✞Chapter 31✞

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Seth's POV
I'm wracking my brain, trying to figure out how to tell her I love her. It's impossible. A girl like her deserves the most grand of gestures, especially since she's taken. How can I possibly get her away from him. How do I possibly make her mine?

This requires a seamless plan. Something smart, quick and intriguing. Something romantic, but not too suspicious. Roman can't know. I need to pull the most incredible plan together.

As I sit and think, I try the first thing that come to mind. I pull out my phone.

To: Asher
Hey sweetheart, come on the road with me for a few days! You can stay in my trailer with me. We'll have a blast. You're coming back to work tomorrow, right?
From, Seth.

My heart races as I await her response.

To: Seth
Yes! Let's do it. This is gonna be so fun. I'll even bring a puzzle and Uno. Roman said it's cool, he doesn't have any matches til Friday so he was gonna stay back anyway.
From, Asher.

Okay, this can work. All I have to do is prove my love for her while she's with me. Prove to her that I'm a better man than him.

The door slams shaking me out of my thoughts. "Hey, come to the gym with me." Dean said, busting through the door. I nodded, knowing I had a lot of adrenaline, anxiety and aggression to work out anyway. I pulled off my sweats and replaced them with gym shorts, and pulled a hoodie over my bare chest.

I grabbed the hair tie off the counter and used it to get my long hair out of my face. I usually sweat a lot at the gym so I figured it would be helpful. As I opened the door, Dean was already good to go. He pushed me out of the room.

"You're so slow." He chuckled as I walked beside him toward the hotel gym.

"Says you, Mr. My hairs gotta be perfect before we go for dinner." I chuckled. He tackled me, causing me to roll over onto him. "One, two, three. And you're winner is Seth Rollins." I said as I rolled him up so tightly he couldn't possibly get out. We both chuckled and got up, arriving at the gym.

I started on the treadmill, letting my thoughts travel to Asher. I thought back to when we all worked out together before she left. The way pieces of her hair laid on her face and neck when she pulled it into a bun. I thought of the way her clothes hugged her petit, yet strong and toned figure. Her laugh, her smile and her eyes. All the things I could never get out of my mind, no matter how hard I tried. I felt a tingle in my shorts, so I ran harder. Trying to forget about her.

If I could forget about her, I wouldn't have to lose my brother. I wouldn't have to lose her if she doesn't feel the same. It would all be easier. I ran until I couldn't anymore, sweat dripping off my face and body. Then I went to the punching bags to my left. Knowing I had to let off stream, I unloaded on the punching bag. I thought back to how angry I was at Roman for mistreating her. For making her cry. She never deserved to cry. I would never make her cry.

"I would never make her cry." I said, low as a whisper to myself as I hit the bag harder and harder with ever punch. I jumped and pulled away as the bag broke off the chain, causing the whole gym to look my way, I just chuckled and walked over to Dean, who was staring at me. He looked amused by my sudden outburst.

"What was that?" He asked. I just shrugged it off.

"I'm just that strong." I winked. He made a gagging noise at me.

"Someone's cocky!" His raspy voice bounced toward me. "Maybe I better set you straight." He said, motioning to the wrestling ring in the centre.

"Oh you're on." I chuckled, we both made our way to the ring. I hopped in, followed by him soon after. Just as we were about to lock up, I heard the door open and I saw Asher walk in. My heart stopped for a brief moment. It was like nobody existed. Everything else blurred as she walked in.

"Look who's here!" Dean yelled in her direction. She giggled the most innocent, beautiful giggle I had ever heard. "What're you doing here A? Thought you didn't wrestle til tomorrow?"

"Oh you know, I wanted to get a good workout in before I actually have to get there." She said. Her voice flowing through my ears like sweet, sticky honey.

"Come on, you can be ref." He said. Asher smiled at me as she hopped into the ring, pulling my body into hers for a hug. Sparks erupted on my skin as she hugged me. My mind began to twist and my world began to turn. She has this effect on me every time I see her.

She pulled away all too quick and gave Dean a hug, making a song of jealousy come over me momentarily. Now I really needed to win.

She looked at the two of us, keeping her space. "Go!" She said and we immediately locked up. This was up to sheer power, and Dean got the better of me, pushing me into the corner. "Out of the corner." She said, he let me out and I took advantage, grabbing him by the waste and pulling him up to quickly power bomb him into the mat.

He groaned lightly as he hit it, but immediately twisted up before I could even pin him. "Cmon guys, I'm bored. Pick it up." Asher said, momentarily distracting me enough for Dean to get behind me and suplex me into the mat. He tried to pin me but I kicked at one. I pulled him up and gave him a clothesline as I bounced off of the rope. He got up quick enough for me to deliver another, and as I went for another I missed, and he Bounced off the rope, performing dirty deeds on me. Normally that's a finishing move but I kicked out just before three. He rolled me up again, trying to hold me in place long enough to get to three. I just kicked. I rolled away from him and off the mat onto the floor long enough to regroup.

Dean followed me up but I already got onto my feet, I pushed him into the turnbuckle, hitting his shoulder, then rolled him into the ring. I rolled him up backwards, so that I was using my whole weight to hold him down. "One, two, three." Asher counted as I almost was pushed off of Dean. He managed to kick out right as she got to three, flinging me off of him. But I still won. I hopped up and grabbed Asher, hugging her with a spin and kissing her on the cheek before I put her down.

I could tell she was shocked by my actions. As was I. So, to take away the weirdness I went over and kissed Dean on the cheek too. He pushed me off as Asher laugh quite loudly and I chuckled nervously as I rolled out of the ring and ran out of the gym. Both hands in the air.

That was a close one.

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