have me back at any time? No... She can't! Not anymore!" I sobbed. He massaged my shoulders and rubbed my back until I calmed down. He sat me down, grabbing my hand. He started tracing all of the inside lines and I stopped crying, interested in what he was doing.

"You're mom is not a good mom, but, Asher you're not your mom. You are nothing like your mom and you never have to be like your mom." I nodded my head and put my forehead to his, calming myself down. I knew my father was watching the whole thing from the living room window. This will just make him like Roman more.

We both got up and he grabbed all the bags, smiling at me. I insisted on helping but he refused.

"I lift heavier at the gym." He said, I just rolled my eyes, smiling and thanked him. I walked him up the stairs to my empty bedroom. All that was in there was a queen sized bed and a few books stacked beside the bed.

Roman put the bags down and came up behind me. "My mom burned all of my belongings, this is all I have." I whispered. He kissed me cheek.

"I love you, so much." He said. I turned around and laid a short yet passionate kiss on his lips.

"I love you too." I whispered.

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