✞Chapter 28✞

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Asher's POV
I shifted uncomfortably in my hospital bed, feeling my bones ache beneath my weight. These hospital beds are really not comfortable enough to be stuck in them for this long. I have been in the hospital for a few days now, I lost count if I'm honest, but they're taking my stitches out today. There's no infection at the incision site from the surgery so as long as it goes well, they said I can leave today.

As I moved from my side to my back I took a moment to view the room. My dad slept in a seat across from me. It was bright enough in the room to see around, but I could tell it was still morning. I assume Roman had just stepped out, or was getting breakfast. I took a deep breath and ran my fingers through my unkept blonde hair. I haven't stopped thinking about a hot shower since I got here.

I looked to my left and picked up the old jello cup, throwing it at my dad. "Wake up!" I said as it hit him, he jumped a bit as he woke up.

"What? Wha- Asher you scared me!" He said. "Look, I'm getting old! You're gonna give me a heart attack." He chuckled, grabbing his chest and pretending to feel faint.

"Drama queen." I mumbled as he stepped toward my bed.

"How're you feeling, pumpkin?" He asked, genuinely curious.

I thought for a moment. "I'm okay, I wanna get out of here." I complained. He nodded his head understandingly. "You know, we could just make a run for it. C'mon dad! Let's go." I said as I jokingly pretended to get out of the bed. My dad chuckled lightly.

"Today's your last day cooped up in here pumpkin, then you get to leave. Just remember that." He leaned down and kissed my forehead, glancing to the clock above my head. "I'm sorry princess, it's time for me to head out." I nodded, smiling at him and giving him a quick wave before he popped out of the room.

Immediately, as the only distraction left I realized how badly I had to pee. I slowly and carefully pulled myself out of the bed, it's pretty easy for me to walk, I just get lightheaded from the meds and have always had someone with me to help. I feel my feet hit to cool floor beneath them, and I feel refreshed. My feet plant themselves firmly while my hand rests on the metal IV pole for stability. I smile with every step and feel accomplished as I grab the handle, going to the washroom all on my own.

When I finish I wash my hands and take a moment to take in my appearance. My face was swollen and bruised, but better than it was when it was fresh. My bones are mostly back in place. My skin is dull and my freckles are basically nonexistent. My hair is unbelievably messy and dirty. I sigh deeply as I head out, noticing it's much easier to walk back to the bed. Just as I step out of the washroom, my rooms door opens and I see the back of Romans head, he turns to me and immediately I can tell he's worried. "What're you doing??" He panics.

I giggle and raise my hand at him to show him I'm alright. "I just had to pee. Don't be so worried about me it's a five foot walk." He smiled but I can tell he's still uneasy. "So when's that doctor coming in to get me out of here?" I ask, changing the subject for his sake.

"I just saw him, he said he'd be in with us in a few minutes." He smiled at me. Oh how I've missed that smile. I take a moment to examine his face and I smile to myself.

"Thank God!" I chuckle to myself. He chuckled lightly along with me. "How're the boys?" I asked.

"They're well. Off in Oregon I think." I smiled and nodded, not having much left to say. He pulled the seat up next to me, and grabbed my hand as he sat. We spent the next few minutes enjoying silence, until the doctor came in.

"How are we feeling today Asher?" The familiar man asked me. I'd had the same doctor since I came in. He was a middle aged brunette man. I smiled at him.

Babygirl. -Roman Reigns-जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें