✞Chapter 24✞

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Asher's POV.

We pulled up to the old broken house I used to "live" in, if you can even call it that. My breathing turned slow and for the first time this drive, I felt calm. I felt like I was in control of what I believe. Roman and I got out of the car, and as soon as we met in front of the car, I put his hand into mine. We walked up the three cement steps leading to the door, and instead of letting Roman knock, I knocked. Obviously surprising him. I heard heavy steps up to the door, the way my mother always walked to the door, to make herself sound strong in case of emergency.

The door opened and what stood in front of me took my breath away. She looked like she did when I was young, freckles on her nose and her blonde hair, like mine, long and curly, styled to the left. She was slim, but not slim like she was when she was on drugs. She looked normal. Even though in this moment all I want to do is hug her and cry, I don't.

"Mother, this is my boyfriend, Roman." I said with hostility in my voice but only when I say 'Mother'.

"Yes, Roman. I have heard so much about you." She smiles and shakes his hand, he smiles back and puts his arm around me. My mother looks weary, almost. Like she's waiting for something she knows shes not going to get. She steps aside. "Sorry, please come in."

Roman and I step into the house slowly, mentally preparing ourselves for what we were about to see, but the house looked clean, the wall paper was still peeling off the wall but the couches were new and the air smelled nice, this house is nothing like I remembered. I have always associated this house with pain, but it looked good.

"Love what you've done with the place." I mumbled, noticing the gross carpeting is gone and replaced with a dark tone laminate in contrast with the light eggshell wallpaper.

"Oh, thank you Asher, the wallpaper is being changed tomorrow." She pulled out her phone and showed me a gorgeous light grey and white paisley pattered wallpaper. I nodded and smiled not knowing what to say.

"It's beautiful." Roman smiled at my pleading mother.

"Thank you, Roman. I know it's not much but its much better then before." She walked to her leather chair and sat down, welcoming us to sit in the love seat across from her, we did. "Asher, I have regretted what I did to you and what I did to this family for years. And burning your stuff outside of the house was a dick-move and you didn't deserve that."

"You're right, I really didn't deserve that. But at least it changed my life for the better. I got to go home." She tilted her head not understanding. "I got to go home, the place I grew up and I got to live in safety, not with a knife under my bed, scared of what the men you brought home were capable of. My only regret is you not burning my stuff sooner." Roman nudged me and I looked up, seeing my mom was crying, I rolled my eyes and apologized.

"No, don't apologize . You're right, I ruined your life and I regret it every day. Your father was the love of my life, and you're my baby, and I ruined that. I still have trouble looking in the mirror, scared of what ill see. But trust me, I am never going to be that woman again. The woman who sets her child's belongings on fire and makes her live on the street." She said, still looking down and obviously crying.

"Mom, let's be real here," she looked up as I spoke. "How much money do you need?" I asked, looking her dead in the eye because i know my mother. She giggled.

"Honey, I have a job. I don't need your money." I was taken aback as soon as those words came out of her mouth. My mother has never worked a day in her life. "As soon as you left I realized what I had done so I took all my drug money and paid to go to college. I finished all my courses and majored in philosophy. I work in the hospital here doing cancer research." My jaw dropped, I didn't believe a word she was saying. "I didn't want to contact you until I got my life back together."

I looked at Roman, amazed and confused. He kissed me on the forehead and asked if I was okay, or if I wanted to leave, I didn't want to speak. "I need air." I abruptly got up and i felt Roman walking behind me. I stepped out the door and didn't speak, i didn't move, i just sat there. "Roman?" I asked, knowing he was behind me but he wasn't speaking.

"Yes? Are you okay?" He asked as he stepped closer, I pulled his arms to me so we were standing with my head to his chest and his arms around my waist. "Babygirl, talk to me."

"I don't know what to believe. She looks like my mom, she sounds like my mom, and she has the dream job my mom always wanted... But that's not my mom." I whispered.

"Babe, I don't think you owe her anything, but she owes you everything. So you don't have to believe her yet, but you do have to give her the chance to make you believe her because that's who you are, you give people more chances then they deserve, but I think she deserves one more." His words vibrated his chest on my head, bringing a certain comfort that I can't explain. But his words went to heart, he always knows what to say. I nodded and turned around, burying my face into his chest for a few moments while he kissed the top of my head. I took my face out and he kissed my lips with control, but sweetly, and slowly. For those few seconds i forgot where I was.

We walked back into the house. We sat down. "I want to know everything." I said she nodded and started talking, she talked for hours about why she cheated on my dad, and why she ruined all three of our lives in one swing. she explained everything, from the day I was born until today, and truth be told, I believed her. I don't want to, but I do.

"Maybe you could come back tomorrow?" She asked as Roman and I walked to the door. "If you can't that's fine."

"We have an event tomorrow, and it's all day..." Roman answered. I nodded as he spoke.

"That's okay, I guess this is goodbye cos I work the next day." She mumbled, sadly.

"Well maybe we could visit you at work."

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