✞Chapter 27✞

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Romans POV
Three days. It's been three days since the doctors put Asher into a coma. She broke her cheekbone, nose and orbital lobe and they needed to perform surgery to make sure no bone fragments reached her brain.

When they opened her up, everything went well until last minute. They said she just started bleeding profusely and her heart stopped. They spent 10 minutes trying to revive her, and nothing. All the doctors were telling the surgeon to give up. And seconds before they called time of death he whacked her in the chest as hard as he could.

She woke up. Her heart started beating again and she survived the surgery. But her brain was deprived of oxygen for so long that she might be brain dead. Tomorrow we will know for sure. If she doesn't wake up today, she's not going to wake up. Even if she does wake up we aren't sure she will have the same quality of life as before. None of the doctors think she will wake up, every single one of them have said there's a higher chance she won't wake up than that she will, and her dad said she told him that if this ever happened to her, she wanted to just pull the plug. Open up a bed for someone who needs it more then her.

I get why she did it, but I hate the fact that she did. I love how compassionate she is and how she puts others over herself but I wish she didn't this time. Any other time yes, she's an amazing person and she loves helping others, but this time I wish she would have taken care of herself, taken care of me. I can't live without her and anybody with eyes can see that. She's the love of my life.

"Asher Blithe Colson." I mumbled as I took her hand in mine. "I love you. Please don't leave me." My head found it's way to the bed beside her warm body. "You can't leave me Asher. We have so much more to do, so much more to accomplish together my love. I swear to God you wake up from this, it's just you and me. You and me forever. Nobody else. I love you Asher... please."

"I like the sound of that." A small voice coughed up beside me. My head shot up so fast you wouldn't believe it. Our eyes connected and she gave me a weak smile. I pulled her fragile body into mine.

"Oh my god you're okay!" I exclaimed shocked, pulling her away for a moment to look at her, then pulling her right back into me. "You're not brain dead!"

"Brain dead?" She questioned, obviously confused and unaware of everything that happened in the last day.

I nodded slowly. "You have a broken cheekbone, nose and a broken orbital bone, they were worried fragments of bone would travel to your brain so they performed a small surgery and it went well til the end, your heart stopped and you weren't breathing for about ten minutes, they got you back seconds before they called your death. They said you were gone for so long it would make sense for you to be brain dead." Shock filled her eyes and I could see her begin to worry. "But you're not. You're right here with me babygirl."

A small smile formed on her lips when I used her nickname. "I'm glad I'm alive." She said, giving my hand a small, weak squeeze. I squeezed back lightly and smiled at her. I simply kissed her hand to say me too. Just as I did so the doctor walked in to check on her and I smiled brightly as he saw her eyes open.

"Asher." He smiled. "Glad to see you awake." She smiled at me. "I'm just gonna Ask you a few questions okay hun?" She nodded. "Okay, what's your full name?"

"Asher Blithe Colson." She mumbled weakly.

"Great. Where are you right now?" He asked.

"Obviously a hospital, I assume we're still in Calgary?" She looked to me for assurance. I nodded.

"Perfect, and how's your pain?" He asked. She winced thinking about it.

"Pretty intense, not gonna lie to you. But I don't want more pain meds. I'm okay." She said, I scrunched me brows and she just shook her head at me. I dropped it.

"Okay. One more left, is there anyone we should call?" He asked. She's 18 so they don't have to contact her dad unless she asks them to.

"Yes actually, my dad?" She said, smiling slightly obviously thinking about her father. He smiled. "His number should be in my file." He nodded and walked out, giving her foot a quick squeeze. I smiled at him as he left the room, then quickly adverted my attention back to her.

"How's Dean?" She asked, pain in her eyes.

"Not the best. He's really beating himself up about this." I mumbled, anger in my voice. I'm angry at him too. She obviously caught onto the anger in my voice and she squeezed my hand, scrunching her eyebrows.

"Don't be upset with him my love." She said, making direct eye contact. "It was a fair fight. I got my face to close, he had to use a lot of effort to kick out. It's fine. I'm fine. He's fine. Let's all just be fine." She said. I nodded, still upset. "Call him." She said, I scrunched my eyebrows. "Get him here I wanna see him. Get Seth here too." She said. I nodded, deciding to call Seth instead of Dean.

I picked up my phone and it rang twice before he picked up. "Is she okay?" He asked quickly, I chuckled lightly.

"She's awake. Still in a lot of pain and really swollen but awake and Alive. She wants you two to come see her." I said. He hung up without a response and I assume that means he's on his way. "I think they're coming my love." I mumbled, still looking down at my phone. I felt her soft hand shift on top of mine and I put my phone down, giving her the attention she deserves. She smiled. The next few minutes basically consisted of Asher sitting with her eyes closed and me playing with her soft fingers.

"Asher, I'm so sorry." Dean said, pushing himself through the door, startling Asher awake and causing me to jump a bit. She put her hand to the side of her face that wasn't broken and rubbed it lightly.

"It's fine, Dean. We shook on it." She said. He nodded obviously understanding.

"How're you feeling, sweetheart?" Seth asked, looking deep into her eyes. She smiled. I felt a twinge if jealousy course through my veins, unsure why. I just shrugged it off.

"I'm good. Definitely hurts pretty bad." She said, lightly dabbing the soft, bruised skin surrounding her eye. Her eye was swollen shut and there was an open wound, stitched shut just beneath her eye where the went in to clean the break. I noticed her wince at the pain a little bit and I squeezed her hand in both of my, pulling it up to my mouth and kissing it. She smiled at me, here eyes momentarily filling with love before they filled with pain again. After this single sweet moment her dad burst through the door.

"I saw it. I saw it on tv. I thought it was fake. I didn't think anything of it. I didn't think you'd actually get hurt like that." He mumbled quickly, his mind obviously moving a million miles a second. He looked over to Dean and he stopped. He stopped talking, he stopped thinking. His expression evened out. He just stopped. "You. You did this. You hurt my baby."

"Sir it was completely accidental I didn't mean to. I love Asher I don't wanna hurt her." Dean said putting his hands up in surrender.

"I don't care." His face filled with rage and he started making his way toward Dean. "You hurt my baby. You did this to my baby!" He yelled, Dean Moved away as quickly as Jared walked toward him.

"Jared!" I exclaimed, trying to steal his attention as my own. He didn't listen, his eyes were locked on Dean.

"Dad." Asher mumbled weakly, and everyone's head turned to her. The tension seemed to melt away and Jared forgot what he was even doing. He made his way to the edge of her bed. "It's okay. This is our job. He didn't mean to."

"Okay baby... I'm sorry. Are you okay?" He said looking at her face and wincing as if he was imagining the pain she must be in. She raised her right eyebrow and he just grabbed her free hand. The rest of the night consisted of us all talking, laughing, crying and enjoying each others presence, all still worried down low about Asher.

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