✞Chapter 33✞

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Asher's POV
"Hi guys..." I said, the crowd screaming loudly as I stood in the ring, beginning my promo. "I know it's been a long time since you've seen me. I'm really sorry about that." I started.

"After my last match with my dear friend, Dean Ambrose, I sustained some pretty bad injuries." I pouted. "I had to spend some time in the hospital, but my amazing boyfriend Roman Reigns took such good care of me." I let my face be very reactive as I spoke, and made sure to include Roman, Steph wanted me to make sure they knew I was with him.

"It was so scary! But I'm getting better so fast. It's like it never even happened." I chirped, playing my character for the crowd. "Well, aside from these bruises." I said, pointing up to my eye. "If it weren't for Roman by my side, I may not even be here today." The crowd cheered after I mentioned Roman's name. "Now this, is directly for my oh so 'dear friend' Dean Ambrose." I used my fingers to symbolize quotations on the words dear friend. "Dean, you have yet to apologize for what you've done to me! I cannot believe you. You call yourself my friend? Did you even visit me in the hospital? No. You didn't." I said, laughing as I said so. "I-" my sentence was cut off by Dean's music, I rolled my eyes and looked toward the entrance where he slowly walked out. The crowd boo'd loudly at him. I glared from afar.

"Asher!" He said. "I've been trying to apologize. You haven't accepted my calls." He said. I shook my head no and said the words 'no he hasn't' causing the crowd to boo more. "No, really I have. But I'll do it right now. Asher, you are my best friend. I'm so sorry. I never meant to hurt you, I promise." He said I rolled my eyes.

"Dean, you literally broke my face. I could have died because of you and your apology consists of 'oh I didn't mean to'"  I said, mocking his voice. He began to plead with his hands.

"Please forgive me, Ash!" He said. I rolled my eyes.

"Saying sorry doesn't mean you're sorry. You have to prove to me that you're sorry!" I said, crossing my arms over my chest.

"Asher Colson, I promise right now that I will not rest until you can truly see how sorry I am. You'll see. Everyone will see. I will do whatever it takes to get you on my team again." He yelled, backing away from the ring. "And I'll start right now!" He yelled running backstage.

"Are you serious?" I called after him angrily. He quickly ran back out with a huge black teddy bear. I smiled and grabbed my chest as he ran up and placed it in my hands. "For me?" I asked. He shook his head yes and I smiled.

"You shouldn't have." I said in a serious tone, when my face fell completely and I dropped the mic, ripping the bears head off without warning, and walking back stage with a smile on my face. I turned to wave goodbye as I walked out and blew him a sarcastic kiss.

Dean had to stay out and act shocked for a couple minutes, until it went to commercial. I was met in the back by a proud Hunter her gave me a high five as I walked. "Great job out there Kiddo." He said, I simply smiled as I continued walking. I walked to Seth's locker room where we was stretching before his match.

"Hey, my match is in a few minutes." He started. "But you can hang out here for a while until I get back." He said, standing up and kissing me on the cheek. Another kiss on the cheek? I guess it's just becoming a normal thing.

I laid on the couch and decided to call Roman. The phone rang 3 times before he answered.

"Hey babygirl." He said, cheerfully in my ear. I smiled at the sound of his voice.

"Hi, love. What's up?" I asked. I heard him stir on the other line.

"I'm, actually a little busy with my cousins right now. We're having a fire with my parents. Can I call you tonight?" He asked. I sighed, it too bad. I was actually pretty excited to hear from him.

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